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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by meadowlark


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elizabeth was awoken from her sleep very suddenly. She had a nice dream, which doesn't normally happen. That got quickly interrupted as her father pulled her from the bed onto the floor. "Where is my breakfast!" he screamed in her face. Elisabeth barley alert enough to open her eyes was confused. Looking at the clock, blurred by her vision she could see the number 5. IT must be 5 in the morning She thought as she then rubbed her eyes and looked up at her father standing over her. "I said go make my breakfast!" he said and slapped her across the face. She shot up and ran down stairs to go into the kitchen to start making breakfast. She seemed to try to go really fast while making breakfast, but today she couldn't make it fast enough. Her father got mad and was screaming at her until she finished.

After she had finished making breakfast her father took everything leaving nothing for her. She tried to sneak a piece of bacon but her father threw a knife at her and just grazed her skin and went into the cabinet behind her. She held her arm as it started bleeding dropping the bacon. "Who told you that you can have that!" he picked it up from the ground and then ate it to make sure she didn't get to. She looked at him and then quickly cleaned up everything her stomach growling as she looked at all the food. Her father purposely eats everything, full or not, so she couldn't eat it. Some may wonder why her father is so abusive. Her mother had gotten pregnant without him wanting her to, a condom broke or something she doesn't know. But her father used to beat her mother in hopes to kill the baby that was inside her, instead her mother and Elisabeth both held out until Elisabeth was finally born. Having a home birth only for her mother to be dead after giving birth. Her father decided to keep the brat and instead just beat her making it her fault that her mother died.

Finally the chores in the house was done and Elisabeth can now get ready for school. She quickly got ready and snuck past her drunk passed out father on the couch and walked out the door very quietly. Then she ran for school. She wore a long sleeved t-shirt with gloves and a long skirt. Most people would think she was weird but she didn't care, she needed to hide the scars. Elisabeth lived far from the school, so something as simple as walking was hard to get to school on time if she didn't leave early enough. She left at about quarter to eight, she wasn't exact ally sure when this school started, she assumed eight. And she was right as the bell had rung while she was still walking to school, her walking then turned into running as she feared she would be late.

She got to the front office to get all her stuff such as her locker number and combination, her schedule and a map of the school. Quickly gathering her stuff, not having any time to find her locker went to find her first class instead. She walked into her class well after the bell had rung for the start of class. It had caught everyone's attention. "And who are you disrupting my class?" the teacher groaned his glasses on his nose looking over them and at Elisabeth. Her face went red, "Ah Elisabeth Jones sir. I have your class" she said handing him a paper that had her schedule on them. "Hmmm I see" he spoke looking over the paper then handing it back to her. "Go sit down" was all he said then continued on with his lesson.

Elisabeth looked around and there only had seemed to be one seat left next to a boy, so she ended up taking that one seat. All her books and her papers all in her hand and she set them on her desk, not really much more room for her to take notes. She didn't have a notebook with her, she didn't dare spend more time at home to get what she needed to get, she was already late as it was and she knew she was going to be. Maybe tomorrow she might be able to get her backpack and her notebooks with pencils, right now all she had were her school books and her schedule with her locker number and combination. She had her schedule on top of the whole stack and put it at the top left of her desk and tried to listen to the teacher talk more trying to figure out what he was telling them about before hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ring... Ring... Ring...

A small groan came from beneath the folds of a deep blue comforter in this regular, old bedroom. As the alarm clock rang, a pale, slender arm reached out toward it, only to slam down hard on the regular, old button. As his blonde, matted hair emerged from beneath the blue waves of bliss, a sweet voice rang out,

"Scott! It's time to get up! You don't want to be late on your first day of school, do you?"

This was just a regular, old day in the life of Scott Jacobs. His mother was downstairs preparing breakfast while he lounged in bed until almost 7:15am. The alarm would go off, he would groggily rise from the warm comfort of his bed, and then he would hobble downstairs to bask in the glory of a warm shower. As he stood beneath the running water, his brain easily and comfortably followed the example of his body, waking up for yet another regular, old day.

Scott was a fairly privileged child, but he wasn't spoiled. He lived in an average home with decent space, his parents fed him and treated him well, the school was pretty close to home, and even his little sister didn't bother him too much. Which was surprising, considering she was at that annoying age of four. But for some reason, she always looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes. He could never understand why. After all, he was just a regular, old guy in this regular, old life. He went to school, did his work, and came home. To him, that just seemed like the natural way to live life. Yet it drove the girls crazy for him. After all, he used to have women confessing their love to him every week until he met Emily.

Ah, Emily... That was one part of his life that wasn't regular or old. She was the gorgeous president of the student council. Unlike all of the other girls, she actually hadn't fallen for him. At one point, she said that he had a "rotten attitude" and she "couldn't understand what everyone made such a huge fuss about." He liked that about her. She didn't treat him like some prince, nor did she idolize anyone at all. In fact, she lead the council with a firm hand and basically treated this school as a business. No bullshit. She was completely unordinary, and she refused to give into anyone, no matter the opposition. That, and she was gorgeous. Scott didn't usually find himself staring at girls, but wow.

She was the very reason that he even joined the council - to be her vice president. Scott had only wanted to spend time with her, to get to know her better, because Lord knows she avoided this "delinquent" whenever she possibly could. She really did used to hate me... I know it pissed her off that everything came so easily to me, but we really do work best as a team. He chuckled at the thought... His Emily, his light. She gave him a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Because with her around, the world wasn't quite so easy, boring, and ordinary.

