kingkonrad's characters
"You either fuck people up so they never exist again or they bite you in the arse a year later. I've been in this line of work too long to know that. We don't do half measures. We sweep this place and leave nothing under the fucking floorboards, everyone clear!?"
Name: Merlin "Wizard" Bastion
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Nationality/Special Forces Unit: British, Special Boat Service (SBS)

Taken in 2016, this photo doesn't bring out just how gravelly his face is, nor his stature, but it has a good attempt at his beard and stare. Taken on NATO SOF Exercise Beta, in Alsace, France.
Merlin is a scary motherfucker. It turns out that it hasn't faded with age, either. Because when you meet him, you understand the hype that really leads to why he has his reputation. Why he is equally feared, and equally liked. He stands at 6"5, and has a strong build, being built more for strength than agility, a mountain of an individual, yet not into the realms of freakishly strong- he's probably at the apex of where he wants to be, neither some powerlifitng loon, nor any less frightening. Rugby, swimming as well as a lifetime of hard physical work has been responsible for this, Merlin's routines being in full force. You wouldn't want to turn to see him behind you in an alley, shall we say. He can still run marathons in full operational gear, so don't assume that this has come at the cost of his stamina and endurance- this fellow still has some life in him, the same as he had over a decade ago, and has now. He has a world weary look, and has a number of scars running down the side of his face, mostly minor but observable on close observation His distinctive beard, flowing and filling an awful lot of his face, is the easiest way to make him out apart from his general gravitas. He has dark black hair, sometimes left to go long, sometimes shaven almost entirely short, depending when you meet him, and dulled brown eyes. One particular feature is that he is almost wholly missing three toes on his left foot...the answer for why it's like that is a grizzly one, and a lucky one (see later). He has a tattoo of a Trident on his back, and a Serpent across his right shoulder- of a local Devonian type, with an intricate design.
Merlin is often seen with a black beanie over his head, though of course, being an SBS operator means swimming or HALO jumps, and of course, there are times that it won't be practical. A brown shemagh, as well as a pair of worn Mechanix gloves on his hands rounds him off, as well as a pair of well worn Karrimor boots do the trick. He has sometimes got a pair of Wiley X sunglasses over his eyes, though this isn't frequent. He has a strong English West Country accent, coming from rural Devon. Or if you don't know what that is, imagine a pirate accent, less extreme and less plunder-y. Yes. I am not even joking, that is the best I can do to describe it.
Merlin's personality is one that brings him alive, and it's one that is both respected and feared, complimenting his build- when his voice is raised at someone or something, you may want to consider earplugs, because he makes Brian Blessed sound quiet (I'll leave that to you to figure out if you don't know). He has a strong wroth when in the field of combat, and will happily take the charge and do some serious damage to an enemy. This has helped his reputation in both ways; the rumor of Merlin "repeatedly smashing the militant's skull against the desk, until internal bleeding took over and the man was left on the floor" allegedly being in written in one of his After Action Reports is one that seems to sum it up well at his most extreme. He seems to have a sense of strong authority, and can laugh with the whole team one minute and removing himself from the circle of his command. Merlin plus cider get on well. Very well. Like his beard, cider is a core part of Merlin's life; it isn't alcoholism, but being from the West Country, the golden nectar needs to be close by in one shape or form for the good times to flow. This is before the next minute, where he can be going back to business and being switched on, cold hearted and absolutely on point with the task at hand. He leads by example, and seems to have a certain commitment to what he does- this being the practice of fucking people up, or clearing out a terorrist hideout.
His thuggish nature is not a dumb one, however. He is cunning enough to maximize the chaos of a situation if required through his team, or to make them clean out a number of enemy forces in dead silence, being aware of the application of chaos in the right way. It's why he's a Captain, after all. His application of tech isn't as high as others in the team when it comes to deploying or using drones, but he knows what is available and how his team can use it, so he'll keep it subcontracted throughout the unit to supply him with information, be it the use of drones or their own observation in the multi-lateral HUD system utilized by the team. This combat control links to Warrant Officer Johnston's FCISISAM system, so that even if he doesn't manipulate it, it's as if he lets the tech get run by others whilst being able to make tactical decisions on the fly with this in mind. Merlin's moral code is fairly blurry given his intensity, but he is the type of individual to do the right thing when it counts. He seems like an individual who is not encumbered with the world on his shoulders, but knows what the stakes are, and will always know where he stands with his men. Merlin's wroth can make him sometimes short-sighted, but on the whole, he has both the wisdom and the ability to lead with example in the field.
Bad things happen if you decide to be critical of his beard. Really bad things. Apparently.
Rank: Captain (Cpt)
Role: Squad Lead- Automatic Rifleman or Grenadier
Fixed in Loadouts:
870P MCS
-12 Gauge OO Buckshot, Capacity of Four Shells
-Ghost Ring Sight
-Black Paint
Perfect for making an entrance, blowing the hinges off doors, this weapon looks more likely to be found in the hands of a biker rather than an operator, with it's short barrel and lack of stock. Still, it does it's job well, and for breaching, it is compact enough to be wielded with fairly little problem, the 12 gauge still able to blow apart anyone in it's path.
-Sig Sauer P226 Mk25
-Ghost Ring Sight
-12 Round Flush Magazine in .357 SIG
-Osprey SIG Silencer
-X300 Surefire Flashlight
-Black Finish
A nice little sidearm, trusty and reliable- firing a .357 round, this thing is able to pack a serious punch, with Swiss reliability and accuracy that comes in it's usual 9mm offering. With a Ghost Ring and an Osprey silencer, it's a Merlin's best but last friend to the tap-tap with, or first when a lightweight, powerful offering is needed. It's a weapon utilized by all branches of the British Armed Forces and numerous other special forces groups, so this thing is as good as gold. All the stories of a Glock having a cooler, more modern and fast firing look are rubbish to Merlin. This is his baby.
Light Anti-Tank/PDWs can also be used for mission-specific incidences, examples being:
-Bofors AT4 CS
-Bofors Carl Gustav M3
-Heckler and Koch MP7A2 Vickers Tactical
-Heckler and Koch MP5SD6
-Magpul PDR 5.56 (Experimental)
Name: Merlin "Wizard" Bastion
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Nationality/Special Forces Unit: British, Special Boat Service (SBS)

Taken in 2016, this photo doesn't bring out just how gravelly his face is, nor his stature, but it has a good attempt at his beard and stare. Taken on NATO SOF Exercise Beta, in Alsace, France.
