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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"In a manner of speaking, yes. Usually, the others consider me and Alucard as 1 team." she smiles at the other girl as they come to the end of the line. "Alright. Clues..Alucard?" the dog nods once and scents the area thoroughly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

sinai nods "lets see what we can find." she jumped into a tree for a higher vantage point. Alucards sense of smell was no doubt amazing but that only covered one sense. well he's a dog so hearing too. But Sinai took up the view point to see what she could see. The area was pretty undisturbed but there were a few things out of place. Broken branches but it was not impossible that the Hollow in question could fly. "Got anything down there"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Bloody. Probably a lot of teeth on it or it is a messy eater." she called back. Alucard's ears shifted and he padded the ground rapidly. "Alot of deaths within the last week. I think we'll have our work cut out for us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

a lot of deaths "thats...not good" she thought out loud."are we sure its only one hollow?" She called down to Haruka. considering how hollows supposedly devour souls this was an exceptionally gruesome. Hopefully there was only one and it was something they could deal with. these were clean kills, nor devouring the souls whole. blood was bad. but the options going through Sinai's head were horrible. among otherthings they included human sacrificing to the hollow but that didnt account for the large number. unless someone rounded up people as bait....it was best not to think about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki's blade clashed with Shiro's before the man used his right foot to boot her blade out of the way. Fighting against the force without letting go of her sword, Nishiki took her left hand off of the hilt of her blade before dragging it back just in time to clash with Shiro's sword once more as he slashed downwards. Nishiki found her knees bending slightly under the pressure. To combat this, Nishiki turned her blade so that Shiro's sword was clashing against the flat side of it. She then placed her left hand on the underside, near the tip of her sword, for more control and to add more force to try push Shiro's blade upwards. Her aim was to hold it up before kicking the open right side of Shiro's body a few times. She knew that with both hands busy, she may of seemed as though she was at a disadvantage, however Nishiki decided to turn up things up a notch for herself and test how she'd deal with being in such a situation. A quick smirk found it's way across Nishiki's lips but she soon disguised it. Clearly she was having fun, at lot more than she usually would in battle due to the fact that she was fighting her Captain.

As Shiro slashed down he clashed with Nishiki's Zanpakuto again, seeing her hold it with both hands as she tried to push back against his "Tch. Not bad, but Let's kick this up a notch!" Shiro then placed his left hand on his Zanpakuto, now holding it with both hands as a red aura slowly began to from around him and his Zanpakuto as he pushed down with more force, there was one thing Shiro liked and that was a good clash
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zane620 said
"..... Okay, I see her." Hyperion said turning his gaze over to the female who instantly said cool hair man. He moved a stand to a point he could see it, and sighed and shrugged. "T-thanks." He muttered, before Tabo gave him the rundown on her going on her first mission and to make sure she didn't die. Of course he then said that absurd nickname again which made him resist the urge to bash his skull off a wall. He told him various seat position of which were his, yet he seemed to not know this.... Despite being the captain of the squad. So he was told to ask Hikari, in which Hyperion just nodded his head. As he left the office with Keina, she informed him of the mission and he nodded, as he began shunpoing to the source with her behind him, and once at the destination stood on a sturdy branch and looked at her. "Wanna give me a quick rundown on what you can do Miss...... He actually never told me your name yet. Mines Hyperion."

Once they got to their destination she watched as Hype stood on a branch, she shrugged and jumped up reaching out her arms. She gripped the branch and pulled herself up so she was beside him, though she sat criss cross. She looked back and forth and began trying to sense around the area for the hollow. She snapped out of it when Hype asked her a few questions in which she smiled up at him, "I'm Keina! As for what I can do, well, not much!" she replied as she rubbed the back of her head, "But I was trained by my brother, he was in Squad six at one point." She then looked forward again and slowly stood to her feet as she heard a rustle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hmm..." she continued to search for any clues on the Hollow when she heard a rhythmic noise. It was low, but there...irritating the crap out of her. "Alucard." the dog bounded off into a large house, surpringly quiet, to go check out the noise. A pulse of spiritual energy from him let her know she needed to see something. She called out Sinai where she was going and said that Alucard found something.

When she crossed a room full of garments and silks, she found her dog standing with stiff legs and raised fur line. He didn't growl, but he was baring his tiny teeth in an adorably threatening way. If they were at home in the barracks, she'd have cuddled him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
As Shiro slashed down he clashed with Nishiki's Zanpakuto again, seeing her hold it with both hands as she tried to push back against his "Tch. Not bad, but Let's kick this up a notch!" Shiro then placed his left hand on his Zanpakuto, now holding it with both hands as a red aura slowly began to from around him and his Zanpakuto as he pushed down with more force, there was one thing Shiro liked and that was a good clash

Nishiki's plan was halted dead in it's tracks when Shiro spoke, adding another hand onto his Zanpakuto while increasing the pressure he was bringing down on Nishiki's blade. The latter's eyes widened a touch but immediately she gained a smirk. That smirk soon morphed into a toothy grin as she raised her own energy. Translucent white energy slowly began forming around Nishiki and her own Zanpakuto as she too increased the amount of pressure she was pushing against Shiro's blade, trying to push it back as much as possible while still holding her grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kurisa had gotten an order from the Head Captain to investigate a few strange happenings far out in the Soul Society, these were happening on the outskirts of one of the less popular villages which was odd, This village never saw anything, even hollows were rare here so why there was a large spiritual energy detected there is odd in itself. "This is quite a distance...I never thought this village was this far out" Kurisa had been travelling for a few days now, he was told to conserve his Spiritual energy in case what was causing this disturbance was strong. After a few more hours passed Kurisa arrived at the village, nothing seemingly wrong...in fact...it seemed perfectly fine..."This isn't right...." Kurisa looked about the village as people went about their daily business. Kurisa could have very well turned around and gone back but he came this far so he had to find out something...the reports couldn't have been false, far from it....they certainly picked up on a Large Spiritual energy...

