
Name: Crane Greyblast
Age: 19
Power: Durability and Immunity, Curse/Rune breaking and Seals. (See Bio)
Guild: Fairy Tail
Symbol color and location: Grey, back of his left hand.
Bio: Crane's Tragedy; Crane lived in a cold northern village that was rather secluded from the rest of the world. One day a demon invaded his village and wiped it out. As far as he knows he was the only survivor that day. He was 'saved' by a demon slayer that had been hunting
the demon for a few days. The demon slayer sealed the demon inside of Crane at the expense of his own life. When he woke up from the attack, everything had been destroyed. He couldn't find the demon slayer either, but he did find the sword he left behind. It was twice the size of him and engraved in the hilt was the word Rek on oneside and Breaker on the other side. He began to set off by himself in search of food and shelter as a child. After days of travel and near starvation he found a city. He had no money and sloppily stole food. The owner caught him and angrily beat him for it. After beating him to his satisfaction Crane was still fine. The beatings still hurt Crane immensly, as he cried terribly afterward, but he didn't actually sustain any damage. When Crane stopped crying he was sure he wouldn't be able to walk or worse, but he got right up with a few aches and pains and walked them right off in moments. As strange as it was the man left the giant sword with the child.
Crane got by in the city by stealing and fighting. He was willing to fight anyone in a fair fight, but if anyone started trying to bully him, he would bring out Rek to make the fight fair again. He began to slowly grow into the sword and wield it more fluently. If he wasn't stealing or plotting, he was practicing. After experimenting with it, he found that it didn't actually break much. He continued moving from town to town stealing and fighting until everyone was wary of him and forced him to leave. He had spent some time in a smaller town that eventually was attacked by a lesser demon. Seeing the town being wrecked brought back horrific flashbacks. Crane was frozen in fear until the demon finally reached him. Even though he was very capable of running and half the city hated him anyways, he stayed and fought the demon. The demon launched a fireball that Crane cut with Rek. As he cut it the fireball completely evaporated. Rek nullified the demon's curses. The demon tried more futile attacks that Crane simply cut away. After he eventually destroyed the demon with Rek, he left the town that had been half destroyed.
On his way to the next city, he eventually come across a building in the middle of a forest that was sealed off by runes. After futily trying everything to get past the barrier, he frustratedly cut it with Rek and it broke with ease. Shocked at how easily the barrier broke, he realized what Rek could break runes as well. He went inside and found that it was the hut of the demon slayer from so many years ago. He studied the demon slayer's works and found the true powers of Rek. Curses and Runes couldn't stand before the power of the magic item Rek. He also learned anti-curse, rune and seal magic of his own. He also found that the name of the demon that was inside of him was Rakshasa. It was a very strong demon that specialized in it's durability and immunities. Crane began to search for the way to remove the demon. There was a lot for him to study and he never did find the answer he needed from the demon slayer's books. He found the magic that sealed the demon inside of him, but not how to remove the demon. After searching all of the demon slayer's works, he set off in search of more knowledge. He had been keeping his old lifestyle though. He had raided all of the nearby cities, during his time of study. He set off for the city of Magnolia and began searching for information on curses. He bit off more than he could chew when he broke into Fairy Tail. He broke in to steal books that looked promising, but got caught in the process. What shocked him was that they didn't fight him like everyone else. Instead they offered to keep him at Fairy Tail and make him part of the guild. He reluctantly accepted the offer and is now very glad he accepted those years ago.