Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago


The bus was loud and pretty rough, but most certainly not as much as the crowd of new students inside of it. Through the sweltering heat and poor layout of the road, people still managed to find a way to amuse themselves by talking to each other so loud you'd be deaf after coming out of it. Multiple attempts by the driver to silence the teenagers have failed, and they seemed to have given up trying altogether. The ride was grueling, long, painful and ungodly hot but only after about an hour or four the bus had finally reached it's destination. A large skyscraper like building met the children who decided to walk out first, it's well-polished walls glistening in the sun and giving off the sense that somebody may have spent a little TOO much money on the luxury this building offered. The bus driver had opened up a compartment in the bus' side, allowing all those suitcases inside some freedom by the excited crowd of people desperately searching for their luggage. A tall man wearing a business suit, with his black hairs combed to the back of his head, was guarding the front of the entrance. The students amassed one by one, him staring through the black shades resting on his nose to inspect them.

They cleared their throat, then spoke the following: "Welcome, new students. You should follow the blue line on the wall to the elevators, then go up to Arena B. You will pick up a duel disk and a deck there, and then we will commence your placement duels." Soon after the man stepped aside, letting the sliding doors of the academy building open and everyone stormed inside.

Your new academy life has begun.

Ethel Cilente

The noise and rummaging didn't bother Ethel much, who was just idly staring out of the window with her hands neatly folded on her lap. The girl was sitting alone, though that was probably caused by the antisocial aura she gave off. The entirety of the 4-hour ride wasn't really an issue to them. They'd faced longer times of discomfort, even if she did show a few signs of irritation through that robotic, absent gaze of hers. A small smile of relief couldn't help but crop up on her face when she saw the Duel Tower enter sight, it's exterior vastly more interesting than the barren wasteland around. A few other buildings are placed near it, Ethel couldn't help but mentally note why are they there? Truthfully, the teenage girl didn't know too much of the Duel Tower before she enrolled. Her parents just sort of shoved her into this mess, without even giving off a slight hint of warning beforehand...

Eventually the bus came to a halt, and a lot of people were eager to get off. Ethel couldn't help but be one of those people, though she's a lot more dignified in how she handled going off of the bus compared to some others. One particular person decided to shove another one off of the miniature staircase leading down, and both of them actually got into a fight over it after one of them had tumbled down. The bus driver was quick to break them up and scold them however. Nothing bad had come of it. The blue-haired girl actually let out a faint giggle, her face brightening up just a tad bit after witnessing such a blatant showcase of macho-ism. It disappeared as quickly as it came, Ethel's face regaining composure in just a second... Or four. The girl's turn to get off was finally there, calmly walking over to the pile of suitcases inside and carefully sorting through the mass to find hers. It was a cute yellow-and-green striped roller suitcase, large enough to carry most commodities in it. She needed the roller wheels in order to not carry her luggage for too long, with her weak physique and whatnot. Due to half the students in a panic over one thing or another, Ethel managed to quietly slip past the crowds and into the Duel Tower.

The opening hall was enormous, with a nice, clean tile floor strewn out in front of Ethel carrying the DA logo. A desk built into a wall was off to the left, housing a secretary who was busy typing away information into a relatively modern-looking computer. The walls were decorated with a few potted plants and some paintings, as well as pictures of especially successful old students of the academy. There was indeed a small and thin blue line showcasing the way to the elevators, as well as a red one towards the staircases. Some of the more macho guys from earlier got cocky and went to take the stairs, not realizing just how many floors they'd have to carry their luggage upwards. Ethel giggled again, making her way over to the first elevator. She actually just managed to sneak in with a few others, though none stood out to her.

The elevator opened up to reveal a large room, the walls having multiple layers of spectator seats built into them as well as two white fields painted on the oaken floorboards. A rather bored looking man wearing a pair of glasses was standing in front of a temporary shelf, layered with Structure decks and packs. "Ah, I see the first batch has arrived..." Almost in an annoyed tone, and luckily out of earshot, the man mumbled to himself as the students approached. "Line up in front of the display, then tell me which structure deck and pack you want. I will grab them for you, and then you should head over in that direction to that table, where you will choose you Duel Disk and Courses." He pointed over to a rather small, mahogany desk where three boxes were lined up neatly to the left of it. "You can drop off your suitcases there for the time being as well." Unfortunately for the staff member, they'd have to repeat these same few lines a few times more over.

Ethel looked through all structure decks, but none really caught her eye on the first look. She scanned again and immediately spotted something she wanted to claim; A Genex structure deck. However, just as Ethel was about to speak up someone beat her to the punch and claimed it for their own. This actually disheartened the teenage girl. A small curve downwards appeared on Ethel's lips, disappointed in herself for not being faster. She looked again, finding something that looked pretty cool but she had no idea if it was actually good or not... Ethel turned towards the staff member, then asked him: "E-Erm... C-Could I please have Black-Winged revolution please? O-Oh! A-A-And a copy of Duelist pack: Crow!" Her sheltered life actually made the girl quite nervous, stuttering over their words and actually getting a few laughs by others directed to her. Ethel's discomfort grew, but the bored teacher just gave her the structure deck and card pack without muttering another word.

Wanting to get away from that as quickly as possible, Ethel made her way over to the desk. There was a form and a pen there, the rectangles where she was supposed to fill in the information being completely blank. The intention was for the students themselves to write down their name, Duel Disk and two courses of their choosing... Ethel quickly scribbled a few things down, resting her suitcase afterwards. When she looked over to inspect the Duel Disks she saw three kinds: A standard Academy-style dueling disk meant for being extremely easy to quickly activate and slide in cards, a hybrid Duel Disk made for being Compatible with most Duel Runners and a lightweight folding disk to allow more mobility for the user. From a glance you could tell these were meant for the different types of students that applied, each course having their own disk that'd fit neatly with their lessons. Still, students were free to choose any of them. Ethel went for the Hybrid disk, knowing that even through it's the heaviest out of all of them, she'd be able to use it pretty well in her studies.

