So this will be a story RP based around a tournament, you will enter a character and that character will transported to 'the lobby' a beautiful room where you will meet your opponents and talk while the knockout tournament commences, there will be room for 8 players
no more, no less, but if they drop out I will keep reserves on hand.
After the first few 'dibs' I will create the OOC are you ready for the Coliseum?
there is no strict CS template, use whatever CS you have for your own set of arena ready characters but remember for this RP there will be dialouge so be sure to have a personality in mind. I'll reserve slots for Characters when acceptable characters are submitted.
Every time the is a fight, someone is watching, studying, intensely gripped by love and admiration for the art of combat, that someone is a magician who knows that he isn't the only one who likes to see combat, and that people will pay a lot to see it.
Once every 5 years the Magician Dynamo holds a tournament, and if you are reading this, then you have been invited. Dynamo will pick 8 warriors who he has seen fight before and he invites 10 million attendees from all across the 7 realms to watch from their local coliseums, he then uses his magic for the tournament to be views wherever they may be so they may see it as if were happening in their own lands. Dynamo invites these 8 brave warriors to compete for the Stone of Kane which allows the winner to be granted one wish for when they return to their homes. The other 7 will have their fates left to Dynamo.
The tournament will take place in a classic knockout style fashion and the losers of each round will face each other in a separate runner up bracket for which the prize is a secret, in between each bout the other 6 will be able to watch from the 'lobby' a beautiful room where they will be pampered like gods. This will also be the best time to learn about your opponents before facing them.
The 'Regulators' will be keeping everything under control and updating the combatants on the rules that Dynamo decides to introduce. ************************************************************************************************ CS TEMPLATE
Backstory: Born at the lowest of the low on the streets, Norvandell fought his entire life to survive. Fortunately for him, he succeeded. He learned how to fight, how to steal, etc. After he grew up, he joined the military, where he was put through conditions similar to how he lived his childhood, but also quite different from his childhood. Nevertheless, he persevered, and quickly adapted to be at the top of everyone else, eventually achieving the rank of Captain. He and his comrades were then given a mission to slay the monstrous demon Lambdir, working with three other squads to take it down.
It was a long and hard-fought battle, but Lambdir was finally defeated, though at a great cost of most of his comrades. Taking his spoils of war, Norvandell took them to a certain blacksmith connection of his, who began to work on creating a powerful weapon from it. It took 7 long years, but it was finally complete, and Norvandell retired from the army soon after. Since then, he's made a name for himself as one of the best mercenaries and fighters in his area.
-Flight: He's got wings, so of course he can fly, and is quite skilled at that. He can easily maneuver in the air to dodge attacks, or just to show off. His wings don't seem to flap or show any other sign that they actually do anything, though, but damaging them will affect Norvandell's flying capabilities.
-Physical capabilities: Being a devil, Norvandell possesses strength, speed, and endurance superior to that of a regular human's. He can only lift a ton easily, 3 with effort, but his endurance and speed are far better. He is capable of moving up to 80 mph, 140 if he flies, and he can sustain such speeds for about a few hours before he shows signs of weariness.
-Battle Hardened: having fought his way through life ever since childhood, he possesses a strong will and trained instincts that is necessary to win fights and survive battles.
-Feast: By drinking blood and/or eating flesh, Norvandell rapidly regenerates his wounds and gains a surge of energy, fit for round 2 of a fight. How much is healed depends on how much is consumed, of course.
-Demonfire and Pyrokinesis: Norvandell is quite adept at summoning and controlling flames, whether at a short distance, or in his hands. Either he summons a thin wall or short pillar, or he launches fireballs or streams of fire from his right hand. He is particularly adept at summoning his demonfire. His demonfire is black and green in color, and harder to extinguish than regular human fire, even through the use of water or lack of oxygen. Naturally, Norvandell is also extremely resistant, if not immune, to the extreme temperatures of fire.
-Claw of Labmihr: a blade created from a claw of the demon Labmihr, attached to a device made of a very durable yet very light metal. Due to the unique properties of the materials used, it took 7 years to finish the creation of this weapon. However, it is highly durable, and can cut through many substances as if cutting through paper. It also has the ability to absorb kinetic energy from an opponent's blows as well as magical attacks, and convert that into energy, which Norvandell can use to increase his own speed and strength. If he attempts to take in too much energy, however, his body will become much stronger, but will also be heavily taxed once the effect wears off, becoming weaker than even the average human.
However, both the Claw and Norvandell cannot absorb an infinite amount of energy, and the Claw is capable of releasing energy obtained through heat and demonfire. The way the weapon is designed, however, also allows Norvandell to take advantage of said demonfire, as the flames only engulf the blade. Multiple mid-tier attacks (usually around 5-6) will fill up the blade quickly, and it seems as though there is a limit as to how much energy can be stored within the weapon. Once that limit is reached, the blade will cease to absorb energy until the blade is empty.
