Long ago two Races ruled over Earth: Monsters and Humans. One day a war broke out between the two races. After a long battle the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground within with a powerful magical Barrier
It's said the Barrier can be broken by the powers of seven human SOUL's. But as fate would have it, no SOUL's have ever been collected in the many centuries that have transpired since the barrier creation.
A group of seven students from the nearby village went to the ominous Mountain for a field trip.
Mt. Ebott is said to be haunted with the Souls of the humans and monsters who died during the war. It is also home to the only known entrance to the Underground a massive cave system covering miles upon miles with a wide range of ecosystems. This where the monsters now reside.
The human children have found their way to the underground.
And they will have to fight to survive if they do not want the monsters take their SOUL's, or can they find a way to survive without killing? Are the children Merciful? Or are they merciless killers?
We will have to wait and see.
1. No god modding, no mary sueing it up, no meta knowledge without asking me first.
2. PM's will be important so keep an eye out for them, since I might give you a unique action or somethig to noitce though PM.
3. Killing enemies is not always worth the EXP. Because you can't love if you have LVL's.
4. We need to be able to communicate with you so please tell us when you are leaving for a few days or permanently!
So that's all the formal stuff done with, I will start the IC once the basic ideas of the relationship is done~
If you have any questions please ask if and I will answer it the best I can!
Appearance: A monster with the body and head of a human woman, with wings for arms and birdlike legs that end in sharp talons. Wears a curled white wig and a fancy black suit with a tailcoat and pants with tattered and shredded legs.
Personality: Harpiano is a popular musician who attempts to "freshen" the lives of monsters with sound and wind, as life underground is stale and miserable. She despises being interrupted more than anything else, often resulting in property damage. She is brimming with confidence to the point of arrogance, but genuinely desires to make the lives of monsters better. She secretly enjoys the human music known as dubstep, of which she has found a great quantity of in the trash, despite finding it to be terrible in virtually every way.
In a Pacifist/Neutral run she is at first talkative and discusses her reasons for fighting before starting. In a Genocide run, she attempts to catch the fallen humans by surprise with a sudden onslaught, refusing to speak to them at all.
HP: Pacifist/Neutral (578), Genocide (902)
Atk: Pacifist/Neutral/Genocide (7)
Def: Pacifist/Neutral/Genocide (7)
Fighting style: Sharp blades of magical wind formed by playing on her Harpsichord Piano, which she plays with her talons by dancing on it. The strength and size of the blades depend on the note played. All of her attacks follow a rythmic pattern, be it slow and measured or rapid-fire.
In a Pacifist/Neutral run, she plays a song with more slower parts and variation. In a Genocide run, however, she plays a relentless onslaught that lulls the opponent into thinking it's over towards the middle before resuming with as much intensity as before.
ACT's: Pacifist/Neutral CHECK: A talonted muscian. Attack and Defense of 7. LISTEN: Quietly listening to her music leads to her sometimes forgetting to actually attack. APPLAUD: Interrupting her song with loud clapping leads to her starting her song over again.
There are no special ACT options for her in a Genocide Run.
Mercy: Pacifist/Neutral simply last until the end of her song without interrupting her. In Genocide, lasting until the actual end of her song results in the destruction of her harpsichord, leaving her defenseless and unable to fight.
Name: Violet Age: 6 Pronouns: She Color: Violet Appearance: Personality: Shy and quiet, likes to stay off to the side. Not good at socializing and lacking in confidence, often stammers and mumbles. When encouraged, she can be energetic and playful. Genuinely believes her teddy bear is an imaginary friend named Bob. 'Weapon': Bear Plushie. Deals 5 damage when used as a weapon. Hugging it grants comfort and safety, reducing the damage received for a turn. 'Armor': Bunny Slippers. Provides 1 defense. Keeps the wearers feet nice and cozy in the cold. LV.: 1 Hp: 20 Atk: 5 + 5 = 10 Def: 0 + 1 = 1 Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDJ63ZHrGo8 Relationship: ?????????
