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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Serdis Bereth entered the restaurant and greeted the waitress. "Hello Soti," he said to her in twi'lek, he native language. "Is my mother in?" He had just landed at the spaceport just down the road a few minutes ago and had a serious case of hyperspace lag. he didn't want to just go to his parent's house without telling them he was home, so he decided to stop by his mother's restaurant first to tell her.

"Serdis, it's good to see you again." said Soti, her blue lekku twitching with excitement. "I didn't know you were coming back to Cyphan. I'll go get your mother." Soti left and Serdis sat down in one of the booths.

He closed his eyes and drew on the force to wake himself up. It had been over one and a half standard days sense he had left Corellia, and he had been awake for several hours before that. Sure, he could keep himself awake for more than four standard days using that technique, but it had some serious side effects, not the least of which was that it taxed his ability to use the force for other things.

Serdis's mother came over and gave him a hug and a kiss, something she didn't realize would embarrass him, hopefully, then told him she had to go back to the kitchen. The restaurant was quite busy, after all. Shortly afterwords some of his friends entered the restaurant as well, as Soti had called them to tell them the news. So much for getting to go home and sleep, he thought as they sat down and ordered drinks and snacks for the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Short post but im brain dead atm)
Kilgaris walked into the bar and nodded at Serdis as he sat down "Good to see you again" he said in a gruff voice whilst his red eyes pulsated various colours of yellow and red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Battle Cruisers of the 286th Assault Legion appeared out of hyperspace above the planet Cyphan, led by the Republic Battleship "Excalibur". As they entered orbit, a Nu Class Republic Attack Shuttle headed to meet them, landing in the main hanger of the Excalibur. General Kelen Rolin met it in the hanger, as two ARF Troopers of the 286th stepped out. Rolin stepped right up to them.
"Scouter, what did you find down there?"
Scouter: "It's just as reports said General, *Holds up Holodisc, displaying map of an outpost* The droids have a substancial presense on Cyphan, and they locals may not even know it."
"I wouldn't doubt it, and I hope they aren't allied with the droids... *Radios on Comms* Admiral, begin landing procedures, sending landing coordinates now."
The fleet of Republic Ships descended upon the neutral world, approaching the outskirts of the main city on Cyphan. After all ships had landed, the loading ramps lowered and began unloading the iconic All Terrain Tactical Enforcers along with Columns of Clone Troopers decorated in 286th Gold Painted Armor.
Riding on his custom gunship, Rolin headed straight for the city with only his Padawan Learner Teela Kamara, his Clone Commander CC-7501 Bronze, and his most elite men, Hailfire Squad. The LAAT/i Gunship quickly made its way into the city, landing near the capital building. Rolin and Teela disembarked for the building itself, as Hailfire Squad set up around the perimeter.

"Remember Commander, do not fire unless absolutely necessary, we don't want conflict with these guys..."
Bronze: "Copy that General, i'll wait for your mark."
Both Rolin and Kamara began walking in, when Rolin blocked her.
"I need you out here with Bronze and the rest. Besides, you're still not the best with negotiations yet..."
Teela: "I understand master, I'll be out here if you need me."
Rolin nodded, then turned and continued into the building. Hopefully he could speak to the President of Cyphan immediately, the situation on planet could turn hot any moment now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Oh hey, Kilgaris." Serdis said to the man that sat down across from him. "How have things been going? You keeping up with your Force training? I could give you a lesson if you want." Sure, he was from a different Force tradition, but the Order trained ex-jedi all of the time. There's no reason he couldn't train a Sith.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Bronze: "We should definitely get a sniper up on one of these roofs... that one will do."

Bronze had pointed to a nearby restaurant, which was in the perfect line of sight of the capital building, had good cover on top, and plenty of escape routes. Rocker, a Sergeant of Hailfire Squad and the Squad's Sniper, nodded and headed towards the building. He entered to find, not what you would call a party, but what seemed like a welcome home gathering.

Rocker: "Excuse me, I'm so sorry for intruding on you, but I must ask if this building has roof access."