After having finished everything she needed to, Ethel made her way over to one of the seats in the corner of the room. Luckily the seats were built in a rectangle formation, so it wasn't too hard to hide herself away. Being seated on the bottom row, Ethel put away her chosen gear on the seat next to her and looked through her structure deck.

Haas Mesman

Haas slept through the entire ride. That's right, he slept for four hours in the ungodly heat, and STILL wasn't awake. He was quite literally the last one to get off, as the bus driver came back on to shake Haas from whatever dream they were having. They jolted up instantly, shouting "Thanks!" and rushed down out of the bus once he realized how ungodly late he was. The sports bag Haas had used to store his belongings in was already on the floor, someone must've flung it out in a desperate attempt to find their own luggage. Due to those four hours of sleep, Haas was fully charged with energy. He picked up his belongings, flew them over his shoulder and dashed into the Duel Tower faster than Sonic the hedgehog on steroids. There wasn't any time to take the elevator, so instead of doing the smart thing, Haas dashed straight up the staircases. He didn't even get tired from all that endless running, nevermind the fact there was weight on his shoulders.

Haas triumphantly bust through the door, having SOMEHOW made it before the kids in the elevator have. The teacher was just explaining to the group before him what they needed to do. The boy, having somehow gained the hearing capability of a police dog, picked up on the instructions and dashed over, leaving a few students quite... Confused. "Zen and Punishment please!" Haas clapped his hands in front of his head and bowed, hoping to whatever god was out there that it wasn't claimed yet. And by some miracle, it indeed wasn't. The staff member had actually let out a small chuckle, Haas making for some good entertainment. They handed him his card pack, causing the teen to silently enact an entire fanfare in his head.

Haas made his way over to the desk with the papers on, tossing his luggage onto the pile as he filled out the form with almost illegible handwriting. The guy was just a tad overexcited at the prospect of being able to be a pro duelist, sliding over to the Duel Disks and carefully glancing over them. He picked up the standard academy model, which had been updated over time to add extra deck compartments and two pendulum zones that slide out of the circle in the middle. Feeling pretty pleased with himself, Haas made his way over to the various audience seats and took the closest one he could get, grinning like an idiot when checking out his new cards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 days ago

Angelo Ortega

Angelo was on the bus and he felt he couldn't get out of it fast enough, being on a farm and having the need for turbo dueling has really made him impatient and unable to sit still for as long as this! Angelo stayed where he was near an entrance on the bus so that the second they got to where they were going he could be out in a flash. Angelo had a toothpick in his mouth and was shaking his leg against the ground waiting for the bus to stop despite it being so loud and hot Angelo was used to that.

Once the bus finally stopped Angelo was one of the first ones out and he went and grabbed his messenger bag which was a bit on the large size to carry all of his essentials and had a picture of his green duel runner that he made himself from back home on its side. Angelo soon sped walked towards the entrance only walking so he could take in the view of the skyscraper and listen to the man who told them where to go. Angelo was on the bus to freaking long to not want to get some exercise! He took the stairs and just ran, until he got a 3rd of the way up and slowed down. He didn't think the stairs would be that long!

Once he finally got their he was able to be their the same time the elevator group came up. He went to the secretary and asked for Dragunity legion if you please Angelo asked knowing that most people wouldn't go for the Dragunity deck for its strength was also its greatest weakness after all, however Angelo felt a connection to those cards those dragons felt like they spoke to him telling him that he was best suited for them. Sounded crazy but that's how he felt whenever he held one of the cards in his hands. The secretary looked a little surprise at Angelo choice but luckily they weren't taken as Angelo took them and grinned.

Soon Angelo went over to the signing desk and wrote down his name leaving his messenger bag behind. Then as he looked over the duel disks that he could take he decided on the hybrid duel disk knowing he wanted to be a turbo duelist this was a no brainer for him but when Angelo finds the right parts he will make it his own. After all he learned how to make a duel runner from scratch he can certainly improve a duel disk to look cooler easily. Once he had his duel disk he went over to the audience seats and decided to sit near the blue haired girl. She seemed really soft spoken to Angelo and he decided to give her a friend on her first day Hi im Angelo I hope we can have fun dueling each other soon Angelo said with a smile to her hoping he didn't scare the girl by saying hi...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Leander Xenovia

Leander let out yet another long groan as he leaned back against his seat on the bus. Of all the things he had been expecting for this place, he certainly hadn't expected the heat. Good lord, the heat. Leander also didn't think to bring a water bottle with him or anything, which meant he was getting rather thirsty as well. Leander shifted slightly so that he wasn't always on the same spot on his seat, although it was now getting a little difficult to find a spot that wasn't slightly covered in sweat.

Fortunately, the bus finally came to a stop, and Leander made his way off as quick as he could. Finding his luggage among the rest of everyone else's, he began making his way into the Duel Tower, where his academic Dueling life would begin. Now that he was here, Leander was a bit nervous about the whole thing. He had no idea what was going to happen now. Still, that was perhaps part of the charm, and Leander began rushing in even faster.

Unfortunately, Leander missed the first group for the elevator to go up and had to wait for the next. At least the inside of the Duel Tower wasn't as hot as the outside though.

Making his way up on the elevator with the second group, he then made his way to a table where Structure Decks were being handed out. Leander took a moment to admire the boxes. It wasn't every day that he was able to see such a sight. Unfortunately, people were already choosing Decks left and right, and it wouldn't be long before Leander might lose a Deck to someone else. Leander quickly made his choice, saying, "I'll take the, uh... Knights of Light Structure Deck." The deck was handed to him, and Leander walked away while examing the artwork on the box.

