Name: Giovanni Cain
Age: 350
Hair Colour: silver/white
Eye Colour: reddish brown
Race: Shinigami
Rank: unseated
Spiritual Energy Colour: Gold
Personality: his personality is probably best described as adaptive. He can blend in with most types of people but still keep is own individual flare. he is compassionate but rather passive aggressive at times. He often speaks his mind but is careful to do so tactfully as to stay out of trouble. But on the inside he is a smartass with no filter.
History: Giovanni Cain was born in Hokutan, the third district in Rukon, to a lower noble family of little renown. He lived moderately but idly. Being relatively close to the seireitei he saw many shinigami, even sparking small friendships with some. But as time went on his friends became either fewer or famous. It was clear to him early on that a shinigami’s path was one of great danger. He received very basic lessons on controlling his spiritual pressure from some of them and was encouraged to apply to the shin’o academy.
During his studies he discovered a "secret" his heritage. The reason his family was a lesser noble family wasnt because they historically had an elevated level of spiritual pressure but because. In fact they were simply more sensitive to spiritual pressure than most others naturally. He learned that that wasnt actually a good thing. while it, in theory, made for a good ability to track spiritual pressure it also put him at a disadvantage with spiritual pressures stronger than his. he was more easily overwhelmed by the spiritual pressures of others, much like someone with sensative hears cannot stand loud noises. so on top of his studies he had to build up a ''tolerance" so to speak
In the six years it took him to graduate he found that his own spiritual pressure was best suited for kido. He excelled in the art even at an accelerated level but his skills in the other areas were barely average. Upon his graduation his path was laid before him. One he had long since decided on. his skills at hand to hand were tactless. He could punch and kick but the full art of Hakuda was a lost cause on him. Zanjutsu, being extremely emphasized at the academy, was by no means his forte. Sure he could hold his own against a couple weak hollows but if his sparing results were any indication he was still low on the shinigami totem pole. But Kido came easy to him. Rather the art of manipulating his spiritual pressure came easy to him because of his sensativity. The incantations were a bother to learn but his skill was almost natural. ALMOST. He blew himself up a few times practicing but he did practice much more than he did any other subject.
1. he has a great personal interest in Seals.
2. Since he wants to join the kido corps and there probably wont be anyone else doing so he will most likely do missions and trainings with another squad as he matriculates through kido corps.
Zanpakuto name: Sorareo
Type: kido
Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Harmonize
Spirit Appearance: 
Inner world: 
Sealed appearance:. while sealed he cannot draw the blade. he must release the sword to draw it.
Shikai appearance: same a sealed...technically.
Bankai appearance:
Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
The Primary ability of Sorareo is that it allows its weilder complete control over their reiatsu. There for the limitation lies with the wielder and his imagination. It matches Gio's Kido preference perfectly though it doe have a drawback. he exerts slightly more energy than required for kido to skip the incantation and provide a full effect. therefor he tires himself out rather quickly.
reiatsu/kido barrier.
(sheathed or unsheathed)
by holding out the blade infront of him he can create a barrier of his energy. naturally the prep time influences the strength of the barrier and the cool down time. but the barrier itself isnt the run of the mill type, hardened energy. instead the surface will ripple upon impact absorbing and dispersing impact. for now the barrier can either be a sphere around him (and others) or a half dome in any direction he chooses. there is a 1:2 prep,cool down ratio. just summoning the barrier counts as 1 prep.
(sheathed or unsheathed)
Its basically charging up. the blade will glow with a gold light and get brighter and brighter.
this is the most versatile skill of Sorareo. it releases spiritual energy in different forms. it is usually used in conjuncture with the above skill but its not required. it is just blasts from the sword, via swinging creating archs of energy. or the tip of the blade making a single beam or even a rapid fire volley depending on how much energy is used. but it doesnt have to be used as a ranged attack. if clashing swords with someone, the energy can be released concussively, creating an added physical force. though he usually only does that if he has the horrible luck of fighting someone stronger than him. the cool down time depends on the prep. if there is no prep he can fire off 5 "shots"before a three post cooldown. if he charges using 'inhale' then he the the number of shots goes up but the cool down remains the same because to reach that amount of power again he would have to inhale again which would take more posts anyway.
Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:
1. Draw: because his zanpakto represents balance he must be in complete balance with his sword to draw it. Activating his shikai allows this for now but hopefully by the time he masters Bankai he can create and maintain the balance on his own.
Points gained from missions:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained: