Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Sakuya nodded at what Dani said but otherwise remained quiet as the first match shortly went underway. She disregarded most fights as the players didn't seem to do much in terms of actual skill rather using overwhelming firepower to beat their opponents. Some though stuck out the second fight for example was a Spiegel gundam against a Shamblo. Despite the overwhelming difference in fire power the Spiegel won the match clearly the one who used the spiegel had a clear understanding if not somewhat of a obsession with the gundam and its pilot. As said controller was wearing a black trench coat only revealing the German flag colored mask. Another one to look for was the pilot using the original rx78-2 who managed to beat the nightingale he was against. The third and final person Sakuya noted was using Char's zaku 2 custom from the origin and it beat someone who ironically was using a Sinanju. The hidden irony of that didnt escape her as she let a small chuckle. Turning around to face her friends she decided to ask "I believe the person with the Spiegel, rx78-2 and the Zaku 2 might prove interesting what do you think?" She asked the sheer fact that they seemed to have understanding of the suits was of interest plus how they won despite the odds they were against normally. The twelth match just ended with a double knockout between the exia and the reborns both of them over relying on the trans am in her own opinion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis sighed an annoyed sigh as the twelfth fight finally ended "Ever have that feeling your the only one that knows how to do something right. I'm having that feeling right now." She said as the 'Trans-Am spammers' left the stage to make room for the next fight. "And yeah, those three looked like they have some promise, could be fun to go around with them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani got up, it was her turn to battle. A few gasps around the room, but nothing too noticeable as people recognized her. She walked up to the stage, in her training clothes as she had gotten dressed. Then the female Took the god gundam out of the tube and set it down on the launch pad. She placed her GP base and smiled. The god gundam was a true work of art. She had given it a clear coat in a very thin layer of rinsed black gloss, so while all the colors came through, when you caught an edge, it looked like it had been cell shaded, like it was out of the anime.

She bowed to her opponent. "Thank you for the match opportunity." she said as she launched, her opponent in a 00 Raiser. She merely flew out to the middle of the map and stood upon a mountain. He immediately went transam and closed the distance. Going in with the sword first, he nearly teleported and sliced at the mid section of the God gundam. Dani reacted immediatly, grabbing the edge of the blade and snapping it in two. She then grabbed the arm of the MSand judo flipped it, punching into the shoulder and disabling the machine's shoulder. As it began to reach up with its other arm, she slammed a foot down on it, pinning it, using the vulcans to shoot out its shoulder joint as she had access to it. It was then another stomp onto the waist before she reached down and pulled the top of the gunpla off of its waist. She tossed it to the side as the thing exploded, the God gundam standing among the flames as the battle ended. All in all, a fifteen second match from her. Standing opposite her was the german champion from many years past. The same one who had fell victim to fellini. Well, his girlfriend fell victim to the Italian playboy atleast.

She gave a bow and collected her gunpla, walking off the stage and sitting next to Sakuya and Alexis. "So, i guess you're up next out of us?" she smiled to Sakuya.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Sakuya quietly nodded as she looked at the 14th match coming up a blond hair youth using a crossbone gundam full cloth whose name she forgot off hand nemesis she believed. His opponent was worth laughing at since it was the user of the gyan Susumu who was proclaiming earlier on how he could easily beat the meijin or some such nonsense. Doubly so since he lost to the nemesis kid in under a minute by the peacock blaster plus the fact he was supposedly a former world contender. The rest of the matches she saw no point in as well since it was clearly no one of skill. That was till the seventeenth match which was either someones attempt at trying to make a joke or just a odd pairing they were using a strike freedom and it was against a destiny impulse either way the person using the strike freedom had some considerable skill all things considered. With a soft sigh she stood up and placed the kimaris trooper her opponent was a bit overly sure in their victory. Her opponent using a standard Seravee and couldn't help but smirk that was a suit she knew all about after all she used to run one. With the start of the match the seravee stayed at a distance and tried to bombard her with the gn bazooka rather than coming to meet her. Smirking she knew this would be a quick match. using the kimaris shield she threw it at the attatched seraphim getting the shield stuck firmly in it while she hefted the trooper lance and charged in trooper mode at the seravee. With the speed the suit granted her it was easy to come close and with it jammed it into its torso before lifting it up and firing the guns located in the lance before swinging it off the lance ending the battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis snickered as Sakuya dropped her opponent like a sack of rocks, mostly due to all the shit talking people where doing before the fights started.