Finally, he made his way to a table where there were some forms for him to fill out. Leander gave the matter a bit of thought. After all, he didn't want to end up in a place where he might regret his choice later on. This was supposed to be a fun place, after all. At least, that's what he wanted to think. Standard Dueling was great and all, but he wanted to see what else was around. Turbo Dueling... what was that? Card games on motorcycles? Interesting, but also seeming incredibly dangerous. Finally, Action Dueling. That looked like the best choice for him, so he wasted no further time putting that down.

He also took the time to admire the Duel Disks. It also wasn't every day he could do something like that. Leander gave each one a good examination, and he ultimately decided to pick the lightweight folding Duel Disk. Leander looked around, then realized all the important stuff was out of the way for now. Leander then walked over to the seating area and got himself a comfy spot, then began to look over his Duel Disk and Deck.

This was going to be a good time, he could tell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ethel was too busy inspecting her new deck to notice that someone'd walked up to her little corner. She was carefully scanning each card over and reading their effects, trying to memorize each and every single one for the upcoming placement duels. The ruckus steadily got louder as more and more people flooded into the arena. A voice came out of pretty much nowhere for the girl, her turning her head slightly to meet her new-found annoyance acquaintance. It seemed to be a boy of around her age, carrying the same Duel disk model as she was. Ethel's eyes were obscured by her hair from Angelo's point of view, but she quickly turned her head a little more to have his eyes meet her rather cold ones. "Ethel." she informed the other in a hushed tone, obviously not used to raising her voice much higher than this on regular occasions. Ethel turned back to her cards, but off offhandedly threw out "You applied for Turbo Dueling." while she was at it. She was still wearing her hood, so all the while Angelo was next to her he wouldn't be able to see Ethel's face very well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 days ago

He smiled as he heard her name that's a cute name Angelo said simply smiling getting his cards and putting them in his deck pouch ready to be taken out. Angelo felt that he would adapt and make a strategy on the spot when the time came for it. I did, what about you? I chose turbo dueling cause a good friend of mine was a turbo duelist and he inspired me to become one to. What's your story? If you don't mind me asking that is Angelo asked not wanting to come on to strong. Honestly it was the shy types that Angelo was into he thought they were cute.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Akira chuckled as he stepped off the bus. Most of the kids were too eager to get going and Akira was one of them but he wanted to take in the massive tower before him. He chuckled again louder this time catching some odd looks from the other students which only made him laugh more.

"Well come on lets do this!" he said looking to them with a laugh as he walked in and followed the instructions to the counter. Taking in everything that the bored staff member was he laughed and placed a hand on the persons shoulder.
"Come on now cheer up." he said as he looked over the Structure decks before him. "And while I'm at it I'll take the Master of Pendulum deck and one pack of Dimension of Chaos please." he said with a grin. The instructor just yawned and handed him his cards and pointed him int the direction of the duel disks where Akira picked up a hybrid type Duel Disk in preparation for his turbo dueling and synchro summoning classes. HE walked along until he saw a pair of people talking. A shy girl and a fairly normal looking guy. BEing him he walked on up and leaned against the wall nearby.

"Hey there glad to see there are some people communicating." he said with a warm and cheerful smile. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything by the way." he added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ethel wasn't paying too much attention to Angelo, though raised an eyebrow when he mentioned her name being 'Cute'. How did she have any control over her name? They also asked for a story or something, but the girl didn't really have any to share. "I chose Turbo as well. Puts the least amount of strain on my body." She decided to keep it short, then frowned as another person ever so rudely walked up and decided to lean against the wall. They also seemed to be older than the two already seated, trying to start up a conversation of their own. Ethel didn't have time for this. She slid her cards and pack back into the structure deck box and picked up her Duel Disk, then proceeded to stand up. "Excuse me." A polite, yet slightly annoyed half-hearted apology came out of her as she moved further away from the two guys and left them to their own devices. Wasn't it clear she'd rather be left alone? Unfortunately, a lot of the seats were starting to get taken due to the amount of people flooding into the room. Ethel found a rather empty row, right around the middle of the seating area. It's top row had about twenty empty seats, so Ethel wasted no time in claiming one of them and resuming her reading of card effects.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Megan Claravet

Megan woke up with a snort to find herself basically the last one on the bus and her shoulder getting shaken by the bus driver. Jumping to her feet she said a quick apology and rushed out hoping that the gates weren't closed or anything. Much to her relief she wasn't that far behind and was able to piggyback on one of the few last groups of chattering people to the proper place. Looking at the rather sparse selection of decks and found one that sounded cool, "Warrior's Triumph please." Megan said cheerily.

The man gave her a somewhat skeptical look before handing over the pack and shooing her onwards. Once again she followed the duelists in front of her to a table with some papers on it and several disks. Looking at the three forms of dueling she decided on action, it seemed like to would be the most like playing a sport so she should have the advantage here over some of the nerdyier folks. Of course probably only reasonably fit poeple signed up for action dueling anyway, and it might not even involve that much running. Oh well, it sounded better than normal dueling and dueling on motorcycles just seemed... kinda silly. Looking at the duel disks next she concluded that the disks matched up to the dueling styles and grabbed the lightweight one eagerly. Megan found a convenient wall to lean on as she sat down and eagerly tore open the pack examining the cards inside.

