Kanagata, Kiyome – Pylon

Name: Kiyome(Purification) Kanagata(Metal Pattern).
Nickname/Alias: Pylon.
Gender: Female.
Age: 26.
Age Appearance: 26.
Sexuality: Heterosexual(?).
Birthplace: Kumogakure.
Organization: Omoitsuku-za.
Clan/Kekkei Genkai: Kanagata/Raijin no junshū.
If original, you need a description of their hierarchy, and what they’re known for. Feel free to include clan history as well.
Rank: S rank missing nin.
Position: Executive Scientist – Electromagnetics.
Chakra Nature: Denjiton(Lightning+Earth) and Wind.
Additional Appearance Details: Kiyomi stands at 5'8 and weighs 193 lbs due to her physical augmentations. Kiyome wears her head protector's metal plate as the centerpiece for her belt buckle. It is notable that her the village symbol on her head protector has been twisted, warped, and scratched, likely by metal weaponry and electromagnetic influence--this is intentional.
History: Hailing from the Land of Lightning Kiyome's life began during the First Shinobi war, putting her right in the middle of one of history's scariest conflicts thus far. Sheltered by her clan, the girl was raised as one of the heir's to its leadership, having been the only child of the clan head she had quite the mantle to live up to. As the years went on it very quickly came to light, even in her toddler days, that Kiyome was not just exceptionally talented, but a sure prodigy as her Kekkei genkai manifested at early enough an age that its use, throughout the rest of her life, became second nature.
With tutors at her beck and call, the girl grew up during the war, sheltered from the conflict despite her surely invaluable tactical worth. Kept safe for at least the first twelve years of her life, with both mother and father on the battlefield far too often, Kiyome was something of a rebellious child, always pushing her elders to or past their limits, testing what she could get away with.. It turned out the answer was quite a lot, and so the girl kept pushing.
As she matured the habit became worse, continuing even after the war was finally over and her father was more present. However, one could say that, in some ways, it was quelled with the news of her mother's death at the hands of, rather unexpectedly, the Antare clan. Crushed by the loss of her mother, who despite her behavior, she adored to a fault, Kiyome's rebelliousness took a backseat to her grief and loss.
Her father did his best to remain there for her, but she couldn't look him in the eyes anymore than she could her mother...not anymore at least. Having reached the age of 15 by then, Kiyome seemed to mellow out, behaving herself when necessary and listening to her elders. However, to those who knew her well, they would have said that she'd become withdrawn and distant.
It was too bad that the new alliances with other clans and the formation of Kumogakure distracted her father and both her uncles from the warning signs. Withdrawing into herself even more, the young girl did her duty, having become a shinobi, helping to protect and maintain Kumogakure under the guidance of the First Raikage. She even managed to rise to the rank of elite jounin despite her age, where she served well, sometimes giving advice to her superiors when the opportunity presented itself.
To those who had known her mother, the similarities between child and parent were apparent. Proud of her daughter, Isei Kanagata did his best to pay her mind, and give her the praise he hadn't during all those terrible years of war.
However, at the end of the day it was for nought, as the First Raikage lay on his death bed and her father was powerless to stop him from electing a man who had only been in their village for several years, a man who practically no one knew much about, to the position of Second Raikage.
It was this event that toppled the house of cards and so, not a month after the man's rise to leadership, she defected. Her actions driven by outrage, the twenty-two year old, having lost faith in the system, trudged out into the world, resolute to never set foot into such a corrupt society again.
With little direction to her travels, Kiyome sought out new purpose and eventually she found it, deciding that she would master the intricacies of electromagnetics and expand it further than anyone had before. Perhaps it was out of spite, or perhaps out of ambition, but at the end of the day she earned a reputation so notable that an organization known as the Omoitsuku-za approached her. Seeing it as a chance to gain more resources for her studies, and secretly hoping to use the connections it gave her to topple the still developing system, she accepted.
As her research continued it became an obsession, one of several, which helped her run away from the source of her issues—her mother's death and the Antare clan. To this day her hatred of the Antare still runs strong and her studies continue.
With her admittance into the fold of the Omoitsuku-za she was able to expand her capabilities with the help of a shinobi neuroscientist, which has elevated her to one of the most recognized positions in the organization: Executive scientist. With the increase in resources that came with this position, Kiyome expanded, creating her trademark Raikō engai and gathering followers and research assistants to her cause she has come into the public eye once more.
In the last several months she has made shop near several smaller settlements, the most recent of which is the Village Hidden in Waterfalls. So far the reasons for her actions are unknown, she intends them to stay that way...for a time at least.
Personality: TBA.
Nickname/Alias: Pylon.
Gender: Female.
Age: 26.
Age Appearance: 26.
Sexuality: Heterosexual(?).
Birthplace: Kumogakure.
Organization: Omoitsuku-za.
Clan/Kekkei Genkai: Kanagata/Raijin no junshū.
