Welcome to Pokemon: Nexus, A Pokemon roleplay, where you are a trainer starting on their Journey through the Fordis region. The Fordis region, is a region full of power plants, factories, and oil rigs, daily ripping up natural habitats of Pokemon to build more. An organization called Team Nexus, is planning to reopen rifts in space, unleashing three powerful Pokemon to wreck havoc on the region. Planning to evacuate all the Pokemon, and leaving all the humans to perish, creating a 'Pure Humanity' You must stop them until it's to late, and they destroy, not just one region but all.

-My word is final. If you disagree with me, shoot me a PM.
-No Godmodding
-No Powerplaying
-If your doing something that has to do with something important(say the evil team) PM me about it first
Rule on *Shinies*
Since I don't want everyone walking up with their ten thousand shiny Pokemon, the rarity, and pigment(shiny or not) will be rolled for. I have Pokemon categorized for rarity, so all I need to do is randomly pick one with the rarity that is got rolled.

*Note* You do not have to stay inside the routes or cities, but it is recommended, because the remaining wildlife left in these untamed lands, are, truly wild.
A - Estoria City: A hustle and bustle city. With some tall buildings here and there. It is no where here Castellia City, (Unova Reference) but is rising in population, and size each day. This is also where you trainers live. Along with the Pokemon lab. This city is the start of your journey.
B - Harport City: This is a port city. The boat that leaves here goes to the split part of the region. This is a small, relatively quiet city, except for the minor commotion when the ferry is boarding.
C - Dune Town: A small town, located on the inner of a crescent shaped desert. It has a gym. In order to get fresh, clean water, they have a large filtration aqueduct on the coast.
D - Darnyss City: Behind Darnyss, and the harsh, desert path, there are acres of fertile land. Darnyss is a large farming community. Actuall, 70% of the yearly crop supply comes from Darnyss.
E - Niquora City: An extremely beautiful place, filled with cherry blossom trees, and plants, that glow pink and purple in the night. Many people say, it reminds them of a fairy type Pokemon. It has a gym just as beautiful as the city.
F - Solstice Town: A town, where many people say they are close to the ones they have lost. It is a place where many come to bury their dead. Many say the gym there is haunted.
G - Grand City: A huge city. Skyscrapers, taxis, tons of people everywhere. This is the heart of the region. Many come here, just to experiance the city. Most of the famous restaurants, companies, and in general, buildings are located here.
H - Greenleaf City: A quaint, quiet town. This city was built inside a massive forest, trees surrounding everything. This is a good place to take a break from the commotion of Grand City. It's gym is built in a tree, overlooking nature.
I - Anora City: A rather average city. Nothing spectacular, but nothing boring. Many people gather there with their Normal Types, because of the atmosphere, and to challenge the gym.
S - Seastone City: A nice beach city, but at sometimes a very dangerous one. When it comes around to low tide many giant rocks, stick out from the surface of the water, and the riptide can pull you in to them. The gym is out, in the crystal clear water.
K - Forge City: A highly industrial city. And the most polluted. They make tonnes of metal. Many smokestacks can be seen from route ten, because of all the factories. It's gym is unlike many.
L - Lannagan Town: A small town. The people here have many stories, of a small cave, out behind the town. They say they can here the roars of a Pokemon. But no one, dares to enter it.
M - Elendale Town: Your last gym before Victory Road. Elendale is an old town. It is one of the first in the region. People say that there, time never passes by. Many others say that when you first walk into the town, you can feel a strange power, emitting from it. The closer you get to the gym, the stronger the power gets.
B - Harport City: This is a port city. The boat that leaves here goes to the split part of the region. This is a small, relatively quiet city, except for the minor commotion when the ferry is boarding.
C - Dune Town: A small town, located on the inner of a crescent shaped desert. It has a gym. In order to get fresh, clean water, they have a large filtration aqueduct on the coast.
D - Darnyss City: Behind Darnyss, and the harsh, desert path, there are acres of fertile land. Darnyss is a large farming community. Actuall, 70% of the yearly crop supply comes from Darnyss.
