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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


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The Fall.

"The world screamed and magic was born from the shudders a dying civilization."
-Chronicler Marie Iboto; Book of Upheaval; A record of the early pre-Fall era.

In the year of 2050, Earth faced a possible extinction level event. The sudden appearance of a giant celestial body blinked into existence right outside of our atmosphere, sending a chock wave that displaced and destroyed most if not all satellites we had in orbit. To this day, nobody can tell how such a thing could possibly happen. And then it begun to crash down towards earth. What first was believed to be a giant meteor turned out to be something else. The massive thing was alive and the size of a small city. And then it shattered and rained down onto the earth as a hail of massive crystalline meteors. They punched down into the earth, piecing down to the crust in some places and causing massive eruptions of lava and earthquakes that reached a 10 on the richter scale. In other places, they hit the ocean causing sent massive Tsunamis across our coastlines. And their effects were not limited to normal physical phenoms. The crystals drastically affected the areas around them. First came the kinetic shock waves of their impact that leveled everything in a radius of several hundred miles. But, what came afterward was very unexpected.

Instead of sweeping our planet in giant clouds of dust and ash, the giant crystals that were now embedded into our planet warped the areas around them. In the Amazons, the crystals warped the wildlife and fauna, hyper charged and mutated it into something more fit of myth then reality, and on the plains of Texas, giant beasts were suddenly roaming, the oilfields lost to violent, revolting fauna. The oceans filled with sea serpents and other creatures of myth that turned our navys into scrap metal and made traveling by a sea a nightmare. And in the Northern hemisphere some places were flash frozen with ice that do not melt, entire cities swallowed by overnight glaciers. It had caused eruptions and punched deep enough, it appeared to absorb the heat and spawn a series of strange creatures. Some of them capable of breathing fire, others being permanently aflame yet undisturbed by it.

All across the world, mankind lost to the new world that was created before them. Eradicated by the natural phenomenons and the powerful new creatures that roamed our earth.

Magic and Technology: A new Frontier.

"Some call it magic. I don't believe in magic, but I do believe in results. The crystal hold this energy, this ether. I believe it to be the missing component, the possible explenation to big bang."
-Professor; T'cho Mabari Bazala. Ether Theory, second print edition.

Humanity is resilient and masters of adaptation. We weren't entirely wiped out after all, it takes more then alien crystals and magic to undo several millennial of technology and perseverance. Those of us who survived banded together, we huddled up and hunkered down. We adapted and technology became our shepherd. With our population decimated several times over however, there was no shortage of jobs, and the rebuilding would have to take quite a while. In the this new, hostile world, a lot of resources became scarce as there were no longer any functioning companies mining or drilling for them, not mention entire areas of the world would need to be remapped. Our satellites were all destroyed by the strange celestial body that that appeared in our sky at the events beginning, destroying our means of communication.

However, humanity was also gifted with new talents. Some call it magic, other call it etheral manipulation. Basked in the light of the crystals, some humans find themselves capable of tapping into the crystals energies. However, doing so tend to have side effects. Such as spontaneously combust or turning into a tree. Indeed, the average rate of survival for a person tapping directly into the flow of a crystal is less then 2 percent. And those two percent are all insane and liable to join the other 98 percent should they slip up even the slightest. However, as time moved on, scientists discovered ways to harness the 'magic' of the this strange new ore. Using only small fragments of the crystals, mined from clusters that could be found in the wild, one could harness the energy in different forms. We also found that different crystals possessed different elemental properties or different magical attributes. A crystal that harnessed fire for its magic might be used to heat something, while some of the ones that acted almost as if they were lightning in a bottle made for powerful batteries. And as such, the basis of a new industry and a new field of science was discovered.