If original, you need a description of their hierarchy, and what they’re known for. Feel free to include clan history as well.
Rank: S rank missing nin.
Position: Executive Scientist – Electromagnetics.
Chakra Nature: Denjiton(Lightning+Earth) and Wind.
Additional Appearance Details: Kiyomi stands at 5'8 and weighs 193 lbs due to her physical augmentations. Kiyome wears her head protector's metal plate as the centerpiece for her belt buckle. It is notable that her the village symbol on her head protector has been twisted, warped, and scratched, likely by metal weaponry and electromagnetic influence--this is intentional.
History: Hailing from the Land of Lightning Kiyome's life began during the First Shinobi war, putting her right in the middle of one of history's scariest conflicts thus far. Sheltered by her clan, the girl was raised as one of the heir's to its leadership, having been the only child of the clan head she had quite the mantle to live up to. As the years went on it very quickly came to light, even in her toddler days, that Kiyome was not just exceptionally talented, but a sure prodigy as her Kekkei genkai manifested at early enough an age that its use, throughout the rest of her life, became second nature.
With tutors at her beck and call, the girl grew up during the war, sheltered from the conflict despite her surely invaluable tactical worth. Kept safe for at least the first twelve years of her life, with both mother and father on the battlefield far too often, Kiyome was something of a rebellious child, always pushing her elders to or past their limits, testing what she could get away with.. It turned out the answer was quite a lot, and so the girl kept pushing.
As she matured the habit became worse, continuing even after the war was finally over and her father was more present. However, one could say that, in some ways, it was quelled with the news of her mother's death at the hands of, rather unexpectedly, the Antare clan. Crushed by the loss of her mother, who despite her behavior, she adored to a fault, Kiyome's rebelliousness took a backseat to her grief and loss.
Her father did his best to remain there for her, but she couldn't look him in the eyes anymore than she could her mother...not anymore at least. Having reached the age of 15 by then, Kiyome seemed to mellow out, behaving herself when necessary and listening to her elders. However, to those who knew her well, they would have said that she'd become withdrawn and distant.
It was too bad that the new alliances with other clans and the formation of Kumogakure distracted her father and both her uncles from the warning signs. Withdrawing into herself even more, the young girl did her duty, having become a shinobi, helping to protect and maintain Kumogakure under the guidance of the First Raikage. She even managed to rise to the rank of elite jounin despite her age, where she served well, sometimes giving advice to her superiors when the opportunity presented itself.
To those who had known her mother, the similarities between child and parent were apparent. Proud of her daughter, Isei Kanagata did his best to pay her mind, and give her the praise he hadn't during all those terrible years of war.
However, at the end of the day it was for nought, as the First Raikage lay on his death bed and her father was powerless to stop him from electing a man who had only been in their village for several years, a man who practically no one knew much about, to the position of Second Raikage.
It was this event that toppled the house of cards and so, not a month after the man's rise to leadership, she defected. Her actions driven by outrage, the twenty-two year old, having lost faith in the system, trudged out into the world, resolute to never set foot into such a corrupt society again.
With little direction to her travels, Kiyome sought out new purpose and eventually she found it, deciding that she would master the intricacies of electromagnetics and expand it further than anyone had before. Perhaps it was out of spite, or perhaps out of ambition, but at the end of the day she earned a reputation so notable that an organization known as the Omoitsuku-za approached her. Seeing it as a chance to gain more resources for her studies, and secretly hoping to use the connections it gave her to topple the still developing system, she accepted.
As her research continued it became an obsession, one of several, which helped her run away from the source of her issues—her mother's death and the Antare clan. To this day her hatred of the Antare still runs strong and her studies continue.
With her admittance into the fold of the Omoitsuku-za she was able to expand her capabilities with the help of a shinobi neuroscientist, which has elevated her to one of the most recognized positions in the organization: Executive scientist. With the increase in resources that came with this position, Kiyome expanded, creating her trademark Raikō engai and gathering followers and research assistants to her cause she has come into the public eye once more.
In the last several months she has made shop near several smaller settlements, the most recent of which is the Village Hidden in Waterfalls. So far the reasons for her actions are unknown, she intends them to stay that way...for a time at least.
Personality: TBA.
Base Weapons & Items:
X kunai
X shuriken
X wire
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Name of Weapon or Item: Hiraishin(避雷針 'Lightning rods')
Description: A series of twelve hollow metallic rods each of which is four feet long, weighing in at roughly 80 lbs. Each rod is infused with enough denjiton chakra to effectively make it a superconductor. The infused chakra was moulded into it during the creation of the tools and thus remains therein. This energy cannot be tapped for jutsu. The Hiraishin are exceptionally durable due to the density of their structure and the small crossing struts in the hollow of the rods. These rods are a composite of chakra metal and silver making them exceptionally conductive.