Kurisa continued walking around, looking for things out of the ordinary. There was nothing however. "I don't understand this...what's going on?...or more should I say why is nothing going on?" Kurisa stopped and began to think to himself as and old woman approached him and spoke "Oh my what is a Captain of the Gotei 13 doing so far out in a small village like this?" Kurisa was snapped out of his thought by this as he then looked at the woman who spoke to him "I'm here merely checking up on things, that is all." The old woman listened as Kurisa spoke then nodded "Oh I see, are you staying long Captain? if so I am the owner of a small inn you could stay at" Kurisa listened to the old woman then spoke "I am staying a few days, so somewhere to stay would be appreciated." The old woman nodded once again then spoke as she turned and walked off with Kurisa following behind "Very good, I think I have a room you will enjoy." Kurisa thought back on what the woman had said, this was all a bit odd...I think I'm starting to sense something odd...a bit convenient that the first person to approach me is the owner of inn...what's even more odd is that she knows of the Gotei 13 and it's ranks clearly. It's not impossible for these people to know of the Gotei 13 but still odd...life out here is very different...almost like it's a separate world. They are completely shut off from the rest of the Soul Society and thus usually are not exposed to information about the Gotei 13...still perhaps I am over thinking this, I'll need to look into this matter further...

Soon they arrived at the inn, the woman showed Kurisa to his room which was surprisingly nice, it was still a bit small but better than having to remain outside. "I will let you settle in, please ask if you require anything" Kurisa looked to the woman then nodded "I will do" The woman then left the room, Kurisa walked over to the table and looked around the room Why do I get such an uneasy feeling from this village? Kurisa sat down on one of the chairs, then reached into his Haori and pulled out a small device, he held it in his left hand then pressed the screen with his index finger from his right hand, this caused the screen to come on as it began to scan the surrounding area Let's see if this device is any good. If the Lieutenant of Squad 12 is as much of a geni- Kurisa's thoughts were halted suddenly when the device showed an overview map of the village and all around him were red dots, there was not a single blue dot here Blue dots mean there are souls...red dots mean there are hollows...according to this...everyone is this village has hollow spiritual energy. Either this device is broken or something is seriously wrong here...

Kurisa then heard a knock at the door which prompted him to quickly place the device back into his Haori as he then clasped his hands together and rested them on the table and closed his eyes as the door opened, the old woman holding a tray of tea "I'm sorry to disturb you Captain, I just thought I'd bring you some refreshments" Kurisa opened his eyes and looked over the the old woman as she then approached the table and placed the tray down, then she poured Kurisa a cup of tea before bowing very slightly and making her way to the door "Enjoy" Kurisa watched as the old woman left If this device is telling me she is a hollow, much like everyone else in this village then why am I sensing she is just a normal soul...just what is going on here? Kurisa took the cup of tea and looked into it then pushed it away. He couldn't take any risks right now, there was no possible way to know that the tea was actually tea.

Kurisa then stood up from where he was sat and made his way to the door and slid it open, then stepped out and slid it shut behind him as he walked around the inn looking for others, yet there was no one...only the old woman and her husband. Kurisa then stepped outside then inn and began looking around the village more...still...everyone gave of the same energy a soul would. Kurisa began to think something up however once again his thoughts were stopped when he noticed a girl walking down the path towards the village, wheeling something behind her. Kurisa approached the woman as she got into the village and stopped, she then wiped sweat from her forehead as she then spotted Kurisa "Hmm are you new here sir? Can't say I've seen you around here before" Kurisa looked at the woman then spoke "I'm just visiting for a few days" The woman nodded then grabbed a bag from her cart she wheeled behind her and then threw it onto her right shoulder "Well that is odd, there are hardly any visitors here. Just taking a break?" "you could say that. Would you like a hand with that?" Kurisa said pointing to the large stack of bags, which clearly contained seeds or something along those lines. The woman looked to the bags then to Kurisa "Oh no, I couldn't ask that of you. You're a visitor after all and I wouldn't want you to ruin your fancy clothes" Kurisa closed his eyes for a moment before re-opening them and speaking "It is fine honestly, you to are a visitor are you not?" Kurisa then walked over to the stack of bags and picked one up, throwing it onto his right shoulder as the woman then spoke "Umm...actually I do live here, I've just been gone a few days to get some supplies." The walked over to the stairs off the inn then set the bag down, Kurisa doing the same as the woman walked back over to the cart and began pulling it away, Kurisa followed next to her as he then spoke "Ah I see. So if you don't mind me asking, how many days exactly have you been out of the village?"