The 19th fight was nothing of note really, a Gouf Custom from 8th MS Team vs one of the new Graze Ritter units in which the Graze got chewed up by the Goufs Gatling Gun and tossed around by the Heat Wire cause the Graze pilot just did not being as good as the Gouf pilot, good enough for Alexis to figure this wasn't her first 'casual tourney'

"Looks like I'm up" Alexis said as she got up, gave Cassandra a kiss on the forehead before handing her to her brother and saying 'mommy will be right back', then grabbed her Queen Mansa and headed to the stage and got ready for the battle. the battle field was a ruined city, and as she approached the center of town she came under fire from a Seravee, Alexis avoided the first few shots from the Seraphim's beam cannons while the Seravee it self was charging the GN Bazooka to full power.

She was going to land, and charge in with a one of the 'Beam Sabers' or 'Beam Claymore' as she called them given the relative size difference between the Queen Mansa's Beam Sabers and almost every other Beam Saber out there, and just end it. But as she touched ground and the Seravee opened up with the full power of the GN Bazooka and the Seraphim's Beam Cannons, he made a comment to the effect of 'this is what you get for picking a worthless old hunk of junk like that'.

Alexis had dealt with a lot of flack for her choices in Gunpla through out the years, there's a certain stigma about the 00 Gundam pilots being 'Trans-Am Spammers', IE relying on Trans-Am to carry them to a win, and while she still dealt with that now and again, most that knew her knew she had grown out of that long ago. But this guys comment rubbed her wrong in a way that she hadn't felt in years, so she just tanked the blast with her I-Field and when the dust settled, the Queen Mansa just stood there, arms crossed, and red eye's a blaze, as if to say 'that it?'.

The Seravee and Seraphim, seeing beam cannons weren't gonna work, separated and and came at the Queen Mansa in a pincer attack, the Seravee coming from the front, and the Seraphim coming from the back, both with a Beam Saber active and ready to strike, and where stopped cold when Alex grabbed, and held up the Seravee by the chest armor, and back handed then forearm bashed the Seraphim into the ground with the other arm, the surprise from this sudden,simultaneous counter attack stopping him from reacting just long enough for Alexis to blast the Seravee dead center in the chest with a fully powered blast from the Mega Particle Cannon in the Queen Mansa's free arm, the blast ripping the Seravee free, after which Alexis fired a second blast into the back of the Seraphim, destroying it.

Alexis dropped the piece of the Seravee she still had a hold of and charged the MP Cannons in the chest and head to full power, as he hadn't been totally destroyed due to the Seravee's armor, and finished the crippled Gundam off, before silently collecting her Gunpla and leaving her 'opponent' to cope with what just happened.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Sakuya smiled though inwardly she was cursing at the idiots in this tournament "doesn't anyone know how to use a Seravee anymore" She muttered aloud before sighing. "idiot" she muttered once under breath as she watched the person Alexis beat crying as he was escorted off the stage muttering on how his plan was flawless or some other nonsense of the sort. With the person escorted off the stage they started to announce the next round the victors of each match would face each other off in another one on one duel. Most of the names Sakuya ignored till she saw something of interest to her at least. It seems the first match to start off the second round was the spiegel vs Dani's god gundam.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani smiled. "Well, let's go." she said, getting up up from her seat and walking down to the stage. She saw across from her the man in cosplay. Giving a bow, Dani nodded. "I hope this fight shall be a good one." she said to him, grabbing cloth on her chest, then tearing it away. IT seemed she had break away clothing on and underneath that, she was wearing a skintight suit, a 'Fighting Suit' from Future century and happening to look like Domon's as well. She stood and and the cockpit formed around her, offering an alternate control system, prettymuch turning into a mobile trace system.

