Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

We still need a GM. Ignore anything from a month before the edit on this post that says otherwise.

Hi! I'm looking for a group, and more significantly, a GM, to test and play a tabletop system I've been working on based on Digimon. I'd like to think that you don't need to know a terrible lot about Digimon to play, but that's sort of why I want a GM to test it- mainly to pick up things I won't see.
To clarify, I'm looking for GM who has experience running tabletop roleplaying games, and I will PM a viewing link to the system to the GM who best suits the task and answers promptly. It isn't technically complete, but it is playable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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I could take a look at it if you want.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Would you be interested in GM-ing a game then?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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I don't mind joining as player
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Alright, cool. Welcome @VKAllen. May I ask your background/history with Digimon and/or Tabletop games?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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@tobiax I watched the very first series and remember watching a few more bits of installments. I also have a current DnD party going, meaning that I understand the D7 set of dice gaming. I have also played WH40K the tabletop version (which uses a set of d6s) and am familiar with it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@VKAllen That's cool. So you have a general grasp then? Would you be interested in maybe being a GM should Iatos not feel like it? Do you have DM experience?
I don't know about Warhammer, but my system is D6 only. (Unless you feel like randomizing your Digimon's starting stats.)
The main reason someone familiar with Digimon would be better as the DM is that the DM evaluates to what the Digimon will Digivolve, (from a list of what the player would like[in the applicable Family(ies)], and also having ideally a list of what the player doesn't like.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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@VKAllen That's cool. So you have a general grasp then? Would you be interested in maybe being a GM should Iatos not feel like it? Do you have DM experience?
I don't know about Warhammer, but my system is D6 only. (Unless you feel like randomizing your Digimon's starting stats.)
The main reason someone familiar with Digimon would be better as the DM is that the DM evaluates to what the Digimon will Digivolve, (from a list of what the player would like[in the applicable Family(ies)], and also having ideally a list of what the player doesn't like.)

I do not have any DM experience. While I am eager to learn dungeon mastering, creating a campaign is not something that I am good at. As for systems, I'm well versed and obsessive. I can probably make an effective system for digivolution.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Alright, you can easily be a player @VKAllen. That being said, I'm sorta going into DM mode even though I shouldn't. I get excited about what kinds of Digimon people want to use. That and the first thing I have people do when interested is basically a race-and-class call, were it to be a different type of system, but it's actually the Baby form and Family. Digimon Families are fairly important in the system. Basically race and class in one, but not quite.
Why don't you have a look?
And at the moment, @Iatos, I don't have a specific Family or Baby form in mind. Heck, I may just roll/pull a random number and pick that way. Aside from a few of the goofy/feeble Digimon, like Gekomon, Dogmon, Numemon, Etemon, Sukamon, and Damemon, and I don't particularly like Lotusmon for whatever reason. I don't really have a preference at the moment though. (Although using Sukamon and Numemon as "punishments" is fine. Also Raremon if they try to overequip/overmodify their Digimon. In general I mean.) Main issue is human character- not sure if I want someone cautious/who would be prepared for certain reasonable things (like someone likely to have a first-aid kit or salves on hand frequently) or someone who lives a bit of a non-traditional lifestyle. I guess I'll wait to see what the others in the group come with. We need... what, one or two more people?
If you still want to DM by the time it's time to start that is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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I'll apply for player on this one.

While I'm still to really play a single Table Top RPG due to lack of friends mostly, I've still managed to become well versed in many systems by virtue of reading rule books and watching others play (on the internet) I've come acquainted with 2 RPGs with D6 systems, namely AGE and OVA.

I've got no experience as DM and I'd not be cut for one. (though I'll probably have to get into it sooner than later) my lack of compatibility to the role of DM I'd attribute to both experience and my lack of improvisation skill and general uncreativity.

I might get to making or modifying a visual Character sheet for people who prefer that model over just a list. I'll read through the rules again later today so I'll get a refresher but I think I was confused about the digivolutions, especially the permanency and if you dedigivolve, will you get the same one by default?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Glad to see you're interested @Windicator.

I started basically the same way. Other than a tiny bit of PTU that I actually played, and making this, we're basically on the same footing. Who was your advice/footage preference? (Dunno what those ones are.)

You don't have to DM. We need more players than Data Masters, obviously.

Oh, that'd be neat. I'd appreciate that. I thought about it myself earlier on in the project.
It's as permanent as the DM wants it to be in the setting, but the default (implied if not stated) is actually permanent Digivolving unless a heavy defeat is suffered. Should that occur, unless being defeated changes the conditions, it's easier to get the same form, but others can still be achieved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Who was your advice/footage preference? (Dunno what those ones are.)

(Dunno what the "Dunno what those ones are" is)

While I find this sentence to be a little hard to chew, I'll take it as who did I watch for Advice/Footage.

To answer that, My advice has come mainly from the DnD and PF front. The channels I follow for that are DawnforgedCast and Nerdarchy.

As for footage of games I'm all into Thrilling Intent by The Third Wheel while that pretty much gives no damn about the system with its DnD x PF x House system with little to show of the background workings.

I also used to follow both D&D Cityscape on The DragonHat's channel and Titans Grave (an example of D6 system and about to have S2) on Geek & Sundry

Feel free to correct me/yourself if I misunderstood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

(The tabletop games you abbreviated)

Ah, don't know any of them, but okay. We have three players and one DM, basically. But I'm not sure how many players we want/need.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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(The tabletop games you abbreviated)

Ah, don't know any of them, but okay.