The woman looked to Kurisa as he spoke then she replied "Well, probably about 4 days. So not to long. My father usually does this but he has been ill lately and so wasn't able to, that's why I went." Kurisa nodded as they then arrived at a small farm, the two making their way to a large barn which the woman wheeled the cart into. The woman then looked around the barn and scratched her head as she then spoke "Huh? seems like they haven't used much of our supplies...usually we'd be pretty low by now..." Kurisa listened as the woman spoke then thought to himself She's been gone four days? the large spiritual energy came from this village 3 days ago...and according to her they haven't used many supplies?...still not enough to go off...although something is defiantly going on under the surface the woman then began taking bags off the cart and stacking them up in the barn, Kurisa then began to help her, asking something as he did "So you usually don't have this many supplies left by the time one returns with supplies?" The woman looked at Kurisa for a moment as she continued working "We usually have near on nothing left, it's odd...here we have at least 4-6 days worth." Kurisa nodded and continued to help the woman

Soon they finished unloading everything off the cart, the two then stepped outside the barn. The woman then looked at Kurisa then spoke "thank you for the help, it was very kind of you." Kurisa looked to the woman then spoke "It's fine, I couldn't leave a woman to do all that work by herself, it'd be rude of me." The woman smiled then spoke "Once again, thank you" The woman then noticed Kurisa's Haori was dirty from all the bags "Oh your expensive coat! it's dirty!" Kurisa looked down at his Haori then spoke "Don't worry about it, I can wash it when I return home" The woman shook her head then spoke "Please allow me to wash it. It's the least I can do for the help. Besides you are here for a few days, you don't want to be wearing a dirty coat do you?" Kurisa looked at the woman then nodded "I suppose not..." Kurisa then reached into his Haori, pulling the device out of it and quickly placing it inside his standard Shinigami uniform then took his Haori off and handed it to the woman, only then did the woman see Kurisa's Zanpakuto strapped to his left hip "Oh you have a sword?" Kurisa looked down at his Zanpakuto then spoke "it's for self defence purposes...I don't want to be caught in trouble and not be able to defend myself" The woman nodded then spoke "A smart idea, I should try invest in something like that." The woman then walked over to the main house, Kurisa following behind as she then opened the door and walked in

"Father. I'm home, I also brought a guest with me." Kurisa followed the woman into the house, closing the door behind him. The woman then noticed her father come around the corner and smile at her, instantly the womens eyes widened as a smile then grew on her face "FATHER! Your okay!" the woman then hugged her father, Kurisa watched as he saw a small flash from something above the man, almost like light bouncing off something thin...he then watched as the father laughed then broke away from the hug, coughing a little as he then spoke "Please be careful dear, I am still fragile" the woman then stepped back and bowed as she then spoke "Oh! oh apologies father, I forgot." The father nodded then spoke "It's okay dear. So are you going to introduce us to your friend?" The woman then stood up straight and nodded then turned to Kurisa, holding a hand out to him "Oh yes, Um this is..." "Kurisa...Kurisa Kuchiki. It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for allowing me into your home" The father then nodded and spoke "It's also a pleasure to meet you Kurisa."

A few hours passed and the woman finished washing Kurisa's Haori then gave it to him, he then put it on and spoke "I should get going, thank you for having me in your home" The woman nodded then spoke "Your welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay here" Kurisa nodded then made his way to the door "I'm sure I will..." Kurisa then opened the door and then closed it behind him, he then reached into his uniform and pulled out the device then tapped on the devices screen then watched as it scanned the area, his eyes then widened as he noticed a blue dot in the house he just left, the rest still all red. Kurisa then narrowed his eyes and placed the device back into his uniform as he then left the farm and made his way back to the inn. Heading straight to his room as soon as he got in he sat down on a chair and pulled out the device, tapping the screen the map of the area then came up, the farm he was just at he looked to...the blue dot had turned red Just what the hell is going on here? something isn't right...I just need someone to slip up and spill their secrets...as much as I'd like to blame this device for being faulty I cannot...things seem to convenient, something was attached to that man back there, however it only showed for a second then there is the fact the man was better and that none of the supplies had been used...obviously a hollow wouldn't do that sort of thing, nor would they feel illness like a normal soul..." Kurisa decided to put the device away, yet he wouldn't sleep...it'd be foolish...instead he'd wait, he had something he wanted to try.

After many hours passed and the night had passed Kurisa had stepped outside to the back of the inn where a large open area was. Kurisa unsheathed his Zanpakuto then began practising his precise sword swings by slashing at the air, trying to control his Zanpakuto perfectly. After a few minutes Kurisa felt a presence approaching behind him then the voice of the woman from yesterday rung in his ears "Oh practising? you seem go-" Kurisa then turned as the woman got behind him, slashing above her head, he watched as what looked like several wires were cut, the woman then fell to her knee's as a blank expression came about her face, Kurisa then narrowed his eyes Just as I thought..." Kurisa quickly checked the device as the blue dot returned then put it back in his uniform as the woman slowly stood up holding her head Seems they're being controlled by something... the woman looked around then at Kurisa as her eyes widened "H-Huh? how did I get here? what's going on?" Kurisa looked at the woman then spoke "Get out of here now...everyone in the village is being controlled" The woman then took a few steps back and spoke "A-Are you crazy!? everythings fine! no one is being controlled!" Kurisa then raised his left hand and pointed behind her. The woman then turned to see everyone in the village coming towards them, their eyes glowing red "W-What's going on!?" Kurisa then shunpoed to the woman and picked her up then shunpoed a bit further back and set her down "Run, do as you're told...I'll try save them all now go!"