Once he felt awake enough to face the first day of school - a day full of meetings and paperwork and welcoming events - he shut off the water and began to get dressed. His jeans slipped on easily over his thin frame, and he buttoned his shirt up to properly conceal his toned chest and abs. Over this, he wore a tight, unbuttoned, casual blazer that had quarter-length sleeves to reveal the leather bracelet on his wrist, the precious one with the single white bead. Brushing his teeth quickly, he brushed out his dirty blonde hair, shook it out, and applied his usual deodorant and cologne. There was plenty of time before school, but he had remembered that there were a few things he needed to sort out with the principal before homeroom, concerning the welcome ceremony. Had to leave early, this time.

Lacing up his sneakers, Scott ran downstairs and snatched up his already-packed green backpack and a piece of toast, shoving the latter into his mouth as he went for the door.

"Scottie, aren't you going to eat anything else? You're going to get sick if you don't eat right," his mother called out. His father looked up from his half-eaten meal, perplexed, as he glanced down at the hefty plate of eggs and hashbrowns that were meant for Scott.

"Rumming wafe," He called out through the food in his mouth. Waving quickly, he grabbed his bike from the door and closed it behind him as he began the short ride to school. It was about a five minute bike ride as he rode down beautiful city streets - this really was a nice town. Comfortable...

A regular, old town...

He arrived at the school by 7:45am to chain up his bike and head inside. As they had council meetings all summer, he had already received his class schedule. In fact, this whole day and the rest of his week were already planned out as his parents kept him very on top of his council responsibilities. Apparently, adults all thought being vice president was a big deal. He didn't think so, but they didn't need to worry; he would do the work if it meant staying by Emily's side. Besides, she seemed to enjoy it, and for whatever reason the rest of the students seemed to think he was perfect for the job.

After dropping his bag off in his locker, Scott took his trusty clipboard from where it sat on the top shelf and locked everything up as he went to the principal's office. There were so many things to do before homeroom - after that started, he wouldn't have time to get much done before the entrance ceremony.

"Mr. Richards, I never got an invoice for those flower arrangements... Did they ever arrive?" He asked as he stepped into the bearded man's office. However, he paused when he saw her slim figure standing there, and a smile creeped its way across his face. "Emily..."

"Scott!" She exclaimed excitedly, running up to hug him. "Good morning!"

He laughed and pulled her close by her waist, gently planting a kiss on her forehead. "Good morning." She was so cute. Although he enjoyed her business demeanor, he was very glad that she had warmed up to him enough to drop it while he was around. Even better, he loved that she was always so happy to see him. This regular, old life couldn't be better than that smile.

"No, Scott, I haven't received anything..." The frustrated principal interrupted, rolling his eyes at this public show of affection. It had become a norm with these two, though, as they were tied at the hip the moment they began to lead student council together over a year ago. "And I'm really quite disappointed. Those flowers, the yellow ones, were a symbol of friendship. I want our new students to be welcomed into this school with that aura around them, as if they were already part of our family, here."

Scott sighed and released Emily, unhappy to let such a happy moment go so soon. "I know, sir... I called them three times already, but nobody seems to know where the shipment ended up. We may just have to make due with some lilies from a local shop, if we can even get them, in time..." The principal seemed upset at this and Scott pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "I'll figure it out..." He muttered. Satisfying the principal with that, he turned to Emily. "I guess I've got to go make some quick phone calls... See you at the welcome ceremony?"

She nodded and reached up to give him a small peck on the lips, her arms draped lovingly over his shoulders. "Go work your magic, sweetie." And with those well wishes that filled his heart with butterflies, Scott began walking back toward his locker. She's my rock... He thought happily as he began those inevitable, angry calls. After arguing with the shipping company for a few minutes, he ended up calling a local shop that was more than happy to "do Scott Jacobs a favor". They would bring by their best lilies within the hour, plenty of time for the school staff to set them up during homeroom. Finally, everything was settled and out of the way. He was still irritated at the shipping company, though. Only imbeciles could lose flowers, and they had tried to blame him for he mishap. What a bunch of assholes.

Furious, he grabbed his books and slammed his locker shut, walking to homeroom with building frustration. Yeah, right... like I could ever screw up something so easy. As he got to class, he sat down and began to open up a blank notebook. This teacher was notorious for merciless notes. I never thought they were too much to handle, but I guess everyone else thinks it's too much writing... Sighing, he glanced around. He already knew that Emily wasn't in his homeroom... It didn't really matter who else walked through the door.

As everyone settled in, the class began and Scott was quickly jotting down notes. Most of this is useless information... Why are we even learning it? And notes on the first day just seemed kind of harsh. But whatever the case, he was bored. He wished something interesting would happen, like some lazy chick busting into the classroom unannounced, her face all sweaty and red from running to get there inevitably late.

His head shot up from his notebook as the door slammed open. That was just what was happening. This girl, this weirdly-dressed girl, had disrupted the entire class in her blind panic. Scott had to cover the smirk on his face as he tried not to laugh at his prediction. Well that's one way to make yourself known around here... He thought, amused. Nobody who lived here before would dare be late to this teacher's class. He was ruthless in all of his teaching ways. This girl, albeit new, was pretty stupid. People like that usually irritated him, but in his boredom he found her quite amusing.