Decades later, we have managed to incorporate it into vehicles, guns and armor as well as everyday appliances such as ovens and power stations. Magitech as the common folk dubbed it, has its many uses. A rifle can use a kinetic crystal to punch bullets with pure kinetic force, with no need for gunpowder, others use them to move heavy objects out of the way. Fire crystals are used to heat pretty much the entirety of Easts Coasts biggest settlement: Ambrosia. Icecrystals are used for freezers. In general, we have grown completely reliant on the magical crystals.

Those who embrace the crystal; Mages

"With the fall came the power, ironic that we needed to reach oblivions edge to take the next step in evolution."
-Master Alzif, Leader of the "Crystalline Pledge"

As mentioned, there is another use of said shards. Some people, considered by many as insane, have heralded the magical shards as a living material and tries to harness the power directly. Handling raw shards is extremely dangerous and the powerful feeling is extremely addictive. People consumed by the addiction are called Shard Heads. There is however some people who appears to have mastered the crystals influence better then others. Most of them belong to a sect or religion of some sort who teaches discipline and mental resilience needed to stave of the addiction and its effects. People have, quite naturally, began to refer to them as Mages. Most prominent of these sects is the "Crystalline Pledge" who wield a considerable amount of political clout in smaller, less well armed settlements.

Mages are viewed upon with great suspicion, because they are still ticking time bombs as far as any normal person could tell. It should also be noted that Mages focus on a single shard. That they keep with them at all times as to not split their focus and efforts. Instead they refine their use and power bit by bit to maximize the effects. Where a shard head would just surge himself full of power and use it up in one go, a shard in the possession of a mage lasts for months, even years.

Consequences of Magic: Mythical Beasts and Mutants

"Beasts? Yeah, I hunt em. Silversnakes, Rattletusks, Bloaters. You name it. Don't ask me about mutants though, I don't hate em, but they creep me out."
-Antoine Livé, Hunters Guild representative.

Magic changed the world, most notably for the worse. The beasts that have spawned as result of rampant magic range from more mundane things such as rabbits with spiked carapaces to giant, flying dragons. These beasts are not all hostile, many are herbivores, and there is a working ecosystem at play. But many of them are much more dangerous then their Pre-Fall brethren. Many have unique defenses such as emitting blinding light or spitting flesh melting acid. Others have incorporated crystals into their forms and can somehow wield magic, such a horses with burning manes and hooves or snakes that can bury underground with the help of a earth crystal.

Not all humans are unchanged either. Some have noticeable defects, such as oddly colored eyes that shine in the dark. These "mutants" are more attuned to magic naturally, but will also easier fall to its influence. Many mutants, especially ones with more obvious mutations such as the glow in dark eyes, are hugely discriminated against.

The New Order; How we rose from the ashes.

"You know why it is called Ambrosia? Because we survived Armageddon and are now drinking the nectar of gods. A whole new world, free of the pollution and shit. We get to start over man. How cool is that?!"
-Random Teenager, The Ambrosian Bugle

With our governments all but gone, the splintering into new factions was a fact. New religions sprung up and old ones changed to accommodate the new reality. Townships formed by survivors act dependently without a central governing body and old city ruins became split between different factions.

Certain factions managed to preserve the old worlds technology with varied degrees of success. These would be the ones who also managed to save the most people, forming cities in the ruins of the old. Advanced technology fused with the new technology of the crystals allows them to fight back the encroaching monsters and shield themselves against the strange new weather and phenomenons. Some have even begun the undertaking of recolonizing the planet. A slow, painful process full of danger. Old maps can no longer be referred to and nature itself is wrought with danger like never before. These zones became known as “Safe Havens” by travelers, and act like a form of budding City states in the new world.