DnD is short of the Dungeons and Dragons (basically the most common table top there is) and PF is for PathFinder (basically it was a revision of a previous DnD edition)

We have three players and one DM, basically. But I'm not sure how many players we want/need.

I think that usually in most Table tops you want 3 to 5 players + DM. for a game. There is no rule for that though but I think its something that came from experience by others. by no means do I pretend there are no 1 on 1, 2 on 1 or 8 on 1 (or 2 if it actually becomes advanced enough, though that's probably just my opinion)

Also, for the DM, There is nothing wrong with railroading (even less if you just getting into it) but it might pay off to give the players an illusion of choise with going large scale rails. Don't sweat it too much though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I know DnD is Dungeons and Dragons, and I guessed that PF is Pathfinder, the ones I didn't know were AGE and OVA.

I prefer leaving things open myself, but I'm not the DM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I know DnD is Dungeons and Dragons, and I guessed that PF is Pathfinder, the ones I didn't know were AGE and OVA.

I prefer leaving things open myself, but I'm not the DM.

oh those, well that's a bit more complicated with their rarity, basically;
OVA is developed by Wise Turtle to try and offer a system for every and all anime genres and as such has very nonrestrictive play style but as I'm not one to support piracy I'm pretty much unable to provide a copy of the rules, I'll check the free downloads on their site though.

As for AGE (Action Game Engine), I'd say that checking out Titans Grave Chapter 0 is a good starting point (if I remember right that te rules were introduced then (even if the specifics are for his own universe)) Sorry to leave this one short but I'd need a rule book to comment in-depth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ah, I see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@VKAllenYou still interested?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Well...I've skimmed the document, and my first impression is that it looks like you're trying to stuff a Pokemon VG style system into Digimon (especially reminds me of Hackmons). Just a bit too many stats for my personal taste, and though I understand a numerical MP gauge for techniques is tracked easier online versus PnP, I prefer spell slots simply because I dislike technique spam builds. The multi family "classing" can honestly get ridiculous for power gaming, and the group bias on features especially widens the gap between regular playable and distinctly powerful Digimon lines. It's really just a "create a class/monster" system right now rather than in the spirit of "no Digimon is useless/weak" I felt the anime liked to portray (unless you're allowing blatant exceptions like ZeedMilleniummon to be possible partners). Besides that, the Generation stat and its derivative system is solid, while the technique types are...again complicated to keep track of for the average DM picking this up but a decent concept.

Excuse me for being blunt, but having experience and partial breakdowns over attempting to power game extensive meta systems like DnD 4th edition, while trying to keep my characters original as possible, made me grow sick and tired of those games. I understand that you play tested a previous iteration with a group months before, and improvements probably have been made since then, so I'm certainly not putting down your dedication and effort. I'm offering my services as a technical adviser rather than full DM (I have little actual experience besides subbing for my play group a few times), though when the time comes I'd like to join the players as long as I'm not involved with story elements; this way I could give better feedback on your system and help improve it at least how you envision it, without over complicating it by the end.

By the way, my Digimon knowledge stems from briefly watching Adventures 1 & 2, Tamers, Data Squad, and Fusion, and also beating my Digimon World Dawn video game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Firstly, I mainly wanted to easily answer one question with the system I build- what do I do when I get hit. (I admit, it ended up a tad similar to the Pokemon stats, but that's because a single offense and defense stop being logical when there's machines and fireballs and swords and possible-magic and some monsters who just chew on things or slash them to death.)
Also, there is no spirit of "No Digimon is weak". Numemon is the epitome of weak, but it's because you did it wrong. (ZeedMilleniummon is like, totally out of playable category. Any DM who thinks of letting a player have even regular Millenniummon should rethink that. It'd be like letting a player in DnD play a Terasque or Beholder.) I take your comments, but at the same time, well, I just want to see how it goes. (And this is basically the same iteration to test. I just want to see the opinions of someone who didn't make it being the DM.)
I do like the Generation stat. I feel like it's something that can only be represented in Digimon that way. Although I do admit it was inspired by the WoD Vampire notation of being closer or farther from the original Vampire, which may have been a stat by the same name. (But for Digimon, bigger is better, and in WoD, it's apparently a lower number you want. I've heard that's a reason for a vampire to eat another vampire.)

Hey, I'm not saying you have to power-game. I'm just starting with a version one of something I think fits Digimon better than a simple DnD homebrew setting/houserules or the only other Digimon Tabletop I've seen (which had the whole "What do I do when I get hit" problem. It arranged Digimon by size, but made that the only real defense that I saw, which is odd on two counts, such as the actual armor on the Digimon, and the event of small yet powerful Digimon, like Pixiemon or Marine Angemon. Like, can an Agumon take less Damage from a Greymon, or does a Piximon take more?) and didn't seem too memorable, because I can't remember what it was called, or how you Digivolve. Well, maybe not un-memorable, but my memory escapes me on its name. It's just not for me.

Well, mine's similar, but I've seen more of Frontier and less of Savers/Data Squad, watched what parts of XrosWars that are on Netflix, and played the DigimonRumbleArena series, Digimon Battle Spirit 2, Digimon World, Digimon World 3, Digimon World 4, Digimon World Data Squad, Digimon World Dawn, and Digimon WorldChampionships. (Only beat DW4(on the starting Difficulty) and basically beat DWDawn but didn't save because I wanted to train. Main story's over I think?) I would appreciate you as an assessor/lurker, in either RP, because the first, partially due to my own fault, isn't really off the ground yet. I do plan on making a version 2, but not before providing a supplement to allow fair play of Royal Knights and Dark Area Digimon/Demon Lords. Demon Lords being enemies of course.
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