@Winston Smith@agentmanatee@Sarpedon@Ace of HeartsSarpedon is correct! Much as with our beloved God-Emperor, you must have faith in my return and it shall be so; I've been working a lot recently, but I'm going to get back to this soon enough. Sorry about the slow pace, but I assure you we'll get off of this Ork-infested rock soon enough.
Winston, your profile is good to G.O., so feel free to post it up in the Char tab - you may need to wait until we're clear of this mission to join us, but that shouldn't take too long. :)
Ace, I'm right there with you, even if it is heresy! It's cool if you feel you can't join because of knowledge but, if you ever feel you'd like to give it a go, then please do send me a character profile.
Can we also get everyone else in here...I'm certain there were more of us...