Name: Ronken Vusetten
Abstract: The all in one package deal, ladies.
Detail: When people think of Ronken, they think of victory. A man standing tall through the many adversities the city throws at you. When they look upon him, they feel pride, envy, inspiration, and for some,
lust. Indeed, there were few as well liked as Ronken Vusettan.
Well, that's what he liked to think anyways.
In reality, the name Ronken was often muttered in the same breath as "Cheat, Brute, Idiot, Addict" and for good reason. He was a terrible cheat at poker, he solved more problems with his his fists than his mouth (And when he did use his mouth, it only caused more trouble), his booksmarts were as he put it 'below average', and yes he-
may have a substance abuse problem. But he can quit anytime he wants!
When asked about his childhood Ronken's stories will vary from being raised in the wild by vampiric lycan to being the bastard son of the city's ruler. The truth is actually quite dull, like many of the denizens of Cogswall he was a street urchin. Where perhaps that may be an interesting tragedy or even make a good story at most bars, in Cogswall it was merely the norm. Normal was so boring, and Ronken was
not a boring man. No, he'd need a much more exciting story.
Ronken made his livelihood with his own two hands, well fists more accurately. He was a fighter in "underground" fighting clubs. The Nobles knew full well about all the weird stuff the 'riffraff' got up to. They just let them have their fun so they wouldn't stir the pot.
Fine by him. He enjoyed fighting. In his eyes he was the best. And to be fair there was some merit to that. His ratio of wins to losses was quite impressive, and when it came to betting he was always smart money. Just don't believe him when he goes on a drunken rant about how he's 'invincible'.
As you've probably deduced Ronken hit the drink hard. When he wasn't fighting he was hitting up whatever bars he wasn't banned from. He'd drink from morning to night some days and still not quit. Half the time the only reason he'd leave was because he was kicked out for starting a fight. He uh, he liked fighting, if you couldn't tell.
Now at this point you probably think you know everything about the enchanting enigma known as Ronken. Wrong!
Ronken is a sampler of only the finest narcotics. Some of his favorites include; Happyroot, Cloudheart, and Sweet tooth. Before a fight, after a fight, during a fight, at a bar, at the toilet, Ronken is usually on something at some point. Some would call him an addict, he would call himself an enthusiast. He gets his goodies from a local gang called the Slum demons, who he
may owe a considerable debt to. But Ronken's sure nothing bad can come of that, right?
In the end, as Ronken often puts it, he loves the finer things in life. A good and rough brawl whether its in a ring or at a bar, A drink stouter than his chiseled physique, and the latest in Cogswall's ever growing industry of narcotics.