One of these is Ambrosia, a city state on the northern West Coast of what was once the United Stated. Situated in the ruins of San Fransico, not a lot of the old cityscape has been left in a state that can be considered 'whole'. The surrounding are all One of the biggest crystal formations can be seen far off in the distance, a jagged peek of shimmering red where Los Angeles used to be. Nothing remains of Los Angeles. Not Hollywood, not south central. The kinetic wave was enough eradicate most of it, the earthquakes and shattering of LA's entire structure subsurface dealt with the rest. Ambrosia stands as a beacon for human perseverance however. Led by a council of military and scientific experts, they have managed to fight back the worst and is constantly pushing for expansion. The new, lush wilderness might be deadly, but the soil has proven immensely fertile. It has become a trading hub of sorts as well, connecting most of the west coast towns together by commerce. However, Ambrosia by itself only reach just above 50.000 citizens where San Francisco once boosted over 5 million. That's how massive a loss the region has suffered.

Ambrosia as a city looks like something of extremely well of shanty town. Due to the nature of things, there is a lot of materials to build from but little organization in the building it self. Old houses has been rebuilt and patched up, not always to the prettiest of appearances. Farm have been established, and makeshift industries have sprouted from the reclaiming of world. Outside the City, some pioneers have set up a water distillation plant using water magic. It should be noted that a natural effect of humanity once more being “the fledgling species” in a world that seems to actively strive to eradicate it, weapons are common place on most people. Magitech powered melee weapons such as thunder powered spears and more conventional things such as small arms both have their place.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

World Overview

Notable Factions of the West Coast

Ambrosian Defence Force: One of the largest settlements on the West Coast, it hosts considerable military capabilities within its walls. Led by Colonel Melinda Cho, they have been making excursions out west to try and root out the worst of the Raider camps.

The Crystalline Pledge: One of the few "Religions" to crop out of the Fall without being completely insane. Preaching understanding and the acceptance of Mages, they do a lot of charity work, lending out Mages to those to poor to build proper magi-tech equipment. They also rehabilitate and attempt to turn Shardheads into proper Mages. The result vary.

Hunters Guild: Spread across pretty much all of the coast and even into the more hostile Mid West, Hunters Guild employ trackers and pathfinders with experience in hunting the new and dangerous fauna. Started somewhere around Ambrosias founding, the men and women of the Guild are some of the grittiest, most nonsensical people you will ever meet. They risk life and limb exterminating beasts for outposts and forward settlements while making a decent coin selling the beasts to researchers and craftsmen.

The Clan: A raider group that given Ambrosian cargo trains some trouble over the years. The Clan consist of a odd hundred raiders of varius noteriaty. They adhere to a ultra violent and brutal system for their internal hierarchy. The Clans current leader is "Kain Redeyes", a magical

Ambrosian Crystal Foundation: Crystal Miners. Large company that specializise in mining crystal clusters and cutting shards for Magitech use. They employ a odd 400 hundred people across town and double that all across the West coast as they run most of the raw crystal trade by legal means. They are pretty much vital to the existence of Ambrosia.

Jorgens Engineering and Innovation: Weapon and General Magi-Tech manufacturers. Jorgen was a old timer who knew opportunity when he saw it. He employed a bunch of engineers that all make and maintain magi-tech armaments for the city aswell as private clients. Now dead, his two daughters Marie and Elizabeth run the company and have become the foremost Magi-Tech providers in the region.

Harley's Armaments: Weapon Manufacturers. Specified in non mage-tech, old school weaponry and conventional firearms. Harley is known as shrewd businessman and have employed more then a few thugs to get her way in the past. But Harley is a local patriot, and see Ambrosia as her home nad its citizens as her brothers and sisters. Many scavengers do business with her, selling her pre-Fall weaponry that she then restores. Due to her many contacts outside city limits she has become a essential part of Ambrosian politics.

The Brave Frontier:
A Engineering and Building firm, known for their work with the infrastructure of the city. Rich as creosote due to being there from the start. They were the ones to build and reinforce the city walls among many other things. They often send men and women out with the caravans to help build up new settlements along the way.

West Coast Peacekeepers: The Arbiters are the police of the wastes. Employing men and women of staunch, political and ideological bedrock. These men and women are positioned to aid deputy's and sheriffs in smaller settlements as well as being tasked with keeping the order in Ambrosia.

