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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Okay good ^^ and it's all good just wanted to make sure I didn't powerplay on you lol.

I like now they get along and work together to. Okay may I also say that Avina from what I saw in them fighting makes an awesome wolf. But yeah they work really good together without it being forced. I'm playing him just as I pictured, which I'm enjoying him as my first main male. The fact that she is nude is very distracting to him, seeing that he already found her attractive with clothes on. Yeah I figure she'll bring the ability to love back to him. As weird as that sounds, and she will be a big weakness. Of course that not be helped when his elder founds out and your alpha of alphas show up lol.

I'll trade you places XD Really though if you really want to see cold go to Michigan I lived there for a few years. It's COLD!! When we were there the schools wanted the kids to go to school in under 0 degree weather, they actually let us outside in the playground. Because that was normal.

Oh posted, by the way!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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I know that post was short and the wait was long... It was a busy weekend. =/

I don't want to live in the cold! I just want to visit. lol!

I think their first kiss is going to be soon, and it is going to be intense! I really cannot wait to see what this role-play has in store for these two! We have such good things already set up, it makes me happy! ^.^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Awesome! I'll post in a bit, or tomorrow if I fall asleep xD

It was a good post though ^^ and I just kinda figured the weekend was the reason you didn't post. So no worries dear.

Hehe looking forward to the first kiss very much so, and intense just makes me happier about it! I know, I have a feeling that Avina wants justice for what happened to her newborn. And I can't say that Devin won't give it to her, after she gets to know him better lol.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

And posted! I just realized I forgot to had his tattoo to the CS >< do you want me to add it? Or put it in that post?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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I am so glad that you added his tattoo! Avina is going to find it very fascinating. Lol. Werewolves cannot keep tattoos, their bodies heal too quickly. I am thinking of her evading his personal apace again, because that is very her, and have her take a closer look at his tattoo. You can just leave it in the post, but if it will help you remember you can add it to the character sheet. ^.^ What does it look like, by the way?

I am half way done with the reply by the way! It is so easy to get sucked into the story! I have barley got into what I wanted to say and already I have five paragraphs. Lol

I have a feeling this is going to turn into a Bonnie and Clyde type of role-play. Them against the world. It will start with revenge over her changeling, but it will grow from there! It will be so much fun to throw things at them! I know it is stiil just developing, but I think this rp has the potential to last for a long while!

I have a feeling weekends will be the hardest time for me to post :( Mostly because my social life picks up on the weekends which means I hardly ever get to touch my computer. This past weekend, I went home to visit my parents and to meet my boyfriend's sister for the first time. :)

By the way, I wanted to run something by you. I know you have a lot of role-play going on, but I was wondering if you would like to start another one with me? If you already have too many on your plate, I understand, but I figured I would ask anyway. ^.^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Alright I added a picture of it to the post and the character sheet as well to make sure I didn't forget. See he got the tattoo right before the charge so when his body healed and fixed any scars he had, it healed the tattoo as well leaving it. In that way it kinda became one of the flawless parts of his body, that why it hasn't faded over the years. Hehe go ahead and have her evade his personal space again, he'll likely tense up but he'll give used to it ^^.

Woop long reply than!!

Interesting I never thought of it becoming a Bonnie and Clyde type of role-play. Though now that you've pointed it out, I can totally see it becoming one. Though I never said that he was loyal to his clan xD just that he was forced to join them. When he starts to really care for Avina, he would try to give up his clan for her with no doubt.

That's okay though that your weekends are busy, I mean it's good that your social life picks up. My parents live not that far from me so they are over a lot, so a lot of the times to takes until around three before I can post. That's good that you got to see your parents ^^.

Sure I love to play more than once with the really good partners, which you are. Did you have something in mind?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I saw the tattoo, and I love it! I think it is really cool that his change made the tattoo a permanent part of his body. I would have never thought of it working that way, but it makes total sense! I like the way the two of them bounce off of each other. She is unashamed and up in his face, which he is will probably just have to get used to, and he makes her think outside of her own little box.

It was a long reply! I did not add anything more about the blood, everywhere I put it just seemed awkward and outta placed. Mostly because he did not really out right react to it, I think. However, if you want to travel down that road some more, the blood is still on her hand, and probably on the shirt a little now too. ^.^ Just if you wanna explore that angle of him.