X kunai
X shuriken
X wire
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Name of Weapon or Item: Hiraishin(避雷針 'Lightning rods')
Description: A series of twelve hollow metallic rods each of which is four feet long, weighing in at roughly 80 lbs. Each rod is infused with enough denjiton chakra to effectively make it a superconductor. The infused chakra was moulded into it during the creation of the tools and thus remains therein. This energy cannot be tapped for jutsu. The Hiraishin are exceptionally durable due to the density of their structure and the small crossing struts in the hollow of the rods. These rods are a composite of chakra metal and silver making them exceptionally conductive.
Special Traits
Inability to learn genjutsu due to Kekkei genkai.
Reigning master of Raiton-based jutsu.
Electromagnetic aural field – sensory.
Weaker to Fire techniques.
Exceptionally intelligent.
Excellent chakra control.
Large chakra reserves.
Augmented Physiology: In her efforts to reach her current heights, Kiyome changed her food regiment, increasing the amount of minute iron and bits of silver until she gained a resistance against the poisoning that the latter of the two would otherwise cause. Once she had this in place she infused the foods with her denjiton chakra and continued to eat it, manipulating the resulting metals inside her own body till they formed rods and several other things, resulting in her current appearance. As a result of her augmentations she always projects a magnetic field several inches around her body even with Shinsei no naizai-ka active. Additionally her body easily diffuses heat into the metallic augmentations and disperses it.
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Raijin no junshū(雷神の准州 'Territory of the lightning god').
Clan: Kanagata.
Description: The Kanagata clan's kekkei genkai is forged from the earth and lightning affinities to make a powerful electromagnetic field around the user. Depending on skill and overall power, the clan member's magnetic field will be anywhere from 5-30 meters in its hemispheric radius. The inheritors to this genetically dominant kekkei genkai receive both Denjiton(Electromagnetic release) as their chakra nature, but also naturally wider chakra pathways within their body. This gives inheritors a naturally larger chakra capacity. As to their aural field, they are able to sense movement through it as it displaces and reorganizes the chakra present therein. This magnetic field can be disrupted by fire affinity jutsu, but not destroyed. The chakra is linked directly to the inheritor's chakra system and can be considered in the same sense as internal chakra; thus it cannot be sealed by normal means. Their electromagnetic field allows them to control lightning chakra within its bounds as well as to magnetize and manipulate possibly magnetic bodies while they remain within the field --the exceptions being chakra infused weapons, armor, or the like. Lastly, skilled inheritors gain a resistance --not immunity- to genjutsu due to the natural flux of their inner chakra system.
Canon Jutsu
Raiton: Gian(Lightning Release: False Darkness):
Chidori nagashi(Chidori current)
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Raika shin'i(ライカ強電 Flash of lightning God's authority').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkai ninjutsu.
Rank: C-S.
Range: Within the magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: N/A
Description: Raika shin'i is a jutsu that was created rather recently by the clan's 2nd in command. The Raika shin'i, aka Flash of lightning god's authority, allows those of the Kanagata clan the ability to control the movement of their lightning techniques through their magnetic field. It is also categorized as a magnetism based ability due to the fact that it also helps techniques like Kanaaji inryoku function properly. This, in essence, is the precise control of the individuals magnetic aura as well as their inner chakra system which is what creates their resistance to genjutsu and innate shape manipulation abilities.
Weakness: Due to it being a highly valuable technique it can be crippling to almost any Kanagata to lose the ability to use it in battle. This can occur by blocking the chakra points, which does take at least twice the effort (2 hits or a very efficient taijutsu) in order to block. It can be disrupted by water or metals as they have higher conductivity then the air that this technique controls the conductivity paths within through the use of the magnetic field. Fire can be a bane to it but is not as effective as the aforementioned abilities and unless B rank or above will take time to effect the technique.
Name of Technique: Ishoku Goukin(衣食合金 'Living Alloy').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Ninjutsu/passive ability.
Rank: N/A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: This technique is very simple in nature and is a passive trait of the Kanagata clan's kekkei genkai. Essentially, the body of a Kanagata clan member is a super magnet, the reason is thought to be that their chakra system is almost entirely composed of magnetic chakra rather than normal chakra. This means that they can effect their own bodies with their magnetism abilities in addition to being able to conduct more lightning techniques without taking nearly as much damage. Their own lightning techniques are also essentially unable to damage their body unless otherwise is stated.
Weakness: Affinity weaknesses.
Name of Technique: Gairyaku: Reiki no Den-kimiko(概略: レイキの電気巫女 'External Force: Aura of the Lightning god's son').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkai ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: S.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: One of the most difficult techniques of the Kanagata clan, this is only learned after the highest of masteries is obtained. Effectively, the user of this technique is capable of changing the size, shape, and potency of their aural magnetism. This is done through controlling the chakra that makes up this aura. Disabling the bond between the chakra and the magnetism and drawing it in to the body, moving the chakra itself around in varied shapes and patterns etc etc.