The crowd was silent for any number of reasons. However as soon as someone began to make a comment, the schwartz did exactly the same. HE revealed the skintight schwartz bruder fighting suit from G gundam. "I don't think any of them will beleive us, but we honestly didn't plan this." Dani commented with a smirk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Sakuya saw the matching suits and couldn't help but sigh "GOOD JOB YOU TWO CAN WE EXPECT A SYNCHRONIZED FIGHT NEXT" she heard someone yell out from the crowed and shook her head lightly people were ribbing them but she understood that part I mean look at the two. "So we have the gundam fighter of neo germany vs the gundam fighter of neo japan?" She asked Alexis in a joking matter as she chuckled in good humor the sheer irony of two people dressing up in the respective suits and using the respective gunpla. Though she did not have much room to talk considering her past Tieria cosplay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Damian gave Alexis that 'she's your friend' look, while Alexis just shrugged and checked her right arm of her kit for damage. After all it was just a straight build, "So it seems" she said to Sakuya, "though, if Dani doesn't go full ham with Domon's lines people are gonna be highly disappointed." she said, satisfied all was well with her Gunpla.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani smirked and looked in the direction the heckler called from. "I'd be happy to fight you later, after the tournament." she called back, knowing it would shut them up immediately. "However... i have a more important grudge match... AGAINST YOU SCHWARZ!" she called out, pointing at him, her gunpla set on the launch zone and her Gp base waiting. Clenching her pointing finger into a fist, the female got into a fighting stance now, pretty similar to Domon's stance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Without a word the person launched no grandstanding or any exclamations. The spiegel gundam quickly launched multiple wire netting and like the show creating a small cage around it and the god gundam. Before long he got a bit close the arm blades of spiegel deployed deciding to go up close and personal for the fight. Before long it swung it's left arm in a obvious hit hopping to catch Dani off guard.

Sakuya looked at the start of the fight something was wrong the person fought completely different gone was the flashy theatrics that the spiegel user showed in the last fight with it was just calm brute force with a touch of proficiency making a clear difference in shown skill either he got real lucky last fight or something happened. "something is wrong his fighting style is completely different now. there is no way for someone to change that quickly nevermind accounting for the change in skill level."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"The last fight could have been an act. It's not hard to look 'really' good, when your fighting some one below your level" Alexis said as she watch the fight start, and also noted the shift in the Spiegel Gundam's pilots skill level.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani braced herself and clenched a fist as the netting deployed. "Like hell that's going to fly..." Dani said to herself as she immediatly went for a burning finger, catching the blade. STruggling against it in the trace system simulation, she grabbed the arm and threw the spiegel into the wires. She could feel something was different and off. "This isn't the real fighter. no way the man i know from various different media outlets would throw away theatrics at a time like this.

"Sorry peeps, but this guy is different. I'm going to have to cross the beams. EVERYONE GRAB SOMETHING!" she announced and held up both hands. "Let's go, double erupting burning finger secret technique!" she called out and got into one of the most iconic poses known, unfortunately it wasn't from gundam. Both hands were at her side as the power in the god gundam ramped up insanely fast. "KA-ME-HA-ME..... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" She shouted and unleashed both of the erupting burning finger attacks at the spiegel.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis signed and Damian snickered "Kamehame Ha, pff, everybody know Final Flash is better." Alexis said as Dani was apparently not having any of this 'different fighter' non sense. "Meh, aside color difference all the attack in Dragon Ball look the same to me." Damian said with a shrug, Alexis snickered, as she couldn't really argue otherwise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The user of the spiegel was stunned at the odd display Dani was displaying which beyond a odd comment about a final flash? rendered alot of people speechless. Still stunned by the off the wall comment that probably killed some die hard gundam fans braincells at the sheer audacity to declare such things during a gunpla match. Beyond that he stood and ended up taking a large brunt of the large blast that was headed his way.