Yellow Vests: A mercenary organization led by "The Jarl", it consists mainly of men and women who with a background as either ADF or the WCP and similar high discipline organizations. They mainly lend out their men and women for caravan guard duty but have been known to handle VIP protection and guarding private interests.

Dangers of a new world

Mythical Beasts: There are creatures out there, that has no place existing. These beasts vary in sizes and danger, but some, like the great Sea Serpents, are seemingly impossible to deal with. Many of them are imbued with magi, such as the Lightning Stag that posses horns crusted with small lightning gems. These beasts and creatures are the main source of income for many a adventurous hunter.

Raiders: Not everyone integrate into society, there are more then a few groups that live by the principle that stealing and plundering is the way to go.

Shard Walkers: One of the most grizzly things to come as a result of the Fall, is the Shard Walkers. Shambling, incoherent corpses riddled with all manners of shards, these beings are no more human then any other beast. It uncertain what exactly made them that way, but they radiate strong magical currents and react to magic around them. They are capable of magic on a instinctive, reflexive level and will counter any spell or magi-tech weapon leveled against them.

Ether Storms: Massive, violent storms sometimes blow in from the sea. These bring with them small, minuscule shards of crystal that gather in the clouds and unleash strange weather phenomena such as lightning storms that spawns lightning elementals or huge chunks of ice falling from the sky on otherwise clear summer day.


Landmarks and Places

More will be added as we go

Ambrosia: The biggest settlement around, a trading hub for all of the West Coast. Currently run by a council of five, led by ”Prime Minister” Thomas Melbourne, who's family founded Ambrosia.

Aqua Tower: A large, crystalline spire jutting out of the sea, four miles off the coast. Primary source for water crystals. Mining around it is extremely dangerous as the water is teeming with hostile fauna. The minings is done with nonmagical charges such as tnt, then waiting for the violent inland streams to bring it a more salvagble position closer to the coast.

The Great Red Peak. A massive crystal formation in what used to be Northen Los Angeles. The play is bereft of any human life, the ruins of the city completely overun by beasts. The Great peak istself is believed to be made out of pure fire crystals, making it the single most coveted mining area on the West coast. Sadly, its riddled with different kinds of beasts and dangers.

Alberta Station: A small settlement that has been growing quickly the past four years. Sustained by being a waystation to many western travelers heading for Ambrosia, they have recently laid claim to a old goldmine that now has lightning crystals in abundance. Mayor: Isaac Goldstein.

Junction Point: A now dead settlement, it was the place of a terrible massacre at the hand of ”The Clan”. Before, it had been a bustling settlement that mainly worked as a outpost for The Hunters Guild. Its downfall is what spurred the ADF to start actively hunting the raiders. Junction Point lays barren and desolate, and is a place few visit.

Mories Fort: A fort built about halfway between the Red Peak and Ambrosia, ADF garrisons it to keep a eye out for Fire elementals and other nasties that might come from the former LA area. Morries fort has proven itself instrumental in the ongoing project of building a supply chain towards Great Red Peaks future mining projects.

Time line of events;

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Game Mechanics and Clarifications.

For this RP, I have decided to implement a few mechanics as a GM that will help me add to the RP in a dynamic way. I have provided some tidbits on each.;

Each character has a main attribute, this is either Mind or Body. Your main attribute determines where his fundamental weakness lies. If your main attribute is Body, you are weaker in Mind related things and vice versa.
You also pick a sub attribute from each main catagory. They shown below and add specific character strengths, such as Intelligence or Dexterity. Aside from those, the player also chooses a unique attribute of their own creation. This Unique Attribute should be related to your concept in a way that helps him or her.

Joseph is a engineer.  I choose his Main Attribute to be Mind; With intelligence being his mind sub, and Dexterity being his sub attribute for body. As enginer, I gave him a Unique Attribute called "Ingenuity" wich gives him bonuses when i comes to coming up new solutions on the fly.