Merlin is a scary motherfucker. It turns out that it hasn't faded with age, either. Because when you meet him, you understand the hype that really leads to why he has his reputation. Why he is equally feared, and equally liked. He stands at 6"5, and has a strong build, being built more for strength than agility, a mountain of an individual, yet not into the realms of freakishly strong- he's probably at the apex of where he wants to be, neither some powerlifitng loon, nor any less frightening. Rugby, swimming as well as a lifetime of hard physical work has been responsible for this, Merlin's routines being in full force. You wouldn't want to turn to see him behind you in an alley, shall we say. He can still run marathons in full operational gear, so don't assume that this has come at the cost of his stamina and endurance- this fellow still has some life in him, the same as he had over a decade ago, and has now. He has a world weary look, and has a number of scars running down the side of his face, mostly minor but observable on close observation His distinctive beard, flowing and filling an awful lot of his face, is the easiest way to make him out apart from his general gravitas. He has dark black hair, sometimes left to go long, sometimes shaven almost entirely short, depending when you meet him, and dulled brown eyes. One particular feature is that he is almost wholly missing three toes on his left foot...the answer for why it's like that is a grizzly one, and a lucky one (see later). He has a tattoo of a Trident on his back, and a Serpent across his right shoulder- of a local Devonian type, with an intricate design.
Merlin is often seen with a black beanie over his head, though of course, being an SBS operator means swimming or HALO jumps, and of course, there are times that it won't be practical. A brown shemagh, as well as a pair of worn Mechanix gloves on his hands rounds him off, as well as a pair of well worn Karrimor boots do the trick. He has sometimes got a pair of Wiley X sunglasses over his eyes, though this isn't frequent. He has a strong English West Country accent, coming from rural Devon. Or if you don't know what that is, imagine a pirate accent, less extreme and less plunder-y. Yes. I am not even joking, that is the best I can do to describe it.
Merlin's personality is one that brings him alive, and it's one that is both respected and feared, complimenting his build- when his voice is raised at someone or something, you may want to consider earplugs, because he makes Brian Blessed sound quiet (I'll leave that to you to figure out if you don't know). He has a strong wroth when in the field of combat, and will happily take the charge and do some serious damage to an enemy. This has helped his reputation in both ways; the rumor of Merlin "repeatedly smashing the militant's skull against the desk, until internal bleeding took over and the man was left on the floor" allegedly being in written in one of his After Action Reports is one that seems to sum it up well at his most extreme. He seems to have a sense of strong authority, and can laugh with the whole team one minute and removing himself from the circle of his command. Merlin plus cider get on well. Very well. Like his beard, cider is a core part of Merlin's life; it isn't alcoholism, but being from the West Country, the golden nectar needs to be close by in one shape or form for the good times to flow. This is before the next minute, where he can be going back to business and being switched on, cold hearted and absolutely on point with the task at hand. He leads by example, and seems to have a certain commitment to what he does- this being the practice of fucking people up, or clearing out a terorrist hideout.
His thuggish nature is not a dumb one, however. He is cunning enough to maximize the chaos of a situation if required through his team, or to make them clean out a number of enemy forces in dead silence, being aware of the application of chaos in the right way. It's why he's a Captain, after all. His application of tech isn't as high as others in the team when it comes to deploying or using drones, but he knows what is available and how his team can use it, so he'll keep it subcontracted throughout the unit to supply him with information, be it the use of drones or their own observation in the multi-lateral HUD system utilized by the team. This combat control links to Warrant Officer Johnston's FCISISAM system, so that even if he doesn't manipulate it, it's as if he lets the tech get run by others whilst being able to make tactical decisions on the fly with this in mind. Merlin's moral code is fairly blurry given his intensity, but he is the type of individual to do the right thing when it counts. He seems like an individual who is not encumbered with the world on his shoulders, but knows what the stakes are, and will always know where he stands with his men. Merlin's wroth can make him sometimes short-sighted, but on the whole, he has both the wisdom and the ability to lead with example in the field.
Bad things happen if you decide to be critical of his beard. Really bad things. Apparently.
Rank: Captain (Cpt)
Role: Squad Lead- Automatic Rifleman or Grenadier
LSAT Light Machine Gun
-200 Round Box, Caseless 5.56mm
-EOTech XPS3 Holographic Sight
-EOTech 3X Magnifier
-Surefire M900 Flashlight/Vertical Foregrip
-AN/PEQ-2 IR Laser
-Surefire 5.56 Monster Sound Supressor (optional)
-Magpul UBR Stock
-Tan Spray
This newly-developed LMG weighs eight kilos when fully loaded, which is exceptionally light for a light machine gun with a 650 rounds per minute fire rate. To Merlin then, it's like a heavy rifle- and it is manageable in CQC, as well as being able to put fire down range. The caseless design of the rounds fired, as well as the addition of RIS and the ability to add a sound suppressor to the LMG means that it is actually very adaptable to various situations, to provide a seriously heavy amount of fire in a short space.
-200 Round Box, Caseless 5.56mm
-EOTech XPS3 Holographic Sight
-EOTech 3X Magnifier
-Surefire M900 Flashlight/Vertical Foregrip
-AN/PEQ-2 IR Laser
-Surefire 5.56 Monster Sound Supressor (optional)
-Magpul UBR Stock
-Tan Spray
This newly-developed LMG weighs eight kilos when fully loaded, which is exceptionally light for a light machine gun with a 650 rounds per minute fire rate. To Merlin then, it's like a heavy rifle- and it is manageable in CQC, as well as being able to put fire down range. The caseless design of the rounds fired, as well as the addition of RIS and the ability to add a sound suppressor to the LMG means that it is actually very adaptable to various situations, to provide a seriously heavy amount of fire in a short space.
FN Herstal SCAR-H
-20 Round 7.62mm magazine
-Fourth Gen
-16" Barrel (can be swapped)
-Trijicon TA31F ACOG 4x Optical Sight
-Aimpoint Micro T-1 BRDS (Backup Red Dot Sight), side-mounted
-AN/PEQ-15 Laser/Light Module (Barrel Mounted)
-Surefire Mini Monster 5.56 Sound Suppressor
-EGLM 40mm GL Platform OR VTS "Potato Peeler" Grip OR M26 MASS Shotgun System
-Rifle sprayed in Grey/Tan Hexagon pattern
A hard-hitting Belgian classic, used by SOF groups across the world. With a 7.62mm cartridge and a high level of modularity and accuracy, it makes for a perfect weapon for Merlin's use when the LMG won'd do the trick. Even if the GL doesn't find use, the weapon is excellent for infiltration where a larger box-fed weapon would be impractical. The ability to work the weapon is why Merlin has so few alternatives he uses. It's been in SBS usage to replace the classic Colt C8 and HK417 series, offering a balanced platform.
