Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Not much to say, the idea is a Digimon RP, doesn't have to relate to any of the seasons, heck, it can be an AU where the originals don't exist for all i care.

I do allow fanmade Digimon but the originals are preferred (since it's easier to find images of if you're not the best artist)
i do require images, and i offer my artistic skills if you really need an image, it just wont be good since i do request money and i offer this for free
We can discuss designs of digivices and plot, but for a basic idea of what could happen in this rp..

Digimon from the digital world are popping into reality, and in an attempt to find a way back to their world, they'll have to adapt into ours. Bond may be made, as well as be broken, friends or foes may arise, and it might just take the help of the humans of this world to return home.

Basic idea, i do have a good idea of what happens in the future, such as why they were sent there in the first place. Though adapting should take up a fair bit of the RP, such as finding places to refuge at or partnering up with a human, definitely not in the first few posts uvu

On Evolution Lines, as long as the evolution make's sense, i don't care if Agumon digivolves into Greymon, or digivolves into Flarelizamon. (do not do Agumon into Mojyamon, and if you do be prepared to explain why that works for your Digimon)

I personally go by the Japanese terms (Baby 1, Baby 2, Child, Adult, Perfect, Ultimate)
but it's fine if you want to do English terms (Fresh, InTraining, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega)

Age range for humans can't go lower then 8 or higher then 20

Would anyone be interested?

Erika Inihara
Flamon Evolution Line

Alex Anderson
Elecmon Evolution Line

Fanbeemon Evolution Line

Hackmon Evolution Line
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'd sure say I'll throw some interest here as this could make a nice RP but for that matter you are probably set to go up against This Digimon RP at the moment as it's still not at the IC phase.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'd sure say I'll throw some interest here as this could make a nice RP but for that matter you are probably set to go up against This Digimon RP at the moment as it's still not at the IC phase.

Not really, seeing how that's in Free and this is Casual. World of difference there.

Anyways, kind of interested if I can figure stuff out. ^^; Just so you know, I tend to default to the English names for things because that's what I grew up with and I am far too used to them but yeah. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well from my personal experiences with past RP's, i'd probably prefer some discussion as to what exactly we should be doing. Sometimes i'd get a really good one going and it would simply die out, and i want to capture many interests to avoid that worse case scenario, y'know?
So while it may be ready to go up at it's current stage, it'd still like to hear other's ideas so i may throw them in as i wish uvu
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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I'm generally fine with anything as long as we don't descend into full-on edgelord territory, honestly. XD Since a bit of darkness is fine (and one of the reasons why the original anime stood out at the time), but there's such a thing as too much.

Although if we're being more specific... It'd be really cool to do either something like Adventure (bunch of kids randomly thrown into a weird, mysterious alternate reality and having to figure out a way back) or Savers (having things run like an organization, basically) if that helps I guess?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

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<Snipped quote by Windicator>

Not really, seeing how that's in Free and this is Casual. World of difference there.

Sure, there is somewhat a difference but I based my (wrong?) assumption on people probably feeling contempt with one Digimon RP (+ This) and I'm not one to really think about the type before the setting. (While making this post I looked at the viewer count and see some pupularity!)

I've also made a Digicode/Digimoji "catalog" for easier integration.

I usually when casually addressing digimon use what was used in the west but the way it was originally created make sense to me from design perspective. (Rookie -> Champion, Child -> Adult)

As far as for the ideas/preference stuff, I'm all for what make it interesting. some Edge? Nice. some awesome? Nice. Some Digimon. Yeah, more Digimon.

As a serious answer there would probably have to be something like a catalyst for the barrier between RW and DW to diminish making Digimon go through. but I'm not really any good at spontaneously coming up with stuff.

Edit: Have the aforementioned Catalog too for completion.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Personally for me, i'm a rather big fan of Tamers to an extent, as well as Adventure and 02 (I will admit i have not finished all Digimon series, i got half way though frontier and half way through Fusion, but the rest i have yet to watch. I have seen Tri though, can't wait for the next movie!)

As for a reason for Digimon coming to the Real World, i was thinking that a Virus of some sort infected the Digital World, and in an last effort, the Digital World ejected as many Digimon as it could into the Real World before the Virus could get to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Personally for me, i'm a rather big fan of Tamers to an extent, as well as Adventure and 02 (I will admit i have not finished all Digimon series, i got half way though frontier and half way through Fusion, but the rest i have yet to watch. I have seen Tri though, can't wait for the next movie!)

I say that after tamers, the only note worthy season is Savers/Data squad though it's just my opinion.

As for a reason for Digimon coming to the Real World, i was thinking that a Virus of some sort infected the Digital World, and in an last effort, the Digital World ejected as many Digimon as it could into the Real World before the Virus could get to them.

