AbigailTenshi said
He's mine now so those times will only be memories <.> Don't touch my Kurii anymore, you have Kat xDDavey's my babbe <3zzTeccccchnically, she's a science experiment success and lives in a small room in a lab xD She only recently escaped and started living in ponds and playing 'catch the Sango' with sharks XD
What Kurisa said about babies!
Fucking sharks mate! SHARKS! Meanest fucking creatures in the sea, and she isn't used to violence? She probably isn't used to normal shit, seeing as those there are fucking sharks in a pond! xD
Zane620 said
Like fucking hell I am scouring through alllllll our ooc bullshit to prove your worng XD
Kurisa said
Yup I remember that time..damn man...I rod that horse so hard! I mean...it died but...fuck...it got us where we needed to be and in the end we won! I remember in 1913...damn man...we had some hard se-I mean whut? O.o
Hard seaweed sandwiches? Like what the fuck was up with that? Can't two war veterinarians get decent seaweed sandwiches? Smh.