-Blood Flask: a flask containing blood. The flask is enchanted to keep the blood fresh and tasty, so Norvandell receives the fullest effects upon consumption. The flask is also treated to endure various kinds of stress, so as to not lose any of that precious blood. Placed in a pocket above his heart, it makes for a good backup "armor" of sorts. Contains one swig, but it's enough to help him heal up to one life-threatening injury.
-Knife: A simple, razor sharp knife. It is thin and about 4 inches long. Meant to be used as a back-up weapon, or even just a tool for various purposes such as lockpicking.
appearance: He stands at 7 foot even. He is nothing but a skeleton underneath his armor animated by naught but will and magik. His eyes are an ethereal purple and seem to shine like flames from his eyesockets. Along the cracks in his armor, and inside of his bones an ethereal purple glow can be found.
tier: 3-4
Lich durability: Well to put it simply he is a lich he cant die. He is nothing more than bones, will, and magik encased in armor. His soul has been harnessed and contained inside of a special gem. His bones can regenerate after being incinerated down to dust even. His armor being linked to his will can regenerate as well, albeit at a much slower pace. However if he is delivered a debilitating blow such as being cut in half he will be done for an extended amount of time needing to regenerate, taking him out of the battle.
Lich strength: He is easily a massive powerhouse. As a Lich his body is no longer constrained by human bounds. He can easily lift 5 tons, and with effort can even manage 10.
Speed: He is faster than a human, but not by much. He can move at the constant speed of 50 mph.
Chilling Touch: He can create ice with the strength of diamonds on the surface of anything he touches. This ice spreads at the rate of 6 feet per post and is colder than below zero.
Necromancy: He can raise the dead. He can either do this on a pre existing corpse with no prep time or charge once and then create and animate a zombie, skeleton warrior, or skeleton archer. He can also resurrect a fallen ally, albeit in a dark way. This takes two turns of charging/
Necromancy creations Zombie- A rotting corpse animated by dark magik. This corpse is slower than a human, but signifiagntly more powerful able to lift half as much as the lich himself. It also has claws made of bones that can rend through flesh like knives. The downside is that it is slow and lumbering. The only way to make sure a zombie stays down is to destroy the brain.
skeleton warrior: A skeletal warrior created and bound by dark magik. This warrior carries a spear or a sword and shield, and has the same statistics as a normal human being. To kill a skeleton you must destroy the skull.
skeleton archer: The same attributes as the skeleton warrior, however this archer comes with a crossbow. This crossbow has a draw weight of 190 pounds and is loaded with heavy tip bolts.
resurrect ally: Has a similar effect to the good version, but goes about it in a completely different way. This allows the Lich to revive an ally once and only once, but the person keeps all statistics and wounds. On top of this they are now a zombie and the only way to kill them is to destroy the brain. This spell works by binding the victim's soul to the Lich's will and making them his eternal slave. They can fight and react as they normally would without his direct control just like his other creations, but they cannot defy or hurt him.
Lichblade: A magical sword made specifically for Drallinix. This sword is a seven foot longsword. The blade is six feet with a foot long handle. In the pommel there is a magically enhanced diamond. The diamond holds his soul, and if it is destroyed it will kill him instantly. The diamond has enhancements on it that make it twice as resilient and stops it from suffering from fracturing along the faces. The sword itself is designed to be half as strong as the gem that it houses.
Armor of the cold: This armor is made of steel. It has the protective qualities of plate armor and chainmail. His soul is confined within his bones and this armor meaning that it is weightless to him. The armor is protected by the magik that binds him and will regenerate over time, but significantly more slowly than his bones.
Ring of the Necromancer: This ring is a gold ring with a black onyx stone faceted cleanly on the top. This ring boosts his necromancy and allows him to summon two corpses to fight for him at a time.
Drallinix Von Carstein was once a proud noble. He was raised to be a king, and was a noteworthy soldier. He had a beautiful lover meant to be his queen her name was Castella. However on the eve of his ascension to the crown a mighty war broke out among his country and their rival. His father sold him to their enemy so that eh could retain his crown. For years Drallinix was tortured and maimed. He found his chance one night when his guard fell sleep. Drallinix quickly ripped the mans throat out with his bare hands, his nails digging in around the larinex as he tore it out in a viscous motion. He then took the man's uniform and escaped hiding in the wild
After years of hiding and living as an animal Drallinix was found by an old woman. She immediately recognized him, and seeing an opportunity took him in. He was still skilled with a blade, but she taught him much more. She taught him the art of dark magic. Drallinix took to it naturally becoming an expert quickly. Eventually he learned that his father had died and that lady castella, and her new husband, had taken the throne. Drallinix was overcome with rage and quickly started a revolution. Using his name and his charisma he created an army and marched upon the castle walls.
The siege lasted 20 days. It was constant fighting without any break or relent. Drallinix was always at the forefront, his cold eyes seeming to glow with an unnatural energy. He slaughtered hundreds of the enemy soldiers alone, and eventually made his way to the throne room. Castella's husband immediately took up arms against Drallinix. A great battle ensued and Drallinix suffered a mortal injury. However he pulled through using his dark magik to gain an edge he thrust his blade through the king's heart. Ripping it from the man's chest Drallinix with a sweep of his sword sent his head flying. As he advanced Castella begged for mercy, but her cries fell upon deaf ears. She had broken the boys heart and he slew her without mercy, retaking his throne.