Luckily for him, the only open seat was to his side where he could watch this spectacle all day. After all, she was a walking trainwreck. Whatever had made her late this morning, he had to thank it. She was so clumsy it was hilarious. Her papers even fell all over the place as she sat down. Snickering a bit, he scanned her up and down. As class continued, he noticed her seeming to straighten herself out as she got settled. But then he noticed she wasn't taking notes. ... Are you serious? He almost gaped at her. There's no way she'll survive in this class without taking notes... Good luck, idiot. He smirked. This might just be an interesting day, after all...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by meadowlark


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"In this school we will not tolerate bullying, PDA,…." he continued on to a list of things that would not be tolerated at the school. A lot of the teens had just zoned out. Not Elisabeth, she hung on to every word this man said. Mostly because if she didn't remember than she would be in a world of trouble, because her grades would go down if she didn't follow these specific rules. Her father was harsh when it came to her getting straight A's. There were no B's or C's and defiantly not any D's or F's in his vocabulary. If Elisabeth dare got a D or F she doesn't know what her father would do to her. But she sure wasn't going to find out…or be anywhere close to it for that matter.

Her eyes flickered back and forth from the blackboard to the man as he spoke and wrote things down on the blackboard for the students to copy as notes. Which Elisabeth couldn't do, so she just listened very carefully. Or as carefully as she could. "And anyone caught not following any of these rules, will result in immediate detention." Man this school doesn't mess around Elisabeth thought as she listened to everything the man had said. "And the dress code" he started. Elisabeth just stared at him hoping and praying that he would say that the long sleeved would be okay, if it wasn't going to be okay she didn't know what she was going to do, or maybe just wear her jacket all the time? Or maybe they wont even allow that? And instead of trying to figure it all out Elisabeth just listened.

"There will be no slutty dressing from the girls, proper clothes please. And guys, you do not have to wear your Sunday best, but I do expect some decency" With a sigh of relief that was established, she was thankful that she didn't need to change her look. Her arm started hurting from the knife wound, she wore a black long sleeved shirt and could feel the blood running down her hand. Instead of drawing attention she just put her arms up and rested her head on her hand so that the blood wouldn't go out onto the table. The teacher went on to explain the schools code of conduct which in his mind already had planned to have this class do a pop quiz on it. After explaining he decided to give the class the pop quiz and then after that explain the rest of the schedule for the day. He called up a nearby student to pass out the tests. "Now this is a pop quiz about the code of conduct, I hope you all were listening. And you may use your notes"

Yea use your notes if you had them Elisabeth sighed, there was no way she was passing this test, she did listen but not took any notes and so she tried her best. She looked around and then went back to work a moment later the teacher had said no one should be looking around which then Elisabeth then just stared at her paper at some of the questions, she didn't get a lot of them. "TIMES UP" the teacher screamed so that everyone would be able to hear him. He walked around and started collecting papers, Elisabeth continued to quickly fill out some of the bubbles. "I said time was up" he glared down to Elisabeth as he yanked the paper from her, a pencil mark going across the paper as he took it.

She looked up at him with a frown. "But I didn't finish" she said and he just laughed. "I don't know how it is at your house young lady, but we have time limits here. IF you don't finish, than it's an instant D" Elisabeth eyes went wide "But-!" "Enough. Maybe next time you should be taking notes" and he left with that as he then collected the rest of the papers. Elisabeth sighed and put her pencil down and stared at her desk. She didn't know what she was going to tell her father, she just prayed they wouldn't call him about this grade. After collecting the papers, he then explained the schedule for the day. "And the welcome ceremony will be held at the gym!" he called out as the bell had rung and the class started gathering their things to get going to the welcome ceremony.

Most of the kids practically running so they can go sit by their friends. Elisabeth didn't care where she sat, she just didn't feel like being here right now, she was afraid of what her father would say. Elisabeth got up from her seat and went to pick up her things and her papers fell off her books and all over the floor. "Great" she mumbled as she bent down to pick them up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

With that amusement over, Scott sat and listened quietly for the remainder of the class, sighing quietly as he jotted down only a couple important things. This was all basic information taught at every school, and not to mention at the beginning of every year... Why did the school always put so much importance on these rules? They made everything too easy, too proper. But Emily liked them - she said it "kept things in order." And he knew how much she loved to have things in order. So he just quietly dealt with them, making sure to look busy. It did surprise him to see so many kids actually struggling, though, as if this was something difficult. Everything just comes naturally to you!!! He remembered Emily scoffing at him, one time. Why was it just him? If everything this little was difficult, he couldn't even imagine how he would handle it.

As the lecture continued, he began to notice his deep, brown eyes drifting over to the girl next to him, the one who had tripped. She wasn't taking any notes, but rather sitting there with her head on her hands, an odd expression on her face. Something seemed to be bothering her, and somehow he felt that it wasn't just the embarrassment from her earlier disruption. No, it seemed almost like... She was in pain?

