Very true. Well I hadn't figured it out until you said that about the special eye color that the true born alpha's had. I had actually wondered about that when you told about her fighting with the Marrok. Though it makes me wonder, if that was what made the Marrok almost obey, than that would make the Marrok not a true born right?
Okay so for their colors. Black when not fighting it is usually just out of the anger they are feeling. Though when they are actually fighting they push aside the part of them is still human, in a way they just sit back and watch has their bodies take over the fight. Red is basically when they are hungry and they smell, or see blood. It’s also the only time they can seduce and mesmerize strangers. And white is total submission, because they basically lose the ability to fight back. As of this point Devin has never actually had his eyes go white, his creator had come close making his fade like they do humans after a bite. But never has it actually happened, partly because with vampires there as to be same kind of actual bond between the Elder and the changeling, which is why Cadence is unable to.
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