Weakness: N/A.
Name of Technique: Yuusei: Ji kaeshiame(郵政: 地返し雨 'Dominance: Earth reversal-rain').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: C-S.
Range: Within magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton and Earth.
Handseals: 12.
Description: Considered to be the earthly equivalent of Raika shin'i, this technique allows a Kanagata clan member to forcibly push their magnetic dominance into the ground rather than it being primarily based in the air. The name of this technique is due to the fact that the user will often then form a reversed gravity effect where variously sized sections of earth will move upwards in a seemingly effortless fashion.
Typically, when this is used it causes a subtle rumbling in the earth within the 60 yard radius and then it will settle. Additionally a low, but always constant hum will emanate from the surrounding area and will gradually increase in it's volume over time. This is further noticed when projectiles are formed and come near an individual. It should be noted that this technique is considered an incredibly advanced earth manipulation technique despite it being of the magnetism affinity.
Weakness: This technique highly limits the abilities of the Raika shin'i in the air and restricts the user's ability to cast and manipulate the trajectory of their air-born lightning techniques. It is also rather mentally taxing and eventually gains a rather monumental chakra cost.
Name of Technique: Jiki kyōmei(磁気共鳴 'Magnetic resonance').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: C-A.
Range: Within a magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: 2-4-6.
Description: Its handseals dependent on rank, Jiki kyōmei is a technique that allows the user to send Denjiton chakra into a material and allow the material to propagate the magnetism, though not the chakra that catalyzed the process. This technique also allows the user to generate a magnetic field around objects which have developed the A rank manifestation of this technique. An A rank magnetic field projected by a highly magnetic or conductive substance can reach a cylindrical radius of 8 meters.
Weakness: The less chakra used in the creation of the magnetic field, the less potent the resulting field. The technique must also start within a mangetic field.
Name of Technique: Ijū no tsūshin(移住の通信 'Signals of Transmigration').
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary ninjutsu/Forbidden Technique(?).
Rank: C-S.
Range: 100 mile radius or within magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton and/or Lightning.
Handseals: Variable.
Description: Potentially a forbidden technique when utilized at its strongest, Ijū no tsūshin is a technique devised by the Kanagata clan, but released to the public. It is one of few that is actually useable by anyone, rather than just by one of the two most masterful lightning clans. A largely variable technique in regards to application, Ijū no tsūshin is executed utilizing handseals only when the user's skill is exceptionally low. The amount of handseals varies depending on user skill, complexity of the technique's application, and distance. Cutting to the point, Ijū no tsūshin allows the user to transmit subtle electrical signals via chakra. One of the primary uses of Ijū no tsūshin is in the vein of nigh telepathic communication by sending electrical signals from one individual to the other. This application is B rank at least as it requires incredible mental focus and chakra control so as not to accidentally use too much electricity and thus damage the brain. While most users of Ijū no tsūshin are only capable of communicating rudimentary orders over only twenty or so meters, those capable of utilizing the technique at A rank are able to transmit signals over 10s of miles of distance. The further away the individual, the less complex the signals must be with few exceptions.
The last, and forbidden, use of this technique is effectively mind control, which is considered a technique only in the grasp of a select few, most of which are members of the Kanagata clan. This mind control is utilized via the user transmitting a set of continuous electrical signals of extreme complexity, thus allowing them to effectively fire nerves strategically, and even highjack an individual's brain and use it to further transmit signals once highjacked. This application is considered S rank and is typically used only as an interrogation technique, having been forbidden in all other scenarios.
Weakness: While not limited in its range or the complexity of the “commands,” or the detail of its communicative abilities, and certainly not possessing a high chakra cost barring its S rank use, Ijū no tsūshin is not an easy technique to maintain. While its chakra cost is not great, every use takes a sliver, and continuous use, even for most masters, threatens to cause the user to become less and less aware of the amount of chakra going into the process. Additionally, due to the sheer complexity of translating “words,” and concepts directly to the brain of another individual via electrical signals, even for the sake of mere communication, this technique takes a level of focus for all, but the most masterful users that makes it largely useless in combat as it would only allow most individuals to give very simple commands, if that. Lastly, when using the S rank form of this technique, a given user is typically incapable of manipulating more than one individual at a time and almost always must remain entirely immobile while doing so. When controlling another person their own senses and awareness of their surroundings are lowered considerably making them more vulnerable to both genjutsu and surprise attacks.
It should be noted that in addition to the aforementioned weaknesses, this technique can be disrupted in several other notable ways as it only works properly when conducting through air. As such, the signals carried by the electricity will be distorted too greatly to be used if they must travel through three meters of dense material or any liquid. Should an individual be cloaked in lightning chakra or have it running through their body the technique will be unable to take over their body, or will be drowned out by the stronger electrical currents. Lastly, individuals with exceptional chakra control can treat even the S ranked technique much like a genjutsu and fluctuate their chakra continuously to disrupt the jutsu's control long enough to reassert their own.
