"Necessity is the mother of all invention."
Name: Taibushi Modobo
Nickname/Alias: None as of yet
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 15
Age Appearance: 17
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Parents: Father- Mandu Modobo Mother- Hitari Modobo
Height and build: 5'6" Thin, almost to the point of being sickly looking.
Weight: 120 Lbs
Favorite weather and season: Breezy during the fall.

Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Amegakure
Organization: Shinobi Forces
Clan/Bloodline: None
Rank: Genin
Chakra Nature: Water

Appearance: Taibushi is thin, quite frail looking actually. Combined with his pale complexion he almost looks like a walking corpse. This is betrayed by the brightness of his eyes, an icy blue, and his full head of thick straw blonde hair. He wears black fatigues, with a long over coat over them, the only part about him that reveals his hailing from Amegakure. Around his neck is his leaf forehead protector. On his right leg, outside of his thigh is an averaged size scroll pouch, containing his storage scroll.

Personality: Taibushi Is very quite and reclusive, he is analytical and methodical. He prefers to sit back and watch others rather than be involved, witch has lead to him being referred to as a creep. He doesn't mind this much, as he is quite standoffish and shy, and others avoiding him suits him fine. He feels great apathy towards others and finds connecting with others on any level difficult, and it is practically a social break through for him.

History: Born into Amegakure, he grew up in it's poverous, ruthless ways. And from these he learned, he learned above all else to innovate, and to plan before acting to increase success. Very simple lessons and Shinobi worth their salt should know, but he has them fully realized before joining the academy. His father, was a typical Puppeteer, and would entertain Taibushi with marionettes when he was younger, which began his fondness for puppets, this fondness has lead him to combine his fathers craft with his shinobi training, to create new and innovative puppets, the process is long and tedious, and he isn't very good at it, but he is always improving, always getting better, always creating new tools to try out with his puppets. Most puppeteers like himself, have a fondness for poison, which is Taibushi's weakness when it comes to puppeteering. He, to put it bluntly, sucks at making poison. This has lead him through the years to use tried and tested poisons, which are effective, but common enough for antivenins to be readily available to most medical shinobi. His tremendous innovation and genius when it comes to puppeteering comes at a price, he generally sucks at all other ninja tasks. This is brutally apparent in the fact the failed the academy twice. But undaunted, he carried on, pouring slightly more focus into his general shinobi skills each time until finally, the third time, he passed. Being a fresh genin the age of most chunin may make others look down on him, but this has never daunted Taibushi, and he carries himself as a professional shinobi, placing the mission and his village first.

Name of Weapon or Item: Roza
Description: A simple training puppet, lacks tools and much versatility, but can be used quite easily, and is designed to withstand severe punishment and has a very sturdy design.

Name of Weapon or Item: Kapu
Description: Taibushi's newest puppet, built upon the knowledge he has gained constructing the five puppets before hit, all of which were unsatisfactory in his eyes. Kapu is leith, thin, with an incredible range of motion with each limb, making him difficult to uses properly. Kapu's thin frame allows for minimal tools to be stored within, but the few tools he has are fierce. First he has two "Chakra Engines" these are devices of Taibushi's design, that uses his chakra as fuel, and turn his chakra into kinetic force. These drive several gears and pistons inside Kapu transferring kinetic energy to his weapons. The first of which is a piston mounted spear connected to a flywheel. The result is a rapidly stabbing spear that nearly unrivaled in speed, the down fall is that with his thin frame and wild joint, it tends to be inaccurate, stabbing wildly in their general vicinity, rather than repeatedly hit true on the target, this tool is mounted on his right arm, the spear extending from the wrist wear the hand should be. The second is A trio of belt powered wheels in it's mouth that act as a projectile weapon, one that he carries 3 rounds for. The ammo is a sphere containing an exploding tag and riddled with senbon needle, these needles are coated with a deadly, if unimaginative nightshade extract, the wheels tremendous speed with their slight angling to put spin on the round amount to an incredible range and accuracy usually unheard of for AOE weapons. Finally the third weapon that is powered By Kapu's unique "Chakra engines" is a thin membrane in his abdominal region. This membrain his puled taunt and vibrated at varying frequencies causing a rapidly changing sounding around Kapu, causing debilitating effect to those caught within, from nausea, loss of balance and blurry vision, to crippling pain in the ears.