If it does not turn into a Bonnie and Clyde kind of role-play, that's fine too. It's just where I see it heading. However, one of us could come up with a twist that we thrown in which will completely change the direction of the roleplay. I speculate about what might happen every time I reply, and each time it changes just a little bit which makes it so interesting!

Social life can be fun! My brother is coming home to Texas today, so I will get to see him this weekend! It will make for another hectic weekend though =/ Both good and bad I guess ^.^ (I uses way too many emotion faces... lol)

I have a couple of ideas about another role-play. A few things that have been rattling around inside my head. I will send you a PM about them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

I'm glad you like the tattoo, it does mean something him I just haven't figured now to phrase it yet. Yeah I also love the fact they are complete opposites, He will get used to her getting in his personal space sooner or later. Then he will probably like the closeness, instead of being uncomfortable of it.

I'll have him react to the blood in this post because if it's still on her hand, than it is probably on him by now as well. Seeing that both her hands are on his body right now. I don't want him to attack her though, it would ruin the moment between them. For now he isn't breathing so he doesn't actually notice it as bad.

Yeah well even if it doesn't turn into a Bonnie and Clyde type, I can really see it turning into them against their own kind. Because I don't know about the werewolves but I know Devin's thoughts of it not mattering what she really is...is clearly not going to be felt by the other vampires. Lol I try to figure out how she will react every time I post, and I can happily say that Devin isn't the only one who can not figure out how she will react. Of course that is art of the fun ^^

Ooooh haha sounds like your weekend with be fun ^_^

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Their relationship is gonna be pretty epic! I really can't wait to see this unfold. Though this interaction just got tense. With her being so close, the blood on her hands, and her fingers on his shoulder. I am kinda curious about how he's gonna react.

Oh they will defiantly turn against there own! However, a few of her pack might follow. We will see how the chips fall. I know she is gonna have a really hard time turning her back to her kind. We shall have to see how it all works out. However, for now I shall just look forward to your reply! To see how he reacts to her. :)

By the way, sent you an PM with some vague ideas for a second Roleplay!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago


Lol she is really lucky he didn't bite her with the blood on her hand, next time he is very likely to xD I thought about having him lick the blood off her hand and then I was like "no wait that is very weird"......and telling you that in the first place makes me seem weird, but eh I'm playing a vampire after all :) I hope his telling her what happened to him to answer about the tattoo sounded okay. Like I said I was having trouble on how to phrase it.

I have a feeling that Brice might be one that follows? Devin will have at least one person follow him, though you haven't met that person yet. Funny because Devin will happily turn his back on his though...they aren't really his clan and he is strange.

By the way do you want Devin to kiss her? Because I think soon someone might wonder were Devin went, he isn't in the city after all. *wink*

Okay going to look at the PM now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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This may make me weird too, but if he had licked her hand I would not have found it to be weird. Now, Avina might have freaked out a bit, but it probably would have been fine. She would have stiffened and acted uncomfortable like he does when she gets close, I do not think she would have pulled away. She would have been too afraid to pull away. lol. The tattoo makes complete sense! It was a design his wife had made and he had it tattooed in honor of their first year of marriage. ^.^

Brice will follow, yes. And maybe a few of the younger ones. I think it will be Kiel who will be the leading rebellion for multiple reasons. It will give Avian and Devin their own little pack/clan. It will make the story interesting!

If you think the moment is right to have him kiss her, then do it! I have no problem, and I am sure Avina will not wither ;). I get the feeling you have something up your sleeve, I can't wait to find out what!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Awe if I would knew I would have done that :/ I really need to remember that weird and dark stuff like that doesn't weird you out. I'm so used to things like that, or trying to kill their characters even if I don't, scaring people off. Okay next time I have an idea like that....I'm just gonna do it! You have been fore warned xD

If need be Devin will just have to add to the clan/pack of their own to make things even for them mawhaha. I like making my characters do things they don't want too. I bet I know one for sure reason he will lead the rebellion. That alright Devin won't kill him unless Avina says he can, might rough him up a bit, throw him at some trees and what not. As long as he gets to kill Cadence xD

Haha okay I'll start looking for a moment than xD I just might have something up my sleeve, I just might be about to set things in place for his sides twist.....you never know :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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I shall start working on your reply once I get this paper written! ^.^

The title of my searching thread was "the darker side" or something like that. Lol ^.^ Him licking/drinking her blood doesn't bother me in the least! So long as you don't actually kill my character (without permission) then I don't mind. I am forewarned? Oh goodie! I look forward to it!! I am thinking of having her offer some of her blood to him, but I am not sure. I am on the fence of having her offer.