The woman looked over to the mass of people gathering then spoke "B-But my father!" "I'll save him now go already!" The woman's eyes grew tears as she ran away, the people closed in on Kurisa prompting him to release his Zanpakuto "Looks like I'll have to handle this quickly..." Hundreds of white mirrors then formed around Kurisa and the villagers as they then shattered into thousands upon thousands of white petals that then all cut above them, severing the wires from the all causing them to all fall limp before getting to their feet and mumbling in confusion "Evacuate the village immediately! It's un-safe at the moment" The villagers all scratched their heads in confusion as a cero then flew towards some of them, this caused Kurisa's eyes to widen as he shunpoed infront of it and raised his Zanpakuto it as it then exploded, this caused the villagers to run off screaming thankfully none of them getting hurt. Once the smoke faded Kurisa could be seen with his uniform slightly burned and torn as he looked to the roof of the inn seeing what looked like a puppet, strings flowing around it as it then spoke

"Well, aren't I lucky? I get to fight the Captain of Squad 6...Kurisa Kuchiki. It's no wonder you figured out my little trick, then again...you were meant to figure it out. If you hadn't I would have been very disappointed...I've heard such praise, I've even been told to be cautious of you...however" The puppet then narrowed his eyes as a black aura formed around it "I should have no problem dispatching you! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Master...Puppet Master that is and I am ranked 0 of our little gang of Arrancar so Kurisa Kuchiki, that for you...means inevitable death..." Kurisa's eyes remained still as the Arrancar introduced themselves "Who named you? how uncreative...if anything you seem more like a joke than anything else..." Master then frowned as he clenched his fists "How dare you insult me you stuck up bastard! I'm going to enjoy peeling you out of your skin with my wires!" Kurisa then chuckled slightly before speaking "Well we best stop wasting time so I can disappoint you..." Kurisa then pointed his Zanpakuto's tip to the ground as his Zanpakuto's began to glow bright white "Ban-" Kurisa's eyes then widened as chains wrapped around his Zanpakuto, it's light being sucked from it and into the chains, this caused Kurisa to quickly rip his Zanpakuto out from the chains and shunpo back, he then heard a familiar voice as he watched the chains go back "Not as smart as you thought you were did you Kurisa? Can you hear your Zanpakuto calling out to you?" Kurisa looked up seeing Shinji, this caused his eyes to widen as he watched the chains go back into Shinji's back, Kurisa then heard the Arrancar speak in shock "M-Master Shinji! W-What are you doing here?" Shinji glared at the Master Puppet then turned his attention back to Kurisa as he spoke "Quiet! I merely wanted to use your ability to lure him here....he...had something I wanted, now I possess it...which brings me back to what I was saying. Can you hear your Zanpakuto calling out to you Kurisa Kuchiki?"

A grin formed on Shinji's face as Kurisa looked down at his Zanpakuto, he felt nothing from it...there was nothing at all...it was just a plain blade, Kurisa grit his teeth then looked up and Shinji "What the hell did you do!? Where is Shuzaku!?" Shinji continued to grin as he unsheathed his Zanpakuto, he then began forming white mirrors behind him which caused Kurisa's eyes to widen "Shuzaku? that's it's name...well thank you....you saved me a lot of time...How foolish you are Kurisa Kuchiki, giving me the name of your Zanpakuto has just allowed me to use it...now I shall enslave it..." Kurisa frowned as he gripped the hilt of what was his Zanpakuto tighter "You bastard...even for a criminal such as yourself this is just low! Stealing someone's Zanpakuto?...you make me sick Shinji..." Shinji then began to laugh as the mirrors shattered "I don't care what you think! What I do find amusing is Kurisa Kuchiki, the highly respected Captain of the 6th division left with nothing more than an empty shell of a Zanpakuto and using such language! it's so amusing! Almost brings tears to my eyes because it's that funny!" Shinji then stopped laughing as he let out a sigh of relief "Well...it seems your use is up...I'll show you one last bit of respect and finish you with your own Zanpakuto...or is that disrespect? oh who cares...you'll be dead anyway..."

Kurisa went to move yet found he couldn't as wires then wrapped around his body causing his eyes to widen, then he watched as the petals flew towards him causing his eyes to widen further How could I have fallen into such a trap!...I deserve this fate...I've failed my duties as a Captain and Kuchiki... Kurisa then closed his eyes as the petals got closer Kurisu...please protect your mother, become strong and take my place...I'm sorry both of you...I've failed you both... Kurisa then opened his eyes as the petals then swarmed around him, clearly planning to cut him to shreds from all directions

~To be continued~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

AeronFarron said
"Hmm..." she continued to search for any clues on the Hollow when she heard a rhythmic noise. It was low, but there...irritating the crap out of her. "Alucard." the dog bounded off into a large house, surpringly quiet, to go check out the noise. A pulse of spiritual energy from him let her know she needed to see something. She called out Sinai where she was going and said that Alucard found something.When she crossed a room full of garments and silks, she found her dog standing with stiff legs and raised fur line. He didn't growl, but he was baring his tiny teeth in an adorably threatening way. If they were at home in the barracks, she'd have cuddled him.

Sinai leaned forward ans kicked off the tree she was standing on toward another tree. she bounced off of that one and moved in the direction of the house, hopping between trees. It was peculiar that a large house was out here but even more strange what was inside. Silks and garments. As soon as she entered the house her training kicked in. She made note of any and all ways out as she walked lightly towards Haruka and Alucard. As she moved she reached back and grabbed the hilt of her zanpakuto. if something was in here she would be ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The carnage was horrendous. The silks and garments that they'd seen on display in the house had been used to tie and dress young men and woman. Blood had stained and caked the stone walls and floors of the room, and the stench was overwhelming. Shackles, bloodied knives and utensils glinted in the dimmed lighting.

Voiced echoed in the chamber, figures draped in black and gold were hunched over a gagged man. His body was impaled with knives of different sizes and chains beneath her skin. Haruka nearly lost the contents of her stomach, but managed to hang on.

Alucard snarled loudly, but stepped in front of his owner when she moved to help the dying man. One of the robed figures--clad in gold with black trim--turned and raised blood soaked hands, "They have heard us! Brothers and sisters, the rituals have worked. The blood of the wicked has been purified and called out for our salvation!" the others turned away from the freshly killed man and a shout of joy rose from the others.

