Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dirty Dan then do not be a prisoner of war. Be a provider.
For details into what I mean, check your PMs
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dirty Dan oh how I wish I could like/thank/laugh your posted CS all at once because it is amazing.
Truly you have the spirit of a poet.
I accept you oh mighty skull faced man.
Now you just need Scoundrels approval.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Dirty DanWonderful! He's a gorgeous one. Go ahead and post Crisis at the character tab. ^^

So we'll just wait for a few other CSs before we can start.

EDIT: We already have three people working on the opposing side. With that, I will need to close it for now. The next set of characters must belong to S.C.A.R.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sounds good. Thanks for havin' me.

Quick question;; About how...advanced has weaponry developed in this role-play? I don't plan on having Crisis carry around plasmic cannons or whatever, but I just wanted to know for future reference.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I believe we have armed robotic sentries and such. Check the orb tab on the first page, it details what we have at the facility.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Dirty DanIt's as advanced as most futuristic settings, (like plasma rifles, rocket launchers, laser blades and the like) though the weapons that we have at present time are still being utilized in the RP. Let's say they were progressed during and after the revolutionary war for the sole purpose of fighting off Superhumans. An example is the government's invented technology which nullifies a Superhuman's power. Currently, Superhumans won't be having an easy time committing to a life of crime simply because police force are well-equipped with these said technology let alone an advanced set of weapons they were trained to use. Only at the RP's present time did they start having troubles keeping riotous Superhumans at bay due to the corruption of their system. However, S.C.A.R. also got something off their sleeves as their self-invented technologies are as equally advanced as that of the government ― or perhaps a bit more advanced to be precise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Awww yissss. Few more characters and we are on our way!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Perhaps two or three more will do and we're good to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not sure what you require yet, but I was hoping to make a character on S.C.A.R's side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Full name
Farran Drake



Physical appearance
Farran has thick black hair, yellow eyes, and pale skin; he stands at 5'7". He usually wears all black, with the occasional hint of red or gold; a short-sleeved shirt, a hoodie, pants, and Converse. A gold chain with a pendant shaped like a horse's head is always on him, hidden under his shirt. He's thin and not too strong, built more for running than fighting.

Farran is a quiet young man, utterly convinced that he is a monster. He's a loner, more by choice than nature; when no one is near him, there's no one he can scare. It takes time and determination to truly befriend him. For the most part, he'll either stay away to protect them, or assume they're talking to him out of greed. One wouldn't think it to look at him, but he's capable of getting into a towering rage.

Biography/Background history
Farran is an orphan. Until he was ten, he had his older brother to take care of him; then they came for him. The government had no interest in Farran. They wanted his brother, who was both a powerful mutant and wanted for various charges of theft and physical assault. They took him away, not finding Farran, who had been securely hidden. So it was that the young boy came to be on his own.

His powers came to him during puberty. As he grew taller and his voice changed, his power grew. It started out small, just isolated incidents at first. Then it grew powerful. Everywhere he went, people got uneasy; if he was upset, his power grew stronger. Some people were terrified; some got angry. It grew so that Farran left destruction and chaos wherever he went.

It was shortly after his 21st birthday that the government caught up to him. They had tracked him by the miasma of fear he left in his wake, and arrested him for being a public menace. At least, they tried to. For the first time, Farran weaponized his power, incapacitating the officers sent to take him in. He escaped then, but they came after him again only weeks later. This time they were smart. They shot him with a tranquilizer before he even knew they were there, and he woke up in a cell. Shortly afterwards, he was moved to ORB.

Farran's power is fear, plain and simple. Just by being around him, a person starts to get uneasy and faintly paranoid. If he focuses his power on someone, he can bring their greatest fears to light, trapping them in a hallucination of their worst nightmare. He can trap up to three people at a time in these hallucinations. Another power of his is a kind of miasma; it's not as potent as the hallucinations, but it's still scary. The miasma appears as a purple fog, out of which specters of monsters and demons appear. The miasma is more widespread, but not as powerful as the hallucinations; therefore, it takes just as much out of him.