-20 Round 7.62mm magazine
-Fourth Gen
-16" Barrel (can be swapped)
-Trijicon TA31F ACOG 4x Optical Sight
-Aimpoint Micro T-1 BRDS (Backup Red Dot Sight), side-mounted
-AN/PEQ-15 Laser/Light Module (Barrel Mounted)
-Surefire Mini Monster 5.56 Sound Suppressor
-EGLM 40mm GL Platform OR VTS "Potato Peeler" Grip OR M26 MASS Shotgun System
-Rifle sprayed in Grey/Tan Hexagon pattern
A hard-hitting Belgian classic, used by SOF groups across the world. With a 7.62mm cartridge and a high level of modularity and accuracy, it makes for a perfect weapon for Merlin's use when the LMG won'd do the trick. Even if the GL doesn't find use, the weapon is excellent for infiltration where a larger box-fed weapon would be impractical. The ability to work the weapon is why Merlin has so few alternatives he uses. It's been in SBS usage to replace the classic Colt C8 and HK417 series, offering a balanced platform.
Fixed in Loadouts:
870P MCS
-12 Gauge OO Buckshot, Capacity of Four Shells
-Ghost Ring Sight
-Black Paint
Perfect for making an entrance, blowing the hinges off doors, this weapon looks more likely to be found in the hands of a biker rather than an operator, with it's short barrel and lack of stock. Still, it does it's job well, and for breaching, it is compact enough to be wielded with fairly little problem, the 12 gauge still able to blow apart anyone in it's path.
-Sig Sauer P226 Mk25
-Ghost Ring Sight
-12 Round Flush Magazine in .357 SIG
-Osprey SIG Silencer
-X300 Surefire Flashlight
-Black Finish
A nice little sidearm, trusty and reliable- firing a .357 round, this thing is able to pack a serious punch, with Swiss reliability and accuracy that comes in it's usual 9mm offering. With a Ghost Ring and an Osprey silencer, it's a Merlin's best but last friend to the tap-tap with, or first when a lightweight, powerful offering is needed. It's a weapon utilized by all branches of the British Armed Forces and numerous other special forces groups, so this thing is as good as gold. All the stories of a Glock having a cooler, more modern and fast firing look are rubbish to Merlin. This is his baby.
Light Anti-Tank/PDWs can also be used for mission-specific incidences, examples being:
-Bofors AT4 CS
-Bofors Carl Gustav M3
-Heckler and Koch MP7A2 Vickers Tactical
-Heckler and Koch MP5SD6
-Magpul PDR 5.56 (Experimental)
Merlin Robert Bastion was born in 1984 in Honiton, Devon (England), to a schoolteacher mother, and a Major for a father, James, serving in the Royal Marines. So it was clear that when Merlin grew up, there was going to be a clear influence on where he'd go. He was a burly lad in his youth, and he did well in school, finding his subjects challenging, but not difficult- passing with moderate grades. He was a member of the Rugby and Swimming Clubs in his town, as well as the Cadets- just waiting till he finished school to go join the lads in the forces. Joining the Royal Marines Commando, like his father, he found the lifestyle perfect from reservist work from 16 following onto full service from 18. It was being with the lads, killing Taliban, wearing the Green Beret that made him know he was doing things right. The Royal Marines Commando gave him the chance to specialize and get involved in semi-SOF operations, such as the nature of their tours in Afghanistan. He spent four tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, and was promoted to Sergeant by the age of 24. He led a squad-sized element, and proved to be adept at both employing an anger and a command that would be expected of a Marine, picking up valuable skills in the tools of the trade. He was not exemplary, and had gone through at least one Beasting in his service. But he was respected by his friends, and he did a good job. He wasn't half-assed, he was not a soldier here by conscription or pressure even from his dad. He was here, because he found it was a good way to make a living, and through his service, became a staple man that you could count on. Not some lucky opportune soldier who proved his guts, he proved it because he lived for it. There were times when Merlin was particularly pushed. 2005/2006 was the worst tour- as nine men from Merlin's platoon were killed in the space of two months, three from his squad alone. The worst of the war in Afghanistan was in reclaiming the villages and valleys of Helmand, and it was having an enormous strain on every single man involved. The Royal Marines were the sharpened force that got these areas back, and IEDs, rocket attacks, and the constant threat of suicide bombings meant that Merlin was thrown into the very worst of the shitpit. In these circumstances, you either grew and became a braver, leading man, or sunk back down and lost your mind. Merlin did not let it get him down, and knew the job at hand, getting him and his lads home whilst giving hell to those who wanted to kill them. It was six years of enlisted and NCO work that put Merlin's basics into place, his mean nature and grit putting. This was however, a dark time for other reasons too. Merlin lacked his beard.
Coming home, Merlin was to be told he ought to consider a career as an officer in the RM at the age of 24, lest not to put his skills to waste as an apt commander of men, or to at least see if a more stymied approach would rein in Merlin's methods. This was where he ended up going for Officer Training, and while not being your typical British "Rupert", or a stereotyped "posh" officer, he excelled at the physical and mental testing, before he then applied for the Special Boat Service two years later, following another tour in Basra, Iraq. This tour saw him lead a platoon of men, acting as a support force to SBS operations in the Euphrates Delta in anti-insurgent work. Already serving alongside some lads from the Regiment, he found it wasn't a big lifestyle change- it was more of the same, and with more Gucci (cool, or specialist) equipment involved from his viewpoint.
This transfer occurred at the age of 26 after all, rather late for an operator, but was not refused due to his good results and competence in the field. Merlin's training had not been a big change for him- stamina was the key focus, and compared to Nikolaj, found himself in a position where he had to develop his cardiovascular skills, improving his breathing capacity, developing his fatigue thresholds. He passed with fairly high marks, and wasn't expected to fail- Merlin wasn't the kind of individual to do that, he was driven by something far deeper it seemed than most candidates would be. After pushing through the training and several years service as a Lieutenant, and was eventually allowed to lead a fireteam. He performed operations throughout Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Libya from 2010-2014 and in 2014-2019, was deployed to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey and Syria, among others. He's seen an awful lot of places in almost over a decade of SOF operations, from target elimination, reconnaissance, frogman work, TACP duties, sweep and clear operations with local forces, domestic counter-terrorist deployments, among others.