E - Niquora City: An extremely beautiful place, filled with cherry blossom trees, and plants, that glow pink and purple in the night. Many people say, it reminds them of a fairy type Pokemon. It has a gym just as beautiful as the city.
F - Solstice Town: A town, where many people say they are close to the ones they have lost. It is a place where many come to bury their dead. Many say the gym there is haunted.
G - Grand City: A huge city. Skyscrapers, taxis, tons of people everywhere. This is the heart of the region. Many come here, just to experiance the city. Most of the famous restaurants, companies, and in general, buildings are located here.
H - Greenleaf City: A quaint, quiet town. This city was built inside a massive forest, trees surrounding everything. This is a good place to take a break from the commotion of Grand City. It's gym is built in a tree, overlooking nature.
I - Anora City: A rather average city. Nothing spectacular, but nothing boring. Many people gather there with their Normal Types, because of the atmosphere, and to challenge the gym.
S - Seastone City: A nice beach city, but at sometimes a very dangerous one. When it comes around to low tide many giant rocks, stick out from the surface of the water, and the riptide can pull you in to them. The gym is out, in the crystal clear water.
K - Forge City: A highly industrial city. And the most polluted. They make tonnes of metal. Many smokestacks can be seen from route ten, because of all the factories. It's gym is unlike many.
L - Lannagan Town: A small town. The people here have many stories, of a small cave, out behind the town. They say they can here the roars of a Pokemon. But no one, dares to enter it.
M - Elendale Town: Your last gym before Victory Road. Elendale is an old town. It is one of the first in the region. People say that there, time never passes by. Many others say that when you first walk into the town, you can feel a strange power, emitting from it. The closer you get to the gym, the stronger the power gets.
1 - Route one is a place filled with vegetation. Many, many Pokemon live the the tall grass. Sadly many trainers have taken this as an opportunity to catch Pokemon, and crowd the area, leaving fewer Pokemon, and less space for them each day.
2 - Route two is very much like route one, but less vegetation, and Pokemon. Many kids come here to play in the tall, climb able trees. This is sometimes referred to as 'Nature's Park'.
3 - Route three is a harsh desert path. It is constantly scorching, and sandstorming. This place is filled with ground, and rock Pokemon. This is not suitable for most starting trainers, and you will need lots of fresh water.
4 - Route four is a deep trench with grass thatthat lies on the bottom. It cuts through the harsh desert. The edges are always flooded over with sand. While it is not as hot as Route Three you will still need fresh water.
5 - Route five is a rocky path from Niquora City to Grand City. There are many burrows in the earth walls, where Pokemon sleep, and interesting stones can be found.
6 - Route six is a rather bland dirt path on the Grand City side, but as you get closer to Greenleaf City it thrives with many small trees, and tall grass, flowers, and bushes. Thus and Greenleaf City are some of the only preserved nature sites left.
7 - Route seven is not connected to Greenleaf City by a route or path. In between both, are untamed wilds that are soon to be paved over by the government. Once one gets to route seven, it is a rock enclosed path, with fast changes from high and low tide.
8 - Route eight is a stony path to Mist Forest. As you get closer to the forest, a light fog comes over the path.
9 - Route nine is similar to Route Eight, but there is a fog when you start at the beginning of the path, and clears when you reach the end.
10 - Route ten is another sea path, but has many sand dunes coming up, and out of the water. Many deep water Pokemon can get trapped in these shallow waters when they come to mate.
11 - After leaving the hot, polluted mess of Forge City, it only gets hotter. As you enter Route eleven you enter, deep slopes, and desert flats.
12 - Route twelve is a peaceful path. It is filled with flowers, and beautiful nature. Elendale Town, has a law in action, that no one is allowed to catch wild Pokemon, build on, or destroy this route.
13 - Route thirteen, is a water route, leading to the Mysterious Triangle of Routes 14, 15, and 16.
14, 15, and 16 - Routes 14, 15, and 16 are all filled with large currents that form a triangle in the ocean. The currents are rough, and only the most seasoned trainers, or other, dare to try to get through.
