Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Doctor Tyler Trudence




Carries a shotgun and a single action army revolver.

Bladed throwing cards.

A toxin system much like scarecrow's but redesigned to use a powerful form of Joker Venom.

A mobile chemistry lab in a suitcase.

Explosives that sound like horrible laughing.

Playing cards that also explode.

Mad inventor, emergency room medical skills, worked for years as a chemical scientist, mechanical background.

Immunity to toxins, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, hyper intelligence,

Megalomaniac, madly humorous, LaughingGas while much like the Joker is more in control of himself and can be angered when things start twisting away from him.

Doctor Trudence was a respected doctor and scientist once, for six years while studying for his degree in advanced chemics, Tyler worked in a Gotham emergency room, it was here, in a gore filled emergency room, where he started down the road to madness, after those six years he started work as a chemist working to help create different chemicals used to make medicine. As the years went by Tyler slowly went insane, he began poisoning batches of pain medication, causing countless deaths but it was never traced back to him, inspired by the joker the doctor got ahold of some joker venom and began making his own, it was on October 9th that Tyler Trudence unleashed a bomb in his work place killing everyone except him as he was wearing what he would begin to refer to as his face.

Has an uncontrollable fear of drowning from an incident in Gotham beach as a child.

Jokes, slapstick comedy, seeing others in pain,

Vigilantes, any of the bat family, The Penguin.

Originally born with fair skin, jet black hair and bright blue eyes, LaughingGas has changed a lot, after the incident the now driven completely mad scientist has used chemicals that he synthesized to turn his hair a bright royal purple also altering his eyes color in the process to a glowing green, however at all times the doctor wears a gas mask much like scarecrow's, he refers to the mask as his face...and without it he becomes manic and uncontrollable, he also needs it to breathe easily now.

Theme song:
Marilyn Manson: Tainted Love.

Reason for being in Arkham City:
17 counts of murder.

No One Fears Batman anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

CHARACTER SHEET: no one fears batman anymore

Name: Lucas Carrintino

Alias: The Vigilante

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Weapons: Silenced P99, Silenced M416, Crowbar

Gear/Gadgets: Sticky throwable cameras, trip wire mines.

Skills: Firearms proficiency, Can make make shift items out of everyday objects, Can hack cameras, computers, phones and low level security

Powers/Abilities: is good at parkour and sprinting long distances.

Personality: is takes no shit kinda guy, will just kill someone if they are no longer any use to him. aggressive.

History: Lucas used to run a low level hacking group, wiping bank accounts, holding big corporations at ransom threatening to release information about them, Stealing important passwords and emails all just to prove a point that these bad people at the top of the social Hierarchy are not invincible and are as human as the rest of us. he was eventually caught and sentenced to 10 years in Arkham prison. Before he was taken to the prison bus though he contacted a guard on the bus and made a deal with him that meant he could keep his phone on the bus for a large sum of money to be deposited into his bank account. after being given his phone on the bus he hacked the traffic lights at the next stop causing the a crash allowing him to escape into arkham city. he later met up with a fellow hacker who gave him a change of clothes, and a new Alias. He now sets out to clean the city of crime, online and offline.

Fears: Death of someone close

Likes: Greenday, Punk music, Alternative rock. CATS

Dislikes: Big dogs. Pop music. the Government


Theme song:

Reason for being in Arkham City: to hide from the Feds and to rid the city of crime

Other: "when it is done and Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die" - Bane The Dark Knight Rises 2012
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Grady Sintche (Most recent Identity)

Alias: Inevitable

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Weapons: Pocket Knife, Military knife, Sniper Rifle, Pistol

Gear/Gadgets: Earpiece which he listens to music with, Thermal scope

Skills: Expertly trained in lethal hand-to-hand combat and Advanced tactics

Powers/Abilities: Keen senses

Personality: Professional with a business-type attitude. Sarcastic with few.

History: Not much is known about Inevitable's past. His identity changes from state to state and he tends to keep moving, basically covering up his tracks where ever he goes. He is rumored to at the moment being staying in Arkham City for unknown reasons.

Fears: His past, Ghosts

Likes: Smoking and Casual chat, classical music

Dislikes: Talk of Supernatural

Reason for being in Arkham City: Unknown for now

"No one fears batman anymore"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irlanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Clara Diaz

Alias: The Ballerina of Death but mostly The Necromancer.

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Weapons: Using taboo magic to manipulate her blood to make them into solidified knives, spears, and other sharp weapons. Her 5'10" frame is also strong and flexible enough for stealthy acrobatic kills and stuns. She sometimes playfully uses this as a means of affection or endearment, for example, climbing on someone's and having them give her a piggy back ride; it's therapeutic for her and it makes up for her atrocious childhood.

Gear & Gadgets: Although it is not a gadget, Clara relies on clairvoyance through water to see those whose she's made the slightest physical contact with. As for her gear, she is always dressed in long, draping, V-neck dresses of very neutral colors with yoga pants underneath and wears comfortable matching ballet flats to all of her dresses, making her steps almost impossible to hear.