Wow there were some really cool cards in here. It looked like the deck was built on getting out strong monsters and giving them equip cards to out attack the opponent. She inserted the cards into her disk, equipped it, and waved her arm around experimentally. It was far lighter than the disk she was used to, she barely felt it at all even when she stood up and did a little test run, literally. Deciding it was to her satisfaction she found a nice cushioned seat and sat down, doing some test draws to get a feel for her deck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I hate riding the bus..." a young man grumbled as he got off the bus noticing he was a bit late on getting off even noticing that his sister was already outside grabbing his luggage along with her own "You know my stuff is heavy right?" he said to his sister picking a dark blue bag likely stuffed with his samurai-like clothing he probably never gets a chance to wear again

"I can't help it if you were still sleeping on the bus, I thought you hated bus rides yet you slept pretty well, don't you think Hayato?" Hayato shrugged at the response of his sister and responded by merely saying "even I get bored riding a bus, couldn't take a nap yourself Hayate?" Hayate ignored his comment and looked at the tower itself which easily could have towered over their mother's own HQ "well no time to waste let's go we got to pick up our decks before they run out!" Hayate exclaims at Hayato and quickly grabs her backpack and put in on her back and ran towards the building itself knocking some students over in the process in a hurry to get her favorite deck

"Hayate!" Hayato shouted in futility "well off she goes... always in a rush... hard to believe were twins..." Hayato sighed running after his sister he always was faster than her anyways... quickly arrived at the deck pickup "Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon Structure Deck that's the one I'm looking, sir." Hayato heard her sister say as she walked towards him "Your getting Samurai warlords I'm guessing...? instantly attempting to guess what deck he was going to pick up and after simply nodding she instantly followed by teasing him you are a young shogun after all aren't you Hayato couldn't help but smile at the remark and approached the man behind the counter "I'll take samurai warlords i don't need a pack shortly after receiving his deck he instantly opened his deck and slid it into his duel disk and walked off to find a seat himself

"w-wait! aw... he forgot to tell me how to use a duel disk..." Hayate scratched her head and stared at her duel disk as she started to insert her just opened entire deck into the graveyard zone and put it on the wrong way around and just walked towards the stands unable to really track down where her brother is because of most of the seats being occupied due to her fiddling around with her duel disk and being unable to really spot a seat
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus

The Sun was shining irrelevant of the people whom seemed to almost be dying from the heat below. It didn't help that Vincent had been on that cramped stuffy bus for what seemed like the longest three long hours and the Duel academy still wasn't even in sight. Letting out a long depressing sigh Vincent closed his eyes trying to remember how he got to this point. This hellish thirst inducing point which he had asked to get himself into. "I would do anything to get out of this cramped bus for just a few minutes" Vincent thought as his mind wondered into the past trying to forget his current predicament for just a few moments.

Three hours ago Vincent had been prepared to get on the bus. His Mother a Dark haired woman with reddish brown eyes whom seemed bipolar at a glance quickly shifting between joy and anger had given him a few bottles of water, which had since run dry during the trip. She always used to look at for him at home, this would be his first long stay away from his family. Yet both his mother and father went through the same thing. however it was not Their achievements he should be thinking of, he was his own man in his own right and capable of finding his own path hopefully.

Snapping back to reality. Vincent sighed as only a few minutes had passed in his thinking with still time to go until they, as in the cramped bored people on the bus, would arrive at their destination. Then finally like bats they could get out of this hellish condition. The last minutes passed by like hours in Vincent's eyes, The bus was just way to slow in the dead-land of the desert. Honestly the academy must spend a ton on water irrigation to even sustain the kids inside but that was the least of Vincent's worry's because as the tower (and its fellow buildings) came into view, you could feel the people inside become tense as if trying to be the first ones off. Vincent was no different and luckily he had seated only a few seats away from the front.

The tower stretched up out of the desert like the sorest of thumbs in the eyes of Vincent but maybe that was a good thing, it held the symbol of standing firm in the harshest of places. Something that should be respected. Vincent's train of thought was broken when the bus stopped and the moment of realization was about to sink in as the bus door opened. The movement was quite sudden. People wanted to get out and could you blame them? Not really after those conditions.

Exiting the bus with the gratitude that he actually had space to move, Vincent waited impatiently for his luggage, maybe it was because he wanted to get inside and get some hydration or moisture in his system. Smiling as he got his stuff from the luggage compartment, Vincent was one of the first to enter the building, perhaps it was the childlike glee that was painted all across his face or maybe it was just the urgency to get inside as the heat seemed to fry his moderate stature alive.

Once inside Vincent noticed the most glaring fact the entry hall was HUGE much larger then most entry halls anyway, it made Vincent grin a little with the sight the floor was also polished clean with the Duel academy logo emblazoned on it. It all seemed to fit the theme the academy was going, which was professional. He was here to be a professional duelist after all so he guessed it fitted pretty well. Ignoring the secretary whom was typing away. Vincent was one of the first people to enter the elevator. a few more straggled in then a few more Till the elevator started feeling a distinct lack of space. could you blame the others? They wanted to get stuck into this academy as much as the next person. Vincent eyed the people in the elevator nobody stood at instantly except maybe the hooded girl with the blue hair yet Vincent couldn't really start a conversation.

The Elevator parted its doors revealing what lay before them. It was card game heaven, so many structure decks, so many packs. It had so much potential yet the person running it looked slightly disinterested or dare Vincent think it. Bored. Yet Vincent honestly pushed that to the back of his mind as people started to claim structure decks and only more would come. The last people would probably have to work with scraps after the people have feasted. Vincent had to be quick people where already claiming and leaving to get their duel disk as well as their course applications forms filled out. Vincent's eyes began their hungry search for a deck that looked not only fun but also cool. It took a few moments before his eyes set on Embassy of Chaos with a dragon that shouldn't really be on there. Everyone worth half their Speech knew whom the Envoy of the end was, but he looked a little different

Why the hell was Emperor Dragon on that cover, It didn't really matter Vincent wanted it regardless now. [color=a36209]"Eh excuse me, I would like to have Embassy of Chaos please."[/url] Vincent said in a borderline shy tone to the man with the glass's whom was currently busy with someone else. "I said" Vincent began starting to get slightly impatient [color=a36209]"Please May I have Embassy Of Chaos"[/url]. The Man with the glasses shot him a icy look of annoyance.