Years later Drallinix married a young girl named Remy. She became his love and stopped the corruption of his soul by the dark magik. Sensing this the witch who had adopted him so many years ago devised a fiendish plan. As Remy rode one afternoon the witch laid an ambush. The witch stopped Remy's horse and called upon the undead to kil her. Drallinix rode as soon as he was informed of his wife's disappearance. He came upon the scene just to see the last of his queen's guards fall and her fall under one of the undead. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and the dark magik finished consuming his soul. Drallinix called upon his strength and turned the undead upon the witch in a fit of vengeful rage making them rip her asunder before falling back to their decomposing state.
Years later Drallinix bound his soul inside of a magically enchanted gem that had once belonged to his dear wife Remy. He did this by sacrificing ten virgin girls, and consuming their blood completing a dark ritual that was beyond forbidden. He had this gem affixed in his sword which from that day forward was known as Lichblade and became an immortal Lich. He ruled his kingdom with an iron fist, and so he shall continue to rule throughout eternity.
@Scarifar approved, post him in the Characters tab
@drallinix okay youll have to alter the stuff about him not dying because for this tournament he can die or at least be defeated or incapacited to count as a loss. Power down his ice abilities as well, not an instant freeze with a touch it will take some effort.
He can die if you destroy the gem, that is literally the entire reason for being a lich. However if someone manages to vaporize him ill count it as a loss since he will take time to regen. Also if the ice abilities happen at anything less than a touch they would never be activated due to someone post cutting.
Name: Nicoli Salvatore Alias: D'Angelo Titles: Ma'Radiim, Weapons Master, Pathfinder Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 30 Gender: Male Occupation: Veiled-One Demeanor: Nicoli is a man driven by his ambitions, he believes himself to be above human desires and has forsaken alcohol, sex, and drugs from his life. He tries to live a ’pure’ life not out of an attempt to reach enlightenment like so many, but because he refuses to let others have a way to exploit him.
This is not to say that Nicoli is without humor, far from it. What he finds funny most others find cruel. A sharp tongue and wit are more likely to impress him than anger him, in fact, he grudgingly respects those that can use their words like weapons.
Basic Appearance
Hair: Kept very short, and is a deep black. Facial Hair: Normally clean shaven. Sometimes seen with stubble. Eyes: Dark Blue with a black sclera. Build: Thin, Toned, Corded Height: 6'1 Weight: 212 .lbs Special Features: Scars all over his body, arms, and legs. (This picture was specifically designed/created for Nicoli.)
Combat Credentials
Combat Style: Nicoli is a tactical genius capable of finding even the smallest advantage offered him on the battlefield, or even create said advantage if given the opportunity. Nicoli is also an extremely fast learner that is capable of observing a particular combat maneuver just once or twice and adapting it to his choice of weapons. Nicoli is an extremely deadly warrior when one combines his ability to dissect the battlefield, thievery training, weapon skills, and Radiim technique.
The Art of Assassination: Nicoli is well versed in how to kill and very familiar with humanoid anatomy. He is a adept at the creation and use of poisons but rarely employs the tactic. He is a master of using subtlety and misdirection in and out of combat and has honed his base senses to perfection in order to prevent himself from falling prey to his own tricks.
Weapons Master: There aren't many weapons Nicoli has seen that he can’t effectively use. Even if such were the case, his time spent with weapons would allow him to familiarize himself with it in moments and use it to it’s full capacity. These ‘weapons’ also include Nicoli’s body, fully capable of fighting off armed and armored opponents with his bare hands.
Thievery Training: Nicoli is extremely adept at many thieving skills to include lock picking, disarming traps, setting traps, disabling devices (magical and mundane), acrobatics, disguise, and more. He relies on his own skill rather than magic to get the job done, ensuring that he never loses his edge.
Alchemist (Adept): During his time with the Veiled Ones Nicoli has learned some of what it means to be an Alchemist. He can create many basic mundane items, and even some with magical or supernatural qualities.
Radiim: The technique known as Radiim is really several techniques used for one purpose. The user learns not simply the ability to block out pain, but to register it on a different level, like breathing, pain became a natural part of Nicolis life. This allows Nicoli to use and push his body to its limits before relying on the more advanced training of Radiim. The second and true purpose of the training, Nicoli has learned to control the flow and potency of his adrenaline as well as the use of his fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. While this does make Nicoli faster and stronger, capable of accessing a hundred percent of his potential, it does come at a cost. Shortened bursts of this, if used in succession make him tired and fatigued. While prolonged usage can result in permanent nerve/brain damage, a heart-attack and even death. All of this is compounded on top of the normal threats one faces in any battle.
Pathfinder: Nicoli has become an excellent tracker over the years. His keen senses and attention to detail have helped him become a Pathfinder. Nicoli is capable of tracking and making his way safely through any environment, he knows how to survive; what to eat, identify plants and animals, what to avoid when in a natural setting and other general knowledge associated with a woodsmen.