Farran has trust issues, insomnia, and suicidal tendencies, which crop up every now and then. He's not too strong, and knows very little about fighting.

Miscellaneous information
There is nothing to fear except fear itself... Me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

And there's Farran! The fight or flight response will be a great hindrance to him, methinks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I imagine those who break free of his power aren't susceptible to it later?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@LadyTaleHis inability to fight will be a great issue for Lloyd to deal with but I can see no problem with his future use. Who knows? he might be trained for other possible things such as espionage when the RP advances. Other than that, I like him and he's accepted. ^^ You may now post him at the character tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@FantasyChicEven better. Well, for now, since the opposing side is full, the only choice is to make a character siding with S.C.A.R.

excuse me for double posting
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Zelosse Well, it's not like they gain an immunity... if they break free on their own, without Farran withdrawing his power, they would be less susceptible next time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interesting set of characters so far. Looking forward onto what the others will come up with. ^^

Also, I've been thinking about this recently and would just like to give a minor announcement that the RP will tentatively start either on Thursday or Friday depending on how I'll handle my work schedules.

With that, I'll give a rundown on what you should all expect to be happening on the first arc. Should there be any disagreements, feel free to voice them out so that we can change these right away before starting.

  • On the first part, all of our characters will be introduced and how we'll manage that is simply through exhibition or to simply put, a showoff of each character's power. Lloyd will give his proper intro and for the new members of S.C.A.R., they will immediately be placed in the simulation room. if you don't know what that is, kindly read the information written at the first page There, they will be given a specific amount of time to present a freestyle-ish demonstration of how their powers work and of course, they should also, at least, share a bit more about themselves while in the process.
  • Second part is that after the introduction, S.C.A.R. recruits will be briefed for their first mission. As what you all should know, the breakout S.C.A.R. has commenced recently wasn't as successful as how the media described it to be. Yes, several inmates escaped but their targeted prisoner is an ex-general who served S.C.A.R. during the revolutionary war when Nicholas Washterson was still alive. The recruits' objective is to go back to the O.R.B. and help the ex-general's escape. Of course, there will be some deliberate planning on this so it wont be as simple as it sounds. I'll also answer your questions about this, should there be any.
  • Lastly, their first mission will be commenced a day after, meaning we'll be having a time skip after the introduction at the simulation room. Here, you are all free to create your own arcs such as interactions done at different points at HQ. Afterwards, the real action starts.

Again, I'll acknowledge all of your questions/opinions/suggestions regarding this, so feel free to bug me. ^^

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Full name
Victoria James



Physical appearance
Victoria stands at 5'10'' and weighs 130 lbs. She has long, blonde hair that falls to her back and has light gray eyes. Her skin is fair. Victoria usually wears make-up in light shades of red, pink, or blue. Her clothing consists of trendy styles, girly clothes, but is always a fan of a t-shirt and jeans. She isn't muscular or toned.

Victoria also wears a necklace with a small, crystal heart that was the source of her powers.

Victoria is strong-willed and determined. She doesn't back down from challenges when they are posed and is eager to prove herself outside of being a superhero. She respects her powers, but feels she doesn't deserve them given her lifestyle up until recently. She is kind of self-absorbed, but that is mainly due to her upbringing and has been trying to think more about others than herself. She prefers the company of others as opposed to being alone and loves being the center of attention.

Biography/Background history
Center stage: that's where she belonged.

Victoria always had a passion for singing and dreamed of being on stages across the world. Her parents encouraged her craft and bought the best training they could buy. Training and training to be the best she could be, Victoria was pushed to her limits to become a great performer.

When she was of age she struck out on her own, heading to New York. The cold hit of reality knocked her down a few pegs when she was denied access to the big stages. Instead she contented herself to performing in small bars and on the street, while working in a clothing store to support herself.

She finally made it big and was able to perform on a huge stage, opening for a band that was touring. It was then that she got her foot in the door and started having a following.

Shortly after she turned 25, a superpowered attack on the venue she was performing at left her wounded and hurt. The attacker had the ability to use cosmic rays in beam form and only found out about his powers by accident. The attack left him and many others wounded and few dead. Victoria suffered after effects from the cosmic rays. Her parents flew in to visit her as she was in the hospital, in a coma. They left her a crystal heart necklace and some flowers.

