Don't want competition <.< besides, Rio is Kenta's leftovers. Hikari doesn't want that, pfft, gurl you cray cray >.>
AbigailTenshi said
The cute but annoying fuck swears? XD That's adorable XD
AbigailTenshi said
And Heck, Kurisa might make a girl ;D
Expllo said
Don't want competition <.< besides, Rio is Kenta's leftovers. Hikari doesn't want that, pfft, gurl you cray cray >.>
Expllo said
AbigailTenshi said
Well then make your own woman! xD Mind and Zane's character's all have people and Hikari's got friggin' Aya so stop complaining! Geezzz xD
AbigailTenshi said
Well then make your own woman! xD Mind and Zane's character's all have people and Hikari's got friggin' Aya so stop complaining! Geezzz xD
Expllo said
He just took back his word! <.<
Zane620 said
You are speaking correctly again, You can have Aya again XD
Expllo said
Well Kenta had a bad childhood <.< and he's not gay >.>You're the one who just threw her into a threesome xD
Expllo said
Phobos said
Well I'm finishing up Shoske and making a girl character >.>
Expllo said
Pfft, he gave her a handie.
AbigailTenshi said
Happy now? XDIwannamakeanothercharacterbecauseIwantViole-I mean whut xD
AbigailTenshi said
Started but ended quickly, she didn't cum so it was just touching :P
Expllo said
I was never upset to begin with o.o
Zane620 said
Fuck everyone wants Viole.