Name of Technique: Chikyūshō(地球照 'Earthshine').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: D-C.
Range: Within a magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton and lightning.
Handseals: 4.
Description: A rather simple technique he creates a tiny spark within the magnetic field and allows the magnetism to focus and conduct it causing it to flare out in a blinding expansion of lightning. The jutsu doesn't do much damage and can't even stun for 5 seconds but does have a highly blinding effect even to individuals with dojutsu as the rapid expansion of chakra confuses the chakra sensing capabilities that they likely possess.
Weakness: Doesn't cause any damage whatsoever.
Name of Technique: Shinsei no naizai-ka(神性の内在化 'Internalization of divinity').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei kinjutsu.
Rank: S+
Range: Personal.
Nature Type: Denjiton and lightning.
Handseals: 22.
Description: Through mastery of the her aural magnetic field and its interaction with her chakra system Kiyome is capable of pulling this field into her own body. The results of this action are drastic and should anyone else attempt it without years of training, they are more likely to cause themselves brain trauma, paralysis, or outright death. While inheritor's of the Raijin no junshū already possess highly conductive and magnetic bodies as is apparent in Ishoku Goukin, this technique makes utterly transcends former levels causing them to become a super conductor in addition to a magnetic generator. While the effect is not truly permanent, it is possible to maintain for any length of time as it does not rely on chakra to power it and is merely a shift of the magnetic field's focus.
Likely the most notable effect of this technique is how it influences the body, mind, and chakra of the user, amplifying all three respectiely to greatly heightened levels. However, the user's chakra is particularly effected by this aural interalization, causing it to become hyper-potent to the extent that when even minute amounts are externalized mere contact with a single thread of the user's Denjiton chakra can immediately magnetize something, or wrest control of any and all lightning or electricity based techniques. Additionally, due to Kiyome's complete mastery of the Raika shin'i, her chakra control becomes effectively perfect as long as this technique is activated.
As to the physical amplification caused by Shinsei no naizai-ka, the user's reaction speed, senses, and physical movement are amplified greatly on both micro and macro levels. As such, Kiyome is capable of accelerating, decelerating, and maintaining tremendous speeds without damage to herself as part of her movements are manipulated by the magnetic energies in her body effectively allowing her to slingshot herself or anchor herself in mere moments in addition to making extremely fine-tuned movements.
Beyond her physical augmentations are those of her mind, which start with increased processing speed and power and continue on to increased perceptual acuity and attention to detail on any level. While active her mental capabilities are highly attuned, making her hyper aware of her body's status and in near complete control of its actions in all areas, though she can choose to merely leave her internal workings on autopilot. Lastly, all of her thought processes are streamlined making it much more difficult for things to confuse her as she can multitask to greatly increased levels.
Weakness: Due to the sheer density of denjiton and raiton chakra, the user is incapable of utilizing any other affinity while the technique remains in effect. Additionally despite effectively amplifying all of the user's capabilities, this technique must be deactivated it least once every 11 hours for 2 hours worth of time. If the user fails to meet this requirement their mental, chakratic, and physical health will begin to rapidly decline due to the immense amounts of stress this technique causes by effectively supercharging the user. Additionally, this technique can be disrupted by A or S rank fire affinity jutsu engulfing the user. Granted, in most scenarios this would kill them.
Name of Technique: Raikō tentei no sōshin(雷光天帝の送信 'Lightning god's transmission').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei kinjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Lightning.
Handseals: 18.
Description: The mental equivalent of Raiton: Kin'niku no kansō, this technique is based off of the S rank form of Ijū no tsūshin, this technique takes this control one step further, allowing the user to program complex mental and pyschological responses into their own, or someone else's central nervous system, specifically their brain. Most, if not all, of these programs require specific stimuli to be activated and otherwise remain dormant.
Weakness: While an incredibly powerful technique, the user can only utilize it on themselves or an individual with whom they remain in prolonged physical contact with. Creating these programs in their own neural network requires minute amounts of chakra, but takes considerable amounts of time, while doing so to another individual requires even more time and chakra. This technique is only possible while Shinsei no naizai-ka is active.
Name of Technique: Raiton: Kin'niku no kansō(雷遁: 筋肉の感想 'Lightning Release: Muscular impressions').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei kinjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Lightning and/or Denjiton.
Handseals: 18.
Description: The physical manifestation of Raikō tentei no sōshin and Ijū no tsūshin, this technique, unlike the aforementioned ability allows the user to instead program physiological responses into the target's nervous system. However, similar to it, the technique requires prolonged physical contact and almost always requires specific stimuli to activate the given programs. This ability can even be used in a more subtle manner so as to program muscle memory into one's own body.