Name of Weapon or Item: Storage scroll
Description: A small scroll that Taibushi uses to store his puppets, as well as a small cornucopia of weapons.
Appearance: A scroll roughly 15 inches from top to bottom that rolls out offering parchment 12 inches tall and 15 feet long. It is coated almost entirely in storage seals allowing for Taibushi's arsenal to be stored in a small, if not ready, space.
Contained within the scroll currently are 30 four pointed shuriken, 15 kunai, 3 fuma shuriken, 5 explosive tags, two vials of nightshade extract, and 150 meters of cord.

Good: Chakra control/ manipulation; Kenjutsu; Analitical skills/ planning
Average: Ninjutsu; Fuinjutsu (I only put this here because my understanding is that explosive tags and storage scrolls are created via fuinjutsu); Chakra reserves
Poor: Genjutsu; Taijustu; Stealth

Special Traits: Taibushi is able to pick apart what makes ninja tools work by analyzing them for a while. He is also quite mechanically inclined, and even as a genin is capable of making his own puppets.

Kekkei Genkai: None
Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai: ^^

Canon Jutsu: Water clone Jutsu; Substitution jutsu; Transformation Jutsu

Custom Jutsu:
Name of Technique: Water release: Ice flow
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C rank
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Water
Handseals: Monkey, Horse, Dog
Description: The user manipulates a small amount of water under each of their feet, the water Flows from heal to toe, before flowing down ward and freezing, creating a small amount of ice that the rest of the water flows above, until it reaches the heal, at which point it melts and flows back to the toe to continue the process. The user then kicks off back and forth repeatedly, as one might ice skate. This justu is used to greatly increase the users speed, as they are literally gliding on ice.
Weakness: The amount of water used is quite small, and the technique must be used on solid surfaces, small obstructions such as stones will trip up the user, which depending on their current speed could be bad. While the jutsu is not very strenuous on the users chakra, it does require quite a bit of focus and attention to keep going, not making it suitable for combat unless the user is quite experienced.

