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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 11 mos ago

((No city names are given, as every race has a different name for a city. When you arrive at a city, you'll be told of it's name for your species.))
Weird Landz. After a great catasym that killed the gods that wove reality, magic permeated the soil, and the air itself. Life eventually returned to the world, now in many different forms without the gods to mold it. This world in unstable, unusual, constantly shifting and changing. Nothing remains the same for long. Magic abounds, but always comes at a cost...Can you survive in the Weird Landz?

This rp is meant to be based around a world I made in my spare time. I figured most fantasy was that with Orcs, goblins, humans, and elves, but I wanted to make something TRULY fantasy. Something weird, wacky, and different. So, I have. The rp would be centered around a group of explorers, seeking to try to find out more about this world. Do be warned, I can't be entirely original, so some things are borrowed from other media.
I'll be giving an outline to races, and magic here that'll be swapped to the main thread once we get some people on board.


Furbolds: Small, bipedal creatures, same in physical stature to goblins or gnomes. However, these creatures, while starting out fairly humanoid, mutate when they encounter an animal. Such as a Rat-spider, or a Dog-Bear. They mutate by growing fur over the majority of their bodies, except for above their necks. The fur becomes so thick that they need no clothing, and acts partially as armor. If they wear any sort of clothing, they risk overheating. Furbolds are adept at magic, but not extremely gifted.
Pros: Small stature makes them hard to hit, above average at magic, mutations follow the theme of their animal.
Cons: Mutations are limited. Their small size makes them less effective at melee combat. (unless they get some sort of bonus from their mutations.) They can't use any bow larger than a short bow. Able to be overheated, causing potential heat stroke.

Shepherds:Tall, lanky humanoids that on average are over 8 feet tall, Shepherds are on average, extremely kind to all species, except their own. Their tall frames makes them effective at wielding pole-arms, and makes them perfect archers. Shepherds are able to reach 9 feet tall, and shorter Shepherds ranging about 6 feet tall. When two shepherds run into each other, they'll normally have a violent altercation, being driven into a frenzy. Shepherds aren't born, they seem to just..appear, young shepherds appearing on door steps of random species homes. All species think it to be exceptionally good luck to be given a young Shepherd to raise, and that to ignore them is to hex your entire family.
Pros: Their height makes them great for using rather long pole arms, and for using great bows. Shepherds are almost universally welcome in cities, and face the least amount of prejudiced. As such, they make good negotiators, and merchants.
Cons: Shepherds are only average with magic, having no racial bonuses to magic. They are unable to wear heavy metal armor, due to their figure, and they risk having their long limbs severed in combat, as with some species they can only strike at the legs and arms of a Shepherd.

Boulder-Men: A race of strange stone monsters, Boulder-men come from the many mountain ranges of Weird Landz. While unable to use magic, they are extremely vulnerable to magic, it being their main weakness. However, as they are entirely made of stone, blunt weapons like mauls, war hammers, and even normal mining picks do exceptionally more damage to these creatures. However, slashing weapons also do little to them, and they are able to heal by adding more rocks to themselves. Boulder-Men don't stop growing, ever, their elders looking like small wandering mountains. They are the mortal enemies of the Sand Demons, as boulder-men are manifestations of nature.
Pros: Very hard to harm with average bladed weapons. Easily able to regenerate themselves. Can become gigantic if given enough rocks, and time. Their strength lets them wield entire trees as weapons, if they get larger.
Cons: Can't use any magic, and magic harms them far more than most other creatures. Blunt weaponry do more damage to them. When they encounter a Sand Demon, they are instinctively told to dislike them.

Sand Demons: Sand demons are strange creatures, looking like posses clothing, that leaks sand constantly. A sand wraith is create when a creature dies, but their souls refuse to leave the mortal plain. They oppose the natural order, and due to this, are exceptionally good at magic. They resist the effects of most magics, making them good wizard hunters. However, their bodies are frail, leaving them vulnerable to direct assaults. They can take on many appearances, but consistently have on some sort of armor or clothing to give their forms shape. They are at constant war with the Boulder-men, for control of the many mountain ranges of Weird Landz.

People can suggest races, as due to how magic works, it's entirely possible for a new race to just sorta..show up. Speaking of magic!

Magic: Magic works in a strange way in Weird Landz. As there are no gods to keep things in order, Magic can warp reality itself. It can be used to teleport things, mutate creatures, or even create new life!
There are three branches of magic.
Translocation: This is magic involving moving things around. Be it teleporting short distances, like a blink spell from Wow, or teleporting around the world, Translocators are extremely mobile. Translocation magic is the only branch of magic able to be done on the fly, but is also the less effective as one can't blink though walls, or teleport to somewhere they haven't been.
Transmuters: Think Alchemy from FMA, now apply the ability to warp living beings with it. Transmuters warp objects directly, rather than moving things around. They can, for example, turn lead into gold, gold into rock, rocks into a golem, and golems into potatoes. They can even mutate life, or heal mutations done to someone. However, Transmutation spells take time to cast, 5 minutes for longer spells, 10 seconds at the shortest.
Mystics: Mystics are the magi able to preform actions, such as talking to deceased spirits, gazing into the future, and other such things. Mystics are normally seen as strange beings detached from reality, and some cultures think them as evil beings, as Mystics run the risk of being possessed by a spirit. Mystics are a varied group, so no one can judge their strengths and weaknesses as a whole.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rogue Colm
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Rogue Colm The Silver Shadow

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@supertinyking Interested
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by terrence


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Rogue Colm @terrence
Good to hear! If you'd like to see something changed, I'm all for it. If you want to add in your own race, go ahead! This is very freeform, in a way, as the world can take almost any shape you wish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChildHoodRuined
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ChildHoodRuined Son Goku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sounds so simple, but once again looks so complicated. So I'm kind of in the middle, if you thought positive, you'd say I'm..

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 11 mos ago

......Pff, that...hehehehehehehehe...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 4 days ago

This sounds wicked! I'm glad you didn't just go with the normal races and went with your own cool ones! I am defiantly interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sure, this sounds cool. I'd definitely apply if it became a thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muix
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