Meanwhile, the rest of Hailfire Squad set up around the base of the building, securing the perimeter. Livewire had the east side, Smiles had the west, while Bronze and Teela covered the south which had the main entrance.

While this was happening, Rolin had gone on ahead inside and scheduled an immediate meeting with the President of Cyphan. Rolin understood the odd government of Cyphan letting the people have all of the power. Still, he was the elected leader of the planet, thus he was the man to see. Within moments a secretary came and escorted him to the President, who was waiting in the main hall with a few advisors.

"President, I wish I could be here under more peaceful visits, but this is urgent. *Holds up Holodisc and shows CIS Base* This was discovered not even twenty miles from this city. I hope you have an explanation for this."

President: "This area is largely uninhabited, no crops can grow, no water, it's next to impossible to survive out there. No one even bothers going out there, so we had no clue of this "Base". But I'm sure our security forces can handle it..."

"So you have a security force large enough to handle about four or five entire droids battalions? Look, I know your planet is Neutral, and we respect that, we don't want to drag anyone into our war. We will handle this and leave, if that is what you want."

President: "You bring your battle cruisers to our city limits, unloading all your tanks and soldiers, without even authorization. Explain to me why I should listen to you..."

Suddenly there was a disturbance in the force, something was happening. Rolin flicked on his visor and scanned the room with a standard scan. Nothing. Then he scanned it again with an advanced scan, and picked up something. Tech signals moving all around them. Rolin believed that the President had nothing to do with this Base, but also that this could be an assassination attempt. The CIS wanted Cyphan, but why?

"I know how to convince you, Mister President. You all should drop to the ground in about five seconds, there's about to be a lightshow."

Rolin slowly reached for his lightsabers, watching the tech signals for the slightest bit of movement. One started moving in, and Rolin struck. A BX Series Commando Droid uncloaked, neatly cut in two. After that, all hell broke loose. Blasterfire swarmed from every inch of the room, and then Hailfire Squad moved in, coming in through the windows and front door.

"So much for peace here today... alright team, take 'em down!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo Rocker: "Excuse me, I'm so sorry for intruding on you, but I must ask if this building has roof access."

"Oh, yes." Soti responded. "There are apartments above us, and a park up on the roof. Some of our customers like to eat up there. The Elevator is just over there." She pointed to the restaurant's direct roof/garage access elevator. It would require an access card to go to any of the apartment levels. "Would you like something? A cup of Caf maybe?"

A few minutes later:

A BX Series Commando Droid uncloaked, neatly cut in two. After that, all hell broke loose. Blasterfire swarmed from every inch of the room, and then Hailfire Squad moved in, coming in through the windows and front door.

"So much for peace here today... alright team, take 'em down!"

Serdis felt something happening at the State Building. "The President's under attack.", his mother said, though he hadn't even realized she was there. Obviously she had felt it earlier and come to warn him. The fact that he hadn't meant that he was more exhausted than he thought.

"Right." Serdis said getting out of the booth and giving his bag to the bar tender. He looked at Kilgaris. "I'm heading to the State Building to protect the president. I doubt his guards will be able to protect him for long, even with some of them being in the Order. Care to come along? They have a mercenary fund in place to pay militias for defending the city. I'm sure this will count."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


You keeping up with your Force training? I could give you a lesson if you want." Sure, he was from a different Force tradition, but the Order trained ex-jedi all of the time. There's no reason he couldn't train a Sith.

He nodded "Sure Ill take a few lessons" he said in a low solem voice." it would increase his power after all... he told himself. Thats always a good thing. He picked up a drink and drank a deep sip from it, relishing in the taste whilst daydreaming of hunting feeling his power flow through his veins...

A few moments later:

Money sounds good... he thought to himself "Yeah ill come along for the ride, sounds like a good fights bout to happen." He then started stalking next to Serdis to the Capitol Building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rocker quickly made his way onto the roof, grabbing his trusty DC-15x Sniper Rifle from his back. As soon as he was set up he saw blasterfire coming through the windows, and Hailfire Squad rushing in from their positions. He scanned the skyline, looking for any snipers on the buildings. There were a few it seemed.

Rocker: "Let the fun begin."

