Haha yeah I always just go and hide until the guards are gone then do it again. Eh, I got sucked into a lobby in COD and lost track of time, but other than that, no not really :/
Even after getting over that flu I had I've been coughing really bad so my sister thinks I got bronchitis. I don't know it might be getting better so I might not go. The way they were talking I thought they were gonna make me go.
I will if I don't get feeling better. I really hate the doctor, and hospitals with all the germs. -shivers- I'd have to go to the er cause me doctor is booked for the next two months.
My old roommate had it once, and she had pills and had to have her own special dishes for a month. And she could kiss her boyfriend for that month either.
Now I'm watching him play final fantasy while I talk to you on my phone.