As they stood fully, there were many more than Haruka had once thought, and the hunched figures revealed a few smaller robes beneath them. The gold clad leader pulled off his hood, to show a man with a surprisingly kind face. "Thank you, thank you! You must have come to deliver us from the Evil One! It comes to us at night and devours the young in their beds. Please, stay for the night and see for yourself! See the blight these bandits have brought upon us." he motions and the others remove their hoods. Men and women stand before the alter, facing the three. The smaller robes and kept in front of them, so that a soul wall stood between the robes and the dead man. The leader of the town steps forward, and allows one of the town's women to tips a vase. Water falls to the stone, under which the man washes his hands.

"The Shinigami, the ones a traveler once told us could kill the Evil One. You have heard our cries for help. Please...will you deliver us?"

Haruka's jaw clenched as she looked at Alucard. The dog had stopped growling, but still stood protectively in front of her. Haruka didn't know what to think or say, but looked to Sinai to buy time so she could think.

She didn't condone what they did but...she couldn't blame them. If this had been happening for as long as they think it had, and Squad 10 had only recently sent out a team...she didn't want to think of the implications. The young woman closed her eyes. While torture was not an answer, she wasn't stupid. To her, these people did what they could to get what they needed. Torture happened whenever someone needed something out of someone else that was not cooperating. In her opinion, this was no different.

"They need help. We could stay the night, and lure the Hollow here, or we can hunt for it..." she murmured to Sinai.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Once Rio had stepped back into the Squad Two barracks, she took a deep breath before walking up to Kaizo's office, gaining a sense of Dejavu as she did. She had no idea why the event of her's last night transpired... The pill didn't work at all at first, but taking a second caused her to completely turn numb and faint... Did each pill have a different strength or something? She wasn't told of any side-effects, only that it should help her with her headaches... 'Should help... An uncertainty... Might of been an untested drug? Where did my mother obtain it?... How did she know of my headaches? I don't remember telling her.... Ulgh, enough wondering, I've got to apologise to Captain...' Rio shook her head as she reached Kaizo's office in no time, knocking on the door. As she waited, Rio completely her routinely straightening of clothing and fixing of hair as she'd usually do while waiting to be granted access. 'I... don't want to mention my headaches.... but it seems that I have to.... I'm going to have to explain myself to Captain... Lying wouldn't help anyone... It'd never help anyone....' She sighed, looking at the door. Truthfully Rio wished she could still just deal with her issue herself, but as a Shinigami with such a high rank and with what had happen recently... she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it to herself, atleast not from Kaizo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa watched the petals swarming around him as he heard Shinji speak "Any last words Kuchiki?" Kurisa chuckled then spoke "Yeah...Drop dead you piece of shit..." Shinji frowned then grit his teeth "GO FUCK YOURSELF KUCHIKI!" The petals then closed in on Kurisa, all darting at him from every direction, swarming him as blood shot out from the petals, turning some red as they all the burst away from Kurisa, his body immensely cut as blood poured down his body onto the floor, forming a puddle at his feet, his vision became blurry as he coughed up some blood then a single tear ran down his face from his right eye as he spoke his last few words "I'm...s-so...sor-" Kurisa then coughed up some more blood as he then fell limp to the floor. Shinji then began to laugh as Master Puppet then began to charge up a cero however was cut off when Shinji grabbed his wrist "He's finished...just like you will be if you try take my glory of killing him..." The master puppet bowed his head as Shinji released his grip then turned "Open the Garganta...we're going back..." The Master puppet nodded then opened the garganta as they entered, Shinji turning to look at Kurisa's lifeless and bloody body with a grin "There goes one thorn in my side...thanks for the Zanpakuto Kuchiki..." the garganta then closed as the rain began to pour

the rain began hitting Kurisa's body and washing some of the blood off his skin yet it still all poured out onto the ground below him, adding the already large puddle. Soon the villagers that had fled gathered around his body. One then spoke "He risked his life for us...the least we can do is give him a proper burial..." The others then nodded as they moved to pick Kurisa's body up and carry him off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai's whole demeanor changed. she wasnt appalled by the seen, nor any other kind of elevated emotion. This wasnt her first time seeing such horrors. she slowly scanned the room as she listen to the words spoken. She shared a glance with haruka and could tell the 'immoral grey' was troubling her. maybe she was taught that hollows were evil and souls were to be protected. It clearly troubled the woman what these souls had done and Sinai could understand why. She also could understand the circumstances...if they added up. So she took a step forward, her movement drawing the attention of most of the souls "Unless one of you weilds a zanpakuto there is no purification. only the tainting of your own hands in blood. you speak of Evil Ones and bandits as if they are elsewhere, though from where I stand i see both in front of me." Sinai didnt buy there story, not all of it at least. there was definitely something goin on. Adding up the report, what they found outside and the story they were being told there was something missing. And Sinai didnt mind kicking the hornets nest to find out. "does this Evil One steal your young? or do you offer them to him for your own cowardice?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(You may have your characters react to this, I wont reply to them individually but will do a follow up post but it is something you may react to if you so wish)

The alarms sounded in the Seireitei breaking the silence as a voice reached out to all corners of the Seireitei "ATTENTION! Head Captain Juki has requested Shinigami report to Sōkyoku Hill immediately for an important message. It is recommended you go, unless you really wish not to. That is all" the voice then cut off as the alarms stopped sounding.

On the edge of the Sōkyoku Hill Stood Juki, his cane held infront of him as he looked down. Juki then gripped his cane tighter and spoke silently to himself "You will suffer for an eternity Shinji Akihiko...I shall personally ensure that it happens...you will never rest in peace..."

