Expllo said
Drama is awesome though, except for the part where you actually do stuff.....Damn, how'd you get it? o.o
XD Sou Lazy! But that's true o.O I didn't like the people in my class, or the teacher, or the shit we had to act out >.> Same old bullshit. I think there's no need to still be acting as Jew's in Nazi Germany <.< Geezz, try something facking original for once! Bloody hell, everyone knows the effect of bullying! Gosh >.> That's for wasting my bloody time when I could of been attempting to read something actually interesting <.< The books they had were shit, hence why I hardly read, nothing ever holds my interest, other than well-written or just plain dumb but funny fan-fiction oxo
Magic! *Does jazz hands* I actually thought I'd be in there somewhere but apparently not xD But then again, we still have that rule :P