It took 12 days for her to finally awaken. She still felt sick and uneasy still. She sat up in her bed and looked around, seeing many cards and gifts from her fans, her agent, but what struck her the most was the small, shiny crystal next to her bed. She picked it up and admired it. As soon as she touched the crystal, she felt a small vibration from it. Shocked, but curious, she held on to it more and felt it pulse. She put it on and it continued to pulse until it finally stopped. She didn't think much of it until the next day when she went to reach for the TV remote to change the channel and formed a crystal shield around it.

During one of her rare uses of her powers, Lloyd witnessed her and reflected on her abilities. He later sought her out and found her on stage during one of her performances. He left his card with her bodyguards asking to meet her after she sang. Curious, she allowed him. It was there he told her he knew of her powers. She was scared at first, but he assured her he was no danger. Instead he had work for her. He liked her powers as well as her singing ability and requested she come work for him. Unknown to her Lloyd's true purpose and work, she agreed and was later employed as part of S.C.A.R.

To this day, she still is unsure of how she got her powers or why she did. Was it due to the cosmic after-effects? Was it pre-destined? was it from the crystal heart itself? She doesn't know, but she does know she can use the powers in her own way.

Victoria has the ability to create crystals and use them at her will. The crystals themselves are clear and can be any shape and size, depending on how much power and focus she uses (large crystals would cause her to become unconscious if kept in control for too long). She uses these crystals in a variety of ways, from offensive to defensive measures.

Offensively, she can launch crystal shards at her enemies in various sizes, though she prefers short crystal-like daggers as her main weapon. She can also create crystal bombs that detonate in crystal shrapnel.

Defensively, she can form her crystals around her body as a protective shield from bullets and elemental attacks. She can also form crystal walls and other tools at her disposal.

Crystals can shatter with enough force. Sound attacks are her biggest weakness. Victoria can hold her crystals for periods of time with enough focus and power, but if controlled for too long, she becomes strained and weak and may eventually pass out, leaving any crystal she had uncontrollable.

Miscellaneous information
Victoria has a fan base due to her performances, but they don't know about her powers. She preferred to remain anonymous about it. She doesn't go out crime fighting, but has used her abilities to help some people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingdoml1
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well I'd like to throw my hat in the ring and join this :D You got room for a Juggernaut (X-men) kind of powerhouse character? Toned down of course :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago


Full name
David Jackson



Physical appearance
Standing 5"8', he's not extremely big or small. He's rather slim, and has little muscles to show. With his brown hair and dark brown eyes, he is often called normal. Though his time in ORB changed how he keeps himself. Clean shaven, and with very short hair. He dresses in the same, almost Spartan, way. With a tight shirt and trousers, allowing maximum maneuverability. Above that, he wears a hoodie, and often with the hood on. But in such a way that you can still see his face clearly, but just not the back of his head. There is a reason for that. It hides the scars from the many surgeries they performed on his head.

When he goes on a mission, he wears a black belt with several useful tools like a wire cutter, a short piece of rope and other garage tools. From it also hang 2 sharp knives. So far, he couldn't get his hands on a handgun. But he would like to steal one when he gets the chance. He also wears a small bulletproof chest piece. It doesn't protect much beyond his chest and stomach, but doesn't limit his movement.

Straightforward and sometimes a little rude. David will rarely not say what he thinks, simply to spare another person's feeling. He strongly dislikes people who are not straight to the point about what matters. Never the less, he is a surprisingly caring person, towards mutants. His position towards average humans is somewhat divided. While he thinks that mutants cannot live without humans, the cruelty he sustained within O.R.B. made him somewhat cruel towards them.

Biography/Background history
David was born into a very loving but hard working family as the second child. His father got a job in Washington DC. Meaning he only got home quite late, and sometimes not at all. His mother worked-part time at the Town Hall and cared much for her children. At first her second born seemed like a dream child. He never got into any fights, nor got bad grades. While not much of a star player, he played a lot of American Rugby at his high school. Everything indicated that David would be a normal kid.