He took several pinpoint accurate shots, taking down three droid snipers in a matter of seconds. This was a piece of cake. Inside the building, there were swarms of droids both cloaked and uncloaked. Livewire and Smiles were covering the president and trying to escort him out, while Bronze was gunning down droid after droid with his Z-6 Rotary Cannon.

Bronze: "This is easy, they need better droids at this rate."

"Keep focused on the mission, they were here for the president, keep him covered!"

The two troopers kept him surrounded at all times, finally making it out the front door, where they were greeted by two Cyphan locals coming to help.

Livewire: "Get the president somewhere safe, we need to get back in there and help the General!"

A Commando Droid uncloaked right behind the two of them, gun aimed right at the president's head. There was a piercing robotic scream as it fell backwards with a single shot to the head.

Rocker: "You're welcome down there!"

Inside, the battle was finally done. The last Commando droid was sliced down by Rolin and Teela, and the ground lay littered with destroyed Commando Droids.

"Well, we know they want Cyphan badly enough to assassinate the president, what could be so important about it though?"

A holotransmission came in on Rolins communicator, Admiral Millon of the Excalibur.

Millon: "General, I have some bad news. The droid army is on the march, heading out towards the city. It seems to be a full invasion."

"Roger that Admiral, send our forces to counter them, we can't let them reach the city. I'll try talking to the president again about this."

The trio rushed back outside to find Cyphan's President safe and sound with Livewire and Smiles. There were also two others who had come to help, both force sensitives Rolin sensed. One, however, was dangerously strong with the dark side of the force, something Rolin would worry about later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A small republic ship exited out of hyperspace, aboard it was a Padawan, the blue-eyed girl's faint slightly pale reflection appearing on the glass as she stared out the window, the ship slowly approaching the planet. This was her first mission without her Master, she was a tad nervous, she had only freshly become a Padawan and hadn't seen too much combat, she hoped she wouldn't have to fight too much.

Neviana thought back to how her Master had told her that she was to go to the Cyphan system to provide some additional assistance to the other Jedi and Padawan there, it was a last minute call and no other Jedi were near by and could respond, not to mention that her master had her own mission to accomplish that she couldn't be dragged away from, so she decided to send Neviana. Not that it seemed like a dangerous mission, just there had been reports of the Trade Federation trying to bring the planet on their side of the fight, either through negotiations or force, so better safe than sorry.

"We'll be touching down soon." A clone voice spoke over Neviana's wrist communicator, breaking her from her thoughts. "Oh, right...thank you." She spoke, not really knowing what else to say. The planets atmosphere slowly started to break as the ship descended into it until finally it touched down on a landing pad and then the ramp extended down for her to exit.

Soon after she exited off the ship, the ramp retracted back and started to leave the planet, the Republic couldn't spare any additional troops what with other planets more strategical targets to either take or to keep from the separatists. "Well I guess good a time as any to try and find the Jedi and other padawan on this planet." She spoke to herself as she started to make her way out of the landing area. She sensed some force users on the planet, but there was more than the two she was told about and they were in different directions and she couldn't waste time trying to search them all. Ready to pull out her holocomm and try and contact the Jedi Master, she suddenly heard an attack going on along with small explosions coming from the State Building, she didn't know if it was an attack on the Jedi that was here or just some common gang attack, either way, she couldn't stand idly by whilst it happened and quickly started to run towards the sound of the commotion.

As she was making her way into the deeper parts of the city, she noticed some droid not too far off in the distance heading towards the city, she didn't like the looks of that, she was a talented Jedi, though still hadn't had all of her skills developed, but the amount of droids heading towards the city was too much for her, that she knew, so with a little boost to her sprint with the force. With her nearly at the building, she decided to pull out her holocomm, hoping to contact the Jedi Master, "Hello? Master Rolin, are you there? My name is Neviana Sarin, my Master sent me here on orders of the Jedi council to assist with whatever's going on here." She had assumed that it would just be an observer or minor added assistance, like when her Master would have her guard politicians and diplomats on other planets whilst she faced whatever threat was looming, she wasn't so sure that was the case with this assignment, she hoped the Jedi Master would respond soon.
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