Eldritch Knowledge: Since having expanded his quarry from humanoids to all manner of beasts Nicoli has been studying and learning of the various magics sects and powers in the world. He focuses, specifically, on monstrous creatures and how to combat them. He might not know what a magic item is capable of when he comes upon it, but he knows the weaknesses of vampires, undead and other nasty creatures.
Full Description/ Info:
-- Head: N/A —Shoulders: All Weather Cloak -- Torso: Leather Armor. ---- Underclothes: Simple Dark Garments -- Legs: Leather Padding Over Simple Dark Clothing. ---- Underclothes: Simple Dark Garments -- Right Arm: Steel Bracers. -- Left Arm: Steel Bracers. -- Primary Weapon: Long Sword -- Secondary Weapon: Short Sword
-- Combat Items:
Long SwordKardia -- This long, ash grey, steel forged, and slightly curved blade has a handle of polished obsidian carved into the likes of a black bird of fire, a black phoenix. The creatures wings are folded backwards to create a guard for the hand, the head pointed downwards holding a clear gem. The wings make the swords cross guard with the hilt crafted to depict delicate feathers of flame.
Upon command the blade can change to alter its metal properties. While it is generally steel Nicoli can cause the blade to become silver, cold-iron, mithril or adamantine. Doing this does not affect the integrity of the weapon, but does effect weight.
Short SwordTooth -- This weapon appears to be crafted from the tooth of a very large carnivorous creature. It is a vibrantly white, straight, thin and wide short sword. Both sides of this wicked looking weapon are covered in many small jagged barbs that tear flesh. The hilt is a simple construct of bronze wrapped in brown faded leather. (This is the tooth of some very large carnivorous creature, the likes of which Nicoli hasn't the slightest clue.)
Once this blade tastes the blood of its victim it grants the wielder an unnaturally keen awareness of them, helping the wielder to track that person across many miles, even planes. The effect lasts until the weapon is cleansed or blood of another touches its blade.
Enchanted Armor/Cloak The leather armor that Nicoli wears is enchanted to resist the impact of weapons by half, making bludgeoning weapons much less effective against him. The cloak can, on command, aid him by magically shifting its color to match that of his surroundings.
Alchemist Fire X 2.-- The small ceramic vials burn fiercely and quickly when exposed to the air. The heat is hot enough to give third degree burns, and do much worse if not put out.
Alchemist Ice X 2-- The liquid in this vial flash freezes on contact with the air. It can freeze or greatly weaken pivotal points in structures or items made of anything but metal or stone.
Acid Vials X 2-- A mixture of chemicals, this Acid can eat through skin and wood with ease.
Holy Vial X 2.-- The small ceramic vials is filled with blessed water. Extremely effective against undead. It pairs well with Alchemist Ice if it can be flashed frozen on such a creature.
Essence of Rust x 2-- Taken from the gullet of a Rust Monster, this dust can quickly eat away at non magical metals.
Adhesive Gel Bag X 2-- This bag when thrown covers roughly a 10x10 area in a very sticky glue like substance that becomes hard like cement after a few seconds.
Smoke Bombs X 2-- When the ceramic balls are broken they release a heavy dark grey cloud that can cover a 30 feet in all directions. Winds of 15+ MPH can disperse the wind in ten seconds, while winds of 25+ disperse it in 3.
Garlic Pellets X 5— These small pea size pellets release a horrendously powerful smell when broken. Those without enhanced smell sometimes feel the urge to vomit because of its strength, while those dependent on their smell often find the effects much worse and ruined for a long period of time afterwards.
Flash Pellets X 5— Also small pellets these release a bright light when cracked open. The light last for just a brief moment, but its effects can be damaging when used in total darkness or against opponents with superior eye sight.
Glass Powder X 2— These small pouches don’t do any damage to the skin, but if caught in the eye or while breathing, they can wreak havoc while tearing through the body or when the opponent blinks.
This eighteen inch long baton his faded grey with three buttons on it. Pressing the first button releases sixty feet of rope every six seconds, up to a maximum of three hundred feet, pressing the button a second time stops it, pressing it a third time draws it back in at the same speed.
Pressing the second button produces a small leather loop from one end and a sharp grappling hook out the other. Hitting the button a second time launches one third of the rod (the end with the hooks) in the direction you aim. Up to three hundred feet trails behind the launched section, this launches it the three hundred feet in one second. Pressing the button a third time retracts the rope, drawing the held end towards the hooked end if it is securely attached. It can pull up to one thousand pounds.
When you press the third button grappling hooks sprout from each end of the rod. Pressing it again launches the two ends of the rod in opposite directions simultaneously. Three hundred feet of rope can emerge from both ends, for a total of six hundred feet. Pushing the button a third time causes the held section to be able to slide along the rope freely. Pressing it a third time retracts both ends and brings it back to is inactivated state.