"Would you like a pack with that?" The man said bored of the entire conversation that was taking place. "Not yet thank you." Vincent responded as he was handed his Structure deck and motioned toward the Duel disks and forms skipping the duel disks for a moment Vincent put his luggage (a largish suit case) done in the spot that delegated for it.

Picking a duel disc was extremely easily considering he was gonna go for standard dueling as his main subject, settling with the academy style dual disc due to its easy of use and exceptional reliability in most situations. Truly a duel disc worthy of his style. Finishing the form. Vincent slid the Duel disc onto his wrist to get a feel of the weight and the size, it wasn't as heavy as he was expecting, now to see what happens when you press the button... Suddenly the duel disc unfolded causing Vincent to jump a little. Breathing heavily he put the thing back into its non active mode, in a effort to forget that ever happened.

deciding to settle his mind on a more pressing matter Vincent looked down at his Structure deck his mind racing with possibility what this new archetype which must of been recently released, was like. He must of been staring at that deck for a few minutes considering when he looked up the hall had basically filled with more people and some were even taking seats. Noticing someone had moved up to the top row in the middle of the seating area because it had a lack of people sitting there. Vincent moved closer aiming for that row of free seats. He needed someone else to watch him open his Deck and give a second opinion. Sitting a seat away from the hooded girl from the elevator. Their mysteriousness seemed to waft an aura of slight hostility. Vincent started making a tapping noise to try and get her attention as he pointed toward his Structure decks box.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 days ago

Angelo sighed but grinned seeing her say excuse me then leave. It was obvious she didn't like being around people but it wouldn't be fun if she were easy. Angelo will get her to say more then 5 words at a time eventually this he swears! Now Angelo turned his attention to the person who decided to interrupt them but in reality Angelo couldn't fault him because it was her that was shy. So he got up and gave him a handshake sup man hows it going? nice to see another friendly face. Don't worry about you interrupting shes just shy at least from what I can tell. Names Angelo what about you? Angelo asked thinking that he may as well make friends with someone here before he has to duel for his spot here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

There was a boy that seemed to REALLY not get how to use a Duel Disk, Haas duly noted from the corner of his eyes. It was a little amusing, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for the other person at the same time. Ah well, he'd had the chance to look over his deck anyway. It wouldn't hurt to wing it a little right? He inserted the deck of cards, forgetting his Xyz monsters are still in there, into the Duel Disk and walked over to Hayate with a friendly smile. "Hey." they started off, trying to grab the other's attention. "Need some help with that one?"

Ethel stumbled across something she'd not seen before... What were these black cards that came with the structure deck? Their stars were a different color, and the descriptions mentioned something about two monsters of the same level... She'd figured they'd go in the extra deck, because Synchros had something similar to them. Then another person decided to show up. Ethel was nearly cursing it out in frustration, and THIS time she didn't have anywhere to go. Almost everyone was there already. She could just ignore the other boy, though? ...Right? Well, it didn't seem like the blue-haired girl got that luxury. Vincent impatiently tapped his foot, and also probably intentionally to grab Ethel's attention. Finally, she gave in. "What do you want?" came out of Ethel's mouth, spoken softly yet with an undertone of hostility. She didn't know why, but she felt like she hated him for something he hadn't actually done yet...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ben Carson

Their long journey had just taken a new step for better or for worse. The brothers duo of light and darkness had transferred from their school all the way back home where they had spent so much time and done so much. Their entire family was now so distant but at the very least Ben took solace in the fact there were more opportunities to make new friends and family here in this place. Really he intended to just simply become a dueling instructor when he grew up or maybe just a councilor of some sort. But he needed to make sure he kept his promise to his big bro. And that meant watching his little bro and make sure he didn't get hurt more than he already had. It was a start that their uncle was nowhere nearby. And the bus they were on were filled to the brim with various excited students and many of them were chatting. Adjusting his coat he wondered what would happen to his deck back home. His Noble Knights...his companions. Sure he had heard a rumor that they were picking up cards here and he was sure there would be knights among them but they didn't have the same feeling...All the same he took one of his kings, both rank 4 and 5, with him. They were worn from use but they still looked nice and both of them gleamed brilliantly like Artorgius would himself.

Ben chuckled as he put a hand on his deck box that was now empty save for those two cards. He also looked over to the seat next to him where his younger brother Andre was blankly staring at the seat ahead of him with ear phones on as he bobbed his head gently. He wished he could talk to him but Andre was always hard to talk to. If he tried to address his brother he'd definitely reply but it'd be brief. If there was one person who could always talk to his younger brother it was him. Benjamin A. Carson. Member of the Football Team, Part Time Weight Lifter, and possible pro duelist. Some people would say that statement was a vain comment. It was in some regards but it was the truth he was a good duelist and he always was the corner stone of his triple threat tag team matches back home. The bus stopped and Ben looked ahead as he saw the students were filing off. Ben nodded at Andre who nodded in return. Ben got his bag and other belongings while Andre got his own duffle bag full of stuff. "Ready?" Ben asked as Andre looked at him blankly and gave a non nonchalant shrug. "Ready for what? This whole place is just another prep school for losers like us." Andre grumbled as Ben sighed but didn't reprimand his younger brother. After all they were losers.

