Doctor Tyler Trudence
Carries a shotgun and a single action army revolver.
Bladed throwing cards.
A toxin system much like scarecrow's but redesigned to use a powerful form of Joker Venom.
A mobile chemistry lab in a suitcase.
Explosives that sound like horrible laughing.
Playing cards that also explode.
Mad inventor, emergency room medical skills, worked for years as a chemical scientist, mechanical background.
Immunity to toxins, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, hyper intelligence,
Megalomaniac, madly humorous, LaughingGas while much like the Joker is more in control of himself and can be angered when things start twisting away from him.
Doctor Trudence was a respected doctor and scientist once, for six years while studying for his degree in advanced chemics, Tyler worked in a Gotham emergency room, it was here, in a gore filled emergency room, where he started down the road to madness, after those six years he started work as a chemist working to help create different chemicals used to make medicine. As the years went by Tyler slowly went insane, he began poisoning batches of pain medication, causing countless deaths but it was never traced back to him, inspired by the joker the doctor got ahold of some joker venom and began making his own, it was on October 9th that Tyler Trudence unleashed a bomb in his work place killing everyone except him as he was wearing what he would begin to refer to as his face.
Has an uncontrollable fear of drowning from an incident in Gotham beach as a child.
Jokes, slapstick comedy, seeing others in pain,
Vigilantes, any of the bat family, The Penguin.
Originally born with fair skin, jet black hair and bright blue eyes, LaughingGas has changed a lot, after the incident the now driven completely mad scientist has used chemicals that he synthesized to turn his hair a bright royal purple also altering his eyes color in the process to a glowing green, however at all times the doctor wears a gas mask much like scarecrow's, he refers to the mask as his face...and without it he becomes manic and uncontrollable, he also needs it to breathe easily now.

Theme song:
Marilyn Manson: Tainted Love.
Reason for being in Arkham City:
17 counts of murder.
No One Fears Batman anymore.
Doctor Tyler Trudence
Carries a shotgun and a single action army revolver.
Bladed throwing cards.
A toxin system much like scarecrow's but redesigned to use a powerful form of Joker Venom.
A mobile chemistry lab in a suitcase.
Explosives that sound like horrible laughing.
Playing cards that also explode.
Mad inventor, emergency room medical skills, worked for years as a chemical scientist, mechanical background.
Immunity to toxins, enhanced speed, enhanced agility, hyper intelligence,
Megalomaniac, madly humorous, LaughingGas while much like the Joker is more in control of himself and can be angered when things start twisting away from him.
Doctor Trudence was a respected doctor and scientist once, for six years while studying for his degree in advanced chemics, Tyler worked in a Gotham emergency room, it was here, in a gore filled emergency room, where he started down the road to madness, after those six years he started work as a chemist working to help create different chemicals used to make medicine. As the years went by Tyler slowly went insane, he began poisoning batches of pain medication, causing countless deaths but it was never traced back to him, inspired by the joker the doctor got ahold of some joker venom and began making his own, it was on October 9th that Tyler Trudence unleashed a bomb in his work place killing everyone except him as he was wearing what he would begin to refer to as his face.
Has an uncontrollable fear of drowning from an incident in Gotham beach as a child.
Jokes, slapstick comedy, seeing others in pain,
Vigilantes, any of the bat family, The Penguin.
Originally born with fair skin, jet black hair and bright blue eyes, LaughingGas has changed a lot, after the incident the now driven completely mad scientist has used chemicals that he synthesized to turn his hair a bright royal purple also altering his eyes color in the process to a glowing green, however at all times the doctor wears a gas mask much like scarecrow's, he refers to the mask as his face...and without it he becomes manic and uncontrollable, he also needs it to breathe easily now.

Theme song:
Marilyn Manson: Tainted Love.
Reason for being in Arkham City:
17 counts of murder.
No One Fears Batman anymore.