As Shiro and Nishiki fought a member from Squad 11 ran up to them and spoke "CAPTAIN! LIEUTENANT! The Head Captain has requested we go to Sōkyoku Hill immediately for an important message" Shiro looked to the messenger then to Nishiki then spoke "We best go...He'll get on my ass if we don't" Shiro pulled his Zanpakuto away from Nishiki's then sheathed it "Follow if you want, but I'm going...he wouldn't call everyone there if it wasn't important..." Shiro then began making his way to Sōkyoku Hill and after a small while arrived there, seeing a few Shinigami having already gathered.

Kaizo sat in his office doing paperwork then heard a knock on his door, as he was about to speak an alarm sounded then a message was relayed causing him to nod. Kaizo stood from his desk and walked over to the door and slid it open seeing Rio there "Rio? Well...this is convenient, I was about to come look for you. You heard the message correct? we best go...This has to be important if he is calling basically every Shinigami" Kaizo then walked past Rio, hoping Rio would follow, he then exited the Squad 2 barracks and made his way to Sōkyoku Hill to see what was so important that everyone needed to be gathered

Kagiko and Zero were working on something when they heard a message echo through out the Seireitei, Zero then looked to Kagiko and spoke "I must finish this, You go...step in on my behalf. Apologise for my absence" Kagiko nodded then spoke "Yes Captain..." Kagiko then made his way out of the SRDI and to Sōkyoku Hill to join the others

Koujaku and Akira were sat on a roof when they heard the message, Koujaku looked to Akira then Akira nodded causing Koujaku to shrug "Very well then, let's get going...got to be something worth hearing" Koujaku and Akira then stood from the roof and made their way to Sōkyoku Hill

Kurisu was sat in his fathers office doing paperwork then spoke to himself "Damn where is he? I know he said he was going to be doing some serious training but this is taking forever! Sheesh..." Kurisu then noticed some Squad 11 paperwork mixed in with the Squad 6 paperwork, he then began to check the rest seeing all of it was Squad 11 "WHAT THE FUCK!? SO THAT'S WHY THERE IS SO MUCH! THOSE SLIMY BASTARDS! I'M GOING TO SKIN THOSE FUCKERS ALIVE FOR THIS! NO WONDER I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A BREAK IN DAYS!" Kurisu then heard the message and looked up from the desk "Huh? well shit this has to be important..." Kurisu stood from his seat then walked around the desk and left the office, closing it behind him as he then left the Squad 6 barracks "This is something the old man wouldn't want to miss, best go on his behalf...can tell him about it when he gets back..." Kurisu then shunpoed off, making his way to the Sōkyoku Hill to stand at the front with the other Captains and Lieutenants

Many others showed up ready to hear what Juki had called them here for...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
(You may have your characters react to this, I wont reply to them individually but will do a follow up post but it is something you may react to if you so wish)The alarms sounded in the Seireitei breaking the silence as a voice reached out to all corners of the Seireitei "ATTENTION! Head Captain Juki has requested Shinigami report to Sōkyoku Hill immediately for an important message. It is recommended you go, unless you really wish not to. That is all" the voice then cut off as the alarms stopped sounding. On the edge of the Sōkyoku Hill Stood Juki, his cane held infront of him as he looked down. Juki then gripped his cane tighter and spoke silently to himself "You will suffer for an eternity Shinji Akihiko...I shall personally ensure that it happens...you will never rest in peace..."As Shiro and Nishiki fought a member from Squad 11 ran up to them and spoke "" Shiro looked to the messenger then to Nishiki then spoke "We best go...He'll get on my ass if we don't" Shiro pulled his Zanpakuto away from Nishiki's then sheathed it "Follow if you want, but I'm going...he wouldn't call everyone there if it wasn't important..." Shiro then began making his way to Sōkyoku Hill and after a small while arrived there, seeing a few Shinigami having already gathered.Kaizo sat in his office doing paperwork then heard a knock on his door, as he was about to speak an alarm sounded then a message was relayed causing him to nod. Kaizo stood from his desk and walked over to the door and slid it open seeing Rio there "Rio? Well...this is convenient, I was about to come look for you. You heard the message correct? we best go...This has to be important if he is calling basically every Shinigami" Kaizo then walked past Rio, hoping Rio would follow, he then exited the Squad 2 barracks and made his way to Sōkyoku Hill to see what was so important that everyone needed to be gathered Kagiko and Zero were working on something when they heard a message echo through out the Seireitei, Zero then looked to Kagiko and spoke "" Kagiko nodded then spoke "Yes Captain..." Kagiko then made his way out of the SRDI and to Sōkyoku Hill to join the othersKoujaku and Akira were sat on a roof when they heard the message, Koujaku looked to Akira then Akira nodded causing Koujaku to shrug "Very well then, let's get going...got to be something worth hearing" Koujaku and Akira then stood from the roof and made their way to Sōkyoku HillKurisu was sat in his fathers office doing paperwork then spoke to himself "Damn where is he? I know he said he was going to be doing some serious training but this is taking forever! Sheesh..." Kurisu then noticed some Squad 11 paperwork mixed in with the Squad 6 paperwork, he then began to check the rest seeing all of it was Squad 11 "WHAT THE FUCK!? SO THAT'S WHY THERE IS SO MUCH! THOSE SLIMY BASTARDS! I'M GOING TO SKIN THOSE FUCKERS ALIVE FOR THIS! NO WONDER I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A BREAK IN DAYS!" Kurisu then heard the message and looked up from the desk "Huh? well shit this has to be important..." Kurisu stood from his seat then walked around the desk and left the office, closing it behind him as he then left the Squad 6 barracks "This is something the old man wouldn't want to miss, best go on his behalf...can tell him about it when he gets back..." Kurisu then shunpoed off, making his way to the Sōkyoku Hill to stand at the front with the other Captains and LieutenantsMany others showed up ready to hear what Juki had called them here for...