Weakness: While an incredibly powerful technique, the user can only utilize it on themselves or an individual with whom they remain in prolonged physical contact with. Creating these programs in their own neural network requires minute amounts of chakra, but takes considerable amounts of time, while doing so to another individual requires even more time and chakra. Like its counterpart, this technique is only available during Shinsei no naizai-ka's use.
Inability to learn genjutsu due to Kekkei genkai.
Reigning master of Raiton-based jutsu.
Electromagnetic aural field – sensory.
Weaker to Fire techniques.
Exceptionally intelligent.
Excellent chakra control.
Large chakra reserves.
Augmented Physiology: In her efforts to reach her current heights, Kiyome changed her food regiment, increasing the amount of minute iron and bits of silver until she gained a resistance against the poisoning that the latter of the two would otherwise cause. Once she had this in place she infused the foods with her denjiton chakra and continued to eat it, manipulating the resulting metals inside her own body till they formed rods and several other things, resulting in her current appearance. As a result of her augmentations she always projects a magnetic field several inches around her body even with Shinsei no naizai-ka active. Additionally her body easily diffuses heat into the metallic augmentations and disperses it.
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Raijin no junshū(雷神の准州 'Territory of the lightning god').
Clan: Kanagata.
Description: The Kanagata clan's kekkei genkai is forged from the earth and lightning affinities to make a powerful electromagnetic field around the user. Depending on skill and overall power, the clan member's magnetic field will be anywhere from 5-30 meters in its hemispheric radius. The inheritors to this genetically dominant kekkei genkai receive both Denjiton(Electromagnetic release) as their chakra nature, but also naturally wider chakra pathways within their body. This gives inheritors a naturally larger chakra capacity. As to their aural field, they are able to sense movement through it as it displaces and reorganizes the chakra present therein. This magnetic field can be disrupted by fire affinity jutsu, but not destroyed. The chakra is linked directly to the inheritor's chakra system and can be considered in the same sense as internal chakra; thus it cannot be sealed by normal means. Their electromagnetic field allows them to control lightning chakra within its bounds as well as to magnetize and manipulate possibly magnetic bodies while they remain within the field --the exceptions being chakra infused weapons, armor, or the like. Lastly, skilled inheritors gain a resistance --not immunity- to genjutsu due to the natural flux of their inner chakra system.
Canon Jutsu
Raiton: Gian(Lightning Release: False Darkness):
Chidori nagashi(Chidori current)
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Raika shin'i(ライカ強電 Flash of lightning God's authority').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkai ninjutsu.
Rank: C-S.
Range: Within the magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: N/A
Description: Raika shin'i is a jutsu that was created rather recently by the clan's 2nd in command. The Raika shin'i, aka Flash of lightning god's authority, allows those of the Kanagata clan the ability to control the movement of their lightning techniques through their magnetic field. It is also categorized as a magnetism based ability due to the fact that it also helps techniques like Kanaaji inryoku function properly. This, in essence, is the precise control of the individuals magnetic aura as well as their inner chakra system which is what creates their resistance to genjutsu and innate shape manipulation abilities.
Weakness: Due to it being a highly valuable technique it can be crippling to almost any Kanagata to lose the ability to use it in battle. This can occur by blocking the chakra points, which does take at least twice the effort (2 hits or a very efficient taijutsu) in order to block. It can be disrupted by water or metals as they have higher conductivity then the air that this technique controls the conductivity paths within through the use of the magnetic field. Fire can be a bane to it but is not as effective as the aforementioned abilities and unless B rank or above will take time to effect the technique.
Name of Technique: Ishoku Goukin(衣食合金 'Living Alloy').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Ninjutsu/passive ability.
Rank: N/A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: This technique is very simple in nature and is a passive trait of the Kanagata clan's kekkei genkai. Essentially, the body of a Kanagata clan member is a super magnet, the reason is thought to be that their chakra system is almost entirely composed of magnetic chakra rather than normal chakra. This means that they can effect their own bodies with their magnetism abilities in addition to being able to conduct more lightning techniques without taking nearly as much damage. Their own lightning techniques are also essentially unable to damage their body unless otherwise is stated.
Weakness: Affinity weaknesses.
Name of Technique: Gairyaku: Reiki no Den-kimiko(概略: レイキの電気巫女 'External Force: Aura of the Lightning god's son').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkai ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: S.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: One of the most difficult techniques of the Kanagata clan, this is only learned after the highest of masteries is obtained. Effectively, the user of this technique is capable of changing the size, shape, and potency of their aural magnetism. This is done through controlling the chakra that makes up this aura. Disabling the bond between the chakra and the magnetism and drawing it in to the body, moving the chakra itself around in varied shapes and patterns etc etc.
Weakness: N/A.
Name of Technique: Yuusei: Ji kaeshiame(郵政: 地返し雨 'Dominance: Earth reversal-rain').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: C-S.
Range: Within magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton and Earth.
Handseals: 12.
