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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((Yeah, I know it's the force unleashed guy, but that game has no connection to the rest of the universe so, no one knows who the Force guy is.))

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Canadian
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The Canadian Mantle of the Force

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Identification #: 344-123-888

Nickname: Gibbs

Age: 29 Years Old

Gender: Male

Homeworld: Corellia

Previous Ranks:
- Sergeant First Class
- First Officer

Current Rank:
- First Officer

Class: Sniper

- E-11 Long Range Rifle (Pulse Cannon attachment)
- SE-44C Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonator x2
- Smoke Grenade x2

Tibbs was born on Corellia under the birth name of Rex Flynn. His mother was a First Order Tie Fighter Pilot & his father was an Admiral that fought in the Battle of Jakku. At a very young age, Rex’s father was killed in the battle of Jakku. After which he begged his mother to be drafted into the First Order which she complied.
He was trained by the First Order until he was 17 years old and was proficient at long ranged weapons, so they issued him as a sniper. He was put into a squad and given his first deployment. Shortly before he was deployed they told him that Rex was no longer his name, but was given the identification number 344-123-888. It was Rex’s dream to fight in the Empire, as he felt he owed it to his father who gave his life for the First Order, so from that day he never said or thought about his birth name again.
Rex’s first deployment was on Tanaab at a mining facility as a First Class Sergeant meant to guard the facility from Resistance forces. He gained much prestige from his officers whenever Resistance troopers attacked; in his 4 year deployment on Tanaab only one Resistance strike team breached the facility, but were quickly put down. The other dozen instances the strike teams couldn’t get past the front line due to his immaculate sniping.
After that he was put on a special patrol team to tour the galaxy. Their mission was to visit five different planets that have evidence of a past Resistance/Rebel presence. The five planets were: Yavin IV, Hoth, Ryloth, Corellia & Tatooine. Toward the end of his deployment, an unfortunate event took a turn for the worst. While looking into a sketchy piece of intel his squad was ambushed by a Resistance strike team that knew the patrol would end up here. Everyone in his squad was killed but him, and he survived alone in the Dune Sea & into the Jundland wastes for 2 weeks until a First Order patrol found him.
After recovering from his injuries he was promoted for his valour to First Officer but then was quickly reassigned at the request of a Sith within the First Order named Zed Daphyr. He was given the rank of First Officer in his squad and serves now as a sniper. His mission begins on Kashyyk…

Tibbs is a very serious individual and is very goal driven. He is loyal to a fault to the First Order and will kill on command. Robotic in his tone, he still manages to squeeze out some humour in the most dire of situations, but regardless never loses focus on the mission at hand. His thick Imperial accent is a testament to his lineage as his ancestors served in the Galactic Empire under Darth Vader.
Tibbs is very secretive and does not like to share events of his past, especially the one of Tatooine and the ambush. Though he hides it well externally, he has nightmares about that day every night, or whenever he can fall asleep without thinking about it. He lied on his psychological exam in order to remain in the First Order; saying that he had almost no memory of the fateful day on Tatooine. The one person he has ever opened up to about it was a good friend of his that was killed in a space skirmish in the Core Worlds.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romanstatesman
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Identification #: 264-812-243

Nickname: Bit

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Homeworld: Corusant

Previous Ranks:
- Sergeant First Class
- First Officer

Current Rank:
- First Officer

Class: Engineer

- DC-15A blaster rifle
- DL-18 Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonator x2
- Engineering Kit

Bit grew up in the underworld of Corusant helping her mother and father around their repair shop. Her name used to be Allia. After her mother was killed by one of the underworld gangs she worked full time at the shop dropping her meager education. She was young when her father took her to a trading trip in the outer rim. The Galactic Civil war was nearing its end when she found the stormtroopers.
The Troopers AT-ST had broken down due to damage on the legs. Her father was gone trading and after a brief conversations with the stormtroopers she repaired the leg for them. The Sargent offered her a possible job with the Empire and she took to it. Abandoning her Father she was soon transferred to the New Order.
In the Academy her Technical repair knowledge not only increased but she was taught to pilot vehicles. Starting with Anti Air guns she showed promise in simulations and soon advanced to Assault and transport vehicle training. She however failed in Blaster training. She was preparing for her first deployment when the Galactic Empire fell and soon saw battle at Jakku.
Her Performance on Anti Air guns and when the time came tie fighters earned her the promotion of Officer, During the Start of the New Order her leading of vehicle charges on ground and in air have made her a prominent figure. Her emotions are fickle and oft because of this in battle her tactics seemed confused and senseless but always get the job done.
She is now proficient in repair of any kind of vehicle setting traps repairing weapons and using them. Her wise variety of knowledge has earned her a position in an elite squad despite her lack of skill in blaster use. She now descends to kashyyyk....

Bit is about as sarcastic and weird as one can get and still be accepted into the New Order. Her emotions are all over the place all the time often experiencing mood swings.She talks about her past and history as if it was nothing to her seemingly detached from the emotions and in truth she is by now. Very little gets to her. She enjoys destruction reportedly going out of her way to explode munitions storage or finish off enemy vehicles with an unnecessary explosion.
Bit is a bit of a know it all. She reads holocrons in all her free time. She comes of a bit as show offy making her unpleasant to many people. Her smarts have put her far in life but made a lot of annoyed enemies as well. By the way did you know Wookies can live for hundreds of years.....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Identification #: 724-698-202

Nickname: Scar

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Homeworld: Nar Shadaa

Previous Ranks:
- Sergeant Second Class

Current Rank:
- Sergeant Second Class

Class: Heavy Weapons

- FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster
- SE-44C Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonator x2
- Pulse Grenades x2

Scar, like most Stormtroopers, never knew his family. plucked from the Nar Shadaa slums at infancy, his whole life was devoted to the First Order. His stamina and affinity with heavy cannon and machine guns earned him a place in the ranks of the troopers specialized in the FWMB-10. Early in his career as a stormtrooper he did nothing to distinguish himself, but later he began to metaphorically shine.
He earned the name Scar after throwing himself over an enemy grenade, somehow surviving the blast. However, shrapnel struck his eye. He is scarred, but no worse a marksman. (well, as much as you can be a marksman with his weapon) In following battles his kill count sky rocketed. The brass noticed and now Scar is here in the elite squadron.

Scar is unfailingly courageous and loyal, even when compared to other Stormtroopers. He will not hesitate to engage the enemy. When not in combat he has zero sense of humor. He has tunnel vision when it comes to the task at hand. Only death will stop him. He always looks to improve himself, so long as it helps the mission. He views casualties only from a tactical stand point. Emotions mean nothing to Scar.
Scar is the physical embodiment of everything First Order officers want in a Stormtrooper. Loyalty, Bravery, Determination, Unwavering, Devoted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

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