The truth was far from it. When he was 16, he somehow created a singularity in his sleep. Trashing his room. His parents, while loving, had a very conservative opinion about mutants. They weren't completely against the existence of them, as they knew that they couldn't help it. But they had the opinion that mutants should be treated like patience. As if they were ill. Scientists were to examine them and try to neutralize their powers. This made David too afraid to tell them about his powers. In secret he visited SCAR forums. When he turned 18, he ran away from home to join them. At first believing that they were fighting for the freedom of their existence.

But he was still a foolish kid. 3 years after he joined, he got caught in a raid. Surrounded, he knew he could only survive by surrendering. His time at ORB was brutal. Scientists were extremely interested in how he could control the mysterious Particle Zero. Various scans showed only a slight increase of brain functions when he used his powers. This resulted in a wide range of brain surgeries.

Zero Particle Manipulation - Modern science has always marveled at the illustrious graviton particle. Said to be the carrier of the weakest, yet most dominant force in the universe. They say that gravity was once part of a super-force. A combination of gravity, electro magnetism, weak- and strong nuclear force. They are wrong and right, to some extent. Gravitons do not exist in the hypothetical model of current scientists. The particle acting like it, is in fact Particle Zero. Which is more of a descendant from the primal Superforce.

The only thing known among the scientists of O.R.B. is that something like Particle Zero exists, thanks to David. He overheard them talking about it often. He can apparently manipulate them in such a way that they can be detected. Particle Zero, much like telekinesis, has an almost endless range of application. David's use is there for very limited. He can create temporarily small singularities, negate gravity or even generate kinetic force. All this however, starts near him. Zero Particles converge on him, and in a certain concentration start to glow purplish. From David himself, a projectile is launched (often "thrown"). Upon impact with solid mass, the projectile interacts with it. Be it by collapsing into itself (making the singularity), by creating a negative gravity field (lifting objects) or by exercising force on it (throwing or pushing things).

The ORB scientists knew barely anything of Particle Zero. But somehow they managed to create a small scale shielding device from the effects of the particle. While the device is not standard among ORB security forces, the devices can be called for easily. Meaning that if enemies get a chance to resupply, chances are great that Zero's powers are completely useless. (Unless of course, the enemy suffers from an indirect force from Particle Zero. For example, a gravity negation field will be negated. But if Zero would throw a singularity outside the field, the gravitational vortex forces may still pull the enemy away. Until the enemy is sucked so close to the singularity that his device can "destroy" the singularity.

Miscellaneous information
A surprisingly good cook. David likes to prepare food for other people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Kingdoml1Definitely! Feel free to create one and submit it here. I was hoping that one day someone will step up and have a Superhuman who has resemblances with the X-men's Juggernaut. ^^

@FantasyChicI really like Victoria and it'll be good to have a celebrity on-board. There's just one thing I need to point out. At a certain timeline in her life, was there any criminal activity that she had been involved into? Because most of the characters from this RP are newly escaped Superhuman prisoners from the ORB either because of having criminal/juvenile records or were rebels involved with the revolutionary war of Nicholas Washterson. Though I'm not necessarily saying that your character must be a criminal or a rebel, there should be at least some connected links as to why she is/will be a part of S.C.A.R. once the RP starts. There are other options aside from being an ORB prisoner. An example is that she might have past affiliations with Lloyd Washterson or any of the elite S.C.A.R. agents. You may also put it in a way that she met Lloyd at a particular time only for him to discover that she is a Superhuman and can sing! Later persuading her to work for S.C.A.R. as an entertainer or any of the sort. Or she has a Superhuman relative (let's say an uncle or aunt she's very close with) who is imprisoned at the ORB and she joined S.C.A.R. to be a part of their cause and one day free her uncle/aunt/any relative you can think of.

These are just suggestions by the way and do feel free to establish your own. If you need any help, I'll be glad to give you more ideas on this.Just be wary that I am known to give ridiculous ones XD Anyway, once you have cleared the issues I've pointed out, just [@mention.] me and I'll look through it again. ^^

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