Surprising himself, he rolled his eyes and glanced quickly back at his paper. What the heck... Why am I even looking at her? She's just some weird girl. As amusing as it was, she's just a nobody. So I wonder why the sight of her just pisses me off... Quietly, he tapped his pen in irritation and stared at the bored. Sitting there so proper, as if she's paying super close attention to what he's saying... I hate fake girls like that. His hand moved once again to the paper, writing more notes. Something in his mind was fixated on this girl, on her messy hair, on her posture, on her weird clothes, on her eyes... And whatever it was, he really just wanted to punch something, right now. Her fakeness was not making this morning's events any easier. Why do I even have to sit next to someone like her?

Suddenly, the teacher decided to hold a quiz and began passing out papers. With a final glance at the strange newcomer, he set his gaze on the task at hand. Although most schoolwork was very easy to him, something about it felt a bit calming... theraputic, in a way. It always allowed him to focus on something mindless to forget whatever his brain had decided to fixate on. This was definitely not the first time his mind had focused on something nonessential, and he didn't like it when that happened. And he could never explain the things that he chose to focus on, so he chose to ignore them when he could.

The test was about 25 questions, with only fifteen minutes to answer them. However, Scott completed his in under five and turned the paper into the teacher, who gave him an annoyed look. A small smirk crept across his face as he returned to his seat. One good thing about being as intelligent as he is was that it gave him a chance to prove the teacher wrong very often, which (of course) has made the teacher dislike him quite a bit. Then again, the teachers at this school were assholes... Many of them didn't like Emily, either, and she was the "popular school sweetheart", according to their classmates.

Finally, class ended and Scott quickly packed up his bag to leave. This class had been the only thing keeping him from seeing Emily again, and he would be damned if he wasted even an extra second in this dull room. If the first day had been that bad, he couldn't even imagine what the rest of the year was going to be like without her here. Class would be bearable if he could at least glimpse her long auburn hair fall over her shoulder as she tucked it behind her ear, sitting at the front of the room like she did the day he first laid eyes on her. God, she was so perfect...

Unable to contain his eagerness to see her any longer, Scott pushed in his chair and turned to quickly head for the door. Before he could get anywhere, though, his foot slipped out from under him and he fell, face first, to the floor. "Gawf damid..." He sputtered, holding his nose. Glancing behind him, he saw papers flying around as he had slipped on one that she had dropped. Once again, his irritation began to rise and he turned to look at the culprit, a sharp look in his eye. Nobody else seemed to notice as the room fell silent and his worried classmates came to his aid, but his eyes stared daggers right into hers. Had anyone else seen this, they would have been terrified.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by meadowlark


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This was just great, of course this had to happen to Elisabeth. That's what her life was, a bunch of problems. Or it seemed like that anyways. And now all her papers had fallen on the ground and flying everywhere landing every which way. A sigh of frustration could be heard from her pale lips. They were pale from the lack of water, she is surprised that she hasn't been admited to the hospital or something because of dehydration. But I guess her father gives her enough water to where she doesn't need to do that, but not enough to shake the feeling of weakness, tiredness, and headaches. The headaches were the worst. There was no passing up those or getting around those, she tried everything. This was going to be a very long day and she could tell already. She dropped to her knees and started to pick everything up. She just had a feeling something was going to go wrong.

And that feeling was right. The boy who she had sat next to, which by the way had something against her. She doesn't know what it is but she has this feeling that he doesn't like her at all. She glanced up as he had fallen and smacked his face on the ground, herself already on the ground picking things up her eyes went wide. "I- I'm so-" she cut off as the guy turned around and stared daggers into her eyes. She looked at his eyes. Those eyes, the same ones that her father gives her right before a terrible beating. She doesn't even remember a time that her father said she loved him.

She hasn't even heard those words come out of anyones mouth before, she is sure that if someone had told her that, she sure won't believe them. Who could ever love her? She always seems to do something wrong, nothing she did was right and she got punished for it. And that's all she has ever known, was her father beating her. She has never had a gentle hand put on her. Even the teachers were ruthless not even caring that she didn't get to finish her quiz. Instead they give her a stupid automatic D for not giving her enough time to finish the whole thing. But of course that guy sitting next to her got it done in under five minutes. Which made him seem like a showoff.

Or a know-it-all. He probably has a ton of trophies to prove it or something. Despite what the teacher had just taught about with tolerance, she knew that wasn't going to keep kids from doing things. They would just do it more secretly and try harder not to get caught doing it. Looking into her eyes she couldn't take her eyes off of his. Then she broke eye contact and scrambled for her papers. She saw one paper was near him, and there was no way she was reaching for it. Gathering everything else Elisabeth made the decision to leave the paper, no matter what it was.

Standing up mad her a little light headed. Her hand went straight to her forhead as an instant reaction to someone being dizzy. She quickly shook it off and looked down at the guy who had just slipped and fallen from the papers she had dropped on the ground. She apologized and yet it didn't seem like enough. She didn't know what to do. "I-I'm so sorry!" as if that could do anything, she apologizes to her father so much that if he got a dollar for every time she said it, he'd be a millionaire. Or that's what it felt like anyways. Standing up clenching all the books to her chest she saw all these kids flood over to him and to aid him. Seeing him hold his nose she felt terrible. She just stood there looking down at him unsure of what to do. She wondered what that paper was, but she figured she could just get a replacement for whatever it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Scott felt the hot fury rising up in the pit of his stomach. This little pretentious bitch just couldn't get things together, could she? It was one thing when he wasn't involved, but now this little debacle was keeping him from helping Emily with the setup for the welcome ceremony. Hundreds of kids were now heading to that auditorium, where they would find themselves sitting with no vice president, no flowers, no organization, no smile upon Emily's delicate lips, and complete and utter chaos because this insolent little girl just could not get her shit together.