Ok, that sounds about right. I'm not going to pick by that anyway but I'd guess the Vaccine attribute would help.

I've Been thinking of what line I'd use (it'd probably be repetitive to use the Keramon or Mugendramon line) and it's still hard to come up with anything. One thin that drew my eye though was

but I think
Its Special Move "Shine Breaker", in which it simultaneously fires concentrated bombardments of shining energy and bombardments of scorching energy at the target, from all the cannons on its body, completely annihilates the target with the gigantic explosion of super-destructive energy produced from the fusion of the two types of energy at the point of convergence of all the bombardments.
Sounds overkill

I think it's back to Square 1: Find a Digimon

Edit: After Brainstorming (Found that Cannondramon again) I'm pretty much set on what a good (enough) line would be down to the Child/Rookie. Elecmon or Patamon, Centarumon, Assaultmon, Cannondramon (Pics in hider)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think it's back to Square 1: Find a Digimon

I'v actually been looking for a place to stage a digimon RP for awhile, and in that time i'v come up with two digimon line's, i'v already decided on going with PicoDevimon / DemiDevimon, but my other one can be up to grabs if anyone is interested.
My PicoDevimon Evolution Line
Evolution Line up for Grabs

I think as far as edginess will go, perhaps the debate on whether Vaccine or Virus truly determines whether or not you'll turn out good or evil could come into effect at some point.

(Edit: Elecmon is rather underused, i suggest him. In addition to suggesting him, i'd also recommend the purple variant of Elecmon)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I think as far as edginess will go, perhaps the debate on whether Vaccine or Virus truly determines whether or not you'll turn out good or evil could come into effect at some point.

While I think of Adventure 01, most the evil Digimon (that were not controlled by gears) were picked (or maybe placed) in the virus category but I feel that there is merit to the way Wikimon put it in their Attribute article:
In a more general sense, they can also represent personality types:

  • Vaccine: As a rule, Vaccine digimon are usually good, put a high emphasis on justice and morals, and fight against evil.
  • Data: Data digimon can be good or evil, but generally value peace above all.
  • Virus: Virus digimon desire power, and can often become greedy, selfish, wild, or evil in pursuit of it.
    ...All of the above is not set in stone and there have been heroic Virus Digimon, as well as villainous Vaccine digimon.

I actually like the idea of using purple Elecmon for the Child/Rookie though it makes the line shaky with Virus Child, Data Adult, Virus Perfect and Data Ultimate (it actually makes the line appear to have some consistency though.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I actually like the idea of using purple Elecmon for the Child/Rookie though it makes the line shaky with Virus Child, Data Adult, Virus Perfect and Data Ultimate (it actually makes the line appear to have some consistency though.)

I have decided what Character + Digimon i'm gonna use (Artwork for girl by me uvu)
PicoDevimon Evolution Line
Erika Inihara

As far as attributes go, my line goes Unknown, Unknown, Virus, Virus/Vaccine, Virus, Vaccine. I feel a bit of shakiness might work for the plot, or overall would just be an nice idea. (as a side note, what might your fresh and intraining digi's be?)

I do have a good idea as of what will happen when the Digimon arrive in the Real World, as well as the first Villain (that will be fought in the real world). I also have a good idea of what has happened in the Digital World. My question for everyone, should the Time Flow be the same for both worlds, or should the Digital World accelerate when in the Real World, and Real time slow down when in the Digital world (like in Adventure)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My question for everyone, should the Time Flow be the same for both worlds, or should the Digital World accelerate when in the Real World, and Real time slow down when in the Digital world (like in Adventure)

While after being exposed to the Tamers and Savers/DATA series, I've gotten to accept that the time flow is same in both worlds but there are a few factors I'd think of before actually deciding.
  • If there would need to be a contact to the real world it would become next to impossible to have difference in the speed of time but it actually works as an isolating factor reinforcing the fact that now there is no backup, at least unless it's ok to retreat and give the enemy probably at least a year time to recover.
  • A reverse of the point above, having no difference in time would allow better organization with RW and DW also making it possible to realistically act as a home base rather than an up-link.
Need for timeskip(s)
  • One thing that the time difference did (and probably the most pressing reason for its existence other than excusing itself from confronting having the kids gone missing) was allow the timeskip making it possible to have the dark masters ark but at the same time disallowing having a plot point/encounter briefly occur in the RW and then be back in DW in a timely manner.

Probably more:

(as a side note, what might your fresh and intraining digi's be?)

I actually looked up elecmons real 'Baby 1/2' / 'Fresh/training' (Punimon / Tsunomon(basic for beast judging by pattern)(same as gabumon)) but I forgot to add them anywhere so my bad for that.

(I actually almost lost all this text just before posting o_o)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(That wouldn't have been good ;; )

Reasons for asking about time flow due relate to how this Digital Treat will work.