Rio stood silently, about to close her eye when an alarm sounded throughout the Seireitei suddenly. Kaizo then opened the door, voicing how it was convenient to see her. "Indeed it is Captain, and yes, I heard. Don't worry, I'm right behind you." In a way, Rio was glad with this sudden interruption... she might not have to address what had happened earlier since clearly bigger matters needed attention at the moment. But, at the same time, Rio had an uneasy feeling in the bottom of her stomach... Hopefully the Arrancars hadn't attacked, she was no where near ready to face them yet... However, it that were the case, she'd just have to try to be as helpful as possible. Following behind Kaizo silently, Rio join the group gathered at the designated location, standing beside her Captain.

Keisa watched Rio and Kaizo leave the barracks together as she heard the warning. 'Rio....' She still had questions to ask Rio, mostly about what the hell was going on with her due to her recent behaviour... However, something seemed to be going on so Keisa decided to just follow the two and join them at the site. She stood at the back of the group, away from Rio and her Captain but close enough to see them both.
Nishiki continued to grin while trying to put up as much of a challenge as possible within this clash with Shiro. A disturbance, however, instantly caused her grin to switch to a pout as she listened to Shiro. "Shit, something bad must of happened... There better not of been a fight without me!" As Shiro eased off, Nishiki did too, sheathing her Zanpakuto. 'Aww fuck... Those fuckers are going to be there...' She thought for a short moment before running and catching up to Shiro. "Of course I'm coming, I'm your Lieutenant remember! Besides, I'm going to be by your side no matter what, where we're going or who we're going to meet or whatever so keep that in mind" Nishiki followed Shiro, despite not wanting to go, staying beside her Captain was more important to her than her feelings.

Once at the meeting, Nishiki stood a little behind Shiro, looking around who else was attending but making sure to avoid eye-contact with certain people.
Miwa was currently sat within the Squad Twelve barracks, working with other members on certain devices and coming up with ideas for future projects. She was typing absent-mindedly away at her designated computer while her mind was lost within her own thought clouds. 'I wonder how Kurisu is doing while his father is away... I wish I could just go over there and help him... but I can't let him find out I'm here, I don't want to cause a disturbance for him and his work... And then there's Kurisa... He's been gone for long enough, how much longer is he going to stay out there for?.... Honestly, couldn't he just train at the manor at regular intervals? Why must he venture out and stay away for so long?... Hm... It's not my place to question him on his training methods.... However, he worries me so much.... Dammit honey....' Miwa closed her eyes, releasing a sigh just when an alarm sounded suddenly. 'I wonder what happened?' Looking around, she noticed some of the members of the Squad get up, presumably going to the meeting. Standing herself, Miwa locked her computer and switched off the monitor before grabbing a deep red scarf and black hat, wrapping the scarf around her mouth and neck before putting on the hat. Surely since this alarm sounded throughout the whole Seireitei there was no doubt that Kurisu would be there, and maybe Kurisa would be too since he'd most likely be informed of such an important meeting due to being a Captain... 'Huu... He works way too much...' Now, incase of times like these, Miwa prepared herself with a disguise, hoping that she wouldn't be found out, which she doubted since it probably never crossed the two's minds that she may of been within the Gotei 13 secretly. Tucking her hands into the sleeves of her Shohakusho so that no one could see her wedding ring or hands, Miwa made her way out of the premises.

Miwa soon joined the group gathered, filling a spot in between Shinigami she had never met before to hide herself further. Whilst there, her eyes followed the groups of Shingami joining before she spotted Kurisu. Behind her scarf, she was smiling widely which was obviously unnoticeable. From under her hat, Miwa continued to watch her son, happy to see him at work.
Others such as Fumio, Lotte and Celestria joined also. Lotte stood at the front of her Squad, arms crossed and ready for the meeting to start. Fumio stood at the back of the members of Squad Eight, his arms crossed as he watched other Shinigami joined. Although he wasn't really interested in what might of happened, he felt that he was better off joining instead of being told by another Squad Eight member. Celestria observed the group from the back of the gathering, scanning the faces of everyone who joined while a particular face caught her attention continuously.