The only thing he hated more than someone who was fake was someone who kept him from helping Emily achieve her dreams of order and peace. And this pathetic woman, right now, was ruining all of that. Every little thing that happened today seemed to be her fault, and he was almost surprised how easy it was to blame her for everything. It was something he could get used to. And he just might... Because he was not somebody to be taken lightly. Never once had he thought of himself as higher than anyone else, but damnit he felt that Emily's happiness was not a huge thing to ask for. He never wanted all of the admiration or glory shoved upon him by his classmates... all he wanted was her gentle salvation from the limelight. And Miss Late-and-Clumsy was still standing in his way.

Before he even thought about it, he scrambled to his feet in a blind rage. To be honest, he would be more than happy to scream at her and release all of the unexpected frustration he had, in this moment. However, everybody was staring at him in concern, and he knew that he had to be the good vice president that Emily expected him to be. And besides, he knew that it was just a slip on a piece of paper... Although Scott had no idea why it resulted in all of this anger, he decided to calm down and not act irrationally.

Not knowing that Elizabeth had seen his frightening expression (an anger at the world that he keeps buried deep inside that he has never shown to anyone in his life), he allowed his face to relax into a neutral expression. He then hissed as the movement made his nose ache. Damn... Is it bro-

"Oh my god!!! That little slut broke his nose!!!" A young spunky girl with blonde hair suddenly shrieked. Scott blinked in surprise at this, pulling his hand away from his face to see what the fuss was about. Sure enough, his palm was covered with the thick, red lacquer he now realized was running down his face. The pain really didn't feel that bad... Maybe it was because he let his anger get the better of him that he didn't notice? Whatever the case, he definitely felt the sting, now. But he needed to get out of this miserable classroom and to that ceremony! Plus, with everyone watching him, he still needed to be the example.

As his eyes flickered to Elizabeth, who was now standing, he saw how upset and scared she was. A sweet smile immediately crossed his lips, and his disposition seemed to entirely change. "Don't worry about it," he replied, calmly. "Accidents happen." The young woman was about to protest, but he turned to look at her and a blush crossed her cheeks to stop her words. "Honestly, it looks worse than it is. I'll just stop by the infirmary on my way to the ceremony, okay? But you should all get there before you are late..."

He turned to Elizabeth, that charming smile still held taut on his lips. "Honestly, it's okay." Someone observant could notice the irritation still flickering behind his fake smile. I hate fake people... But I can't get caught here too much longer with everyone making a fuss. And with that, he hurriedly walked out of the room, leaving all of the women to glare menacingly at Elizabeth. The infirmary wasn't too far away, and he could get taped up and be with Emily soon enough. This really fucking hurts... I hate lazy bitches like her most of all...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by meadowlark


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It's broken! Elisabeth thought as she repeated what a girl said. Then she heard the girl call her a slut. She looked over at her with a confused look, why would she refer Elisabeth to a slut when she doesn't even know her? She shook it off and looked over to the guy and felt horrible for braking his nose practically. Elisabeth was extremely confused as this guy who was ready to hit her it seemed, now said that it was an accident and that they happen. She never really heard someone be so calm. She looked at him, still afraid, she just watched him as he calmly spoke to everyone and then back to her again. Elisabeth looked at him at his final words "honestly it's okay" what he said. She looked at him and could obvoiusly tell he wasn't okay with what had just happened.

Being with her father made her real observant when someone is upset, she needed to be alert on these things because then she would know if her dad was in a worse mood than he was normally. That made all the difference on what kind of beatings she would receive that day. And so she was very keen to noticing when something wasn't right. Instead of questioning it, she then just walked away. Then paused and turned back around just the two of them in the room. "I really am sorry, And I can tell you're not okay" was all she said and she just walked off. She had to get to that ceremony, a welcoming ceremony I guess they had called it. Why? Were there actually that many new kids they needed a welcoming ceremony?! Oh well, it didn't matter to Elisabeth, she just needed to get through this first day of school, already having a horrible day as it was. Being late and all. She felt the sting of the cut and she grabbed her arm, her face looking like she was in pain. She then put on a face to hide the pain.

She was good at hiding pain, as she as in pain all the time, not just from the cut she had gotten this morning. But from all the bruises she seemed to acquire during her lifetime. Some were worse than others as ou could tell they've been there for a while. And just as one finally goes away, another one comes along. A small sigh escaped her pale lips as she stood in the doorway of the gym. Teens were all walking about finding their friends on the bleachers, teachers talking in a group about the upcoming presentations and who will be speaking. Elisabeth then walked into the room and found a spot on the top of the bleachers, waiting for the ceremony to start.

"Attention students….." the principle had started. Talking was still going on and he put his voice louder. "ATTENTION STUDENTS." He practically had to scream to get their attention, Elisabeth rolled her eyes at the fact. "Now, we will begin our welcoming ceremony with a lovely performance by the cheer squad." (Unsure of the name and colors etc) Elisabeth didn't see the "Lovelyness" of these girls dressed in short skirts and practically tanktops, yet this school had a strict not slutty dressing from the girls, yet the cheerleaders can dress however they like. She rolled her eyes at how this school treats the "Athletic" teams. She didn't see it as athletics or a sport or whatever. She saw it as a bunch of girls trying to get attention from guys. The principle stepped off stage and the silent room filled with a bunch of loud cheering and cheerleaders running into the gym with flips and running and a whole bunch of different stuff.

