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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Disclaimer: This is pretty much a experiment i've had for a while that has been excited by the way I noticed players in other sci-fi RPs avidly describing their own faction's stars/planets. This RP is essentially a "small scale" interstellar RP. All the star systems assumed to exist are those that are player created.

Across dozens of star systems, worlds habitable to human colonial ambitions have been found. From one world humans leap to hundreds in the span of a couple centuries. Riches far greater than Earth could ever offer have been found across these worlds, as have countless life forms so unexplored that anyone with a spacecraft who happens upon a world with life is bound to see things no other human has seen before. The red tape of the Terran World Government and their high culture however, seem to do everything they can to limit and regulate the unknown, the uncontrollable. Goods from the colonies are stripped away and redistributed from Sol at the leisure of the elite, the bans on trade between colonies made even worse by the interstellar distances involved.

Such self-serving restrictions has led to developed colonies never being at the full potential while developing colonies toil harder than they truly should. However, the most notorious consequences of Terran colonial policy is the unneeded suffering for those colonies who didn’t have the privilege of living on a life filled world. For in a several unsettling cases entire colonies collapsing into destitution as a result of the Terran government. On mining worlds the reward for years of service on hot, mineral rich worlds void of any water tends to be famine. In the past two centuries, the influence of the Terran World Government has waned on the numerous colonies once under control. On increasingly more culturally distant societies living on a vast diversity of worlds a new order is beginning to emerge and the decline of the Terrans now begins its death spiral.

(Some ideas described here are subject to revision! Scenario is not as set in stone as it may seem)

-The starting year is 2475. But far enough that interstellar colonization has matured to the point where new societies and cultures are developing independent of terran high culture.
-FTL is assumed to have been invented around 2072, early interstellar colonies isolated from the terrans likely will have occurred from around 2084-2151.
-Humans are the focus species, other species not being as influential in this RP.
-Alien species are public domain. Unique alien species are preferred, I don’t want someone making an alien species who look exactly human with minor tweaks to justify having plasma weapons and super human power for instance.
-With anyone who wants to make a space faring alien species, try to avoid making something that may be too blatantly an “outside threat” since the factional divisions among humans would vanish all too easily.
-Star system making is important to your app, as you own as many star systems as you can make in the star systems controlled section. The hard limit is around 7-9 star systems however. Note that these star systems are your "major" star systems, in that they may likely have high populations. Outposts and secret research operations can exist in additional star systems.

The FTL used here is a simple jump drive which is able to go to other star systems. They’re not terribly widespread, but widespread enough that being a captain and diving into the depths of space is possible even with the dreaded Terran bureaucracy. There is some delay between jumps to take into account, of which will be represented by this RP with one page or so. Gravity wells distort FTL jumps, making it very dangerous if not impossible to warp into or out of the atmosphere of a planet.

On Human Factions
There’s quite a few human societies that have developed in the past several centuries, with entire factions united across multiple worlds who find that not only is earth itself their enemy, but also factions who rival their own across the stars. Some having been de facto independent, others having developed in isolation from everyone else for centuries while others still live under terran oppression.
Terran hegemony is still widespread, but their control is most intensive only in twenty five star systems of the dozens out there. These twenty five star systems will be partially given descriptions by your truly, with some left open should someone want star systems under terran control.

Each player who makes a faction can develop up to seven star systems their faction has control in. They may have partial control of other star systems jointly with other factions or aliens.


(Note: Alien Species = Sapient Species, creatures on other worlds you can make all you want in any way you please)
Aliens do not need to follow our political concepts (they’re aliens after all), but they too must abide by the tech caps and limits in how many star systems they occupy. An alien species with space travel controlled by one player may have control of up to eight or nine star systems. Alien kind controlled by multiple players can add an additional seven star systems for said species. However, like with humans there should be divisions between their political units. A player with an alien species can make multiple polities for their alien species- however they all are limited to eight-nine star systems total.