17 - Route 17 is a mysterious route, filled with ruins of an old temple. Some pieces seem to have been scorched.
18 - Route 18 is a desert path. While it is a desert, it is not as harsh as one may think. There are many oasis's on the path.
19 - Route 19 is a small path, that leads to an empty beach. Many say that sometimes, they see an island of the coast, but when they come back, it is sometimes not there.
20 - Route 20 is a small water channel, that leads to a small peninsula.
21 - Ruins of the Dragon: Many say, that long ago, this temple housed a shrine to the Dragon underneath it. No one has dared to explore it, because of the immense heat that evaporates water.
22 - Solstice Graveyard: A final resting place for many people, and Pokemon alike.
23 - Ruins of the Fairy: Many say, that long ago, this temple housed a shrine to the Fairy on top of it. No one has dared to explore it, because of the spells that protect the remnants of the top.
24 - Anorsea Forest: A massive forest, filled with tangled vines and plants. Anora City and Seastone City are gathering to protest against the destruction of it, to protect the Pokemon that live there.
25 - Moving Island: An island that is said to move each day.
26 - Mysterious Cavern: ???
27 - Ruins of the Giant: These ruins are said to have housed a shrine to the Giant at the top of it. No one dares to try to find it, because of the massive earthquakes that shake the place.
N - Victory Road: Filled with trainers, caves, waterfalls, mountains, and wild Pokemon, this is your last, and hardest challenge before the Pokemon League!
O - Pokemon League: This contains the Elite Four, and then, your final battle with The Champion
2 - Route two is very much like route one, but less vegetation, and Pokemon. Many kids come here to play in the tall, climb able trees. This is sometimes referred to as 'Nature's Park'.
3 - Route three is a harsh desert path. It is constantly scorching, and sandstorming. This place is filled with ground, and rock Pokemon. This is not suitable for most starting trainers, and you will need lots of fresh water.
4 - Route four is a deep trench with grass thatthat lies on the bottom. It cuts through the harsh desert. The edges are always flooded over with sand. While it is not as hot as Route Three you will still need fresh water.
5 - Route five is a rocky path from Niquora City to Grand City. There are many burrows in the earth walls, where Pokemon sleep, and interesting stones can be found.
6 - Route six is a rather bland dirt path on the Grand City side, but as you get closer to Greenleaf City it thrives with many small trees, and tall grass, flowers, and bushes. Thus and Greenleaf City are some of the only preserved nature sites left.
7 - Route seven is not connected to Greenleaf City by a route or path. In between both, are untamed wilds that are soon to be paved over by the government. Once one gets to route seven, it is a rock enclosed path, with fast changes from high and low tide.
8 - Route eight is a stony path to Mist Forest. As you get closer to the forest, a light fog comes over the path.
9 - Route nine is similar to Route Eight, but there is a fog when you start at the beginning of the path, and clears when you reach the end.
10 - Route ten is another sea path, but has many sand dunes coming up, and out of the water. Many deep water Pokemon can get trapped in these shallow waters when they come to mate.
11 - After leaving the hot, polluted mess of Forge City, it only gets hotter. As you enter Route eleven you enter, deep slopes, and desert flats.
12 - Route twelve is a peaceful path. It is filled with flowers, and beautiful nature. Elendale Town, has a law in action, that no one is allowed to catch wild Pokemon, build on, or destroy this route.
13 - Route thirteen, is a water route, leading to the Mysterious Triangle of Routes 14, 15, and 16.
14, 15, and 16 - Routes 14, 15, and 16 are all filled with large currents that form a triangle in the ocean. The currents are rough, and only the most seasoned trainers, or other, dare to try to get through.
17 - Route 17 is a mysterious route, filled with ruins of an old temple. Some pieces seem to have been scorched.
18 - Route 18 is a desert path. While it is a desert, it is not as harsh as one may think. There are many oasis's on the path.
19 - Route 19 is a small path, that leads to an empty beach. Many say that sometimes, they see an island of the coast, but when they come back, it is sometimes not there.
