“Though she be but little, she is fierce.”-
|Name|Celine Sima Everhart
|Nickname|Celly, Cell, Cells - honestly Celine has countless nicknames from her friends and family. Ambrose often comes up with most of them, though. One of her favorite nicknames was coined by her grandmother, though; 'Celty'.
|Birth Date|12/21/97
|Sexually Active|No
|Relationship Status|Single
|Role|The Class President
|In Depth Appearance|Angular and yet delicate, Celine is a rather plain looking girl with eyes that seem to shine like silver. She is of average height, standing a bit over 5'6", and seems to have barely filled out since childhood. She boasts a slender body with no notable curves, and moves gracefully as a dancer should be. Her skin is mostly clear and pale, though there are some scars left behind from childhood scrapes on her knees and elbows. Celine has an strong jaw, much like her brother, though it is matched with a gentle face and intelligent gray eyes.
Due to her high class upbringing, Celine is blessed with very good posture and an extremely serious resting-expression. Her presence is imposing despite her meager appearance, and she walks with a high head despite her constant worries. Celine rarely wears expressive makeup, and normally sticks to nude colors and mascara only. Despite her initial; slender frame, Celine is surprisingly fit and flexible from years of gymnastics and dance.
|Clothing Style|Celine dresses comfortably, but due to her parents, incredibly professionally. Sweaters and skirts are her usual go-to outfit, and she has an intense love for small, casual dresses and ankle boots. She will at times be seen wearing rather gaudy outfits, but this is usually when she has an important interview, or when she is visiting her parents.
|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|Countless tiny scars from falling down while playing in her youth. Also has a
tramp stamp that almost no one seems to know about besides some past friends.
|Likes & Dislikes|✔ Reading and writing - loves to proofread things as well.
✔ Music (mostly classical, hip-hop, and rap)
✔ Science - especially biology and chemistry
✔ Photography
✔ Cats - she feeds the neighbor kitties whenever she can
✔ Adrenaline inducing feats (ex. heights, roller coasters, ect.)
✔ Her brother
✘ Mirrors
✘ Spicy foods, mostly curry
✘ Her parents
✘ Being left alone or being ignored
✘ Dogs
✘ People who complain about work or school
✘ Dance
|Hobbies|✏ Writing stories and poetry, as well as song lyrics.
✏ Reading, anything and everything! Celine even has fun studying.
✏ Photography - she loves taking pictures of the city.
✏ Dancing. Though she doesn't really enjoy it, it's a hobby nonetheless.
|Habits|✂ Chewing on her pencils and pens.
✂ Tapping her finger when thinking, normally to her chin or desk.
✂ Glaring off into space when she doesn't even mean it.
|Fears|☠ Failure - Celine shudders at the thought of failing from her parents pressure in the past.
☠ Abandonment, the thought of being left behind hurts her. Badly.
☠ Being alone or ignored, as it had happened in middle school. Silence drives her mad.
☠ Losing her brother in some way shape or form - she simply can't imagine life without him.
|Personality|♦ Honest ♦ Intelligent ♦ Passionate ♦ Self-loathing ♦
Though at first glance Celine is a normal, plain-looking honors student, those around her in the classroom and at home will realize she is quite the leader. With her passionate presence and bright mind, she strives to make the best choices for herself and those she leads as student president. Her goals are set high, and she often spends most of her time reaching for them rather then resting or relaxing. Celine is a hard worker, and often spends most of her time working or studying or practicing, and she is constantly relying too much on herself. With this in mind, most may see her as a lone wolf who works alone, though she is anything but introvert. She loves to talk to people and make friends, and while she isn't a social butterfly she knows her words and how to make friends. Though, she is honest to a fault at times, and may be a bit naive when it comes to meeting new people.
Despite her general wish to be the best she can be, Celine suffers from a slight panic disorder and has a complex against herself. She blames herself for Ambrose's childhood, often saying that if she wasn't born then their parents wouldn't have to compare them. Celine believes she is a despicable person, and as such avoids mirrors and photos as much as possible. When those ask about her general disdain for looking at herself, she simply says that she has no need to view herself at any point in time and then promptly changes the subject. As for the panic disorder, well, when she is overly stress or nervous she often suffers from panic attacks. Having a weak constitution she often gets very sick very easily, and often stays home due to intense colds or migraines.
|Place of Origin|New York City, New York
|History|Celine was the golden child, the 'better sibling', the one who would go on to do great things. Those were just a few of the things her parents would say, all while little Ambrose would look on, ignored and lonely. She would watch him in school, quietly ignoring the bullying he suffered, and she would quietly cry tears for her older brother at night as she clung to another book her parents gave her. Celine grew up with a schedule full of classes and practices. Math tutor at one, dance at two, flute practice at three, all those classes she could still remember by number and name, poured from her hands and filled her mind with the knowledge that most twelve-year-olds couldn't even comprehend. And it was stressful. The panic attacks set in around the age of thirteen, and she was diagnosed with a panic disorder in the same year.
By that time the twins were in middle school, and Celine went through that year in high honors, though she was often home sick with stress fevers and stomach aches. The teachers adored her nonetheless, but she felt a bit awkward around them due to their distaste of her brother, who she had started to consider her best friend. And as Ace's rebellious childhood grew into teenage angst and drama, Celine continued on with her academic path, as her parents so wished.
Ah yes, her parents. They controlled her every move in her preteen life, and her face became well known around the family's business as she was often brought to executive parties for her folks to show off. She felt more like a doll then a person as her mother dressed her in gleaming gowns and curled her long hair so delicately. Celine felt suffocated at these events, and eventually, at the age of fourteen she cut off all her hair and put her foot down. A few weeks later, she and her twin brother were sent off to live in a penthouse so that they would be closer to school.
And farther away from the bloodline.
Celine's high school experience has been something to be proud of. She worked hard in the student council, using her obtained charisma and passion as a key to her winning the class presidential election in the end of her junior year. She has been healthy recently, but as college application deadlines grow closer her stress levels have begun to rise higher then usual.
|Extra|Has a lovely little inhaler for when she has trouble breathing.
Favorite Subject? English or art!
|Theme Song|Youth – Daughter”We are the reckless
We are the wild youth
Chasing visions of our futures
One day we'll reveal the truth”
|Family|Ambrose - Celine adores Ace. She would do anything for her older brother, and she loves him regardless of his awful work ethnic and general disdain for school and 'the system'. Though Celine often finds his over-protectiveness to be a bit crazy at times, she appreciates his efforts to care for her. She will often try to help him study, and can get quite stern with him when he comes home after doing something dangerous or stupid, but in the end it's all out of love.
Mother and Father - Evangeline and Bruce Everhart, Eva is a CEO for a major fashion industry and Bruce is the Chancellor of a large university. They haven't been keeping in touch,, and Celine couldn't be more at peace with that thought. After the hair-cutting incident, they seem to have become uninterested in her current life style, and their general workaholic life styles seemed to have finally swallowed them up whole. Celine is fine with the distance they have now, and is looking forward to a future completely away from their influences.
Grandmother and Grandfather - Celine loves her grandparents. Though she can't relate to them as much as her brother can. Grandma often doted on the two of them, and Celine loves to hear her stories of the past, and Grandpa often complimented how hard Celine worked to get to where she was. She couldn't imagine her life without them, and she quietly prays to them everyday as a sign of thanks for their influence on Ace.
|House|The penthouse that Celine and Ambrose share is made up of three separate units combined and had been pre-furnished by their parents before they moved in. Celine spends most of her time in the small library or on the balcony.
|Social Status|High Class
|Transportation|Celine does not drive, instead walks everywhere or has Ace drive her around.