As the cheer performance went on Elisabeth politely watched and payed attention just waiting for this day to be over. She didn't see how this day could get any worse. After the cheer performance the principle then walked back on stage and announced his first speaker. (Left this part open unsure of who you wanted to speak first etc.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Scott stopped dead in his tracks at Elizabeth's final words before her departure. She... She can tell? His blue eyes followed her as she hurried past in him the hallway, no doubt heading to the welcome back ceremony. This girl... was different. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but the other girls never paid enough attention to tell when he was lying or not. He wasn't even a good liar. For some reason, though, his classmates and family and "friends" were always blinded by his talents and never really understood when he was feeling pain or anguish of any kind. All anybody ever saw was that perfect golden boy with no care in the world. What made this girl say that...? It appalled him.

Suddenly, he heard little drops hitting the ground and realized the blood was now seeping through his fingers. Oh, right... Once again, he made his way towards the infirmary to have his nose taken care of. This girl really had made an impression on him. Whether it was good or bad was yet to be determined. Although she did seem to be perceptive when it came to people, he was still leaning toward bad. She doesn't seem to be like the kind of person to apply herself, very much... Judging on her level of preparedness for class, I'd have to say she will be at the bottom of the class very soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a mental breakdown. He chuckled to himself, having seen other students experience something similar. It might be pretty funny... But it'd be well-deserved. Lazy people blame everyone else for their problems, when actually they bring them upon themselves. If they just did the damn work, maybe they'd stop blaming me... Scott was definitely tired of hearing things like, "I hate you! Your grades are amazing!" and "Share some of that genius with the rest of us!" Even as jokes, he still couldn't help but to feel like an outcast.

"Okay, you're all set." A small voice broke him out of his thoughts as he realized the nurse had finished bandaging up his nose. "Please be more careful next time, okay? Here are a some painkillers to help you get through the day. If they wear off, come back so I can give you some more. You sure you wouldn't rather just head to the hospital right now...? Your teachers would understand." Scott shook his head fervently. "No thank you," He replied as he stood. No, he needed to get to that assembly... Emily was waiting for him. She was going to be so upset... Though he kind of enjoyed the idea of her seeing his nose and being super worried about it. She had never been one to coddle people, but maybe she'd make an exception for him... heh.

The assembly began shortly after that. Scott had walked in the door just as the cheerleaders were finishing up their routine. Crap... Being the Vice President, his speech was first. So he would have to go on right now, without getting to see Emily. This day just kept getting better, didn't it? As he was introduced, Scott hurried over to the backstage area and stood next to his beautiful girlfriend, who seemed very stressed out. Once she saw him, a look of rage shot across her face - until she saw his bandaged nose. Her jaw dropped a little and surprise grew in her eyes. Maybe... Maybe even a little concern? He gave her a calming smile, but that was all that he could do before the applause began and he ran onto the stage.

"What's up Eastview High!!!" He shouted into the microphone, grinning widely as his peers began to go wild. This was where the students took over and the boring ceremony turned into a real party. Perhaps it was because of the council, but Scott was like an entirely different person in front of his classmates. He was the popular, cool, party animal that everyone seemed to want him to be. Or at least, he acted like one. It was more of an instinct rather than anything he forced himself to do. Maybe he was the type of person who just didn't like to cause a commotion, but he did what he could to fit in whenever it was possible. He didn't consider that "faking" though, he just thought he had a bit of a blank personality that his classmates filled with their expectations of him. It wasn't like he was doing anything he didn't like to do, and while he didn't like the attention he did love to do things for other people. Just like Emily. God, she was so perfect... He could talk about how perfect she was all day.

"Alright, alright... Shhhh!" He laughed as the students finally simmered down. "Thanks for the warm welcome! As they said, I'm Scott Jacobs, your student council VP, and man is it good to be back!" His dorky grin made some of the students laugh. "Now, we have a few more guests for you to help kick off the school year, but I don't think you'd want to see them..." Some students yelled in protest and he gave a sly, sneaky smile. "I dunno... I think y'all aren't ready for it, yet. You're not LOUD enough!" Taking that as a cue, the whole auditorium of people began to cheer and stomp their feet as loud as they could. It was so easy to get everyone riled up.

"Now that's what I like to hear! Before we begin though, I have to introduce you to my favorite person..." A sort of sparkle shone in his eyes as he began to say this part - a true happiness that seemed to come from a deeper place within him. "I'll give you a hint. She's someone that most of you know, she's smart and beautiful... and she's my smoking hot girlfriend, so new guys-hands off." This made a lot of the upperclassmen laugh, and at a glance he saw that Emily was giving him a look as she laughed, embarrassed. Hey, he had to get one tease in there. "Give it up for the lovely miss Emily Jackson!"

Another round of crazy screaming welcomed her to the stage as she waved, an equally-dorky grin spread across her own lips as she went to join Scott at his place on the stage. "Thank you," She said politely, a bit more toned-down than Scott but just as energetic and full of spirit. "We've got so many great things planned for you guys this semester, you have no idea!" Her eyes shown with enthusiasm. Indeed, they had met probably a million times during the summer to plan out Emily's many extravagant ideas for the school year - because you can't have just one grand shebang, apparently. "And we're going to tell you about them! But first, let's introduce our sports teams for the year!"

