(Character Sheet/Applying for Demon Hunter: Chicago)
Mirabella Raigeki
Drawing done by me, please don't try to steal or anything silly like that.

Often wearing a black leather coat, shirt and shorts that are woven from copper fibers which look like a ninja garb, black jeans, silver metal gauntlets on her arms, tied up hair, and piercing red eyes. Her hair is naturally black, but she constantly dyes it different colors. Mirabella is Five Feet and Five Inches tall, weighing about 120 pounds. She has red finger nail polish on her fingers and toes, mixed with pieces of copper. Her leather coat is woven with copper wiring which makes it much sturdier than normal clothing, able to stop low velocity projectiles as well as sharp blades or spikes. However, after repeated hits in the same spots over and over, it does lose its integrity.
Wakizashi- A shorter blade, about Two feet long, made of crucible steel. Unlike most wakizashi, this one this one is not curved. It is made for both slashing and piercing, and channels electricity through it better than a curved sword would.
Gauntlets- Two gauntlets of crucible steel, with kevlar plating on the outer edge in order to more easily deflect blades. The knuckles extend past the human knuckles and when charged with electricity, become polarized, able to repel metal that comes within a foot of either of them.
Bow and Arrows- A composite bow with a drawback strength of 130lbs, able to fire an arrow 100 feet at 70mph. The Arrows themselves are plastic with steel tips, and a copper line within the arrow itself that can carry electricity through their bodies.
Ionic Spectrum- A tiny electronic device that is implanted at the base of the neck against a nerve that leads up into the brain. It constantly remains on and active and delivers a gentle shock up into Mirabella's brain.
Extra clothing-
Mirabella has several Leather Jackets of the same design described above, as well as the copper garb.
Mirabella is marked with White Aura, and only uses electricity. She generates so much of it that it can be hard for her to control, and she wears copper clothing in order to help her keep it distributed throughout her body. When she lived back in Kyoto, she was known as Raigeki Hime (Princess Lightning Stroke) for her ability to strike down her enemies and demons in battle with power and precision.
Her electricity rarely leaves her body in the form of an attack, as discharging it through air is too dangerous and she cannot always control it. Her attacks that are based on electricity often are used through a medium that conducts electricity better than air. Examples of this is in her weaponry or liquids in the area.
Mirabella can become over charged, sometimes by forcing her body to generate extra electricity, or by taking in electricity through an outside force, such as an electric attack or a lightning bolt. However, for her to take in this electricity it must be through her mouth, fingertips, feet or elbows. Once she has become charged, her strength and speed double. Her pain dulls down, and her adrenaline starts pumping at double. This usually cannot be sustained for long, and causes her to be extremely exhausted after she is done.
Occasionally, she will take a risk or become desperate, and try to send her electricity through the air. During these rare occasions, it may get out of control or behave differently, even harming herself.
-Immune from the direct effect of electricity.
-Powerful at generating and using electricity within herself and appropriate mediums.
-Skilled Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga practitioner.
-Struggles to control electricity that she discharges through the air.
-Has trouble working with a partner during a fight.
-Fatigues quickly if she isn't eating enough (has a very high metabolic rate)
-Gifted in the art of cooking.
-Clever strategy gamer.
-Socially awkward in large groups
-Forgetful at what people say to her
-Bad at keeping her place organized
Mirabella is often seems a bit introverted and conflicted. While she isn't quiet exactly, she does prefer to speak in as little words as possible, which often makes others think of her as timid and shy. She is curious of things that she doesn't understand and can sometimes ask a lot of questions, often bluntly. She struggles a lot with demons, often only targeting the most cruel and foul of creatures and often brushing off or ignoring ones that seem to be wavering between light and dark, in hopes that they don't give into darker ways.
Mirabella was born from her Japanese mother and American father. Her mother was a priestess who fought particularly nasty demons, while her father simply worked in the business parts of Japan unrelated to what his wife did.
Mirabella trained with her mother in order to hone her own abilities, and quickly surpassed her mother at a young age. After some time, she decided to move to America on her own in order to meet more of her family, but found out many of them had been severely injured or killed from demons. So she set up her own place in the city, and a business where people could purchase her services to hunt down particular beasts.