There are seven charms on this jet black bracelet. Nicoli wears this bracelet as an anklet, which is hidden inside his left boot. Each charm has a different minor ability that only works when attached to the specific chain. This bracelet is given to True Veiled-Ones, with each charm showing the level of skill and rank one has achieved, with eight being the Maximum. Only the Grand Master has the final charm.
-Wizards Aid– This small charm vibrates when magic is being activated/used within one hundred feet of Nicoli. It does not pin-point or identify the magic, it merely identifies that something is being used within that range.
-Rogue Feet– This charm magically silences Nicoli’s person, it only affects Nicoli and does not extend to anyone he is touching. What’s more, is that this item has to be activated by thought and lasts for only twenty minutes at a time and needs three times that much time to recharge.
-Spider Step– As the name suggests once activated, like Rogue Feet, it allows Nicoli to stick to nearly any surface. It can only be used for twenty minutes before needing to be recharged like Rogue Feet. This is best used in small instances for brief moments at a time.
-Divine. Me. Not.– This charm is useful against prying eyes. It does not outright stop Diviners, but it makes finding Nicoli through magical means much more difficult. Normal spells will not work, and often the only way to override this charm is through complicated rituals. This protection does help, though to a very a small degree, protect Nicoli's mind from intrusion. Having a piece of Nicoli (Blood, Skin, Hair) bypasses this charm easily.
-Cloud Step– This charm has three purposes. First, it makes the user incredibly light so when falling they take little to no damage, this also allows Nicoli to leap incredibly high and finally it makes it possible for Nicoli to run across liquid surfaces. This suffers the same limitations and restraints as Spider Step and Rogue Feet.
-Shaded Face– This charm, when activated, simply causes the users skin to be covered by a black ink like substance that swirls with dark red and deep blue streaks. It masks their features to hide their identity, but offers no further protection. If it covers the face than natural darkness no longer effects eye-sight. There is no limit to the use of this charm.
-Daggered– Normally this charm, when used, makes a dagger appear in the users hand. However, since this is worn on an ankle the dagger acts as a boot dagger, and does so without damaging Nicoli’s footwear. This can be activated up to five times before needing twenty-four hours to charge.
While the name is misleading, this device fits snugly on Nicoli's face. By pressing one of the buttons around the lens it switches both lenses to the desired color. Both lenses must be fully intact for the magic to work, should one lens break the other will cease to function. While Nicoli possesses five different lenses there is room for a sixth, unknown lens.
-Clear Lens- This lens acts as a magnifying glass at close range and telescope at long range. Provided the way was clear the user of this lens could identify a persons eye-color at a half mile away.
-Red Lens– This Lens shows body heat. Nothing more and nothing less, it cannot see through walls or doors.
-Blue Lens– This Lens shows magical auras, the longer that a spell or aura is looked at the more information it gives. Up to what style or school of magic it belongs too.
-Purple Lens– Similar to the Blue Lens, this shows only what is an illusion and what is not. It does not give the ability to see through the illusion however.
-Black Lens– This black lens shows finds that which seeks to remain hidden. It can identify something as a shape changer (Though not specifically what), or undead masquerading as a human. It only aids the user in identifying what is hidden and does not give specific details.
The story of Nicoli Salvatore is not for the feint of heart, it is one filled with sadness, deception and death. He was born on the small temperate island of Alexandria. His father was Machiavelli Salvatore, an influential adviser to the King as well as a very accomplished Magus. Nicolis mother was a simple women, another mage and once Machiavelli's apprentice. Though, through child birthing she was lost and it is nothing short of luck that Nicoli survived.
Being born to an adviser of the King certainly had its privileges and Machiavelli was certain to take advantage of them. Once Nicoli was old enough to walk he began of tutors and teachers of many kinds, the sort that teach the basic things, and at an early age they often acted as more of a guardian or nanny. But as Nicoli got older, around five and six, his teaching became more complex and involved.
While Machiavelli did not play an active role in the early years of his sons life, not directly at least, he was very particular on what his son would and would not learn. From the learning how to read and write, to simple arithmetic. Whats more, is that Nicoli was kept from other children and failure to learn or grasp a subject often resulted in physical reinforcement. To say that some of Nicoli's instructors were cruel would be an understatement.
By the time Nicoli was twelve it became painfully obvious to Machiavelli that despite the magical heritage of both his father and mother, Nicoli had no talent for spell-casting. He grasped the idea and finer nuances of what was needed for spell-casting, the boy simply lacked the spark. To Machiavelli his son was a great disappointment, and he was not shy about voicing this to him.
Deciding to take a calculated risk Machiavelli thought that perhaps he could use a dangerous ritual to make his son more resistant, maybe even immune to magic. That way he could have a loyal assassin, able to destroy his competitors with. After all, if the boy could not wield magic than of what other use could he be?
Machiavellis hubris had always been his downfall, and his belief in his own skill and power was misplaced. The ritual failed utterly, not only did Nicoli not become immune to magic, but arcane weapons and armor ceased to be effective in his hands. Arcane potions would only make him incredibly sick and even spells meant to aid would be reduced in their effectiveness, while those meant to harm would work as intended.