When it comes time to have them form their own clan, we can talk about how many characters we want to bring along with them. At the moment, I am thinking two each. That way there are not too many side characters to have to worry about. Or maybe just one... I don't know yet. :) He can kill Cadence! If Avina is around, she might even help him! That is if he wanted her to. I don't think I will want to kill off Kiel just yet; I have too much in mind for his character. -evil laugh-

I look forward to learning about this twist you have up your sleeve! It might spark a twist of my own that I will throw in beside it. Ya never know! ^.^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Okay well take your time dear.

Haha your response to being forewarned was just perfect ^^! Hmm well I don't want to influence your being on the fence. On the one hand if she doesn't Devin won't care because that was far from his mind when he told her that he was hungry. Though if she did offer, he would take it and it could be the perfect setting for a very sweet, passionate, and intense first kiss from him. For him the idea of someone letting him drink from them is very intimate, why do you think he drinks from women?

Yeah we'll talk about the size when time comes. Yeah he will need her help with Cadence, like I said the vampire elders have a way to control the ones under them. You'll see it soon. So he will need her to make Cadence lost focus on him. Her death won't anytime soon either though, but it is planned to happen. Really? And with the evil laugh? I can't wait to see what you have in mind him xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Posted! I am getting seriously addicted to this role-play!

It was on the fence, I had to take a step back and think about what Avina would do, not what I wanted her to do. So I wrote out both ways and read over them. I decided her offering her blood was more like Avina then having her pull her hand away in shame and go find a way to clean it off. So I went with her being more bold and holding out her arm for him to take a bite ;) However, if you rather him drink from her neck just have him pull her where he needs her. ^.^ From one intense scene to the next. They started off fighting and ended with offering blood and possibly kissing! The way their interaction slowly changed is really cool. Lol

There is still a long ways to go before I will be willing to kill Kiel, too many things that he can throw at our couple before he can be killed ^.^ I think we both have some powerful characters that can cause a lot of drama! I cannot wait to see how it all goes!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sorry I'm working on my post now, I'm seriously getting addicted to this role-play as well.

Hmm I think I'm going to bite her neck though because he prefers the neck, I don't know yet I'll figure out what he would do as I'm writing. I think it's really sweet that she is trying to make him believe he is stronger than he thinks he is. Though he won't believe her, he is used to being controlled so it will take him awhile to think like that. The way their interaction slowly changed is really cool, I'm used to it happening quickly in my others.

Also I saw your PM just haven't gotten a chance to reply yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It's cool, no rush! ^.^

I am just slaving away to homework for now. I have so much today it's not even been funny! I started homework around 11 AM and while I have taken about three hour long breaks, I am still going even now. Its currently 9 o'clock for me now. Blah! Seven hours...

I think biting her neck will make it more engaging and meaningful. However, you should do what you think Devin would do. ^.^ Its really nice how we bounce off of each other in our writing! We move quickly when we need to but nothing ever feels forced. Even though they are going to kiss on their second day of knowing each other, I still do not feel like it is rushed. I do not know how our writing together flows so well, but I love it!! :D It's okay, I do not think she is expecting him to believe her yet. It will take time.

Again, no rush. Just get to it when you can :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Posted and I can't wait to hear feedback!

Dang that must be a lot of homework! And me distracting you isn't very helpful haha. I don't know if I could handle that much even with three hour long breaks :(

That had to be one of my favorite posts I've done in this role-play so far! Yeah I thought about it and Devin would totally bite her neck, so I had him do that, It is nice how we bounce off each other. It might be only their second day, but of course that is the beauty of his heat of the moment kiss. If he would have been thinking straight he wouldn't have been that bold, that is why he started to pull away. It has to be the fact that we think the same on somethings that the reason we write so well together, it is so great.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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That was great! You have every reason to be proud of that post! You defiantly make me wanna skip class and reply! Lol.

You're not distracting! Part of one of my breaks was replying to this rp. It kept me slightly sane while I tried not to freak out. :)

We do think in the same way, which is so much fun! I have a feeling Avina isn't going to let him pull away so easily. I've been running through sanarios of how she is going to react and how the bite feels for her. In all of the situation the one thing that stays the same is that she doesn't let him pull away or she goes in for another kiss. :) it is a very intense scene but I like it, I have a feeling it's going to end with some kind of conferentation. ^.^ we shall see.
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