(More to be added or changed as the character develops.)
Mirabella Raigeki
Drawing done by me, please don't try to steal or anything silly like that.

Often wearing a black leather coat, shirt and shorts that are woven from copper fibers which look like a ninja garb, black jeans, silver metal gauntlets on her arms, tied up hair, and piercing red eyes. Her hair is naturally black, but she constantly dyes it different colors. Mirabella is Five Feet and Five Inches tall, weighing about 120 pounds. She has red finger nail polish on her fingers and toes, mixed with pieces of copper. Her leather coat is woven with copper wiring which makes it much sturdier than normal clothing, able to stop low velocity projectiles as well as sharp blades or spikes. However, after repeated hits in the same spots over and over, it does lose its integrity.
Wakizashi- A shorter blade, about Two feet long, made of crucible steel. Unlike most wakizashi, this one this one is not curved. It is made for both slashing and piercing, and channels electricity through it better than a curved sword would.
Gauntlets- Two gauntlets of crucible steel, with kevlar plating on the outer edge in order to more easily deflect blades. The knuckles extend past the human knuckles and when charged with electricity, become polarized, able to repel metal that comes within a foot of either of them.
Bow and Arrows- A composite bow with a drawback strength of 130lbs, able to fire an arrow 100 feet at 70mph. The Arrows themselves are plastic with steel tips, and a copper line within the arrow itself that can carry electricity through their bodies.
Ionic Spectrum- A tiny electronic device that is implanted at the base of the neck against a nerve that leads up into the brain. It constantly remains on and active and delivers a gentle shock up into Mirabella's brain.
Extra clothing-
Mirabella has several Leather Jackets of the same design described above, as well as the copper garb.
Mirabella is marked with White Aura, and only uses electricity. She generates so much of it that it can be hard for her to control, and she wears copper clothing in order to help her keep it distributed throughout her body. When she lived back in Kyoto, she was known as Raigeki Hime (Princess Lightning Stroke) for her ability to strike down her enemies and demons in battle with power and precision.
Her electricity rarely leaves her body in the form of an attack, as discharging it through air is too dangerous and she cannot always control it. Her attacks that are based on electricity often are used through a medium that conducts electricity better than air. Examples of this is in her weaponry or liquids in the area.
Mirabella can become over charged, sometimes by forcing her body to generate extra electricity, or by taking in electricity through an outside force, such as an electric attack or a lightning bolt. However, for her to take in this electricity it must be through her mouth, fingertips, feet or elbows. Once she has become charged, her strength and speed double. Her pain dulls down, and her adrenaline starts pumping at double. This usually cannot be sustained for long, and causes her to be extremely exhausted after she is done.
Occasionally, she will take a risk or become desperate, and try to send her electricity through the air. During these rare occasions, it may get out of control or behave differently, even harming herself.
-Immune from the direct effect of electricity.
-Powerful at generating and using electricity within herself and appropriate mediums.
-Skilled Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga practitioner.
-Struggles to control electricity that she discharges through the air.
-Has trouble working with a partner during a fight.
-Fatigues quickly if she isn't eating enough (has a very high metabolic rate)
-Gifted in the art of cooking.
-Clever strategy gamer.
-Socially awkward in large groups
-Forgetful at what people say to her
-Bad at keeping her place organized
Mirabella is often seems a bit introverted and conflicted. While she isn't quiet exactly, she does prefer to speak in as little words as possible, which often makes others think of her as timid and shy. She is curious of things that she doesn't understand and can sometimes ask a lot of questions, often bluntly. She struggles a lot with demons, often only targeting the most cruel and foul of creatures and often brushing off or ignoring ones that seem to be wavering between light and dark, in hopes that they don't give into darker ways.
Mirabella was born from her Japanese mother and American father. Her mother was a priestess who fought particularly nasty demons, while her father simply worked in the business parts of Japan unrelated to what his wife did.
Mirabella trained with her mother in order to hone her own abilities, and quickly surpassed her mother at a young age. After some time, she decided to move to America on her own in order to meet more of her family, but found out many of them had been severely injured or killed from demons. So she set up her own place in the city, and a business where people could purchase her services to hunt down particular beasts.
(More to be added or changed as the character develops.)