Not one to admit failure and ever being an opportunist he would not let a potential tool pass him by. If Nicoli would be of no use in the Arcane sense, then he would simply need to be fitted to a different mold and at the age of thirteen Nicolis teachings began a vastly different route.
His study of the Arcane was brought to a trickle his lessons were instead focused on how to identify and avoid spells. Nicolis true focus instead became learning the finer nuances of the court life. He was taught diplomacy, proper etiquette, how to steel his features and keep emotion from his face. His instructors taught him how to lie with a silver tongue and how to tell if others were lying to you. Whats more, Nicoli was taugh the subtle uses of a dagger. Such a weapon could be easily concealed and could just as easily kill as a sword.
His tutelage was much more than simple classroom lectures and it wasn't long before Nicoli was required to attend diplomatic functions with his father. He was expected to learn the people of the court, and to be his fathers eyes and ears. In this task Nicoli did not fail, as a young boy wanting nothing more than his fathers approval he excelled at his training and found it quite easy to assume different roles and change his demeanor based on who he was speaking to, or more often than not, who he was listening too.
As skilled as Nicoli thought he was, he was still only sixteen years old, and not truly tested. But like many young adults Nicoli thought he knew best and he took it upon himself to attempt to spy on the King. He learned that day that there is always someone more skilled than you, there is always somebody better.
Nicoli was caught hiding in the Kings private chamber one evening while he was entertaining a monarch from across the sea. Because Nicoli had heard nothing of importance the penalty for such a crime could only be one of two things, banishment or imprisonment. Since he was still a boy in the Kings eyes and since his father had dedicated years of faithful service to him he decided to banish the youth from the isle.
Truth be told Machiavelli could not care less that his son was caught, to him it was like loosing a dagger, a pity bu easily replaced with the resources he had at hand. He made no move to speak on Nicoli's behalf beyond a token gesture and his concern was only a showing so that he would not appear to be too callous in the courts eye, he was after all loyal only to the crown, and choosing loyalty to King over blood was seen as the ultimate test of loyalty, only advancing his own standing.
Nicoli was given a small amount of coin and was quickly sent on a ship with only what he could carry. He noted that day his father hadn't even come to send him away, instead it was the city guard escorting him. He left the isle that day, vowing to return and pay them all in kind. He was brought across the sea to the nearest port city, Kellport.
Kellport was a brutal place and for one accustomed to the riches of a castle it was a rude awakening to what real life was like. Despite being a man at sixteen Nicoli was not very large, he was short for his age and thin. He had to learn to survive on the streets and it became apparent after several failed attempts at pick-pocketing, one nearly costing him his hand, that he could not do it alone.
Using what skills he did have he was able to join with a small band of miscreants, Nicoli would provide the distraction, usually by pretending to be interested in buying something or causing some other commotion so that others could steal what they needed. Still, it was not enough, Nicoli wanted more, he wanted what he once had.
As luck would have it one night while Nicoli was staking out the next target for the small band of thieves he belonged to he heard the sound of muffled talking. Perched on a roof he crept to its edge and peered down. There, he saw two man confronting one. He could tell quickly by how the man by himself was dressed that he had been up to no good. His dark clothes and many daggers, not to mention the black veil he wore across his features. This man was an assassin, only they wore the Black-Veil like that.
Being one part brave and two parts dumb, Nicoli took his dagger from his belt and dropped the twelve feet in silence. His dagger catching one man in the neck as he fell. The impact wrenched him free of the weapon, but luckily his target had caught most of his momentum and so he only had his breath knocked from him when he struck the ground.
The second man, caught by surprise turned to face the newcomer, only to be run threw by the Assassin. Only after his actions, sprawled out in the alley before the black veiled assassin did Nicoli think that his actions were a mistake. Much too his surprise the man whom he would come to call Blade offered him a hand up and together they left alley.
Nicoli learned that blade was indeed a Veiled One, and that with Nicoli saving his life he was in debt to the young man and the Veiled One's always repaid their debts. In return for saving his life Blade would give him the skills to begin a new one.
His life as a petty thief was all but over and Nicoli threw himself with a zealous into his training. It allowed him to push his past far behind him, which was something that Blade demanded. Nicoli had to learn to let go of his anger and hatred, something that he extreme difficulty with.
Becoming a Veiled-One was not merely becoming an assassin. Any fool could pick up a dagger and coat it with poison. The Veiled-Ones eschewed the use of poisons and followed a tradition based on a thousand years of lore. The training regiment was unlike anything Nicoli had ever faced or heard of.
They believed in training how you fight, and so death was a knifes edge away. Failure generally meant loss of life, limb or death, it meant that only the most skilled of men and women joined their organization. Nicoli trained day in and day out with a variety of weapons and sometimes with nothing but his hands and feet.
The Veiled-Ones were also the guardians to a secret technique they called, Radiim. It required a mastery over yourself that few could accomplish. The training for that was horrifying and painful. Luckily for Nicoli Divine magic would work on him like any other man, and the Veiled-Ones were masters of their craft.
