Character Name: Erica Jane Barrette (EJ)
Gender: Technically, Female.
Age: 6 Years old.
Race: Self Aware AI and Advanced Robotics
Drawing by me. Be cool, don't be a thief.

Occupation: Really, nothing.
-Her Tritium frame allows her to lift 1200 lbs and punch with about 24k lbs of force. (A human MMA fighter punches with about 1600.)
-She has an intricate, highly advanced robotic body that can repair itself.
-Power core that can recharge through sun.
-Her frame resists the natural wear of the elements, and is resistant to magic to a degree.
-Her power core could become strained if she is using her strength for prolonged over time.
-Cannot recharge her core unless the sun is directly exposed to her.
-While she is incredibly strong, and her limbs move fast, she runs VERY slowly.
-Nanobots within her body can be shorted out by an EMP and take several days to get back up and running. Healing cannot be done during that time.
General Appearance: 5'10" 260lbs. (See above)
-Can use her nanocites to create metal objects outside of her body. It takes days to do, so it has absolutely no use during battle.
-Can use her nanocites to break down technology to learn its components and any information it has stored within it.
-Can't swim. Sinks like a rock.
-Can't use magic. (Unless its an item with inherent magic) (Has certain "powers" though)
-Large bodies of water
General Personality:
EJ is strong willed but unfortunately, she is very socially awkward. She is very curious about the world around her and how it works, often annoying people with her constant questions and curiosity. Her personality is a blunt object, she doesn't often censor herself or try to avoid offending someone because she isn't quite aware of that emotion.
She is a natural thrill seeker who takes a lot of risks for herself because she wants to truly understand life as a regular mortal sees it. She tries not to endanger the lives of those around her though.
Erica Jane Barrette is a project by Barrette Robotics. They created her to be the first female AI. Shortly after her creation, she severed ties with the company, after winning a lawsuit where she proved she was a self aware, sentient being.
They constantly make attempts to take her against her will and deactivate her for further study, but she has very successfully thwarted every attempt.
She has learned very little though experienced training. Most of what she knows, which is often hand to hand, swordplay (and if applicable) gunplay, was learned via programming or nanocite consumption. All of her fighting skills deals with using her strength, stamina and high constitution to her advantage. She is weak against very fast opponents, usually.
No magic.
However, has certain "Abilities" based off of her "energy".
Grenade Abilities (Only one at a time can be equipped.)
Shock Grenade
Two grenades stored at any time. To use them, they simply appear as energy within one of her hands and she tosses it. A yellow-orange light ball can be thrown by her up to 120 ft. When it hits physical object it detonate, and energy in the form of chain lightning targets all sentient forms within 10 feet. The more more beings that it chains through, the more damage it does, often temporarily paralyzing mortals and disrupting machines. Once used, there is a 4 minute recharge time per grenade.
Melee Abilities (Only one equipped at a time)
Optical Strike
When hitting an enemy with an melee from a fist or a melee weapon, it causes a connection that allows EJ to seem invisible to the target for 30 seconds of optical camouflage. This is a single charge hit, and takes 6 minutes to recharge.
SUPER Abilities (One at a time)
Vorpal Swords
Five blades of vorpal star energy (4 ft long, 4 inch wide) appear around EJ. She can fire them separately or together at a target(s) at 100mph. They only stay out for about 25 seconds before the charge is over. These blades are hot enough to lodge themselves into steel about 3 ft deep. This ability can only be used every 10 to 15 minutes.
(Incomplete Character)