He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) in 2016, following actions undertaken in Syria to rescue three BBC journalists; the highly publicized story never naming the Captain, but certainly giving him an aurora of respect to others within the community due to the highly mediacized events that occurred. One rumor that persists is that Merlin beheaded an ISIL executioner involved en route to the extraction, and a squadmate shared the footage on the internet in a terrifying turn of events- the Captain denies this, but the rumor is said to have more than just words to back it's claim up, from unknown sources in the intelligence and special forces community, it may be him. Several more years in the SBS followed, with Merlin continuing his duties, as a trained diver, jumpmaster, and team leader of a force that echoed that of a Navy SEAL team. In the last four years, it is known that this was the point he was involved in a IED incident following a breach that killed an operator and badly wounded him- and left him needing to have several toes amputated, this being after losing a couple of pints of blood and being brought home. He was back in Britain by the time he was fixed up fully, but this part of the story in particular is quite gruesome. As the surgery for amputating his toes was scheduled to take place a week after he had fully recovered, being a non-priority in comparison to his physiotherapy and other medical check-ups, Merlin was left in pain and was sick of stubbing his feet. So taking his Dive Knife, he quietly returned back to his barrack, and...well, he has three toes missing on his left foot. On the plus side, the surgeon did say he did a remarkably clean job if so.
Last year, he was transferred to be the squad leader of Echo, and has taken the position with his usual confidence. He's good at his job, and he sees duty to get the job done. He seems to have brought his reputation with him, and he has faith in his operators, much like they'd have faith in him. His mountainous, bearded, beanie wearing figure is a sight to see. To utilize a comparison of a previous Captain Wojtkiewicz, of whom ran Lima, Merlin is far more upbeat, but more terrifying and perhaps intense when it comes to his application of the scalpel that he wields, and far more of a presence to those in his reach. He may seem like a little much, like he is larger than life. Fact is, Merlin is this kind of figure- and for a force that needs to evolve and adapt to the new threat of terror, you have the best man available for the job.
Coming home, Merlin was to be told he ought to consider a career as an officer in the RM at the age of 24, lest not to put his skills to waste as an apt commander of men, or to at least see if a more stymied approach would rein in Merlin's methods. This was where he ended up going for Officer Training, and while not being your typical British "Rupert", or a stereotyped "posh" officer, he excelled at the physical and mental testing, before he then applied for the Special Boat Service two years later, following another tour in Basra, Iraq. This tour saw him lead a platoon of men, acting as a support force to SBS operations in the Euphrates Delta in anti-insurgent work. Already serving alongside some lads from the Regiment, he found it wasn't a big lifestyle change- it was more of the same, and with more Gucci (cool, or specialist) equipment involved from his viewpoint.
This transfer occurred at the age of 26 after all, rather late for an operator, but was not refused due to his good results and competence in the field. Merlin's training had not been a big change for him- stamina was the key focus, and compared to Nikolaj, found himself in a position where he had to develop his cardiovascular skills, improving his breathing capacity, developing his fatigue thresholds. He passed with fairly high marks, and wasn't expected to fail- Merlin wasn't the kind of individual to do that, he was driven by something far deeper it seemed than most candidates would be. After pushing through the training and several years service as a Lieutenant, and was eventually allowed to lead a fireteam. He performed operations throughout Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Libya from 2010-2014 and in 2014-2019, was deployed to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey and Syria, among others. He's seen an awful lot of places in almost over a decade of SOF operations, from target elimination, reconnaissance, frogman work, TACP duties, sweep and clear operations with local forces, domestic counter-terrorist deployments, among others.
He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) in 2016, following actions undertaken in Syria to rescue three BBC journalists; the highly publicized story never naming the Captain, but certainly giving him an aurora of respect to others within the community due to the highly mediacized events that occurred. One rumor that persists is that Merlin beheaded an ISIL executioner involved en route to the extraction, and a squadmate shared the footage on the internet in a terrifying turn of events- the Captain denies this, but the rumor is said to have more than just words to back it's claim up, from unknown sources in the intelligence and special forces community, it may be him. Several more years in the SBS followed, with Merlin continuing his duties, as a trained diver, jumpmaster, and team leader of a force that echoed that of a Navy SEAL team. In the last four years, it is known that this was the point he was involved in a IED incident following a breach that killed an operator and badly wounded him- and left him needing to have several toes amputated, this being after losing a couple of pints of blood and being brought home. He was back in Britain by the time he was fixed up fully, but this part of the story in particular is quite gruesome. As the surgery for amputating his toes was scheduled to take place a week after he had fully recovered, being a non-priority in comparison to his physiotherapy and other medical check-ups, Merlin was left in pain and was sick of stubbing his feet. So taking his Dive Knife, he quietly returned back to his barrack, and...well, he has three toes missing on his left foot. On the plus side, the surgeon did say he did a remarkably clean job if so.
Last year, he was transferred to be the squad leader of Echo, and has taken the position with his usual confidence. He's good at his job, and he sees duty to get the job done. He seems to have brought his reputation with him, and he has faith in his operators, much like they'd have faith in him. His mountainous, bearded, beanie wearing figure is a sight to see. To utilize a comparison of a previous Captain Wojtkiewicz, of whom ran Lima, Merlin is far more upbeat, but more terrifying and perhaps intense when it comes to his application of the scalpel that he wields, and far more of a presence to those in his reach. He may seem like a little much, like he is larger than life. Fact is, Merlin is this kind of figure- and for a force that needs to evolve and adapt to the new threat of terror, you have the best man available for the job.
5x 200 Round 5.56mm Caseless Box Magazines
30x Shells of 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot
4x 12 Round .357 SIG Magazines
9x 20-Round 7.62mm Magazines
8x 40mm HE Grenades/4x 6 Round Magazines of 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot
3x 12 Round .357 SIG Magazines
2x L109A1 Frag Grenades
2x L83A1 Smoke Grenades (White)
2x L83A1 Smoke Grenades (Red, Blue)
2x G60 Flashbangs
2x IR Strobe
4x Chemlights (Mixed Color)
3x Breaching Charges (Composition C4)
2x Flares (Blue)
Battle Dress Uniform
-Usually composed of a AOR1/AOR2/MTP/Puma patterns on locale (Merlin opts for AOR patterns for it's benefits in arid/temperate environments where MTP fails, while the old school Polish Puma design is useful in Urban/Arctic terrains).