  • If the time flow is different between worlds, that would give the Virus a lot of time to make itself prominent in the Digital World. Such as Real life, a Virus starts out small but becomes a greater threat when left untreated, and depending on the kind of virus, it could take hold of the Digital World faster or slower.
    • Using this method, the Digital world will have been completely taken over by the Virus by the time the kids and digimon returned. This can also explain why villainous digimon are appearing in the Real World as well, the Fire Wall between the worlds will have been weaken over that amount of time, allowing them ease of access.

  • If the time flow is the same between worlds, this would give the kids a chance to stop it before it completely corrupted the world.
    • As for why villainous Digimon would be in the Real World, it could be because the virus had already infected them before being thrown out. This could give these villainous characters a chance at redemption.

On a side note, that digimon line is fine with me.
@Rin do you have anything to add? If you're still interested that is :o
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It actually came to mind that it could be important for the plot or just some interactions to decide how the Virus would operate.
How does it infect its target?
How does long would it take for it to have any effect?
Would the characters need something to combat its effects (not the Digimon infected by it but rather just the virus)
Is can it be cured and if so, is it until certain stage?

These can be left unclear for sake of plot or to avoid rushing the details.

Also, just going to add something that could help in the RP.
The Digimon are divided into fields that Wikimon has explained kindly to make it easy to just search most anything there. Here is a link to search digimon by field and it's listed in the infobox (right hand at the top of the article) on wikimon if you search just any digimon on there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

  • I do have an idea in mind as to who is infecting everyone, but this can be revealed later for plot purposes.
  • It takes root inside a Digimon, and slowly begins to corrupt them. At any point it may be broken, but the longer you wait the harder it is to brake, to the point where it may feel impossible to get through.
  • The Attribute may come into effect as to who is more likely to be infected.
    • Virus Attributes are rather immune to it's effect, since most Digimon under this attribute are already wicked.
    • Data Attributes are easy to convert, it would take one with a really strong willpower to resist it.
    • Vaccine Attributes are the most resistant to the Virus, but with enough of a dose, can be take down. Vaccine's with the virus are more likely to be in a mindless state, sorta like a puppet.

Also, as of how many characters we should use as main characters, i think at least three is fine, at most five. If Rin is still interested, she can be the third and we can start, it not, then i guess you could invite someone else here if we must. As well, we can have as many side characters as we can handle at a time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While only loosely relating to the topic, I just notice assaultmon was really featured in DW3 (outside of cards) and as I'm one to actually compose my digimon(s) as sprites for possible use. as such I'm stuck with no sprite but I'm aiming to fix it by making my own sprite so when it's ready should I add it here (even if it probably won't play a role here) or only use it if I come up with some creative use for it? (like sprite digivolution sequence!) It'll probably be a modified version or centarumons sprite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You can use it for personal needs, since i'mma compile a list of the Digimon in use on the first post using Imgur, and would like to use the artwork over sprites. In addition, do you have a human ready? I'll offer my artistic abilities if you need me to draw them for you (Also your final say on which Elecmon you're gonna use, if Elecmon at all?)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I feel that it would upset the balance of Virus to Data to use the regular elecmon so the purple variant is way more fitting.

As for character, I can probably have one up tomorrow but I've found myself stagnated at not giving too much thought to the character before any real CS or guideline is given (though I've decided to place the age at about 16-17 as it's just bellow 18 which is the legal age when you become an adult in Finland (at least it made sense to me when I actually decided it...)). I'm prone to playing male characters if my char history is to be believed. I'll probably end up just blitzing through the character making anyway (Like always).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cynthx
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Cynthx GMT-5

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Duly noted, Would this set up be correct?

I'm always here to help with artistic assistance, so if you do happen to need help, go ahead and ask. I guess another question to ask is at what stage of evolution shall our Digimon arrive in, InTraining or Rookie? I also believe the first act should the the uniting of the Digimon with their Humans, and this should take up a few pages i believe. (I'll be adding additional information to my character's on the first post btw, so keep an eye out on that if you wish.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The evolution line would stand correct.

as far as it goes with my characters, I'm probably the last person to actually draw anything (or hand write for that matter) but I'll probably get a block of text reminiscent of a character up with some detail and little effort.

As far as the arrival, I think that the stage of arrival would probably depend on the set atmosphere for urgency and if we are going to get in a fight in the beginning (at least with some champion level thing that's just there for plot) one vouch for the In-training would be the smaller data package needed to send them making it less noticeable in a stream of data. As for the Rookie, they'd be relatively ready for a fight that way.

1 day in digital world is 1 minute in real world (in Adventure 01) but after the defeat of apocalymon the time gap seized though. (02)

(The moments that make me actually want to learn to draw well)
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