Skills: Acrobatics, necromancy, and limited clairvoyance through water.

Powers/Abilities: (Please see above.)

History & Personality: A natural empath, mother, and friend, Clara has a heart of gold but an angel from hell for having researched the majority of childhood, teenage years, and early twenties on the dark arts. She was always more intelligently advanced than her peers which made her cold against others, always judging them to be bafoons and ignorant to Arkham's atrocious crimes. Her parents were killed by Clara's ex-fiancee in a rampage when he found out that she had used her necromancy to murder her baby while she was pregnant as he had sexually assaulted her. In revenge, she drained his blood and colored his mansion (he was a famous baseball player and son of a mayor's friend) with his blood even as to murdering the housekeeping crew and escorts who were there. She was immediately caught by the police where she lied down in his California King bed, singing a song in a state of euphoric psychosis.

Fears: Immortality. Because she has broken natural laws, she fears that she will soon become immortal thus making her worry that she will not be able to begin a new life and find a soul mate like she had always wanted to before she met that monster of a man but she was only nineteen and he, thirty-five. Even though she very much belongs in the dark, ironically, she is afraid of dreaming as her dreams are highly lucid and affect her for quite sometime; a consequence of being a magic user.

Likes: People and their histories, their quirks, and what motivates them. The night, the moon, water, and somber music. Reading endlessly and always finding new ways to improve her already novice acrobatic skills; like pilates for the yoga buff.

Dislikes: Authority.

Reason for being in Arkham City: Her family moved here as they were Columbian refugees escaping a bloody civil war; Clara was only nine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RustedMachina
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Name: (Pre-Operation-) Marik Salem
(Post-Operation) ???

Alias: None

Age: (Pre-Operation) 23
(Post-Operation) 31

Gender: Male

Weapons: Bionic limbs, including his arms, legs, torso, eyes, and most of the neck. These provide him with superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. Hidden in the arms are powerful flame expulsion cannons which can be fired together, or separately. Located at the base of the shoulders are two high powered miniature jet turbines used for flight and extreme speed during battle.

Gear/Gadgets: a specialized target tracking system built into the eyes, and a detachable steel rod.

Skills: Most of the skills that were programmed into Marik were lost after he suffered a run in with the U.S. Military, which resulted in significant damage to his body and mind. Since then, he has regained some of his human memories, in exchange for a large amount of his Programming. His skills now include Hand to hand combat mastery, Basic military protocol, and tactical analysis.

Powers/Abilities: His main ability lies in his bionic limbs, which are easily repairable.

Personality: Since regaining some of his human memories, Marik has started to become more like himself. He rarely makes jokes, as that wasn't part of his programming, but still tries every now and then. He can no longer eat, but still complains about being hungry. He is open to kindness, and is kind in return, but any small act of aggression can set his programming off and make him ready for combat.

History: "Nobody fears the batman anymore..."
Marik was 23 when he first moved to arkham city. He's was trying to start his own life. He rented a small one bedroom apartment near his work, and lived a dull existence. His life was irreparably changed when he was fatally injured in a car accident. He was rushed to the nearest hospital in a catatonic state. Doctors pronounced him brain dead. A brilliant (yet innately sinister and demented) scientist had him transferred to his personal facility. This is where he was fitted with the bionics, and had his mind wiped to make room for the programming. The scientist planned to create a powerful weapon bred between man and machine, and sell it to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, Marik's memories forced their way back to the surface, and wiped out a large amount of the scientists work. In a state of confusion and anger, Marik destroyed the faculty and fled back to Arkham City, to try to regain his memories, and his soul.

Fears: Himself, and the constant battle between the programming and his mind.

Likes: Flying, and Dogs.

Dislikes: people eating, walking, and most forms of music.


Theme Song: Not Applicable

Reason for being in Arkham city: to regain his lost memories, and locate the scientist who forced him to become a killing machine.

Other: His highest attributes are his speed, strength and endurance. He uses these during combat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Octavius Barrett

Ark's Jason



Machete, Bat with neddles, butchers knife, and suit case full of items to torture who he wants.

Wears a gas mask that pumps anesthetic gas within side of the mask. The constant inhalation of the gas has led to Octavius becoming pain resistant.

•Pain Resistance
•Has a basic grasp of hand to hand combat

Well its not an ability but you could call it the Jason Voorhees effect. It seems Octavius can't die but can be slowed down. Maybe he's a zombie....or a demon out for blood or he could have an odd power to regenerate his body parts. Who knows he could just be an average psychopath...

At first silent, stalker type of creep that likes to follow his prey to the ends of the earth until he follows that prey into a dark alley. After that he's a psychopathic basket case who gets a kick out of torture and slowly ripping his volunteers apart. Killing his all the rsge with the teenagers these days so he stays hip and kill for fun. Its all a unrealistic game to him. Don't expect him to say much the most you'll get is a sentence or two or a crackled laugh.