-Crye Precision Plate Carrier w/MOLLE Loadbearing Equipment
-Black Beanie OR Dark Grey/Carbon Ops Core Tactical Helmet
-Wiley X Sunglasses (sometimes)
-Karrimor Tan-Colored Boots
-Mechanix Black Gloves
Predator 30 Assault Pack
-Tactical Binoculars (Ranging Device/Integrated into TOS abilities)
-Petzl Headtorch
-1L Camelpak
-5m of Paracord
-Combat First Aid Kit
TOS 0.8 (Tactical Observation Sight)
-Contact Lens in right eye provides a connected movement of fellow operators via IR beacons (using a networked set of lines), as well as for the marking of landmarks for the team. It's not very advanced, but can be used to patch into UAV feeds, other operators' cameras. It's non-intrusive, and is only there as a tactical assistance.
Shoulder-Mounted Bullet Camera
Quad-Lens GPNVG-18 Night Vision Goggles
Petzl Hip Harness (Climbing/Rappelling)
Knee Holster for P226
Dive Knife (lightweight, very sharp, like a prison shank. Great at slicing through things. Paracord. Webbing. Throats. So on.)
5x 200 Round 5.56mm Caseless Box Magazines
30x Shells of 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot
4x 12 Round .357 SIG Magazines
9x 20-Round 7.62mm Magazines
8x 40mm HE Grenades/4x 6 Round Magazines of 12 Gauge 00 Buckshot
3x 12 Round .357 SIG Magazines
2x L109A1 Frag Grenades
2x L83A1 Smoke Grenades (White)
2x L83A1 Smoke Grenades (Red, Blue)
2x G60 Flashbangs
2x IR Strobe
4x Chemlights (Mixed Color)
3x Breaching Charges (Composition C4)
2x Flares (Blue)
Battle Dress Uniform
-Usually composed of a AOR1/AOR2/MTP/Puma patterns on locale (Merlin opts for AOR patterns for it's benefits in arid/temperate environments where MTP fails, while the old school Polish Puma design is useful in Urban/Arctic terrains).
-Crye Precision Plate Carrier w/MOLLE Loadbearing Equipment
-Black Beanie OR Dark Grey/Carbon Ops Core Tactical Helmet
-Wiley X Sunglasses (sometimes)
-Karrimor Tan-Colored Boots
-Mechanix Black Gloves
Predator 30 Assault Pack
-Tactical Binoculars (Ranging Device/Integrated into TOS abilities)
-Petzl Headtorch
-1L Camelpak
-5m of Paracord
-Combat First Aid Kit
TOS 0.8 (Tactical Observation Sight)
-Contact Lens in right eye provides a connected movement of fellow operators via IR beacons (using a networked set of lines), as well as for the marking of landmarks for the team. It's not very advanced, but can be used to patch into UAV feeds, other operators' cameras. It's non-intrusive, and is only there as a tactical assistance.
Shoulder-Mounted Bullet Camera
Quad-Lens GPNVG-18 Night Vision Goggles
Petzl Hip Harness (Climbing/Rappelling)
Knee Holster for P226
Dive Knife (lightweight, very sharp, like a prison shank. Great at slicing through things. Paracord. Webbing. Throats. So on.)
"I've been shot twice in the chest from what I'm certain was a group of rogue operators on an anti-terror posting. That night, at least 20 civilians died, and 44 terror suspects. The operators were never found. So the world is not a black and white place, that I know."
Name: Nikolaj "Huscarl" Ørsted-Holl
Gender: Male
Nationality/Special Forces Origin: Danish, Frømandskorpset (Danish Frogmen)
Age: 30

Taken in 2017, during NATO Exercise Urgent Fire, in Dorset, England. Nikolaj is on the right...the iconic Frømandskorpset net preventing anyone knowing more.
Nikolaj stands at 6"1, with a well developed frame that comes with being a frogman. He has short blonde hair, which would be flowing if he let it go- though of course, practicality rules this out, and blue eyes that are atypical of a Dane like him. He seems to have a good looking nature, even in his line of work where flinging mud, paint and water onto his face is a norm. It's this coupled to his charm that gets gets women at the bar more than his fellow operators. He has a strong stubble game going, cut down of what would be a longer dark ginger beard, and whilst not able to compete with Merlin on the strength side of things, he's got a little more stamina and finesse in agility. A tattoo of the Danish flag is carved onto his left shoulder, right beneath where the patch is on his uniform, as well as a short but deep scar around his collarbone.
In attire, Nikolaj can usually be seen wearing a M/84 camouflage boonie, though as a fellow frogman as Merlin, he doesn't wear it often in naval or airborne insertions. He wears a pair of black Oakley SI gloves, and a pair of Royal Danish Armed Forces procured Mammut boots. He usually wears a pair of red-tinted Oakley tactical sunglasses, one of which that he has gotten to work with the squad's TOS system. The net that it used is actually quite translucent, and works well as an alternative for a balaclava in urban operations, as well as for diving. See equipment for his BDU. In terms of his accent, when Nikolaj speaks in English there is little to suggest his Danish roots, bar a slight linger in his accent that holds a Scandinavian tone to it.
Nikolaj's personality is a confident one, that of an operator who doesn't have the die-hard, balls deep anger that Merlin has, but he seems to be able to hold himself well in a fight. He seems to have a sharp nature towards certain issues, becoming thorny and critical of certain ideas as a result of Copenhagen perhaps doing a greater psychological damage over his prior positivity, but overall he is quite a happy fellow. He seems witty, and has a certain method to his madness of getting shit done, when on operations, holding his own. He isn't fearless like Merlin, but his past courage in Copenhagen and other operations shows that in the moment, he can come close to his CO's bravery, albeit in a different manner than Merlin. His charm has worked well with women, and Nikolaj's nature is one that has left him with more one-night stands than he can remember. Non-military, of course. Nikolaj is hardened by past experiences, and is knowledgeable, more than perhaps he lets on at first. He doesn't seem to have the same vein of thought as Merlin, but the two get on well, both equally as calculating and able to direct fire into a target.
