Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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The burst of flame hit Eggman's Egg Mobile, causing to to make the same sound and flash for about 5 seconds. Eggman changed the Egg Mobile to face the Typhlosion and swung the wrecking ball to try to hit it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Zethir slowly awoke, sitting up slowly. He looked around. He was pretty much in the middle of nowhere,except a few people he could see in the distance, specifically one man in a large floating vehicle that looked like an egg, that was fighting one or two others. He turned and saw something he knew would be useful: his Dreadknight armor standing next to him. He got in it, and activated it, before using it to pick up its Nemesis Force Greatsword, wielding it in one hand as it walked towards the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Giygas


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Scout sighed. Then he got a running start and double jumped to the egg mobile. He threw his cleaver toward eggman's head and attempted to grab on the egg mobile and ride it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eggman saw this coming. A heavy glass shield slid into place and blocked the cleaver before it could hit him. The cleaver bounced off the shield and landed on the ground below. "Oh no no no! Attacks like that won't do anything!" Eggman said. While Scout did grab onto the Egg Mobile, Eggman had a backup. An electric wave charged up and was about to cover the Egg Mobile with electricity, but something stopped it from happening. Alex Kidd ran towards the Egg Mobile and punched it. It flashed and made it's damage sound again. Alex's attack was strong enough to knock Scout off and save him from electrocution.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Zethir then walked forwards in his Dreadknight armor and slashed at Eggman's Egg Mobile with its massive blade, the blade being powerful enough to probably cut the Egg Mobile in half.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The blade hit Eggman's Egg Mobile, but it only damaged it one hit point. That was the logic of Eggman's machines, each hit is worth one point. Eggman then focused his attacks on Zethir. He changed directions and swung his massive wrecking ball at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Ace, a boy with black hair that had three spikes woke up. He slowly stood up, his red sneakers becoming more visible, and he dusted off his blue sweater. He looked around and gasped for a quick moment. "Hey, this isn't the island! It's all..grassy...bleh. The island I was on was cold, dark and had no life at all except for the ninjas and some dogs! What is this witchcraft?" He said before looking to the side of him, seeing some fat guy in an egg-looking thing. There was this big, bulky guy in some armor who had a HUGE blade, and slashed at it! Then there was this guy with a cleaver, and even this short little kid made of pixels who could actually punch the egg robot-thingy! Oh, and not to mention, the guy with a cleaver jumped TWO times! Who could do that? Oh, and Ace started to actually want to help these guys, even if they were strangers and slowly walked towards them ending up only one inch further from where he was....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Zethir then used the 6 barreled missile launcher that the other hand had attached to it to fire all 6 rockets at the Egg Mobile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lina sighed. "Great another would be evildooer. Fireball.." She said lazily sending off a magical ball of flame at Eggman. "I do not follow anything you said however I will not forgive you for interferring with my lunch!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Gold saw it was sunny outside. He said "Typhlosion use solar beam." The pokemon began absorbing sunlight. It's mouth glowed yellow and it fired the attack at Eggman
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Ace looked at the girl who threw a fireball at the fat guy because she couldn't get her lunch. Wow, she takes her lunch pretty seriously. Xtreme Lunch, much? Yeah, yeah, bad joke. He then looked at the guy in yellow with that weird creature called Tie-phi-low-son or something, and saw a beam go at the fat dude. He had no projectiles. Someone needed to remind him to strangle his creator for not giving him projectiles. Hold on, hold on. He believed that he had some kunai- or a lot of it- from all of those ninjas he incapacitated. Aha! Straight out of a bag that he had taken from a ninja he had beaten, some kunai! He took out five, put them in between his fingers, and threw them all at the fat egg person. Then, he fumbled his hand around the bag to see if he had any more,,,nope. Well, dang. Looks like he'll have to use close quarters combat in this one. Sigh. He was pretty sure he would be obliterated the second he raised a fist against the fat dude, but still. Rebellion! Or, something. He then started hiding behind some hills in order to get to the egg person. Eggman? There, he was Eggman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The missiles hit the Egg Mobile and caused it to play the damage sound and flash. All the other attacks went though it because of the 5 second invincibility. Eggman looked all around and could not decide who to attack, so he resided to swing the wrecking ball in random directions. It went towards Alex. He dodged out of the way just in time but slammed into Ace. It then headed towards Zethir.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Ace had attempted to dodge Alex slamming into him, but he had tripped and this had comically sent him flying in the air, spinning around and around and landing on the ground, his body skidding, making some over-the-top dust effects. "Ouch." Ace said, and he had gone quite a way from Alex.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"How did this clown deflect my..ohh I see..." Lina said and a idea came to mind. "Ray Wing.." She called out noticing the five second invulnerable period and knew she had to act fast. Dodging the ball she formed two lance like powers in hand that actually were arrows. "Flare arrow! Freeze arrow!" She called hurling the two at the Eggman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Gold said "I might have something to finish him off." He looked at Typhlosion and nods "Typhlosion use Blast Burn!" The pokemon roared the flames on Its body grew large and sent a large blast of fire at Eggman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lina dodged barely. "Hey kid watch where your creature is firing!" She exclaimed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

These last attacks where enough to defeat the Egg Mobile. The wrecking ball popped off it's chain as the Egg Mobile seemed to start exploding. However soon the explosions soon stopped. Eggman growled as he looked at everyone. "You'll pay for this!" He shouted. And with that he started flying away. ALex up back up just in time to see Eggman flying away. "Yeah, run you coward!" Alex shouted at him. He ran up to the wrecking ball and punched it, causing it to shatter into a million pieces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The pokemon pants as it needed to rest after the attack. He pets Typhlosion and said "Good job buddy." He held out his pokebal "Return ."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lina landed. "Oh no you don't. Fireball!" She said aiming to burn Eggman. "You still owe me Lunch!!" Comically burn of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eggman turned to look at Lina as he continued to fly away in the Egg Mobile. "If you think that you are going to find something to eat out here than you are in for a hard time!" He shouted at her. And with that the Egg Mobile shot forwards and disappeared into the distance. Alex remembered that man from his dream, he destoryed that hedgehog guy. "I think that is the guy who sent us here." Alex Kidd said.
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