Alright I'm gonna start on my post now, here is what it will contain(on my break, may not actually be able to post it until tomorrow)
- Breaking of Geralds Crow vows
- Ser Robert Lorch's appointment to the Kingsguard
- Tywin and Tyget discussion(Your gonna fuck that Tully girl and your gonna like it!)
- Tyget's revised plan given to lords/additional orders
- Splitting of army(15,000 to Lannisport, 35,000 continue to Kings Landing)
- The return of Tyget to Crakehall, informing Leonette of their daughters new fate, Leona also informed
- Ravens to the 20 Galleys on their way to Kings Landing ordering them to return
- Messages sent to connections in Lys, Free cities, Braavos etc., buying Mercenary ships, pirates etc.(
@bluetommy2 need a number of how many I could concievably hire)
- Beginning of Leona's preparation
All sound alright?