@Gurren1Okay quick run down of major thing that hapened.
Aurora and brick finished fuago
the bandit group that was with the guy that Brick killed came to devenport and are now after him.
The other group that was after reese finally shown up.
Aurora killed her first person
Chase is shot in the shoulder
Reese is hurt in his shoulder due to fighting and shooting a garnade in the sky
Devenport is definding itself and is in a shoot out.
Eden shown up and is trying to take everyone down to get her sister out of there.
Eden and Reese met and it was not a good first impression
Eden shot the leader of one of the bandit groups and now he is after her
and some kind of monster is smelling the bodies and might show up.
@SohtemYes, that would be a lot of fun actually. Lets have Eden falter and need some help than!