Well yeah, I have a dick, but I still don't consider myself male o.O
Expllo said
No, I don't.Fuck X & Y chromosomes <.< my body, my mind, the universe has no say so >.>
AbigailTenshi said
*Holds hands up* Well Okay then, believe what you want to believe xD
Zane620 said
Im a gurrrrrl
AbigailTenshi said
Expllo said
Expllo said*Adds to my complete psychopathic manics list of 2014 at number 2 but fails to enter the the top twenty list of psychopathic manics of all time(In my opinion and don't be like who is dafuq number one and shiz)* I always seem to stay up a little a bit longer then I expected but I'm out for realz hopefully this time XD Plus, I doubt that I can sustain my mental presence in this realm anyway...*Vanishes* Scratch that and I was never here....
Expllo said
>.> I am what I am m8 <.<
Expllo said
Kurisa said
Suck my wang! xD
Kurisa said
Suck my wang! xD
Expllo said
'Da Nat ninja crew
Expllo said
Vera Wang? The former American figure skater, now fashion designer in New York City? Sister of Kenneth Wang, businessman, former New Zealand politician now an active member of the ACT New Zealand party?
AbigailTenshi said
Stop copy and pasting Wikipedia information xD Dat don't make you look guud xD