The ceremony continued on with Emily at the helm and Scott providing a sort of comedic relief. They really did work well together, and they did it often so it was like clockwork to the two of them. Each of the sports coaches and their team captains came up to speak a little bit, starting with football and ending with basketball. Then, Emily proceeded to show a video she had made of the neat events coming up this year - homecoming, the winter ball, the food drive, Christmas charity events, fundraisers, prom, graduation, the senior class trip, and all kinds of things. When it came to planning events, Emily was not stingy. And she was too excited to only share a few of them, as Scott had suggested. Nobody was going to remember all of that, but they would see the events as they came up.

"Alright! It looks like that's all we've got for you," Emily said. The students boo'd, wanting to stay longer to keep out of class. "I know, I know," She retorted and smiled, sincerely happy that they were at least seeming to have a good time. "But we need to buckle down and study first, to make those awesome events happen! You will be released to lunch from here and then back to your homeroom to finish out the day early. Here's to another great year, Bulldogs!" The crowd cheered one final time before the administrators took over, rounding everybody up to release them for a 45-minute lunch break. Scott led Emily backstage by the hand, feeling relieved that all of the nonsense was over with. It was one thing to plan the events, but to present them was... considerably more difficult.

Once they were away from prying eyes, Emily flipped. "Oh my god, Scott!!! What did you do?" Her hands quickly moved to cup his cheeks, observing his broken nose closely. "I slipped..." He admitted, feeling pretty un-cool in that moment, in front of the one person he actually wanted to impress. She tried to stifle a laugh, and he shot her a look. "Hey, it's not funny!" He said, seeming to pout a little. "I had a really bad morning, and then this all happened because of this stupid, lazy girl..." Emily seemed interested, but Scott knew that was because of her strange little hobby. For whatever reason, she always felt the need to personally reach out to new students who were struggling and attempt to help them. If a girl broke his nose on the first day of school, of course she would want to meet her.

"Poor baby... Well, would some lunch help?" Scott realized just how starving he was, after eating nothing but that toast, this morning. "Absolutely," was his quick and immediate reply. She smiled and held his hand while they walked to the lunchroom together. She must have asked a hundred times on the way there if it was alright for him to be there, or if his nose hurt too bad, but honestly Scott wouldn't have left if he was bleeding out. Right now, and especially with the crappy morning he had, he just wanted to be with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by meadowlark


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elisabeth didn't like the cheer performance. Mostly because she didn't see it as a sport and didn't like all the girls dressed in their skimpy outfits. This was okay yet dressing like this for school wasn't. She didn't get that. Not that she would want to dress that way, she would never dress that way, even if she could wear regular clothes. She remembered her arm bleeding and tried to keep it from showing. She sighed. This was going to be a very long rest of the day. She then was happy that the cheerleading performance was finally over. But then the principle had introduced the Vice President of the school. She was curious to see who this was.

Then as soon as he walked on stage her eyes widened. It was that boy who she had just seen in her homeroom class. But, he didn't really seem like the Vice President type. Especially with him being so mad as he was. She didn't get why he got that mad over a broken nose. Then again, he looked like he was pretty much going to hurt her. Which made her scared until he instantaneously went soft and said everything was okay, which she obviously saw wasn't. She became very aware of her surroundings in the past few years when her father has been beating her worse. She had to learn what made him even more mad.

Then the loud voice came over the microphone and was heard all throughout the gym and probably through the school. Elisabeth rolled her eyes at all the teens roaring and screaming and cheering all for this stupid guy, she didn't get the big deal. He then calmed them all down when he seemed it was eough roaring and cheering for him. He then talked about this girl who would be speaking after him and introduced him as his girlfriend. Well, his smoking hot girlfriend. She didn't care much, she just wanted it to be over.

Listening to all the things she had talked about, and all the different activities that would be going on through the year, Elisabeth couldn't help but be excited. If she could get excited. She would love to just go wild and be able to do all these things, but she knew, unless it was during school hours, she would never get to be able to do any of these things. Not a single one, and there was no way to get around that. She wished she could though, but nope. Her father would never go for it.

Finally it was lunchtime. She waited as all the teens had left the gym, she always liked to be the last one, since everyone was heading for the lunch room to get food, Elisabeth seized the opportunity. Instead of going with everyone to go eat, she went to the bathroom instead. Her father would never give her the money to eat, and there was not stealing the money or her father would notice. And she couldn't make herself anything, because that went over so well this morning when she tried to eat some left over bacon.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she pulled up her sleeve to reveal the stab wound. It also revealed one or two bruises which could easily be identified as to go with the stab wound. She then washed the bandage off then put it in the garbage. After that she took some paper towels and made her own bandage. Once that was done, Elisabeth then headed to the lunch area and just stood outside pretty much waiting for the next class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Scott spent his lunch just like any other day: Him and Emily scarfed down some food together, and then they both went to take care of their student council tasks, together. This basically gave them free reign over where they traveled during lunch period, but it was ultimately a drag. They got to do a lot of the tasks together, which was great, but spending time with Emily wasn't as fun if they were working. He would much rather be alone with her, making out wildly on his bed like a young couple in love. But of course, that was a rarity... Joining the council definitely had its setbacks, and Scott just couldn't understand where Emily got her love of this constant workload.