Description: Considered to be the earthly equivalent of Raika shin'i, this technique allows a Kanagata clan member to forcibly push their magnetic dominance into the ground rather than it being primarily based in the air. The name of this technique is due to the fact that the user will often then form a reversed gravity effect where variously sized sections of earth will move upwards in a seemingly effortless fashion.
Typically, when this is used it causes a subtle rumbling in the earth within the 60 yard radius and then it will settle. Additionally a low, but always constant hum will emanate from the surrounding area and will gradually increase in it's volume over time. This is further noticed when projectiles are formed and come near an individual. It should be noted that this technique is considered an incredibly advanced earth manipulation technique despite it being of the magnetism affinity.
Weakness: This technique highly limits the abilities of the Raika shin'i in the air and restricts the user's ability to cast and manipulate the trajectory of their air-born lightning techniques. It is also rather mentally taxing and eventually gains a rather monumental chakra cost.
Name of Technique: Jiki kyōmei(磁気共鳴 'Magnetic resonance').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: C-A.
Range: Within a magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton.
Handseals: 2-4-6.
Description: Its handseals dependent on rank, Jiki kyōmei is a technique that allows the user to send Denjiton chakra into a material and allow the material to propagate the magnetism, though not the chakra that catalyzed the process. This technique also allows the user to generate a magnetic field around objects which have developed the A rank manifestation of this technique. An A rank magnetic field projected by a highly magnetic or conductive substance can reach a cylindrical radius of 8 meters.
Weakness: The less chakra used in the creation of the magnetic field, the less potent the resulting field. The technique must also start within a mangetic field.
Name of Technique: Ijū no tsūshin(移住の通信 'Signals of Transmigration').
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary ninjutsu/Forbidden Technique(?).
Rank: C-S.
Range: 100 mile radius or within magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton and/or Lightning.
Handseals: Variable.
Description: Potentially a forbidden technique when utilized at its strongest, Ijū no tsūshin is a technique devised by the Kanagata clan, but released to the public. It is one of few that is actually useable by anyone, rather than just by one of the two most masterful lightning clans. A largely variable technique in regards to application, Ijū no tsūshin is executed utilizing handseals only when the user's skill is exceptionally low. The amount of handseals varies depending on user skill, complexity of the technique's application, and distance. Cutting to the point, Ijū no tsūshin allows the user to transmit subtle electrical signals via chakra. One of the primary uses of Ijū no tsūshin is in the vein of nigh telepathic communication by sending electrical signals from one individual to the other. This application is B rank at least as it requires incredible mental focus and chakra control so as not to accidentally use too much electricity and thus damage the brain. While most users of Ijū no tsūshin are only capable of communicating rudimentary orders over only twenty or so meters, those capable of utilizing the technique at A rank are able to transmit signals over 10s of miles of distance. The further away the individual, the less complex the signals must be with few exceptions.
The last, and forbidden, use of this technique is effectively mind control, which is considered a technique only in the grasp of a select few, most of which are members of the Kanagata clan. This mind control is utilized via the user transmitting a set of continuous electrical signals of extreme complexity, thus allowing them to effectively fire nerves strategically, and even highjack an individual's brain and use it to further transmit signals once highjacked. This application is considered S rank and is typically used only as an interrogation technique, having been forbidden in all other scenarios.
Weakness: While not limited in its range or the complexity of the “commands,” or the detail of its communicative abilities, and certainly not possessing a high chakra cost barring its S rank use, Ijū no tsūshin is not an easy technique to maintain. While its chakra cost is not great, every use takes a sliver, and continuous use, even for most masters, threatens to cause the user to become less and less aware of the amount of chakra going into the process. Additionally, due to the sheer complexity of translating “words,” and concepts directly to the brain of another individual via electrical signals, even for the sake of mere communication, this technique takes a level of focus for all, but the most masterful users that makes it largely useless in combat as it would only allow most individuals to give very simple commands, if that. Lastly, when using the S rank form of this technique, a given user is typically incapable of manipulating more than one individual at a time and almost always must remain entirely immobile while doing so. When controlling another person their own senses and awareness of their surroundings are lowered considerably making them more vulnerable to both genjutsu and surprise attacks.
It should be noted that in addition to the aforementioned weaknesses, this technique can be disrupted in several other notable ways as it only works properly when conducting through air. As such, the signals carried by the electricity will be distorted too greatly to be used if they must travel through three meters of dense material or any liquid. Should an individual be cloaked in lightning chakra or have it running through their body the technique will be unable to take over their body, or will be drowned out by the stronger electrical currents. Lastly, individuals with exceptional chakra control can treat even the S ranked technique much like a genjutsu and fluctuate their chakra continuously to disrupt the jutsu's control long enough to reassert their own.
Name of Technique: Chikyūshō(地球照 'Earthshine').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: D-C.
Range: Within a magnetic field.
Nature Type: Denjiton and lightning.