Andre Carson

Andre looked around and listened as the man in black give instructions. It was the same hog wash one would expect from a prep school. This whole place was just one big place for people who were obsessed with the duel monsters card game went to prove they were elite super pros. He wondered if anyone even had the balls too do anything risky or darker in nature. The thoughts in his head rang with his own self loathing as he sarcastically thought to himself 'ow the edge' as he spit on the ground. He took out his ear plugs and stuffed them into his pocket. "The suit says we need to grab a deck...as if that wasn't obvious they wouldn't let us come with our own. What's the point of a dueling school if we can't use our own personal decks?" Andre grumbled to Ben as they came to the large room after getting on the elevator. Ben had a big smile on his face as he looked around Andre couldn't even manage to be mildly curious about the place. "This place is huge dude. I can't believe you actually got in here." commented Ben as he rubbed his little brothers head who took it with a big sigh. "I'm not three." Andre grumbled indignantly as he broke away from his brother and came to the desk. He was considering getting a cyber dark deck. No one expected those. But those would be too 'edgey' for kids here so he figured that'd be worthless to pursue. Maybe Elemental Heroes? Evil Heroes? No too flashy. Then he thought about the deck he had used a couple days prior in a tag duel with a stranger. Archfiends. "Yeah that'll do..." Andre said as Ben asked him what he meant and Ben explained his deck of choice. Lesser gone path and it would probably be there. Plus with all the new support people often overlooked them for the newer cards. No one ever expected to be smashed to death by archfiends. And they did that better than most decks. Field control...yeah the more he thought of it the more he liked the sound of it. "Hey bro think they'll have the noble knights? Have you thought of a deck you wanted?" Ben asked as the duo came to the shop and managed to push their way through the crowd to get their decks. "In order: yes I have and yes they probably will. No one plays Noble Knights. They think they're not as good as shadolls...there's a grain in truth to that...but then your king shoves Gallatin in their throats..." Andre said as Ben shrugged saying he'd get U.A's if they weren't there and just side deck his kings if need be. The duo however had nothing to worry about as both of them got their structure decks easy enough. In fact Andre looked through his deck and smiled. He was going to have some fun with this one. Ben said he'd look through his knights later as the duo made their way over and grabbed their duel disks. Ben and Andre already had experience with the basic models so they managed to figure them out rather quickly. Andre moved away from Ben as he explained he was going to go on his own way for a bit. He needed some time to adjust to the setting...and away from his obnoxious elder brother.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus

Vincent had just been tapping to get the girls attention, when she flashed a sudden show of hostility his way for no real reason. Perhaps he had wronged her in another time or place but he had never met the girl in his life until now, so he honestly had no clue why she was annoyed unless it was from his tapping. "Sorry about tapping to get your attention" Vincent said apologetically, his eyes lightly analyzing the girl. Hooded, Cold personality, Short skirt (probably embarrassing to fall over in) and Blue hair that contrasted from other people. The girl was pretty unique in her own way. Vincent continued what he was saying "I want you to help me take a look at my Structure deck." Vincent said as he waved the box for her to for a few moments with a look of slight glee on his face because of the monster on the box. After those few moments he opened the box and discarded the packaging. Motioning for the girl to look, he (slowly) showed the girl all of the cards in his structure deck. That probably was a terrible idea if he was gonna fight the girl. "So yea, what are your thoughts on this deck." Vincent said looking at the girl with face that was almost begging for answers. His own thoughts seem to be on loop. "Chaos emperor dragon Chaos emperor dragon Chaos emperor dragon..." Vincent's mind was array with that card, even though he knew it was now a Chaos Emissary. he noted the new archetype, Still a chaos emperor dragon was a Chaos Emperor Dragon after all, so his face was happy and it showed. Now all he doing was waiting for the response from a girl whom appeared knowledgeable in the subject.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Zachaire Beau

When sweet familiar tones drew me,
Away from the tormenting crowd,
Then my other childhood feelings
Better times echoed, and allowed.
So I curse whatever snares the soul,
In its magical, enticing arms,
Banishes it to this mournful hole,
With dazzling, seductive charms!
Cursed be those high Opinions first,
With which the mind entraps itself!
Then glittering Appearance curse,
In which the senses lose themselves!
Curse what deceives us in our dreaming,
With thoughts of everlasting fame!
Curse the flattery of ‘possessing’
Wife and child, lands and name!
Curse Mammon, when he drives us
To bold acts to win our treasure:
Or straightens out our pillows
For us to idle at our leisure!
Curse the sweet juice of the grape!
Curse the highest favours Love lets fall!
Cursed be Hope! Cursed be Faith,

And cursed be Patience most of all!

So the good doctor reasoned. Through the devil of it all, the rumble and roar of the engine against the clock, hours turned into days or what may it pass. Lines of text, surrounded him, paper was a veil, and ink his doorway. Far from this place, so far from home, but into the throes of the distant lands, in-between the pages of his book. Zachaire could not possibly tell you if he sat alone, or with some stranger, or how long the ride to the only structures for kilometers around was. A good read was all he needed to keep himself occupied, and this Children's Card Game had quite a few rules and several cards to consider, too many for Zachaire to bother reading about all the fine details. The basics were really quite simple, a series of phases in which one gather resources then battled before preparing for the opponent's turn at doing the same. It was for this reason it was called a 'duel.' And speaking to anyone on this bus was a challenging task, after all his accent betrays him just as much as Mephistopheles would betray the good doctor.

The bus came to a stop, but the story did not. The story had grabbed you by the throat, and dragged you along with it. And in the case of Zachaire, well his neck was rather long, longer than most as his head tilted down towards his book unaware. Slowly the bus cleared out, and he was oblivious to the outflow of people, young people who also decided to go here. This Duel Academy to learn, amongst other things, how to play a complex Children's Card Game. What was the rush? There was no need to hurry. This may have been a mistake on his part, but there was no reason to let an opportunity pass by after passing the entrance exam somehow. Yet, time waits for no man, or perhaps the bus driver waits for no one as he almost literally threw Zachaire off the bus, almost. The first few attempts at trying to tell the boy to get off the bus and they were here failed so the driver decided to grab the boy's collar and drag him out of his seat and sent him down the stairs. It was by the second step did Zachaire finally close his book with a firm shut, the pages on either side hugging a blue ribbon down the inner spine.