Sakuya watching the display couldn't help but facepalm sure the sudden reference to a iconic show probably put alot of people in awe or shock but to let yourself to take such a brute attack without even bothering to try and block was another thing all together. "This is a disgrace to watch" Sakuya said aloud with scorn the sheer stupidity of that person to take that attack was beyond insulting to as a professional sure it may be pride and what not but even new fighters should have enough of a brain to try and dodge right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Disgrace? no ... this is bad comedy. I've never met anyone dull enough to not at least attempt get out of the way of a 'big beam of death' heading toward them." Alexis said, now sounding annoyed. "What I wanna know is, who is this guy, and where's the fighter we saw from the last round cause this clearly isn't them, and pretty sure switching fighters is against the rules."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"Wie über Sie diese Maske ausziehen und zeigen uns, wer Sie wirklich sind!" she screamed at the guy who was pretending to be the german champ. The god gundam kept its distance as she didn't want to fall into any traps, she just released another bout of a one handed erupting finger, trying to wear him down from a distance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

At the response from Dani in german no less couldn't let out a laugh. "You want me to take off the mask very well than" The person said as he gripped the mask with his left hand and slowly lifted it up. Once he fully taken it off the person underneath wasn't some well known eprson in fact for the most part people wasn't all that impressed either way. "I am part of the secret organization the GUNPLA MAFIA!" He exclaimed as he pulled a fedora out of his trench coat. "You can call me K-3 and my mission today was to make sure you are unable to compete ever again as the representative for the labs." He said completely unaware of how he called himself a idiot or his code name spelled idiot as he went into his sleeve and pulled out a small trigger and pressed it. Than right after the spiegel collapsed and formed and like other suits from its matching anime transformed slowly to reveal a single tentacle hand with a gundam face on it. Than from the Sands the rest of the body rose up revealing a pitch black devil gundam with obvious customized parts added.

She hated herself not only was she missing a match but she was freaking tied up and had her gender as the german champion exposed! With a sigh she ran towards the stage wearing nothing more than a large black coat with a pair of beach sandals considering her main outfit was stolen. Thankfully she kept her world tournament coat and mask in a locker nearby. As she slipped on the mask its gold v fin gleaming in the sunlight. Though sadly in her rush she forgot two important things one her body shape was obvious from what she was wearing and two she did not have a extra voice changer. Her actual spiegel clutched in her hand she arrived a bit as she saw the black devil gundam rise up from the ground.

Sakuya looked in somewhat awe Dani somehow was the target of a gunpla mafia attack? As much as she wanted to keep up a cool facade she coudln't help it and burst out laughing. "R-r-r-really some no name person hired the gunpla mafia to interfere with the tournament just because they didn't like the choice of the lab contender?" She managed to say between laughs before she got herself together and yelled once more "KICK that IDIOTS ASS DANI!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis groaned as the fight revealed him self to be one of those 'Gunpla Mafia' twits. "Lovely, one of these morons ... Lemme know Dani gets done butchering this trash tier wanna be fighter. I'm a go over here and watch something on YouTube." Alexis said with a profound lack of interest in the 'fight', and pulling out her phone to do just as she said.


The Devil Gundam activated the extra arms in the shoulders and started lumbering toward Dani's God Gundam, firing the Beam Cannons in the extra arms fingers, as well as the head mounted beam cannons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I'm over here" a voice called out as the true german champ arrived and quickly entered the battle placing her spiegel and entered landing behind the devil gundam making the spiegel corss its arms as it stood on a large mountain. Brushing back her long blond hair the german champ opened her eyes revealing startling red eyes as she let a smirk come across her lips. "It will take more than to take me down fool." She said as she looked at her would be attacker she was the black rabbit of germany. She was the german champion she would not let some no name idiot working for a fake mafia take her down and try and take her hard earned spot.

Sakuya looked somewhat impressed as the real fighter entered. "So the black rabbit of germany finally makes her appearance huh?" She asked as she looked at Alexis "I know you wanted to wait till the fight was over but with her arrival it might be quicker than expected" She said after getting her attention away from the phone she was messing around on.
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