With a sigh, he lugged a pile of paper down the hall toward the teacher's lounge where the principal had requested. Undoubtedly, they were handouts for the next classes - the first actual work of the day. But this was a one-person job, so Scott was once again stuck alone without his Emily. Sighing, he trudged on. This day was such a drag... He had somehow been a bit hopeful that they could sneak away for a minute, or even spend an actual lunch period with their friends, for once. Just deluding myself, of course...

As he passed through the lunchroom, he noticed the slightly familiar gloves from the corner of his eyes. Great. There she was, standing outside the cafeteria looking... kind of creepy, honestly. Was she waiting for someone? She seemed to be staring out into space. Normally when Scott was irritated with someone, he would play nice and polite and just pass them by. But this time, his feet seemed to move on their own as he approached her. "Hi. Did you like the assembly?" A polite smile crossed his lips and he inwardly grimaced. Why am I even talking to her...? "Sorry I didn't have much time to talk, earlier. Are you okay?" His eyes bore into hers as he waited patiently for her reply, subconsciously aware that completing his task faster would still not enable him to spend time with Emily.

It wasn't like she was all he thought about, day and night. He did have other interests. For one thing, he loved books. A story could entertain him for hours, and there was something about that fictional world that really made him feel... a little more normal. Maybe more "human"? He also loved cars, though even he didn't know why. They were fascinating. Although he read a lot of books, it sort of frustrated him that he still didn't understand everything about how cars operate. It was fun for him to watch Nascar races. He loved to tinker with cars and figure out how to make them function better and better. They were like a puzzle of sorts. And although he was happiest with Emily, these were things he just had to do alone. So it wasn't like he obsessed about her day and night... Even geniuses could be somewhat normal, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by meadowlark


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Elisabeth was waiting for her next class this guy came up to her and actually tried to start a conversation. No one ever wants to talk to her, she barley even talks to her father. Not that she could anyways with him always beating her. Some would be surprised she eve had any communication skills. Well, anyone who knows her situation anyways. She tends to stay away from everyone, not wanting to draw attention to herself. That was the last thing she needed.

But I guess with this guy, and the school there was no escaping that. She had to talk to people eventually, although she never really knew what to say. She even surprises herself sometimes with what comes out of her mouth. She looked at all the food inside and wished so much that she could have some, but unless she asked someone to buy her something that wasn't happening anytime soon.

An eyebrow raised as the guy came up to her and started talking. What was with this guy? Why did he want to talk to her? What did she do? It was abnormal for someone to actually /want/ to talk to her. He then tried to make conversation asking if she liked the assembly. Then asked if she was okay, why wouldn't she be okay? Did he suspect something? "I'm fine" she said ignoring the question about the assembly.

She didn't want to criticize his assembly. He probably put a lot of work into it. Him and his girlfriend. But truthfully she didn't care for it. She wasn't one of those peppy rowdy type people and so she didn't really enjoy it. She honestly just wanted to get to her next class. Sitting here smelling all this food was torture.

She would much rather be sitting here reading a book. Her favorite past time. She could just get lost in all those different books. She loved reading books. And there was always a book she could read. She wondered if there was a library, she could always go there during lunch instead. Although if she did that she probably would miss most of her classes because she'd be reading so much that she would even forget that she had classes. It was very easy for her to get lost in books.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wow, what a bitch... Scott tried his hardest not to break his polite smile as she barely spoke to him, much less looked at him. After everything that had happened this morning, couldn't she at least talk to him? Her short response irritated him to no end - much more than it should have - but he didn't say anything about it. As usual, he had to be the polite vice president, making sure all of the students were okay and well taken care of. Emily wanted that more than anything. God, that woman was going to make a great CEO, some day.

Pushing his thoughts of Emily aside, he noticed that Elizabeth kept glancing toward the cafeteria. Was she hungry? Why didn't she just go get some food? Or answer his damn question? Maybe if she'd answer him, he'd buy lunch for her. Yeah, like that would ever happen... He smiled a bit more and followed her glance. "Well, I'm glad you're not hurt..." A moment of awkward silence passed before his eyes flickered back to her face, almost mischievous. "Oh, are you hungry? Sorry, I hope I'm not keeping you from lunch." He stared into her eyes, as if trying to figure something out.

This girl was strange... Well, more than most anyway. Something about her was off, and Scott wanted to figure out what it was. It irritated the hell out of him. While he waited for her response though, his eyes caught sight of something red on her sleeve. Is that... Is that blood? Out of habit, his eyes shifted into a look of concern, and before he even knew what he was doing he roughly grabbed her hand. Immediately, he realized his error.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry!" He quickly pulled his hands back, holding them up in front of him. "I, uh... I thought I saw a bug. Sorry. Hate those creepy critters." He gave a cheesy smile. That definitely wasn't a bug. Is she... Is her arm bleeding? Something in his chest burned. This girl... What the fuck is she playing at? For whatever reason, this only made him angrier. Was she a cutter? Did she hurt herself when she fell? Was she trying to hide it to save face? To not be the new girl who fell on the first day?

This pissed him off. He couldn't stand people like that. I knew it... She's such a fake bitch!
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