The Dane has to frequently deny that he is Jaime Lannister as a result of his appearance and suavity with women, on a funnier note. Even Merlin is on this joke.
Rank: First Sergeant (1stSgt)
Role: Grenadier
FN Herstal F2000
-Aimpoint CompCS Red Dot Sight
-Aimpoint 3XMag Magnifier
-AN-PEQ/15 Laser/Light Module (Top RIS Mounted)
-Surefire Monster 5.56 Sound Suppressor
-Metal Storm 3GL Platform w/RDS (Able to fire 3x 40mm GL rounds in semi-automatic succession) OR Tango Down Vertical Foregrip
-Tan Spray Finish
Another Belgian weapon, this one being perhaps a little more ubiquitous than the SCAR series of weapons. Liked by many SOF groups and in service with the Slovenian and Saudi Arabian forces, it boasts a similarly high modularity to the SCAR, with a short size for it's barrel length. It's very pointable within CQC situations (yes, that's a word now) and has a high fire rate, though it lacks the punch and absolute accuracy of the SCAR-H for longer ranges due to the lower caliber.
Bofors AT-4 CS
-Single-Use 84mm Launcher
-When light AT support is needed, you get an AT-4, because the world over, it's found itself to be one of the most reliable and effective devices to knock out armor- and countless forces use it as a result. The Swedish made AT launcher is still capable against light armored vehicles and is still relatively lightweight for an anti-tank weapon (the key word is relative). The CS variant is greatly useful for close quarters environments, with a reduced backblast from this version.
Mikor M32 MGL
-6x 40mm Drum
-Intergrated Ranging Optic
For when you really have to blow everything the fuck apart, get an MGL. It allows for Nikolaj to act as the squad's dedicated fire support, and whilst it means that keeping a distance is needed, it allows for the squad's firepower to be amplified by a significant figure, allowing for suppression and lightweight anti-emplacement munitions to be used. That said, it means thinning out on regular GL support on the rifle, due to the burden of carrying a separate grenade launcher.
H&K Mk23 MOD 0
-Tritium Night Sights
-12 Round .45 Flush Magazine
-Surefire XC1 Flashlight
-Osprey .45 Silencer
-Black Finish
The German-made, Navy Seal used .45 pistol of choice. This pistol is particularly liked by Naval units, and this is no different for Nikolaj, it's mechanism and recoil tight in his hands.
Name: Nikolaj "Huscarl" Ørsted-Holl
Gender: Male
Nationality/Special Forces Origin: Danish, Frømandskorpset (Danish Frogmen)
Age: 30

Taken in 2017, during NATO Exercise Urgent Fire, in Dorset, England. Nikolaj is on the right...the iconic Frømandskorpset net preventing anyone knowing more.
Nikolaj stands at 6"1, with a well developed frame that comes with being a frogman. He has short blonde hair, which would be flowing if he let it go- though of course, practicality rules this out, and blue eyes that are atypical of a Dane like him. He seems to have a good looking nature, even in his line of work where flinging mud, paint and water onto his face is a norm. It's this coupled to his charm that gets gets women at the bar more than his fellow operators. He has a strong stubble game going, cut down of what would be a longer dark ginger beard, and whilst not able to compete with Merlin on the strength side of things, he's got a little more stamina and finesse in agility. A tattoo of the Danish flag is carved onto his left shoulder, right beneath where the patch is on his uniform, as well as a short but deep scar around his collarbone.
In attire, Nikolaj can usually be seen wearing a M/84 camouflage boonie, though as a fellow frogman as Merlin, he doesn't wear it often in naval or airborne insertions. He wears a pair of black Oakley SI gloves, and a pair of Royal Danish Armed Forces procured Mammut boots. He usually wears a pair of red-tinted Oakley tactical sunglasses, one of which that he has gotten to work with the squad's TOS system. The net that it used is actually quite translucent, and works well as an alternative for a balaclava in urban operations, as well as for diving. See equipment for his BDU. In terms of his accent, when Nikolaj speaks in English there is little to suggest his Danish roots, bar a slight linger in his accent that holds a Scandinavian tone to it.
Nikolaj's personality is a confident one, that of an operator who doesn't have the die-hard, balls deep anger that Merlin has, but he seems to be able to hold himself well in a fight. He seems to have a sharp nature towards certain issues, becoming thorny and critical of certain ideas as a result of Copenhagen perhaps doing a greater psychological damage over his prior positivity, but overall he is quite a happy fellow. He seems witty, and has a certain method to his madness of getting shit done, when on operations, holding his own. He isn't fearless like Merlin, but his past courage in Copenhagen and other operations shows that in the moment, he can come close to his CO's bravery, albeit in a different manner than Merlin. His charm has worked well with women, and Nikolaj's nature is one that has left him with more one-night stands than he can remember. Non-military, of course. Nikolaj is hardened by past experiences, and is knowledgeable, more than perhaps he lets on at first. He doesn't seem to have the same vein of thought as Merlin, but the two get on well, both equally as calculating and able to direct fire into a target.
The Dane has to frequently deny that he is Jaime Lannister as a result of his appearance and suavity with women, on a funnier note. Even Merlin is on this joke.
Rank: First Sergeant (1stSgt)
Role: Grenadier
FN Herstal F2000
-Aimpoint CompCS Red Dot Sight
-Aimpoint 3XMag Magnifier
-AN-PEQ/15 Laser/Light Module (Top RIS Mounted)
-Surefire Monster 5.56 Sound Suppressor
-Metal Storm 3GL Platform w/RDS (Able to fire 3x 40mm GL rounds in semi-automatic succession) OR Tango Down Vertical Foregrip
-Tan Spray Finish
Another Belgian weapon, this one being perhaps a little more ubiquitous than the SCAR series of weapons. Liked by many SOF groups and in service with the Slovenian and Saudi Arabian forces, it boasts a similarly high modularity to the SCAR, with a short size for it's barrel length. It's very pointable within CQC situations (yes, that's a word now) and has a high fire rate, though it lacks the punch and absolute accuracy of the SCAR-H for longer ranges due to the lower caliber.
Bofors AT-4 CS
-Single-Use 84mm Launcher
-When light AT support is needed, you get an AT-4, because the world over, it's found itself to be one of the most reliable and effective devices to knock out armor- and countless forces use it as a result. The Swedish made AT launcher is still capable against light armored vehicles and is still relatively lightweight for an anti-tank weapon (the key word is relative). The CS variant is greatly useful for close quarters environments, with a reduced backblast from this version.
