The Marrok is more interested in killing Devin than anything else. He does not want Avina and Devin to form a new species that would be able to best him. He wants power mostly.
And it is posted. I know my characters interacted a lot, I just wanted to unveil Jessie. Or at least partly unveil her. ^.^ I hope there is enough for you to respond to. :-/
Omg she's a witch! I know I should have done more than the eye to keep out witchs. And the Marrok's mate! Ah sweet little Jessie you had us all fooled.
You really weren't kidding that it to was to save Devin lol. Are you going to show what she really looks like? And I loved it of course as I always do.
Edit: Oh you did I'm going to look at her. She's pretty!
I didn't want to post her until after you read the post. The CS has been sitting in the closet for a couple of weeks now, I just knew that if you saw it first it would ruin the surprise. What is saving Devin?
I knew you were sneaky sneaky! And you're right I would have known right away. I was gonna find the quote but can't seem to find it. You said it was to late to save Devin, and I am saying you were right lol.
Hehe! And there is still more to come, though none will require a CS. Ah! Thats right. I though you were saying that Jessie/Adeline was going to save Devin. >.<
Oh Devin is going to be pissed! I'm thinking that vampires will know very well about witches. Just like I'm guess werewolves do seeing that she is the Marrok's mate.