"Est-ce ceci?"


A tower which reaches into the heavens, a place to make a name for yourself. A tower of babel. Which as Zachaire learned was a card in this card game, and many of the cards drew inspirations and references to great works of literature and stories and if not, they made their own. A rather novel concept really, making unwritten stories through the use of cards. The inside was definitely a shining embodiment of grandeur bordering hubris: a open space emblazoned with a logo which sealed them. The faces of those captured within the frames regarded the new arrivals, supposedly extraordinary students who came out of this place to be successful in such a trivial pursuit of sport. What was Duel Monsters? Legends say it was about some magic and sorcery practiced in ancient Egypt, but why make it into a game for children? Who was mad enough to do this? Here they gathered upon this crest, and soon they shall be scattered. Just as the story of the tower goes.

Elevator or Stairs? Clearly the stairs, while yes the elevator would be a much quicker, and easier path to get to the location needed. The easiest path was not always the best path to choose. As the American Frost said, taking the one less traveled by, will make all the difference. The stairs also allowed a longer reading time, with rhythmic steps as Zacharie cracked open his book again to read once more of the good doctor. This however may have looked a tad silly, with the boy lugging around a heavy suitcase filled with a dozen book, real books not those digital ebooks, pressing down upon his clothing and other personal effects. Who said you can't take it with you?

And here is the difference: by the time Zacharie made it, all the choices were sparse. The throng and masses had already came and picked out their decks, but this did not bother him. He did not come here to learn how to play a children's card game, there were other classes outside of this and he had no plans to become one of those faces in the lobby. Line up in front of the display, then tell me which structure deck and pack you want. I will grab them for you, and then you should head over in that direction to that table, where you will choose you Duel Disk and Courses. You can drop off your suitcases there for the time being as well. These directions repeated a few times over, less enthusiastically each time. The options were scant and few by now, and the last student which had came before Zacharie just swiped the 'Legend of a King' deck, which he noticed a picture on the box which reminded him of one of the archetypes, one based off of Arthurian legends. A shame really, he would have liked to try that one, if not just for the storyline. Zacharie looked through all structure decks, well all the ones remaining, which was probably about a half-a-dozen left, unsure of which to pick.

"Come on kid, I haven't got all day..." The man behind the counter was getting slightly irritated, "Pick one and move along. Come on, which one do you want?" He looked at the man and shrugged, burying himself into his book as a defensive mechanism to avoid having to talk with him much to the chagrin of the worker. "Fine, here since you like books so much." A structure deck was placed on the counter for him to pick up, the man not even bothering to ask if the boy wanted an additional pack or not. A picture of a boy dressed in blue holding a book, how fitting.

"Unbound Arcana? Ah! Merci beaucoup monsieur!"


A duel disk? What sort of contraption is this? He had signed up for standard dueling, whatever that was considered, so Zacharie picked up a standard academy duel-disk after setting his luggage aside at the designated spot, although he did keep his book in hand. Social barriers were great to maintain behind the covers. Some paperwork, which went by a great deal swifter than him picking a deck. The top and middle rows were being filled, but again Zacharie had no sense of urgency to get down to the nitty-gritty and open his deck to examine his cards. The game, from what Zacharie understood, was more than just knowing your own cards, but quite literally knowing about your opponents cards. One had to know the opponent's deck better than your opponent. Take for example the Six Samurai, which he saw someone with the structure deck as he passed his way up, a group of cards which was based off of feudal Japan and a story of a band of warriors which united the land; their monsters are easy to unite and enter the field all at once, but it was their ability to manipulate the elements of the opponent's field which made them stronger. Knowing which, how and when to disrupt the opponent's field was crucial to protect them as their monsters were unusually 'weak' in terms of attack and defense points which was part of the main mechanics of the game. But the beauty of it was: rule not by the arm and sword, but by the mind and wand.

But there was something which had caught his attention, well, something he remembered from the rulebook. Since some cards were innately overpowered, they were banned from play. A silly notion to Zacharie as if they were made so powerful, why were they made to begin with? There was a boy with a deck which had a familiar image emblazoned upon the box. Something terribly awful, a definitively banned card from now and forever for its nigh-apocalyptic abilities. Everyone who knew about the game should know about that card's notoriety, some famous duelist used it a very, very long time ago along with its counterpart which was for the longest time was also banned. Curious as to why this deck was here, Zacharie approached Vincent, and dropping his book, actually opened his mouth to speak to him:

"pardonnez-moi monsieur, but iz that not le chaos emperor dragon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ethel narrowed her eyes when Vincent started looking her up. His eyes were drawn for a particularly extended amount of time to her skirt, a sentiment the girl appreciated not one bit. They were going to comment about it, were it not for Vincent deciding to show Ethel what was contained in that box of his. The guy might've been annoying, but she could at least get an advantage if she knew what was in Vincent's deck... "Deal." Ethel murmured in response to Vincent asking her to look over his deck with him.