A faction may have species from multiple species, I should add.

Each player can add one alien species (multiple species on one planet that adheres to the star system limits is fine, multiple species on multiple planets not so much). If you are controlling a human faction, said alien species can’t be a space faring species.

“NPC” species on wild worlds should be primitive technologically.

Relics from long gone alien civilizations may require a PM.

Contested Star systems

Some star systems may have worlds that aren’t dominated by any single faction or hell, even species. These star systems are considered “contested” and tend to be more complicated than star systems where a single faction has control because they tend to be where tensions grow highest. I encourage the creation of contested star systems!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

This seems very interesting to me ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I would play.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This RP will have a star map, it will be a 2D star map and I already made the background for it. I already have star symbols as well.

There's no FTL comm systems in this RP, you have to have a spaceship with a warp drive to travel between stars which means spacecraft specialized for delivering messages are needed. Worm holes that are naturally occur in this RP occasionally, but society has yet to figure out how to harness worm holes properly enough to make sprawling interstellar empires.

(I may change the RP's starting year to 2350 or so)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


That seems fairly nice, having to rely on ships with warp drives to deliver messages, that can be an advantage and a disadvantage :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Is OOC up?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Not yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Probably today since I just need to revise and pretty up things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Also one question... why are there app sheets for both faction and character? Are we both?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

All someone needs is a character sheet to join. You can have app sheets for whatever you want to be in this RP. If you make a faction, you don't need to make a character sheet. If you make a character, you don't need a faction sheet. A spaceship sheet is totally optional, you can have a character with a personal spacecraft without a spaceship sheet.

If you make a alien kind, if they are planet bound you don't need a faction sheet. A character with that planet bound species is recommended, but not needed since some alien mindsets aren't really conductive to individual characters. A character sheet for a collective minded group would be amusing regardless.

In some cases, you can be just a spaceship if it's a self-aware spaceship since that counts as a character. This may also apply to a planet that's self aware (world minds) since that counts as a "aliens species".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

K. May I start work on my app sheet?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sure. Just post here for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronParrot


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mind if i join? If so, here's my character and spaceship sheet:
Affiliation: Smoker Outfit
Bio:With a spaceship and the skills to fly it, Felix knows how to get the job done. After a tragic earthquake killed his parents leaving him with their trust fund to found a legacy that will last for decades. He bought a spaceship with the funds and went bounty hunting to put food on his table. Today, he flies packages and messages between systems, with a little scouting of uncharted systems on the side.
Other: Has a sidearm custom made by one of his clients that has the stopping power of a waterfall

And here's my spaceship sheet!
Name:Roc III Custom
Origin: Given to him as payment for a contract that resulted in the destruction of his previous ship, then further customised with more weapons and gear
Description: Not much to say about it, it has a wedge shaped hull from which the pilot can deploy pulse lancers , a cargo bay that can carry small amounts of cargo alongside a rover for surface missions, and a warp drive.
Other:Fitted for combat both space and planetary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Arcandia
History: Seeing life on Earth decay, the first Arcandians fled on board a corporate sponsored craft. They feigned it's destruction in order to be left alone when they found a habitable world. They were finally found and have now been cast back into the galaxy and its chaos.
Political Organization: Democratic Republic
Technology: slightly ahead of other humans in industrial and weaponry, slightly behind in communication and travel
Systems Controlled: Arcandia: a star the size of the sun, orbited by four planets. Three are unihabitable, but the third from the star is the capital of the Arcandian civilization. The second is occasionally visited by miners for it's vast supply of high grade ore.
Other: Arcandians are among the most pragmatic people in the galaxy. Their independence is what they value most, and will defend with their lives.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Is that correct?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I suppose I will make an app sheet in the OOC to set precedents. I'm treating these current applications as outlines for the time being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@arawak May I make a suggestion?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Go ahead,
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pictish20
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What if someone wants to play a nonhuman character? There isn't a slot for that on the character sheet...
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