Archtype provides the specialization of your character. Is he a adventurer or a monster hunter? IS he a mage or engineer. I have Provided you with Five different ones that give you a basic limitations. Such as Mage being unable to have any skills related Magitech (But instead having access to 'spells'). After you pick the archtype, you may specify your actual proffesion: Hunter, Explorer, Mercenary etc to further make it "your own"

Skill growth.
A characters skills will grow under the course of this game, and to make this simple for me as a GM; I will abstract things a a bit. After specific objectives are completed, or missions undertaken to satisfactory effect, I as a GM will reward you with points to spend in both skills and attributes. You will also be able to spend a point to aquire a new skill when this happens, as to broaden your skill repertoire.


Appearance;Pictures have to have text accompanying them.
Specialization: I.E Mercenary for Soldier, Scavenger for explorer. You are free to come up with one of your own, aslong as it is marginally related to your archtype
Main Attribute/Sub Attribute/Unique Attribute;

Skills;I leave you guys to come up with 7 skills. See the list in the character tab for generic examples
Equipment and Gear;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Still interested. I will read this and see if I can form an idea for a character concept. You shall hear from me again at the end of that process!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stairdweller
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Stairdweller it's all black and white

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I am interested in this RP; but in the interests of full disclosure I need to warn you that I have almost no time, and can commit to only one RP. I have a character in mind, and am looking for a place to use him. Not sure if that will be here or not, so... I'm going yo be lurking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm interested in this and I'll do a CS tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I happen to have a character that I think will work perfectly. ;) I need to see if I have enough time though. I don't want the other RPs to suffer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I forgot to put up my ruleset I see xD. Sorry about this, but could you remove that post and send it to me in a PM instead? Also, you need to clean up the formatting, get some spacing in there. Also, I clearly stated you needed TEXT with the appearence picture
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@HellisQuestion: When you say that mutants are more likely to get addicted, how exactly does that work? What does addiction specifically do to a person? Also, can mutations be things like claws, teeth, ability to camoflauge, see in the dark,etc. etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Hellis - Oh man, I want to join this, but then I'm thinking: do I have the time?
..But then, there's FF intricacies here.
And then, if I do, I'll have to drop out from AA.

So, I'm just severely on that line and tip-toeing around until I officially decide. ♥
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Mutations generally are mainly looks. But now that you say it, I will allow for some slight benefits. A mutation would take up a skillslot in that case. And the less human, the more of a outsider you are. Human interaction grows more difficult. Also, the mutations are really minor still in terms of usefullness. No regeneration or anything like that.

Addiction to crystals is really, really dangerous. You get hooked to the power, you are unable to stop yourself. You draw in so much power at once, that you are liable to explode or turn into a icicle or whatever crystal you are abusing at the time.

Basicly, you feel like a god, then you feel like a pile of ashes...

@Rockette AA should be your focus in that case. Albeit if you find the time...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@HellisOkay, makes sense. follow-up questions, what kind of creatures can be tamed and how many characters are we allowed to make?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Start with one, see how many joins. Then I might allow a second. Alot of creatures like the more "normal" one like canine and feline looking ones. Nothing to big or exotic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

AA should be your focus in that case. Albeit if you find the time...

Aah hell..
I'll find the time. c;

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Atta girl, give in to the RP Gods demand for more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Mirandae ‎ ‎

Member Seen 1 mo ago

All of this is really impressive, but I have to opt out due to personal reasons! Best of luck to you!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aww! Sorr to hear that. Good luck with whatever it is!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hm, lots of interest but no CSs as of yet. Maybe because of Thanksgiving? Anyway, I'm pretty interested and might have a sheet later today.

Also, the CS doesn't have a section for 'unique attributes.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah. So it doesn't. It must have fallen out when I was messing around with the format. Good catch.
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