I use em XD
Zane620 said
XD damn that's muchhhh worse than you XD I was only good cause I knew how to syncro and xyz summon XD
Zane620 said
Exactly XD Like I rather have tears then a guys nuts going up and down on my face while saying noob
AbigailTenshi said
Yami: Syncro what?True XD Plus she doesn't know any of his characters so neither of them have a reason to want to kill her XDDDDDDDD
Expllo said
Yeah, you do. That's pretty much the only thing that gets me are those summons xD but my fucking level four monsters have a chance of defeating them because most have 2000 ATK x)
Expllo said
Figured you thought that, hence you crying last night xD
Zane620 said
Hey it was a traumatic experience XD Where I could have screwed you over but didn't XD
Expllo said
When you summoned Rose Dragon all cards were supposed to go to the grave, I think you could have won there x)
DeathstrokeSW said
So when is Kurisa generally on? I'd like to speak to him on the 2 Arrancar I'd like to make; and Expllo. Why teabag the dead? Teabag them when they're still alive and near death.
Expllo said
I actually want to help Rust out in Yugioh because he was playing Dylan, but Dylan continued being the little bitch he was and started warping shit. Saying shit like Ninja cards weren't Ninjas because their types were warrior *Facewall* poor Rust <.< getting duped by a twelve year old. I need to help him get gooder, atleast teach him shit like Ninja cards are ninja cards despite warrior being the type xD
AbigailTenshi said
>.> Reminds me of someone *Is not looking directly at you*
Expllo said
Wtf? I've never duped like that xD I did one thing with a trap card and that was it! xD Never told you you couldn't summon a mermail because it was an aqua type therefore didn't count as a mermail xD