Handseals: 4.
Description: A rather simple technique he creates a tiny spark within the magnetic field and allows the magnetism to focus and conduct it causing it to flare out in a blinding expansion of lightning. The jutsu doesn't do much damage and can't even stun for 5 seconds but does have a highly blinding effect even to individuals with dojutsu as the rapid expansion of chakra confuses the chakra sensing capabilities that they likely possess.
Weakness: Doesn't cause any damage whatsoever.
Name of Technique: Shinsei no naizai-ka(神性の内在化 'Internalization of divinity').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei kinjutsu.
Rank: S+
Range: Personal.
Nature Type: Denjiton and lightning.
Handseals: 22.
Description: Through mastery of the her aural magnetic field and its interaction with her chakra system Kiyome is capable of pulling this field into her own body. The results of this action are drastic and should anyone else attempt it without years of training, they are more likely to cause themselves brain trauma, paralysis, or outright death. While inheritor's of the Raijin no junshū already possess highly conductive and magnetic bodies as is apparent in Ishoku Goukin, this technique makes utterly transcends former levels causing them to become a super conductor in addition to a magnetic generator. While the effect is not truly permanent, it is possible to maintain for any length of time as it does not rely on chakra to power it and is merely a shift of the magnetic field's focus.
Likely the most notable effect of this technique is how it influences the body, mind, and chakra of the user, amplifying all three respectiely to greatly heightened levels. However, the user's chakra is particularly effected by this aural interalization, causing it to become hyper-potent to the extent that when even minute amounts are externalized mere contact with a single thread of the user's Denjiton chakra can immediately magnetize something, or wrest control of any and all lightning or electricity based techniques. Additionally, due to Kiyome's complete mastery of the Raika shin'i, her chakra control becomes effectively perfect as long as this technique is activated.
As to the physical amplification caused by Shinsei no naizai-ka, the user's reaction speed, senses, and physical movement are amplified greatly on both micro and macro levels. As such, Kiyome is capable of accelerating, decelerating, and maintaining tremendous speeds without damage to herself as part of her movements are manipulated by the magnetic energies in her body effectively allowing her to slingshot herself or anchor herself in mere moments in addition to making extremely fine-tuned movements.
Beyond her physical augmentations are those of her mind, which start with increased processing speed and power and continue on to increased perceptual acuity and attention to detail on any level. While active her mental capabilities are highly attuned, making her hyper aware of her body's status and in near complete control of its actions in all areas, though she can choose to merely leave her internal workings on autopilot. Lastly, all of her thought processes are streamlined making it much more difficult for things to confuse her as she can multitask to greatly increased levels.
Weakness: Due to the sheer density of denjiton and raiton chakra, the user is incapable of utilizing any other affinity while the technique remains in effect. Additionally despite effectively amplifying all of the user's capabilities, this technique must be deactivated it least once every 11 hours for 2 hours worth of time. If the user fails to meet this requirement their mental, chakratic, and physical health will begin to rapidly decline due to the immense amounts of stress this technique causes by effectively supercharging the user. Additionally, this technique can be disrupted by A or S rank fire affinity jutsu engulfing the user. Granted, in most scenarios this would kill them.
Name of Technique: Raikō tentei no sōshin(雷光天帝の送信 'Lightning god's transmission').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei kinjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Lightning.
Handseals: 18.
Description: The mental equivalent of Raiton: Kin'niku no kansō, this technique is based off of the S rank form of Ijū no tsūshin, this technique takes this control one step further, allowing the user to program complex mental and pyschological responses into their own, or someone else's central nervous system, specifically their brain. Most, if not all, of these programs require specific stimuli to be activated and otherwise remain dormant.
Weakness: While an incredibly powerful technique, the user can only utilize it on themselves or an individual with whom they remain in prolonged physical contact with. Creating these programs in their own neural network requires minute amounts of chakra, but takes considerable amounts of time, while doing so to another individual requires even more time and chakra. This technique is only possible while Shinsei no naizai-ka is active.
Name of Technique: Raiton: Kin'niku no kansō(雷遁: 筋肉の感想 'Lightning Release: Muscular impressions').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei kinjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Lightning and/or Denjiton.
Handseals: 18.
Description: The physical manifestation of Raikō tentei no sōshin and Ijū no tsūshin, this technique, unlike the aforementioned ability allows the user to instead program physiological responses into the target's nervous system. However, similar to it, the technique requires prolonged physical contact and almost always requires specific stimuli to activate the given programs. This ability can even be used in a more subtle manner so as to program muscle memory into one's own body.
Weakness: While an incredibly powerful technique, the user can only utilize it on themselves or an individual with whom they remain in prolonged physical contact with. Creating these programs in their own neural network requires minute amounts of chakra, but takes considerable amounts of time, while doing so to another individual requires even more time and chakra. Like its counterpart, this technique is only available during Shinsei no naizai-ka's use.