The feathery fluff of their coat rolls down as their warm amber glow shifts to a cold blue. The feathered fur grows ridged like spiny scales when threatened. Jack sits at 6'2ft (not counting antlers)
Monsters hold observation checkpoints, though the one located deepest in the forest is otherwise abandoned. Jericho considers this his 'workshop' where he carves fallen growth in isolation. Most of the carvings are of small, meek bunnies (About 4 inches tall) which are spaced from each other and never looking at each other as to depict his loneliness. They cloud his land to make it more than clear where trespassers are, although so much care is put into each and every one, that they are sought after as decorations by other monsters. However, the forlorn nature of the idols tends to make those possessing the stolen carvings feel BLUE. The larger versions are usually of bear-like insects and lizards in attacking stances which display his rage and unaligned hostility to intruders. These are found mostly on the outskirts of his territory, though they are spaced so far apart that its easy to accidentally stumble into his section of the woods, especially if uninformed.
Duty compels Jericho to seek his lonely posting. His aspiration to appease the royal guard drive his actions, although since humans have never entered his territory, hes sunk mostly into mania and is in a state that some monsters look down upon and others pity...feralism. A danger to those around him, even other monsters, many choose not to enter the forest, altogether.
Jericho's lamentations can be heard throughout the forest which translate to a cold howl of wind which echoes through the trees from no discernible direction. Within the woods are two 4-'ft idols of humans (or the closest rendition that imagination can inspire) who are kneeling in clearings. * An alien depiction of a human figure resting, the eyes are passionately carved with intensity. * The emotional rendition of determination fills the humans with DETERMINATION!
Personality: Curious and easy to excite but is otherwise fairly void of emotions, though they love to act like they have them. This leads to a very strange sense of humor since the concept of 'comedy' is fairly abstract to them. Jericho is very territorial but isn't overtly hostile unless they feel threatened. Mostly, they observe trespassers and only interdict on actions that harm their friends or disturbs their various sculptures they leave throughout their territory to denote that it is theirs. Each sculpture is carved with the idea of an emotion, so many of the carvings can come off as anything from heart wrenching to threatening. Jericho enjoys singing and has inexplicable motherly instincts.
HP: 1500 Atk: 6 Def: 200
Fighting style: Manipulation over emotions causes attackers to feel BLUE for fighting Jericho. -A lash of their viciously sharp antlers sends slashes through the air. One orange and one blue with the orange being slightly faster. -Arching their neck allows Jericho to strike quickly in close quarters from differing angles. (!!! notification- short bottom, long top and then long bottom) -Whipping their tail sends a wave of charged fairy dust which burns on contact (2-burst 2-layer projectile wall) -Bark only works against targets who are blued. The grip on their heart allows Jack to throw blued targets back, subjecting them to a followup pelting of fairy dust. This attack is used infrequently and when Jack feels crowded by attackers. Aforementioned Blued targets fall and must dodge a few trees to remain unharmed. This is followed by a cyan wave attack to encourage the victims to stay down.
Confusing yet comforting, conditions need to be met for Jack to be approachable. (Halves atk and def) Successfully hugging Jack subjects the target to one of two instances. Normal- Snowflakes flutter to and fro while sinking down across the area from the pressing cold of Jack's coat, relatively easy to dodge. Only, a surprise bolt of short '!!!' ice spikes prevents a total evasion method. Blued- presses of '!!!' instances take up short bottom, long top, medium bottom medium top then medium bottom and long top. Ice spikes. Meanwhile, a flutter of snowflake projectiles prevent the target from staying in a single place for very long. Surviving opens up the 'Apologize' option for those who are Blued. This halves attack but not defense. If the next turn results in an attack from the target, Jack's attack increases by 50% and intervention may be required to prevent Jack from killing the target, or being killed by the target. Debuffs from compassion acts are reset and their attack becomes 9 and defense remains 200. Slaying the human target(s) resets Jack's aggression and they refuse to fight for the next 4 turns in shame of their involvement in a human's death.
