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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Piercing the darkness of the room, a white light off a flat screen, prompted no one in particular…



With the fresh rain, the filthy downtown area of Patina City took on a certain kind of reek. Like a wet mutt, mixed with rotted garbage, and there might have been a hint of soured booze in there. Rats skittered to hide under cardboard boxes, the poor ducked under makeshift homes, little more than shacks made of that aforementioned rotted garbage, wood…

From a rather building with many interesting sound emitted from it, a woman straddled the window sill with one hand steadying to steady herself, watching the last of the thunder storm fleeing off into the distant as she raised her bottle of alcohol to her lips…

A figure darted out from a shadow, across the street with their trailing cloaks, knocking a well-dressed man into an alleyway right in the middle of his conversation. As the man tried to recover, the cloaked figure drew out a sickle, shining just so under the lamplight barely touching the narrow space. With a well-aimed slash down, the well-dressed man’s female companion came running towards them, taking one look and let out a horrified scream.


The old fashioned train compartment was neat, going with the natural wooden arrangements and with overhead shelves for carry-on baggage. The man in his grey suit, napping, who has yet to speak to (the player) …seemed to right themselves after a tick, pulling the hat from their face to their head in one fluid movement. He wore an eye patch.

Yawning into the back of his hand, adjusting his askew eye patch as he sat back for a moment, before glancing at (the player) in consideration, “Ay…you’re nah frum around here, are ya? Dr McGable,” A hand held out, a lazy smirk on his face, “An’ what brings ya to the fair city of Patina?”

1) Introduce yourself.
2) Explain your reason for returning to Patina City.
3) Ask about...
-The train?
-Patina City?
-Dr McGable?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rida had just bought herself a brand new dating sim. She had been looking forward to playing it. She had read many great reviews of the game and even read up on the manual on the way home while she was taking the train. She finally got home and popped the game disc into her computer. After selecting and creating her character she started to feel tired. She fell asleep at her computer a moment later only to wake up inside of what looked to be a church.

She looked around the church still on the ground. She was rather concerned looking. She was inside of the game. "What? How did I get here?" Rida said to no one in particular. She had no idea what was going on and as she got up she dashed towards the doors of the church. Once she opened it she figured out where she was. She was in Patina City. "I-I'm here?" Rida said to herself as she looked around the outside of the church now.

"S-So I'm in the game? And I'm the main character?" Rida said looking around a bit nervous. At this point her mind was racing, she was trying to figure out what to do now. She was just standing the middle of the street with a blank look on her face. How would she get out? She had seen this scenario before in shows, where a character would get stuck in a game or something. Often the best way for them to get out would be to beat the game. This meant that her best option to just play along with whatever happens.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Down a street a young woman was running with all she got. People turned after the young adult wondering if she was running away from something. The red cloths flattered as she jumped over a puddle, much higher than it was needed. She could have simple side stepped it but the red clad girl didnt, choosing the part of jumping it over as a great obstacle. She run even faster when she saw the street lamp in front of a book store. In front of it a sign reading the name of the book store.

She skipped to a halt, leaning on the street lamp she was catching her breath back. Inside it she could see a blond man deep into reading a book with green covers. She smiled as she slowly entered the shop, the bell over the door chimed at her entering, but the man didnt even twitch. Taking her red hat off and placing it on top of the counter she simple stared at the blond man, on the opposite side of the counter to notice her.

It wasnt long, just a few seconds before she grow inpatient and deiced to take matters into her own hands and leaning closer to the man, peeking into the book she asked. "Did they kissed yet?" The man responded. "Yes but it was a bitter sweet kiss, as he insulted her and is really rude trying to hurt her. He is so scared to have someone to love and love back. He made her cry. Hoping she would forget him while he cannot do such a thing. That stupid Will... "

The man shock his head at the book story, slightly jumping when he saw the woman balancing over the counter to get a look into the book her self.

"Doroteja! Would you get of the counter, I told you its not a place to lay,sit or be used as dinning table." The man hushed Doroteja off the counter, which the girl just smiled off.

"A whole Army could have walked in and you wouldnt notice. And what did I told about not paying attention Loman."

Loman sighed at his sister, which scolded him right back, he knew the pose so perfectly well. Hands crossed over her chest imitating their mothers you have been a bad boy expression. Still it looked amusing to him as he still saw in his mind the seven year old doing the face.

"That one day I will be so deep onto a book that I will not notice a murder or robber and get myself killed. " Before Doroteja could have stated anything her brother continued. "But I am sure with all those charms around this store and you around I am perfectly safe. It wasnt like I was walking a dark shadier street with a suit made out of gold coins."

Dora chuckled and nodded in approval, she asked why her big brother asked her to come to the shop which he explained that he needed a delivery boy, or delivery sister service.

"Be really carefully with the package, the book wasnt cheap. Make sure it gets with out any problems to the customer."

"Where exactly is this?" Dora asked as she studded the address attached to the brown package.

"The fastest would be to go by the church and down all the way to Davids watch repair shop. You turn then left. The hand you use to write Dora, and you should be at the start of the street. Then you find the number. And be the politest girl ever when you give it over."

Loman made his sister repeat the instruction to ensure she will be able to follow them, once he was pleased he send her off and returned to the book, wondering if the book really showed what love was like or was only the authors fantasies over what they wished for.

Outside in the streets of Patina Doroteja was running once more, the package tucked under her arm. She loved how it felt to race beside the buildings and peoples until she had the feeling that everything around her was a blur. It was one of the reason she enjoyed horse riding. The church was already in view and she took a moment to admire it. The moment she wasnt paying attention where she was stepping, was the moment a cat speed out a alleyway to her right making Dora lose her momentum and trip. Pulling the book protective against her red cloths she ended up falling and tripping another person over. Luckily landing on top of them and with that avoiding to get the package dirty.

"Uh...I am so sorry! I didnt broke anything on you? I sincerely apologize." Doroteja closely held the packed book and spoke hastily away, looking at the person she caused to fall over on not so clean street.

1)"I am sorry, I wasnt looking where I was going."

2)"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rida looked up at the girl in red after she fell. Rida's mind was still going a million miles a minute so she was in a bit of shock. Rida at this point noticed the words that offered her options. If she was in a game world then maybe she could break a system, find a shortcut to get home.

If she was right about this then the world may break and she could go home simple as that. But on the other hand she could end up in a white void for the rest of her life. Either way she wanted to see if she could rush things.

"You should have been looking where you were going!" Rida said angirly. Though she rarely ever got angry and was just testing to waters to see what would happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"You should have been looking where you were going!"

The girl responded angrily and it took a second for Dora to jump up and off the girl. Bowing apologetically. "I am so sorry once more. I should have been more carefully. You are absolutely right."

Doroteja looked unsure but then deiced anyway to offer her hand to the girl to help her stand up. "Ah you cloths are dirty because of me."
She had all right to be angry at her, biting her own lower lip.Dora could just go off and focus delivering the package. But... that wouldnt be polite towards this person. Leaving her just like that would not feel right. Bowing her head in apologize once more Doroteja spoke once more.

"As it is my fault please do not hesitate to ask me for something to make my mistake right. Please. My name is Doroteja Tin Pololaniker. I would have liked to meet you in a better situation, but it is how it is. "
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