Eventually, after having been subject to some of the most physically and mentally painful experiences the minds of demented tormentors could think of Nicoli began to register pain on a different level. Pain was overcome, an after thought that did not detract from his task. This was the first step to Radiim.
The second half of the training required an understanding of oneself that was thought to be the domain of mystics and monks secluded in monasteries or the wild. It as also far more lethal than any of the training he had undergone because only he could judge his limits, and too push too far too quick would result in death.
Nicoli spent thirteen years training as a Veiled-One and perfecting his techniques. His dedication and single mindedness allowed him to traverse the ranks quicker than anyone in their history, to the point that in that short amount of time he ranked as second in the organization, surpassing his previous master Blade and becoming the Left Hand of the Grand Master. His birth name was tossed to the side, and as is befitting tradition he took on a new name to be used within the organization, he became D'angelo.
Lich's, in D&D terms, can still be defeated even killed temporarily. They simply return to where ever their phylactery is. So ya know, cutting him in-half or cleaving the head off could still kill least for the purposes of the tournament.
very well scratch the lich, it appears this is not the battle to use him in ill submit a lower tier character that I haven't used much.
Character name: Marcus Kaizer (only known to bloodshot and himself) Alias: Drallinix
age: 18 weight: 180 lbs body type: athletic
powers: So far he has demonstrated that he is on peak physical human level. He can run as fast as an Olympic runner and lift around 1200lbs. Other than this he has a seeming tenacity for survival, he isn't immortal, but he will literally keep fighting until his body breaks. His will to live is unprecedented and his anger can sustain him for a few moments alone.
abilities: Much like his teacher Drallinix has shown extreme prowess in marksmanship with both rifles and pistols. His preferred firearm is marksman rifles, but he is proficient in all but the most exotic. He was trained by Bloodshot in the use of melee weapons and can wield most with proficiency. His personal favorites are a longsword, katana, and staff, however he has been seen using nunchuks and knives before. He specializes in unarmed combat however is also talented in the other areas.
Much like a chip off the old block Drall can analyze and react to situations very quickly. He tends to be analytical and calculating, but in times of extreme pain he can become violent and irrational. While he is not the scientist or tactician his mentor is, Drall possesses a flair for unpredictability in combat that tends to give him an edge.
Equipment: Armor. Of similar make and design to bloodshot's though in a much lighter variant. The carbon nanotubes are bonded to achieve maximum flexibility while still maintaining their protective qualities, the outer plating can withstand a .50 caliber round though the impact force would be enough to kill a human. The primary difference is the much smaller plates only covering vital organs and his forearms and shins, and the shape and design of the helmet which is a blood red with two reflective white eyepieces, the helmet features a breathing filter,flare resistance, and noise isolation. Drall wears a body glove of the same make as Bloodshot's underneath his armor, made of carbon nanotubes so as to spread the impact radius of explosions and small arms fire lessening the damage. Sacrificing the nanotube cooling layer Drall's armor has added blades on the elbows and underneath the wrists for his specialization in hand to hand combat. His armor features the same electronics as Bloodshot's allowing him to get battlefield information in an instant from an AI H.U.D.
Weapons: 1-G3 semi-automatic marksman rifle with iron sights and a 15 round magazine. He carries four additional magazines in his belt. 1-9mm handgun with 10 rounds in the magazine worn on his right leg. 1-double edged knife, made of the same titanium-carbon alloy as Bloodshot's sword but much shorter at only 9" worn on his left leg. 1-retracable staff similar to Bloodshot's however lacking the electrical abilities it is made of the same metal as his knife. Worn attached to his belt. 3- fragmentation grenades for demolition and combat purposes. Worn inside his belt for easy access. 2- flashbang grenades, unlike regular ones these flashbangs release a cloud of gas as well as the blinding bang to disorient enemies. Symptoms are vomiting, watering eyes, burning sensation on exposed flesh, and in extreme cases of prolonged contact death. 2- 7 inch retractable wrist blades hidden underneath his gauntlets for silent killing and extreme CQC 2- 9 inch retractable blades that extend from above the elbow and allow him more lethality in CQC
Weaknesses: Even though he was trained by the ruthless mercenary, Drall lacks Bloodshot's physical enhancements. Beneath the armor and weapons he is just a man, a physically fit and extremely athletic man, but a man nonetheless.
personality: Proud and angry, Drall tends to fight with rage, though not even he can say at what. He isn't the perfect soldier, or even the perfect person but he does what he can. His major redeeming quality is his strong will and iron resolve. If he believes in something he will stop at nothing to see it through.
History: He grew up with Bloodshot, not by choice, but because Bloodshot was there after his parents were killed. He watched them both be murdered before his eyes, right before Bloodshot dispatched the man responsible to collect his bounty. The boy had nowhere else to go so he followed Bloodshot, much to the merc's disliking and surprise. However the boy showed such tenacity that eventually he was taken in, and he begged Bloodshot to train him. He wasn't much older than 8 but he needed to know what the mercenary knew so he could rid the world of scum of the like that had killed his parents. For years Marcus was trained in secret by Bloodshot, learning how to fire most weapons and studying hand to hand combat intensively. Finally he has reached the age where he can accompany the mercenary on assignments, and has even begun to take his own. This is the beginning of his story.
