... And forgets the punchline.
Hello, I'm Simple Unicycle! I'm just a 14-year-old guy with too much time on his hands, so he spends that time roleplaying and watching pr0n browsing the internet. I also should have posted this a few days ago.
I guess I should talk about myself...?
Well, I'm from Arizona, AKA the state where it's always frigging hot, I want to be a comedian (probably shouldn't if no one laughed at the crappy joke above), I LOVE the Fallout series and post-apocalyptic settings (and I'm sure my first roleplay will be post-apocalyptic), and I think that Coca-Cola is the best drink ever.
So that's me.
Bye now.
Hello, I'm Simple Unicycle! I'm just a 14-year-old guy with too much time on his hands, so he spends that time roleplaying and watching pr0n browsing the internet. I also should have posted this a few days ago.
I guess I should talk about myself...?
Well, I'm from Arizona, AKA the state where it's always frigging hot, I want to be a comedian (probably shouldn't if no one laughed at the crappy joke above), I LOVE the Fallout series and post-apocalyptic settings (and I'm sure my first roleplay will be post-apocalyptic), and I think that Coca-Cola is the best drink ever.
So that's me.
Bye now.