Octavius grew up in the worst surroundings a kid his age could grow up in. His sponge of a brain sucked in his surroundings and treated it as the normal reality of the world. When he got older there was no doubt he was already up to commuting crime and every time barely getting away. Is life was supposably grand and amazing...until a bust happened and he was finally arrested. Noticing the trama and stuff he went through the judge decided to put him I'm a mental hospital which seemed as a great idea until he was actually brought there. His care taker at this undercover asylum was a crazy woman who tortured poor Octavius ever chance she got. It escalated so badly that she stabbed the defenseless boy in the eye definitely blinding him. He could take the sheer pain anymore the stuff she was doing should of killed him but he wouldn't die. No one at the asylum cared cause he was an ex criminal. Then one fateful night when everyone went home his care taker had the night shift. The cameras were off in order for her to have her fun. She entered his cold chamber and beat the living shit out of Octavius with a hammer. That's when his grip on reality gave up on this world and turned to a more.....'relaxed' world. The chains decorated with spikes and sharp needless weren't painful anymore. The hammer that once slowly crushed his skull tickled his body. The once bitch who tortured his being now ripped limp from limp and who blood was painted all on the walls of his chamber. Her mistake was letting him free to enjoy herself even more. So she killed herself once you think about it. The now free Octavius broke free and heard of a place he could call home, Arkham City.

Being ignored
This doesn't seem like a big deal but trust me when someone starts viciously stabbing them self just to get attention there's a problem.

Attention of course, blood, screams of his victims and the sounds of broken bones.

•killing childern
•Self Righteous people
•Someone who acts like they're more important than others

Theme song:
Am I a Psycho by B.o.B

Reason for being in Arkham City:
To have a place to call home.

Octavius is 6'3" and always wears his gas mask. His left eye which has healed is now white.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: James Cassidy

Alias: Bloodwing



Weapons: Dual Handguns that convert into a sniper rifle, a pair of lethal Sai.

Gear/Gadgets: His helmet has a HUD that is linked to his armored suit, providing him with a constant update on his physical condition. It also contains an interactive map, assisted targeting, different vision enhancements including thermal, telescopic, and a sort of 'detective vision' similar to Batman. It contains his comm system and has access to a full database of information on Arkham City and its inmates. It of course contains a rebreather as well, with a voice changer to mask his identity. The rest of his Arsenal is similar to Batman's, containing grapnel guns, shuriken of his own design, a type of plastic explosive gel, smoke bombs and the sort. His suit is fitted with bullet resistant plating and shock absorbers to allow him freedom of movement and protection against firearms and close range combat, and it contains a set of wings that extend from his back when activated, allowing him to glide from place to place. Wrist mounted crossbow that fires lethal bolts, sleep darts, explosive bolts, and a wrist mounted blade that he uses as a last defense. His gauntlets are equipped with blade breakers made to counter melee weapons. Lastly, he carries the hacking device often used by the Bat family.

Skills: He has been trained by the best of the best, namely Batman and Lady Shiva. His martial arts skills are honed and lethal, and his speed makes him a deadly opponent. His accuracy with firearms and thrown weapons is that of a professional marksman.

Powers/Abilities: Slightly enhanced perception, agility, and durability due to a type of experimental serum given to him by the League of Assassins.

Personality: analytical, hateful, apathetic. Bloodwing does not follow the strict code that the Bat family does.

History: James always looked up to Batman as his hero. He grew up an orphan in Gotham City, following his exploits and hoping to prove himself one day. The boy learned how to fight, learned how to solve crimes, and learned how to hunt the criminals of the city. He was given his chance one day, proving himself by solving one of the Riddler's puzzles and arriving on the scene before even Batman. There, he assisted him in taking down the hired thugs that attacked them, bringing the Riddler to justice.

James became the new Robin, and held the title for about a year. He was a bit more violent than the others, reminding them of Jason, the late second Robin, at times. He proved his worth at every turn, easily beating the foes that Batman dealt with, including the Joker at times.

That was until his bout with Scarecrow. His toxin overcame James, and in his state he was forced to kill helpless thugs that Crane had captured, recording it and broadcasting the film to all of Gotham. While Batman had known it wasn't his fault, he had no choice but to have James stand down. He was infuriated. He tried for months to convince them to take him back, that people would get over it and forget. Eventually, he quit trying. He bettered himself in preparation for a call he would never get.

He received a call one day from a woman he had saved when in costume years ago. She had come into a fortune after her father 'passed' and wanted to help him. She introduced him to Lady Shiva, whom she had hired specifically to train him. He accepted happily of course, and trained with the assassin for years until he was ready.

Fitted with his new armaments funded by his new ally, and with a new name, Bloodwing descended upon the criminals of Gotham.

Now that Arkham City has opened, he sees a new opportunity to remove the big names of Gotham's underworld from history.

Fears: His identity being discovered.

Likes: Fighting, scouting, interrogation.

Dislikes: The Villains, other vigilantes.

Theme song: In the Air Tonight by Nonpoint (original by Phil Collins)

Reason for being in Arkham City: To bring fear to the criminals within, and to ensure that the big villains don't get comfortable.

Other: No one fears Batman anymore.
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