20 - Route 20 is a small water channel, that leads to a small peninsula.
21 - Ruins of the Dragon: Many say, that long ago, this temple housed a shrine to the Dragon underneath it. No one has dared to explore it, because of the immense heat that evaporates water.
22 - Solstice Graveyard: A final resting place for many people, and Pokemon alike.
23 - Ruins of the Fairy: Many say, that long ago, this temple housed a shrine to the Fairy on top of it. No one has dared to explore it, because of the spells that protect the remnants of the top.
24 - Anorsea Forest: A massive forest, filled with tangled vines and plants. Anora City and Seastone City are gathering to protest against the destruction of it, to protect the Pokemon that live there.
25 - Moving Island: An island that is said to move each day.
26 - Mysterious Cavern: ???
27 - Ruins of the Giant: These ruins are said to have housed a shrine to the Giant at the top of it. No one dares to try to find it, because of the massive earthquakes that shake the place.
N - Victory Road: Filled with trainers, caves, waterfalls, mountains, and wild Pokemon, this is your last, and hardest challenge before the Pokemon League!
O - Pokemon League: This contains the Elite Four, and then, your final battle with The Champion
-My word is final. If you disagree with me, shoot me a PM.
-No Godmodding
-No Powerplaying
-If your doing something that has to do with something important(say the evil team) PM me about it first
Rule on *Shinies*
Since I don't want everyone walking up with their ten thousand shiny Pokemon, the rarity, and pigment(shiny or not) will be rolled for. I have Pokemon categorized for rarity, so all I need to do is randomly pick one with the rarity that is got rolled.
Age: (10-20)
Personality: (One or more paragraphs)
History: (Two or more Paragraphs should suffice)
*note* Please choose any Pokemon that is not a legendary, not shiny, and not an evolution. You will not have your Pokemon before we start, you will get it in the lab in Estoria City
Team: Species-Nickname(optional)-Level-Nature-Ability-Moveset
Bag: Have pockets for Misc., Medecine, TMs/HMs, Berries, and Key Items.
Age: (10-20)
Personality: (One or more paragraphs)
History: (Two or more Paragraphs should suffice)
*note* Please choose any Pokemon that is not a legendary, not shiny, and not an evolution. You will not have your Pokemon before we start, you will get it in the lab in Estoria City
Team: Species-Nickname(optional)-Level-Nature-Ability-Moveset
Bag: Have pockets for Misc., Medecine, TMs/HMs, Berries, and Key Items.
Lugia and Shadow Lugia (Essential to Johto)
Ho-oh (Essential for the feeling of happiness)
Celebi (Time Travels)
Kyogre (Controls weather worldwide)
Groudon (Controls weather worldwide)
Rayquaza (Controls weather)
Jirachi (Awake 1 week every 1000 years and can grant wishes. OP but a fun story component, as each Trainer could make a wish before it goes back to sleep.)
Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie (Responsible for emotion worldwide)
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina (Controls Time, Space and Matter)
Reshiram and Zekrom (Ying-Yang, Peace and War balance.)
Cresselia and Darkrai (Responsible for states of consciousness including Dreams and Nightmares)
Arceus (God of all Pokémon. OP.)
Xerneas and Yveltal (Essential for balancing Good and Evil)
Ho-oh (Essential for the feeling of happiness)
Celebi (Time Travels)
Kyogre (Controls weather worldwide)
Groudon (Controls weather worldwide)
Rayquaza (Controls weather)
Jirachi (Awake 1 week every 1000 years and can grant wishes. OP but a fun story component, as each Trainer could make a wish before it goes back to sleep.)
Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie (Responsible for emotion worldwide)
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina (Controls Time, Space and Matter)
Reshiram and Zekrom (Ying-Yang, Peace and War balance.)
Cresselia and Darkrai (Responsible for states of consciousness including Dreams and Nightmares)
Arceus (God of all Pokémon. OP.)
Xerneas and Yveltal (Essential for balancing Good and Evil)