Name of Technique: Water release: Flowing fists
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Rank: C rank
Range: Personal, Melee
Nature Type: Water
Handseals: Tiger, Monkey, Snake
Description: After performing the final hand seal, the user separates their hands, revealing a small orb of water in each hand, roughly the size of a baseball. The water is controlled by the user to augment their taijutsu abilities, currently Taibushi has 4 differant "stances" with it.
1) Water palm- This is more or less the default stance, and the water orbs remain in position on the palms, and don't adjust much. The physical stance is reminiscent of the Hyuga's gentle fist style and the stance is fairly balanced, not focusing on defense or offence, but rather a nice midground. The user uses the water for two purposes in this stance, defensively the water cushions the blow from attacks, allowing the user to block attacks fairly well so long as he can physically react fast enough. Offensively the user flattens the water across his palm as he thrusts his hand at the target, the physical force pushes the target, attempting to off-balance them, and the water is used to crated a long lasting sting distracting the opponent.
2) Water whip- The unofficial Water Palm mk 2, this stance takes what water palm offers and improves upon it, at a price of coarse, this technique requires more control of the water and therefore drains more chakra in accordance. The trick to this advancement is the trails of water following the hands, the palms are surrounded with water, still allowing the user to push and sting the target, while catching and deflecting blows. However the trails of water allow this to de done as well, effective creating a small, weak, and temporary barrier following the users strikes. If enough force is allied the water also swings out, extending reach and adding a slightly more lethal effect, the further towards the tip of the trail, the faster and narrower the trail, turning from a blunt and painful slap, to rapid slicing whiplash. The last part of this more advance use of the ability is the unpredictability of it, it creates more obstruction of vision, more things you have to watch and dodge, and is hard to track do to the whips flexibility.
3) Stabbing blow- The most offensive stance of the four he's practiced, the water flows around his fingers, taking on the rough shape of a set of knuckle dusters with spines before freezing. The physical appearance of this stance is more akin to American boxing, and the style focuses on quick jabs to land blows on the opponent, the blunt trauma of the ice on flesh causes bruising in the area hit and the spines puncture the flesh, the small and shallow gashes bleed more than expected however do the afore mentioned bruising, and if the user can land enough hits, his opponent will begin to exsanguinate and wear out. This stance lacks defense however as the ice locks the users hands into fists, therefor limiting the ability to catch and deflect blows, and while the ice doesn't move and flow, keeping it frozen does require a continuous expenditure of chakra.
4) Obfuscating Mist- The defense to Stabbing Blows offence. This stance focuses of obfuscation of the user and misdirection of the target. The water in the user palms evaporates and surrounds them in a thin veil of mist. The user can then do a variety of thing with the mist by manipulating it. The mist is not enough to block sight to the user in it's normal state, but it can be concentrated in an area, creating a thick fog in one direction. This will cause a wall between the two that allows for the trickery. Through the fog, you can see a dim silhouette of the opponent, but the user, able to manipulate the fog, can condense it in some areas and thin it in others, creating false impressions of attacks to come, as well as part it as though an attack has come through, and make himself appear to have a separate stance, leading the opponent to attack where he believes the user is, but in reality he's attacking empty space. This is most useful for fighting retreats, as it allows the user to throw cheap shots, and avoid the attacks of less observant opponents. Of coarse, the longer the combat lasts, the more the opponent will catch on, and the less effective the stance will be, therefore time is of the essence. The user must make good use of his time to escape or, if able, assassinate his opponent.
Weakness: This jutsu's main weakness is that it causes additional strain on the user, while typical taijutsu techniques only affect the user physical stamina, this technique also draws on the users chakra reserves, therefore draining him faster, and making a prolonged engagement with this jutsu incredibly disadvantageous to the user.

Name of Technique: Water Release: Condensation
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: D rank
Nature Type: Water
Handseals: Boar
Description: The user begins pulling water out of the surrounding air and pooling it into an orb in front of themselves. The more chakra put into the jutsu, the farther out water is pulled, and the faster that water is collected, proper use of this jutsu with a well thought out plan allow the user to minimize chakra use, as instead of creating water, they can simply collect what is available and manipulate that.
Weaknesses: One of two things, if the user wishes, this technique can require essentially no chakra, at the cost of time, as the user simple pulls the water out the air in his immediate vicinity and does it slowly over time. Alternatively, if for whatever reason the user needs a significant quality right away, they can exert themselves quite harshly, reaching out a considerable distance, and pulling the liquid in almost immediately.

Name of Technique: Puppet technique: Razor Blade Cyclone
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu
Rank: C rank
Range: Limited to the users ability to extend chakra threads.
Nature Type: None
Handseals: None
Description: The user attaches the chakras threads usually used for puppet manipulation to various simple weapons in the area, this can vary from many chakra thread controlling one, essentially allowing the user the fight quite skillfully with a sword, but at range, to single chakra threads controlling many, allowing for lethal, if very straight forward and unimaginative attacks.
Weaknesses: Chakra threads can in fact be cut. If the user isn't careful, all his weapons can end up quite a distance away, and have now way of retrieving them without some fancy improvisation. Also as the user is focused on the tool use elsewhere he is quite unobservant of his surroundings, leaving him open to easy ambush.

Name of Technique: Puppet Technique: Wire Net
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu
Rank: C rank
Range: Up to half the users chakra thread range
Nature Type: None
Handseals: None
Description: The user manipulates his chakra threads in order to tie up and restrain the target, this technique is best used behind a diversion, and if the threads are pulled tight enough, can actually begin cutting into the targets flesh.
Weaknesses: The technique typically requires preexisting chakra threads, therefore, the user has to already be using a puppet technique, even if it's just manipulation of a puppet. Furthermore, for the technique to actually restrain the target both ends of each chakra thread must be attached to something, and the user is unable to use other techniques while the target is restrained.