Full nameEzekiel 'Ezzy' Monarce
AgeHe is, technically, 37, but the experimentation has put him back in prime shape and has slowed his aging. Physically, he is in his early 20s.
Physical appearanceUnderneath the mask and intimidating, sleek costume, Ezekiel is a tall, caramel-colored man with an angular, strong jaw, sharp, inhuman blue eyes, and shortly-tapered hair that is fit for military action. He has grown a bit of a scruffy beard/scuffle over time, and has seen no real reason to cut it, as it doesn't affect any missions. A long, slightly red scar still stretches along his jawline, from a knifing incident way back when, and he also has a few scars dotting his body - scars that even his new healing factor could not shake off. As for his physique, Ezekiel appears to be in the prime of human shape, despite his actual physical abilities being beyond that of a human. Lean and muscular, with broad shoulders and calloused hands.
PersonalityWell...Ezekiel isn't what...actually, he is, sort of, what you'd expect. Cold, emotionally distant, heartless...these are all what you'd expect when you gaze into the skull-painted mask of the assassin. You'd be right, in some regards. Ezekiel is, in fact, cold, emotionally distant, and heartless? Well, to a degree. See, he views life as something that should not be treasured, but as something that should be utilized and lived for a certain purpose, until you died and was sent into the gratifying darkness of peace. That's what he wants, in the end...silence and peace, even if he has to crush a few eggshells on the way.
A man that keeps to himself unless he feels the need to interact, Ezekiel is sharp-witted and extremely focused, with a dark, wry sort of aura to him that showcases that he's not one to be trifled with. He's not pure quiet and grimness, however. He does have a macabre, sarcastic humor, and this comes out whenever he feels the need to showcase it. He doesn't live to make anyone proud or like him, and he speaks his mind with cold, blunt indifference, unless there is truly a reason to be respectful and subtle to the person he is speaking to. This, combined with his realism, makes him seem like something of a pessimist to more optimistic people, but that doesn't really matter to him. Not much does. Despite seeming disloyal, Ezekiel is actually one of the most loyal men in the world. It's just a matter of gaining that degree of loyalty, something The Warden has already done.
Biography/Background historyI'll keep this brief. Ezekiel was born as a simple boy, within the rather...dangerous ghettos of Harlem. Combined with a shitty combination of drunk and abusive parents, simply living day by day was a test of survival for the young boy. Stealing whenever he could from the grocery stores, fighting off thieves and muggers, all the while trying to stay afloat in school...life was obviously very stressful for the boy, and when the recruiters came whilst he was still a junior in high-school, at the age of 15, he signed up immediately, despite being three years younger than the minimum. Papers were easily forged, especially if your parents didn't care to even keep up with them. He learned that at an early age.
The military was everything he thought it would be. Tough, challenging, and honorable...he was beginning to get out of that funk his dastardly childhood forced him in. After four years of hard-work, he was transferred into the Navy Seals, and his workload increased dramatically. He was a man to be respected, even at the young age of 19, and did his work with efficiency that was not lost on his superiors. More time passed, and Ezekiel eventually reached the age of 24. This is where things got a little...hairy. It was in a war on terror, and whilst infiltrating one of the terrorist leaders' bases, his team was ambushed. They had been expecting the attack. Ezekiel was captured, and had to watch as each of his comrades were executed. Whilst still in shock from the display of brutality, he was shipped off to one of the terrorists' off-shore working camps. In other words, a slave base, where they were forced to work for hours upon hours.
He did this for four more years, only staying alive due to his still undiscovered ability to endure harsh amounts of damage and stay healthy. Yes, while he didn't know of this ability, it was later found out by the officials of the slave camp. They traded him with ORB - a bunch of underhanded, black-market sorts of deals that made him a prisoner at the superhuman prison facility, under the false crime of mass-murder and rampage. The bastards even had the gall to commit genocide on a distant village, to cement his imprisonment. It was a slap to the face, but at this point, his spirits were low. He was at a dark place, chained up in his cell, only leaving for the experiments that made him feel...stronger after each operation.
It was, at this point in his life, that he met The Warden. Ezekiel knew him as soon as he saw him. The whispers of The Warden hadn't frightened him, after so many years in war and as a prisoner, but he felt a sense of fear, for the first time in years, when he saw that this man was a former soldier that Ezekiel served underneath, when he was still a soldier, bright-eyed and foolish. He had respected the man...and now, the man was going to be the one who watched as he was tortured with these damned experiments? Surprisingly, it wasn't that.
The Warden wanted him within his personal squad, within the prison - this was told to him after many more months of experimentation, in which he was, for some unexplained reason, given more training and physical tutoring to get his body and skills back into their tiptop, inhuman state. Ezekiel understood why. He was faster, stronger, more durable, more instinctive than any other in the facility. It clicked into place, why he wasn't treated as badly as some of the other prisoners that were given mass-murdering charges. Why his experiments were successful, while many others died, convulsing and bleeding from their ears and eyes. He was one of the chosen few.
It was after all of these events, that Ezekiel became Crisis. The personal bodyguard and assassin, serving directly under the fearful Warden. If you saw his skeletal mask within the dusty shadows of your cell, then you knew that the end was near - that the crime that you've committed within the prison was coming back to haunt you.
And why did Ezekiel do these things? Why did he become the source of so many nightmares?
Because...he had nothing else left in life. The Warden gave him a goal...a mission. He would serve the man efficiently until the day Ezekiel could witness the sweet release of death.
PowersTo keep it simple, Ezekiel was born with a dormant power - it wasn't anything destructive or active. What was it? A healing factor. Nothing overly-powerful, it only allowed him to be immune to earthly diseases and sicknesses, and allowed his cells to heal at a faster rate than what a human normally could. It was because of this, that he was chosen for the experimental process. The experiment gave him what they had wanted - an incredibly lethal super-soldier.
Now, Ezekiel possesses superhuman attributes in all categories. His strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance are all enhanced to inhuman levels, allowing him to execute a large variety of stunts and moves that no human could hope to match. He can rip a steel door off of it's hinges with a sharp tug, move faster than the human eye could track, outrun a lot of vehicles, and stay fighting for hours upon hours depending on the situation, without a break or hesitation.
His instincts are much moreso than that of a human's allowing him to react accordingly to fast, outward threats, and even go toe to toe with superhumans gifted with such things as superspeed. His mind takes information in at an accelerated pace, and he now possesses photographic memory, allowing him to think and memorize vast amounts of information, making him something of a polymath. A jack of all trades, if you will. This, combined with an extensive military history and training within the facility, has given him an extremely deadly edge. A master of close and ranged combat, Ezekiel is not someone to be trifled with.
WeaknessesSince he is a man that does not have elemental or energy-based powers, there are not too many weaknesses that Ezekiel possesses. For one, he is a superhuman, but human all the same. Enough punishment can, and will, take him down. He is not impenetrable - he just has an overly healthy body. His mind is also a bit of a weakness. Events has made him...well, not suicidal, but figuratively self-destructive. By this, I mean that, to accomplish his goals and missions, he's willing to do a lot of things that doesn't cross his strict morals - even if those things can easily end with his death if he's not careful.
Miscellaneous informationHis 'suit' is made of different types of dark-colored weaving, including Kevlar and a sort of biodegradable metal overlay. This makes it incredibly durable yet light-weight and efficient. He also possesses a variety of weapons, both on his person, and in his personal armory, within his 'cell'.