Ritsuna stood behind Juki, silent while patiently waiting for everyone to arrive. She simply stood slightly behind Juki and watched, showing no emotion, only a straight face and perfect, upright posture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kurisa said
(You may have your characters react to this, I wont reply to them individually but will do a follow up post but it is something you may react to if you so wish)The alarms sounded in the Seireitei breaking the silence as a voice reached out to all corners of the Seireitei "ATTENTION! Head Captain Juki has requested Shinigami report to Sōkyoku Hill immediately for an important message. It is recommended you go, unless you really wish not to. That is all" the voice then cut off as the alarms stopped sounding. On the edge of the Sōkyoku Hill Stood Juki, his cane held infront of him as he looked down. Juki then gripped his cane tighter and spoke silently to himself "You will suffer for an eternity Shinji Akihiko...I shall personally ensure that it happens...you will never rest in peace..."As Shiro and Nishiki fought a member from Squad 11 ran up to them and spoke "" Shiro looked to the messenger then to Nishiki then spoke "We best go...He'll get on my ass if we don't" Shiro pulled his Zanpakuto away from Nishiki's then sheathed it "Follow if you want, but I'm going...he wouldn't call everyone there if it wasn't important..." Shiro then began making his way to Sōkyoku Hill and after a small while arrived there, seeing a few Shinigami having already gathered.Kaizo sat in his office doing paperwork then heard a knock on his door, as he was about to speak an alarm sounded then a message was relayed causing him to nod. Kaizo stood from his desk and walked over to the door and slid it open seeing Rio there "Rio? Well...this is convenient, I was about to come look for you. You heard the message correct? we best go...This has to be important if he is calling basically every Shinigami" Kaizo then walked past Rio, hoping Rio would follow, he then exited the Squad 2 barracks and made his way to Sōkyoku Hill to see what was so important that everyone needed to be gathered Kagiko and Zero were working on something when they heard a message echo through out the Seireitei, Zero then looked to Kagiko and spoke "" Kagiko nodded then spoke "Yes Captain..." Kagiko then made his way out of the SRDI and to Sōkyoku Hill to join the othersKoujaku and Akira were sat on a roof when they heard the message, Koujaku looked to Akira then Akira nodded causing Koujaku to shrug "Very well then, let's get going...got to be something worth hearing" Koujaku and Akira then stood from the roof and made their way to Sōkyoku HillKurisu was sat in his fathers office doing paperwork then spoke to himself "Damn where is he? I know he said he was going to be doing some serious training but this is taking forever! Sheesh..." Kurisu then noticed some Squad 11 paperwork mixed in with the Squad 6 paperwork, he then began to check the rest seeing all of it was Squad 11 "WHAT THE FUCK!? SO THAT'S WHY THERE IS SO MUCH! THOSE SLIMY BASTARDS! I'M GOING TO SKIN THOSE FUCKERS ALIVE FOR THIS! NO WONDER I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A BREAK IN DAYS!" Kurisu then heard the message and looked up from the desk "Huh? well shit this has to be important..." Kurisu stood from his seat then walked around the desk and left the office, closing it behind him as he then left the Squad 6 barracks "This is something the old man wouldn't want to miss, best go on his behalf...can tell him about it when he gets back..." Kurisu then shunpoed off, making his way to the Sōkyoku Hill to stand at the front with the other Captains and LieutenantsMany others showed up ready to hear what Juki had called them here for...

Giovanni had been spending his day off at the foot of sogyoku hill sleeping. it had started as a meditation honestly but sleeping seemed more relaxing so he had laid in the grass like he always seemed to do when he came there. The alarm jolted him awake, even though he technically had the day off he knew better than to ignore it. He lept into action, shunpoing to the top. As he climbed he could sense others gathering at the location. what ever was going on had to be important, important enough for the new head captain to call everyone together. This was giving him a bad feeling. When he made it to the top he waited silently while looking at Juki. Everything would be made clear son enough he figured.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Coming back from what they were doing Hikari and Himeko returned to the Seireitei with Kenta beside them. Kenta spat onto the ground wiping his mouth, he'd probably never do that again...Maybe if he lost control again, but otherwise he wouldn't. They returned to Squad ten walking to Tabo's office. Before they could say anything to each other the alarms went off and all Shinigami were requested to Sōkyoku Hill. Tabo nodded, not needing to say anything in order for them to know to save what they wanted to say for later. Kenta had decided to follow, although he was technically retired he was still going to keep up to date with what was going on. He couldn't help but worry and want to help, maybe come back at one point, but he wouldn't think about that too much. Once there Kenta crossed his arms, looking around slightly before catching Rio in his sights. Right, Kenta thought before sighing and putting full attention on Juki.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"How dare you..." the man's face looked appalled at Sinai's question. "No! We would never give that monster our children! Children are sacred and must not come to harm!" he motions towards the smaller robes. "Even as we do what we must, the children never leave our sights. We protect them from these gruesome proceedings, even during these troubling times." a bell tolls not too far from them, "We must hurry to our homes. The Evil One will be here very, very soon. Hopefully, our strewn sacrifices will keep him away this night." he hurries his people to a hidden doorway, "Hurry. Women and children first. Men, arm yourselves if you can, same for your wives. Jian, you can stay with me tonight. Your husband was a brave man." he consoles a red headed woman as she holds her child tightly. She nods thankfully and hurries out with another group. "Stay...protectors. And see for yourselves whether we wish this upon ourselves." he said before leaving.

"That was uncalled for." Haruka says after the villagers left. "We aren't here to judge them nor their crimes. I know you're Squad 2, so I know you're used to policing. Put it in your report and see if your Captain wants further investigation. We are lucky he was still forthcoming after your accusation..." she sighs deeply then frowns at the call of Juki.

"Alucard and I can stay. You want to go see what the call is about? It is odd that they'd want to pull every Soul Reaper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja put her nose back into place, and glared at the dummy, the new dummy, she had destroyed the old one. This new one had made her hit her face so much she actually displaced her nose, which hurt, as did the replacing of it. But, eventually she managed to get her breath back and enough presence of mind to try again. This time, she tried a different set of foot-steps on the approach, which gave her a wider area of movement, and allowed her to strike the dummy in two places very rapidly. Which it wasn't instantaneously like she wanted it to be, the strikes did happen within the same handful of moments, which was progress at least. Mirja leapt joyiously in celebration, and then a voice came from the Head Captain that he had planned a party. Or at least that is what Mirja had thought anyway. With a pat on her Zanpaktou - she still couldn't hear much more than muffled mumblings, but she knew something was there - she headed off, at a walk.

"Ehh, if I knew the Commander was going to call us all to his special hill I wouldn't have exhausted myself so much" Mirja complained to herself, but picked up the pace slightly anyway. She didn't want to be late for the party after all. That would have been bad.
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