Mikor M32 MGL
-6x 40mm Drum
-Intergrated Ranging Optic
For when you really have to blow everything the fuck apart, get an MGL. It allows for Nikolaj to act as the squad's dedicated fire support, and whilst it means that keeping a distance is needed, it allows for the squad's firepower to be amplified by a significant figure, allowing for suppression and lightweight anti-emplacement munitions to be used. That said, it means thinning out on regular GL support on the rifle, due to the burden of carrying a separate grenade launcher.
H&K Mk23 MOD 0
-Tritium Night Sights
-12 Round .45 Flush Magazine
-Surefire XC1 Flashlight
-Osprey .45 Silencer
-Black Finish
The German-made, Navy Seal used .45 pistol of choice. This pistol is particularly liked by Naval units, and this is no different for Nikolaj, it's mechanism and recoil tight in his hands.
Nikolaj Magnus Ørsted-Holl was born in January 1990 to a Swedish housewife of a mother and a Danish offshore electrical engineer of a father, in Fredrikshavn, Denmark. Growing up, he found his life was by the sea, and amongst two siblings, did well in school, finding . He joined the Danish Home Guard at 16, much like many of his peers, and found it more than just a part-time work he wanted to be involved with. He loved it. Taking influence from his mother's previous experience as a local Councillor, he went to Rosklide University to study Politics and International Affairs, becoming a specialist in this particular field and graduating with a 2nd Class degree. Whilst being told to become an officer, Nikolaj did not do anything of the sort, seeing his part time military work as something he enjoyed, and had intensified throughout university. Few students could claim to claim to have their spare time sitting in forests with a C8 and facepaint, to say the least. He wasn't deployed in this period, whilst gaining a position of Corporal in these reserve forces, working his way up to something more elite.
Joining the SSG at the age of 20 after getting eligibility for this unit from the Danish Home Guard, he was heavily involved in the Danish Home Guard's finest reconnaissance and special forces support unit, finding himself deployed twice to Afghanistan after finishing his degree at 21 (trumping almost anyone else's summer stories from his course), on support operations with the Frømandskorpset in Helmand. His tasks were not as intense as Merlin's deployments, usually involved in reconnaissance work and sitting on hillsides for long periods of time, occasionally shooting goat herders with Kalashnikovs whilst miles from friendly supply lines. Not interesting, yes, but it was work that did sometimes see some serious firefights occur, with Nikolaj aware that he was a long way from friendly lines when the fighting got rough, and you couldn't just call air or ground support immediately. He had a relatively commended service, and through a couple of tours, found himself embroiled into the world of working as an operator.
This attractiveness eventually made him make the switch to the Danish Frogmen at 23, despite not being in the Royal Danish Navy or even a full-time soldier. His capabilities as a qualified diver and with prior reconnaissance work paid dividends however, as he became a full-time operator, an expert frogman and a 2IC of a detail by October 2013. He coped well in his training for the Frømandskorpset, and whilst having to develop much of his physical strength from the core up, having to take on an obscene training regime to have the stamina and breathing capacity required of a frogman, he found weapons handling and further advanced training something he adapted too with little difficulty due to the SSG's influence. Through 2013, he was involved in a singular operation in Afghanistan, which involved the key destruction of a Taliban weapons cache in the high Hindu Kush. Though later in the year, in December, his life took a dramatic turn.
Deployed on the streets of Copenhagen in a regular Anti-Terror posting for Christmas in the Danish Capital following a high alert after an attack on Grozny with chemical weapons, Nikolaj was there to stop any repeats of London or Madrid from years before. What happened was far worse. The makings of what could have resulted in one of the worst terrorist attacks in Europe were prevented by his team and other Danish Jaegre SF units replied to, taking down TIAF militants in the streets of the city- a remarkable feat, as over 44 armed individuals were counted to have been killed. However, this was not by the Danes alone. In pursuit of an unidentified team of individuals, Nikolaj was shot three times in the chest, the only reason he wasn't killed being his plate carrier. He was lucky not to be left with a leg wound, like two of his colleges, and to this day, while not knowing who it was, he has a good idea that it was not a TIAF militant trying his luck. They were operators. He was not involved in their capture at a Hotel 400m away, and was instructed not to ask questions about what had happened, no matter how grievous they were. Numerous chemical weapons were found, and the civilian death count could have gone from over a dozen into thousands, if they had been deployed, and the Danes hadn't have made such a response. Among effectively anyone in the SOF community, had no idea of what had really happened, and what could have happened if the rogue team hadn't have intervened against the TIAF militant threat in Copenhagen that night, for it was far more than just a chemical attack. For this, Nikolaj was awarded the Defence Medal for Bravery,(Forsvarets Medalje for Tapperhed), his and his detail's actions saving hundreds of innocent lives that night at the cost of over six weeks of having his collarbone inspected for shattering. He went straight back to service after, perhaps not out of a steely relent, but merely because he didn't like the idea of retirement on a nice wage and following in his mother's footsteps.
He spent seven years with the Frømandskorpset following recovery form his injury, wearing the iconic net that they used as divers, and being deployed to Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq, he was involved in the pinnacle of the Danish Special Forces Command's response to fight the newly invigorated terrorist threat. Fighting in Turkey was one particular theater he saw combat in, as well as home duties in clearing naval mines and civil security details. His mentality was one of precision, yet he was often given the Grenadier role in the team, combining these to lay out enhanced fire when required to suppress targets.
He was transferred to Echo in early 2020, and has assumed a fairly senior position- not a 2IC, but a trusted individual from Merlin's perspective, with a similar salt-sea blood as his British counterpart.
Joining the SSG at the age of 20 after getting eligibility for this unit from the Danish Home Guard, he was heavily involved in the Danish Home Guard's finest reconnaissance and special forces support unit, finding himself deployed twice to Afghanistan after finishing his degree at 21 (trumping almost anyone else's summer stories from his course), on support operations with the Frømandskorpset in Helmand. His tasks were not as intense as Merlin's deployments, usually involved in reconnaissance work and sitting on hillsides for long periods of time, occasionally shooting goat herders with Kalashnikovs whilst miles from friendly supply lines. Not interesting, yes, but it was work that did sometimes see some serious firefights occur, with Nikolaj aware that he was a long way from friendly lines when the fighting got rough, and you couldn't just call air or ground support immediately. He had a relatively commended service, and through a couple of tours, found himself embroiled into the world of working as an operator.