Sing- Harmonizing with Jack gains his curiosity, making him approachable. (BLUE'D characters are subject to a salvo of antler swipes on approach since distrust runs deep) Bark- Attempting to harmonize with Jack through their barks, depending on the subject's actions could either confuse Jack, lowering their attack by 2 or taunt Jack (if blued) which increases their defense by 100 but decreases the speed of their attacks. Cry- Jack cries too...truely, nobody is happy about this. (Human atk down (halved as they give in to the BLUE). Jack's atk down (halved) for one turn. Humans who cry are BLUEd for their next turn, although his attacks avoid newly blued targets.) Return- An idol that had been taken can be returned to Jack as a combat action. This action has a greater chance to succeed in being MERCY'd by Jack if they are already subject to hug or empathy conditions. Blued targets returning an idol are no longer blued as jack 'forgives' them. However, combat may continue, although Jack's atk is reduced by 2 for the remainder of the fight and their attacks are slowed due to indecision. By this method, the rounds to endure are reduced by 2 as Jack loses DETERMINATION.
Mercy: Hug conditions- Refusing to fight (Or meeting the compassion requirements) gains Jack's interest which overrules their aggression. This opens dialogue. 6* Rounds- Demands to know the humans' business. (Depending on the explanation, the fight may resume, depending on the actions that earned Jack's ire) 33% Health- Begs for the human(s) to rescind their ways and cease their attack for the good of the forest. (If mercied, will likely run off to warn others of the human incursion)
After being mercied The fur of the beast rolls up along their body, azure and amber flecks of light flicking from their fur as it returns to its plumed amber glow. They lift their neck to its full length as to look over the group while pacing pensively before lowing themselves a head's height above their tallest. They cautiously stay just out of reach, though allow those unblued to hug them as they might have, MERCYing everyone in the same motion as long as aggression ends.
Those without aggression are welcome to hug them as well. The warmth of Jericho's coat while calm not only shields them from the cold of the forest, but heals slowly over time.
Jack buckles under the onslaught of hugs and tickles from humans, confused what they should expect from their mortal enemies. It may have been one sculpture...or maybe it was nothing, the point was that it was hard to feel threatened while dog-piled by the cooing human beasts. As uncomfortable as the crowding was, it's clear that Jack isn't threatened by the humans and chooses to MERCY them.
Jack leads the humans back to his makeshift fort-house crafted from a dilapidated guard post and a few split trees in a lean-to fashion with a closed back and rudimentary door big enough for Jack. The dwelling is just big enough for him to lay down and reach his work shop. various stumps allow a few members to sit, although its clear he never accounted for having so many visitors. Its not much, but its out of the fridged wind. Here is where Jack entrusts his recent work to the humans; The Mantles of Amber.
The Amber Mantles are woven with the silky softness of Jericho's previously cast-off winter coat. The jackets are carefully tanned like black leather with tree resin to resemble leather with a cozy-toasty fluffy fur interior and hood...One of them is capable of fitting ages 13-16 and the other fits 6-10(the lower ends have their atk reduced by 1-2 from the size since the sleeves are a tad long). It grants +4 def from its thickness and an extra +2 against cold. Flavor text:"A cozy coat that still glows with a warm amber hue. It reeks of hope. (Pine needles and burnt maple sap, to be specific)" However, they are ill fitting against heat and inflict a -4 to attack and -2 to defense (making its bonus +2) in hot climates due to heat exhaustion.
Jericho also offers a potato/carrot/broccoli and spice soup with plenty to take as leftovers if the kids so choose. Its not particularity palatable for the kids due to being vegan to the letter, but its a warm meal with a hearty broth that warms the heart and soothes stuffed sinuses. Good for colds but fairly spicy. +10hp (Enough for everyone and 5 takes of leftovers if they want it (Contained in a single thermos with a detachable cup-top to keep it warm)) As they (hopefully) stay to plan their next move and have a meal, Jack serenades on his violin-fiddle bastard instrument made from shed antler and oiled-to-wire mane. (Literally a piece of Jack).
His home can be looted for the coats. The violin gives +4 atk and can slow attacks of sound-based monsters in the place of the attack bonus. This also interrupts monsters' music due to the inelegance the kids play it with, subjecting them to rules regarding such actions.