The older boy showed the cards slow enough so she had time to quickly skim the effects, but not enough to comprehend them in detail. Near the end of it Ethel had time to form an opinion... A lot of cards seemed to revolve around being Light and Dark, then banishing themselves to summon stronger monsters... "It's strong." Ethel replied curtly. "It fits you." The girl didn't actually mean the last part, but she figured this would make the other happy and stop bothering her. Just at that moment, another person came to pleasantly annoy Ethel. This time though it wasn't her they were aiming for, luckily. It was the guy seated next to Ethel the new guy took an interest in, particularly that boss monster on the cover. Good. This will get that brown-haired boy off of Ethel's back...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 11 days ago

"yes!?" Hayate jumped a little after the sudden greeting while she was still fiddling with her duel disk " I um... never used one of these before and I kinda started dueling on a table against myself... and... Hayate rambled on about how she never had any proper opponents other than herself while learning the rules before getting straight to the point explain "so instead of buying a duel disk... i had saved up money to get here... but my brother forgot that I never used one of these before and went on ahead and now I can't find him, he looks just like me but more... manly? he wears this custom-made samurai-like jacket he is so proud of... have you seen him? after explaining everything she simply nodded after realizing she wasn't answering the question but asked for something else instead um... yes please I'd have some help... I get a bit carried away when I talk about dueling back when I was home Hayate took off the duel disk that was on the wrong way around and handed it to the young man

Hayato looked around scanning for her sister but instantly lost his interest figuring that she would be fine by herself and looked around for people to talk to nearby only noticing the girl that was talked to way too much seated right in front of her and decided to just not start a conversation and just said "it's a pain in the ass when people won't leave you alone huh..." and decided to ignore whatever she would respond with and checked out his deck then looked at the random junk his mother gave him "all this garbage she couldn't pitch to the duel corps is all tossed into my bag I mean who would want to automatic pack opener that literally shoots out the cards from the bottom or a crappy automatic turn selector which is just a random light show or the amazing clip that is supposed to hold your hand of cards... it's junk all of it... though I have to admit this glove that can just create solid visions of a single monster is neat but it's not very practical is it..." Hayato was really just talking to himself but if he were to draw attention he'll just wing it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus

Well that turned out to be a terribly bad choice, Vincent reminded himself in future to not trust those that are that peculiar but never the less the girl wanted to be left alone, he understood that much at least. Honestly people these days don't have the slightest amount of respect for people whom are just trying to be friend and make friends. Yet the world is small so your bound to run into these people. Now that is not to say Vincent hated the Girl, course not he only just met the person. Yet he couldn't help but feel a strange pang of guilt over something he had done to them and he honestly didn't know why.

Distracting himself from this existential crisis his mind had begun experience, Vincent turned towards the obviously french voice that had entered his ear hole. Acknowledging the french man whom seemed to have a thin build with brown hair and glasses. The true sign of intelligence but more so, Vincent should answer the question as the silence may come across as very awkward in the eyes of the stranger. "Yes it really is the Chaos Emperor Dragon how it is not the exact one which you knew, as his original form was too powerful for mortals to comprehend let alone use." Vincent said trying to put a creative spin on his words. "So instead of the Envoy of the End, he is now a Chaos Emissary." Vincent said letting that sink in for a few seconds "Speaking of Chaos Emissary's have you heard of them at all before? I haven't." Vincent asked as a return question. He was Generally interested in the response.

Then he remembered his manners "I am terribly sorry I forgot to mention my name. Its Vincent if you didn't know." He said to the French guy and the Blue haired girl just to be a little more formal because even if the blue haired girl was to hate his face, at least she could put a name to it...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Chaos Emissary? Never 'eard of them before. Iz it new?" It was a bit overdramatic, the word choice and all with Vincent's use the theatrics did manage to make Zacharie smile a bit. More of a chuckle if anything, definitely less than a guffaw. Well at least he could rest a little easier knowing that he was not expected to face such completely monstrous cards. Half the game was just that, making ultimate cards which ended the game without lifting as much a finger. Play the right cards and you win, no questions asked. The half was actually getting to that point by surviving long enough as your opponent did the very same thing. That being said, he had only a theoretical understanding of the game rather than a practical one. The mechanics were easy enough, but being in a real duel?

"Zacharie, Zacharie Beau. Pardonnez-le manque d'éducation, s'il vous plaît. I 'ave only started with zis game a few months ago." He never had that experience, The boy reflected while he offered his hand for a shake, unsure if this was a good thing to do or not. Everything about his dueling so far was artificial, situations thrown at him like chess, midgame and a race to finish without losing. It would not be good to admit it here, given that almost everyone here seemed to be enrolled for the card games, rather than anything else. There was to be some sort of placement exam to determine where one goes for quarters, although how that works out is beyond Zacharie's understanding. What sort of system was that supposed to breed but one of competition? It was far better to learn together as a single group than to have the three estates. After all the last time France tried the three estates, the guillotine needed sharpening.

"I am afraid I am not too good at it. 'Opefully I can learn something 'ere."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"...And that's how you get over Yang Zings without much trouble. It's all about making sure you get the right cards out and make them either go to the banished section or miss timing." Ben said to a group of younger duelists who had been talking with him for the past couple minutes since Ben left. He had found them in the middle of an argument on how to take out one of their friends who kept winning with his Chinese dragon cards. It was annoying them so much that Ben thought he'd offer his own advice on the matter. He had fought Yang Zings before and had trouble with them so he could understand their plight. At the same time he didn't give them too much info. Like how U.A Mighty Slugger could butcher the cards with near impunity. He didn't want to screw over the other guy too bad but merely even the odds. He patted one kid on the shoulder as he thanked him for his advice and Ben said it wasn't a problem. "Just remember The End of Anubis is your friend." Ben said with a smile as he walked away. Gravekeepers so dirty...yet so satisfying to pull off. A lot of decks need their graveyards now of days and denying them that all but kills some decks. Especially Synchrons. Adding in End of Anubis just made things even more one sided. Only one way to get over that is to run over the keepers before they mount a defense. Easier said than done against spy, and assassin. He looked at his duel disk and smiled at it as he moved through the halls. Waiting for some direction one way or another. Normally he'd go and say hi to other people but at the moment he didn't want to seem like that weird guy who introduced himself to everyone on the first day. He made his way to a corner section of the room and sat down with his legs crossed waiting for some sort of direction. He saw over in the corner that Andre had found himself a nice section to brood in somewhere on the other side of the room. He was checking through his deck probably thinking of combinations for his archfiends.
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