Alrighty, LunarLord and I talked it over and thought of a new rule, if you don't post your reply within a day of the last person, we'll skip over you and you can come back in on your next turn
I was trying to come up with something, but I didn't have much. Why the strict posting order, anyway? Since we have four people, why not something like... don't post more than twice within 5 posts? Or, anywhere between 5 and 7.
@Caits@CirusArvennicus Just reminding you it's your turn, of course Cirus at this stage can post in front of you if you want. Also a reminder of the posting order is Yami, me, Caits, Cirus. Unless one of these four don't post within 24 hours, then whoever was meant to post is skipped. (E.g. if Caits posts, then 25 hours later Cirus hasn't posted yet Yami can then post.) The rules are in place to make sure two characters don't just dominate, but also to keep it from becoming stale.
Hey all, Lunars gonna be at his parents place for the next few days leading up to Christmas, so we'll have to put this on hold until Boxing Day. Hope you guys have a great Christmas.
Well I can post anyway, so I'll get mine out of the way and wish everyone else a merry christmas! Of course if Caits and Cirus get another post in I won't complain ;)