Battle Theme: Blued
Or nonBlued
Relationships: (To be worked on as RP the progress)
Personality: Lina is something of the class daredevil, always throwing herself full force into an activity. She tends to be outgoing toward others, but doesn't stick around if someone rejects her friendship. To be frank, she probably would've ended up climbing Mt. Ebott on her own at some point, and ended up in the same place. She gets a lot of the hot-bloodedness from watching way too much anime in her downtime.
'Weapon': Soccer Shoes - +3 ATK, makes battles easier to FLEE. "Good for running and kicking alike."
'Armor': Junior Jersey - +1 DEF, faster movement speed. "Something easy to move in."
Relationship: (To be worked on as the RP progress)
Name: Calibri
Pronouns: Feminine Appearance:
Personality: Calibri is the current Royal Scientist, and spends most of her time at the Laboratory in Hotland. While she is highly dedicated to her research, she makes regular trips to the other areas of the Underground so she can stay in touch with its inhabitants. While she is normally a quiet sort, she becomes exceedingly animated when something truly captures her interest. Her hobbies include electronic repair, puzzle solving, and philosophy.
At least, that was how she used to be...
For a while now, Calibri has been prone to some strange behavior, including backward speech, referencing events that never happened, and spending more and more time in the depths of her laboratory. Those close to her suspect her behavior is a side effect of her experiments regarding the ability to SAVE...
HP: 4321 Atk: 1 Def: 234 Fighting style: Calibri lectures the player about the meaning of life, and how it differs between monsters and humans. Lasers Calibri fires several blue beams criscrossing the field, then follows them up with white laser blasts. Rewind Calibri fires a short burst of random bullets, which she then calls back to her hand, possibly catching her opponent unaware. FastForward Calibri fires a random burst of slow-moving bullets, which suddenly speed up significantly. Checkpoint Early in the battle, if her opponent chooses to FIGHT, Calibri will take a turn to display the text "CHECKPOINT SAVED." If her health falls low enough, she can restore herself to this point, but only once. Her attacks become somewhat faster afterward.
HP: 4321 Atk: 4 Def: 321 Lasers Calibri fires several orange beams criscrossing the field, then follows them up with white laser blasts. Rewind Calibri fires three short bursts of random bullets, which she then calls back to her hand, possibly catching her opponent unaware. FastForward Calibri fires a random burst of slow-moving bullets, which suddenly home in on the opponent and speed up significantly. Inversion During some of her attacks, Calibri's eyes will flash, and she will invert both the color of her opponent's SOUL (Red becomes green, blue becomes orange, etc.) and its movements. (Up becomes down, left becomes right, etc.)
ACT's: Check: Seems like the academic type. ATK 1 DEF 234 Question: You ask a question about science. Calibri can't resist answering. Her attacks weaken. Debate: You attempt to justify your philosophical outlook. Calibri's attacks speed up as she counters your argument. Take Notes: You listen intently to Calibri's words. She's impressed by your willingness to listen.
Mercy: For Pacifists: Just ACT a few times. Calibri will offer MERCY and thank you for providing her with data on humans. For Neutral: Either Debate several turns in a row (and survive the high-speed attacks) or Take Notes several turns in a row and then Question her. For Genociders: Sparing will always work. Calibri will see your MERCY as a philosophical victory.
Tried to leave... couldn't do it. I wanted to cut my ties with rpguild, didn't feel like rp'ing lately. Turns out, I missed rpguild too much, and I couldn't leave.
Personality: Conner is a smart fellow, enjoying challenges that require the use of the mind instead of the body. He can solve many puzzles with ease. However, he is also a tad introverted. He spends more time listening to conversations than he does joining them. Still, he is slowly coming out of that shell of his and beginning to take part in more conversations.
'Weapon': Broken Gameboy (+1 ATK, Flavor Text: The screen is cracked.)
'Armor': Broken Sunglasses (+1 DEF, Flavor Text: One of the lenses is missing.)
This seems interesting, but I have a question, is prior knowledge of Undertale needed to join? I admit, I have never played it due to no computer, but I would love to. I don't mind spoilers either. I do know some of the basics from friends and lurking around the internet.