Fight Style/Skills: His fight style consists of mixtures from that of Muay Thai, Capoeira, Yoga, traditional wrestling.
Swordsmanship - Olu is an adept swordsman, who usually uses his sword for channeling plasma energy to either strengthen his blade or fire projectiles through it.
Limber body (before use of special abilities) - Despite his size, Olu is very flexible while with his size, could surprise his opponent with his reach in unusual positions.
Aerial maneuverability - Olu's hang time is unusual as for athlete humans could at the most have a hang time of up to 1 second, Olu's hang time have been capable of reaching up to 3 seconds which allows him to unleash aerial combos.
Reflexes - His reflex are that of peak human capabilities.
Special Abilities: Olu's special skills revolve around using the four fundamental states of matter in his combat. Which he dubbed "Blaque Blood Shift".
Liquid Aplication - This application allows Olu to shift parts of his body into the desired weapon or defense he needs. By having what ever part of his body in liquid form, allows the user's part of the body to be intangible but...the rest of his body that is not in liquid shifting form, is still vulnerable to taking damage which could also mean, interrupting his liquid shifting procedure. The liquid form looks basically like black oil. One other application for this use is the secretion of the black liquid to allow his skin to be slippery but only for 10 seconds at a time. After, there is a 1 minute wait until it could be used again. The slipperiness allows the user to escape from holds. It also takes a little stamina after usage.
Gas/Smoke Application - The application allows for quick travel for either attacks or evasion. Olu uses the black smoke for propulsion for quick attacks or escapes but the draw back of this technique is that it's a one time move per battle. Olu can go as far as becoming smoke itself but for 3 seconds avoiding all damage but leaves him open to be blows away by wind currents. Continual usage of his all smoke state can lead to delay in use of his other special abilities. Ex: if the all smoke state is used more than 3 times within a 3-5 minute fights, Olu will not be able to have use of his other forms for 2 minutes (every extra use of the all smoke form doubles the wait time for his other abilities to be active again and strains his body to the point of slowing down) which is a disadvantage in drawn out fights. He last use is that of smoke screens he'd cast from his mouth. The smoke is that of a black and green tint.
Solid Application - This application allows for defensive and offensive uses. Offensively, with help of liquid form, Blades and stabbing weapons can be formed through the limbs of Olu's body. The hardness of his bladed limbs are about the same as titanium but only that of the weapon part as the remaining parts of the body are still vulnerable. The bladed weapons can be used for blocking/defense. For the rest of the body (Torso area, back, and head), those areas are mostly for defending attacks but for the solid defense to work, Olu will have to concentrate on those parts he needs to defend if concentration is broken, or was not quick enough to defend, or if the damage that's dealt is too much (for instance if Olu is damaged already before using he solid defense, or someone uses a heavy energy attack or of that of elements, such as heavy multiple heat or ice attacks), his opponent can break through. The solid color look like that of black shiny metal (If anyone watch One Piece anime, it looks like the part of the body that uses armament haki.)
Plasma Application - This is a special application of offense and supplementary uses. Offensively, Olu uses green projectile shots that's similar to:
These attacks have the same amount of power to cause burns and puncture through a normal human being without any protection. These projectiles take 5 seconds to charge before being released at a time. The more efficient use for the plasma would be through his sword by channeling the energy to the blade to release plasmic slicing projectiles or powering the strength of the sword. Other uses for this energy can be with blinding using a flash of light to create an opening for attack or escape. The plasma is that of a neon green.
Strength - Olu has the strength of a gorilla which can equal about 2 tons.
Long Blade - Olu uses a steel long blade to fight with and uses to channel his plasma energy to.
Widow's Gum (3) - a special gum-like substance, when places in the mouth and chewed, can become a special item similar to a spider's web, becoming stick to the touch and when spit out, can capture or, if able, to bind the opponent like that of a web. Olu can use only one spit attack per gum.
Personality: Playful and happy but yet can be a cheat at times. Olu is a cocky Demi-God who loves the thrill of a fight and laughs during them. If there's an opponent who is giving him a hard time, he will use every little opportunity to put the fight in his favor. WIP
@drallinix The weakness is fine but he will still need to be incapacitated for battles sake, I'm fine with him not canonically 'dying' but he will need to be able to take damage in the traditional sense when fighting. I'm happy to approve the Lich if you add this in his description. For example he may not 'die' after being hacked in two by a battle axe, but he wont be able to continue fighting and will lose the fight.
The 2nd character is too modern for this setting as previously mentioned. We are aiming for swords, sorcery, mythology and demons.
@King Tai Love your CS but you will need to power down the 'liquid application' a bit a 30 second recovery time is not enough of a penalty to such a powerful use. The Smoke quick travel ability will need to be limited too, as most characters dont have access to wind attacks and it would be too much like teleporting.