This attractiveness eventually made him make the switch to the Danish Frogmen at 23, despite not being in the Royal Danish Navy or even a full-time soldier. His capabilities as a qualified diver and with prior reconnaissance work paid dividends however, as he became a full-time operator, an expert frogman and a 2IC of a detail by October 2013. He coped well in his training for the Frømandskorpset, and whilst having to develop much of his physical strength from the core up, having to take on an obscene training regime to have the stamina and breathing capacity required of a frogman, he found weapons handling and further advanced training something he adapted too with little difficulty due to the SSG's influence. Through 2013, he was involved in a singular operation in Afghanistan, which involved the key destruction of a Taliban weapons cache in the high Hindu Kush. Though later in the year, in December, his life took a dramatic turn.
Deployed on the streets of Copenhagen in a regular Anti-Terror posting for Christmas in the Danish Capital following a high alert after an attack on Grozny with chemical weapons, Nikolaj was there to stop any repeats of London or Madrid from years before. What happened was far worse. The makings of what could have resulted in one of the worst terrorist attacks in Europe were prevented by his team and other Danish Jaegre SF units replied to, taking down TIAF militants in the streets of the city- a remarkable feat, as over 44 armed individuals were counted to have been killed. However, this was not by the Danes alone. In pursuit of an unidentified team of individuals, Nikolaj was shot three times in the chest, the only reason he wasn't killed being his plate carrier. He was lucky not to be left with a leg wound, like two of his colleges, and to this day, while not knowing who it was, he has a good idea that it was not a TIAF militant trying his luck. They were operators. He was not involved in their capture at a Hotel 400m away, and was instructed not to ask questions about what had happened, no matter how grievous they were. Numerous chemical weapons were found, and the civilian death count could have gone from over a dozen into thousands, if they had been deployed, and the Danes hadn't have made such a response. Among effectively anyone in the SOF community, had no idea of what had really happened, and what could have happened if the rogue team hadn't have intervened against the TIAF militant threat in Copenhagen that night, for it was far more than just a chemical attack. For this, Nikolaj was awarded the Defence Medal for Bravery,(Forsvarets Medalje for Tapperhed), his and his detail's actions saving hundreds of innocent lives that night at the cost of over six weeks of having his collarbone inspected for shattering. He went straight back to service after, perhaps not out of a steely relent, but merely because he didn't like the idea of retirement on a nice wage and following in his mother's footsteps.
He spent seven years with the Frømandskorpset following recovery form his injury, wearing the iconic net that they used as divers, and being deployed to Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq, he was involved in the pinnacle of the Danish Special Forces Command's response to fight the newly invigorated terrorist threat. Fighting in Turkey was one particular theater he saw combat in, as well as home duties in clearing naval mines and civil security details. His mentality was one of precision, yet he was often given the Grenadier role in the team, combining these to lay out enhanced fire when required to suppress targets.
He was transferred to Echo in early 2020, and has assumed a fairly senior position- not a 2IC, but a trusted individual from Merlin's perspective, with a similar salt-sea blood as his British counterpart.
8x 5.56mm Magpul PMAG Magazines
12x 40mm Grenades OR Six 3x 40mm Batches of 40mm for M32
2x V40 Fragmentation Grenades
3x "Ninebang" Stun Grenades
2x M81 Smoke Grenades (White)
4x Chem Lights (Mixed)
2x IR Strobes
2x Breaching Charges
Battle Dress Uniform
-Usually composed of Danish Camoflage Patterns M/84 (Green Flektarn) or M/01 (Arid), or Polish pattern Puma (Urban/Arctic) Camoflage
-Danish Patch on left shoulder, alongside rank, and his unit's insignia
-Plate Carrier w/Loadbearing MOLLE Equipment, 40mm Grenade Pouches
-M/84 Camouflaged Boonie Hat/Hood OR Ops Core Helmet with Net (Yes, like in the picture. It's a Danish Frogman's best friend.)
-Mammut Black-Colored Boots
-Oakley Sunglasses (TOS)
-Oakley SI Tactical Gloves
Predator 45 Patrol Pack
-Combat First Aid Kit
-5m of Paracord
-Petzl Headtorch
Mammut Hip Harness (Rappelling/Climbing)
Helmet Mounted Bullet Camera
Quad-Lens GPNVG-18 Night Vision Goggles
Holster for Mk23
Diver's Knife (Holstered)
TOS 0.8 (Tactical Observation Sight)
--Attached to Oakleys- provides a connected movement of fellow operators via IR beacons (using a networked set of lines), as well as for the marking of landmarks for the team. It's not very advanced, but can be used to patch into UAV feeds, other operators' cameras. It's non-intrusive, and is only there as a tactical assistance.
12x 40mm Grenades OR Six 3x 40mm Batches of 40mm for M32
2x V40 Fragmentation Grenades
3x "Ninebang" Stun Grenades
2x M81 Smoke Grenades (White)
4x Chem Lights (Mixed)
2x IR Strobes
2x Breaching Charges
Battle Dress Uniform
-Usually composed of Danish Camoflage Patterns M/84 (Green Flektarn) or M/01 (Arid), or Polish pattern Puma (Urban/Arctic) Camoflage
-Danish Patch on left shoulder, alongside rank, and his unit's insignia
-Plate Carrier w/Loadbearing MOLLE Equipment, 40mm Grenade Pouches
-M/84 Camouflaged Boonie Hat/Hood OR Ops Core Helmet with Net (Yes, like in the picture. It's a Danish Frogman's best friend.)
-Mammut Black-Colored Boots
-Oakley Sunglasses (TOS)
-Oakley SI Tactical Gloves
Predator 45 Patrol Pack
-Combat First Aid Kit
-5m of Paracord
-Petzl Headtorch
Mammut Hip Harness (Rappelling/Climbing)
Helmet Mounted Bullet Camera
Quad-Lens GPNVG-18 Night Vision Goggles
Holster for Mk23
Diver's Knife (Holstered)
TOS 0.8 (Tactical Observation Sight)
--Attached to Oakleys- provides a connected movement of fellow operators via IR beacons (using a networked set of lines), as well as for the marking of landmarks for the team. It's not very advanced, but can be used to patch into UAV feeds, other operators' cameras. It's non-intrusive, and is only there as a tactical assistance.