Task Force Echo

Welcome to Task Force Echo, ladies and gents.
Prologue: Echolocation
Part One: Kører med Ulvene (Run with Wolves)
Part Two: Red Light
More Parts to be Announced
Roster of Characters:
Squad Leader, Automatic Rifleman/Grenadier: Captain Merlin "Wizard" Bastion
Grenadier/AT: First Sergeant Nikolaj "Huscarl" Ørsted-Holl
Marksman/Pointman: Staff Sergeant Olivia "Empress" Yen
CBRN/Rifleman: Master Corporal Tyler "Blacktail" Crowstep
UAV/UGV Operator/Rifleman: Sergeant Richard Goldfarb
TACP/AT Rifleman: Warrant Officer Rainer Johnston
Combat Medic: Staff Sergeant Theis Davidsen
Breaching Specialist/Explosives Expert: Sergeant Dmitriy "Dima" Tarasovich Ungern
EOD/CBRN/Rifleman: Master Sergeant Aleksandra Alexeyevna "The Experiment" Volkov
Marksman/Infiltrator: Specialist Dominique “Duchess” Oakley
Ammo Carrier/Rifleman: Staff Sergeant Jaroslav Svoboda
CS Template (to be posted in Characters tab)
Appearance: (Picture and Description, or Detailed Description)
Rank: Caps at Staff Sergeant unless pre-approved officer rank (PM for details)
Role: (Can be joint, so Grenadier/Squad Lead as an example)
Weapon(s): (In the form of loadouts. This is flexible- so at the moment, I would recommend a generic one that fits your character, then keeping a couple in mind for different specific operative needs.)
Brief Background: A paragraph or two will suffice, more if you feel like it.
Equipment (Can be fused with Appearance in places)