Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

¤Welcome to our high fantasy, adventure rp¤

Stay awhile, and listen ...

In the years before, an unlikely band of heroes saved a small town called Waeldeshore from destruction and doom. Their victory did not come easily, blood was shed, lives were lost. But ultimately, their future, as they thought it to be, was saved.

The world has darkened considerably over the past half century.
It all began in the first so called "Happenings"; demons became much more well known to mortals of all races through a significant increase in number and activity. While it wasn't much that hunters of the day couldn't handle, it began to pile from there.

Three powerful agents of evil made an appearance 25 years ago. The first was a mage by the name Jeltheor, who aligned himself with demons to settle scores and take power for himself. The second was a powerful, ancient demon known as Zargon, whose ultimate plans still remain a troubling mystery. The third was a demon lord that went on a murdering rampage in the southern part of the world by the name of Sashaz.

All three were defeated by an unlikely band of heroes, who met in the town of Waeldeshore. Members of this group each contributed to the ultimate goal and one way or another caused the destruction of these evils.

Zargon fell first, but was the one to trouble the minds of the heroes for years to come; as he did not die in his engagement, but merely left without permanent damage. It was a great battle in the heart of Waeldeshore, several of the aforementioned heroes helped to smother Zargon from the realm. His forces disappeared soon after and helped pave the way for the fall of the other two.

The second to fall was Jeltheor. The group's sage, Genevieve, single handedly defeated him, and was hailed a hero; yet she was never quite the same. The result, however, was the lifting of evil from Waeldeshore.

The third, Sashaz, was defeated by the armies of Giray, and seemed to signal the defeat of evil in the world for years to come.

Yet troubles remain. An argument erupted between one of the heroes and Genevieve. The hero disappeared into the night. And along with her, many precious items went missing. Among them, a Key - an item, seemingly little more than a stone, that is said to be a "key" of sorts to the defeat of all demon kind. The group only has one key, taken from the clutches of an ancient dragon. The location of the second and third are mysteries that may only be unraveled when the rogue is discovered.

In the background, the northern Jarjestys Magi order exercises a greater hold over the land. Several members of it have gone rogue and have been put down, but the order itself stands strong. Additionally, there are rumors of a new evil in the province of Ulteria - a necromancer of immense power.

Our sage, Genevieve, wishes to bring together a new group, composed of members from the original and candidates of more recent times. This group will find itself hunting demons, investigating corruption and solving mysteries. The quest will take the group's members to many places and lead them to many encounters.

Will you join this quest?

The Quick and Dirty OOC

'Waeldeshore: The Wars Beyond' is an adventure-based roleplay that focuses on a group of heros, old and new, coming together to battle an evil that doesn't die, always comes back, and seems to just get stronger. Feeling confident?" Good. Lets continue.

-This thread is in the casual forum; so, some grammar and a paragraph at least should be the norm. If you have some issues with grammar, don't worry too much so long as your post can be read and so long as you are at least trying to get better. Try to crank out a solid paragraph, more if you're inclined. A 200 word minimum is preferred, but we're not tyrants here. We all have writer's block at times, so don't feel too pressured. Just say something OOC if you're having struggles.

-Try and post 1-2 times a week. Over a week and we'll bug you. From there, if we can't get a hold of you, we'll either fade you into the background or make your char an NPC, or give your character a more permanent ending (depending on the situation). On that note, though, please don't run over other people with 1x1 postings. You can get away with posting slower if you're just waiting for postings to come full circle (which really shouldn't take too long anyways).

~~The Truth Shall Set You Free~~

--We are looking for dedicated players who are going to commit to the long haul. If you're in it to win it, as they say, then you're welcome to stay. If you're in it to quit it, or if you're interested in a fast paced sand box, this is not the rp for you.Please don't join if you aren't in to be here. That might sound weird, but seriously - don't join if you are at most only going to stay a month. This roleplay may well take several months or even a year to finish. Join and dedicate. If you need to leave for a while... communication is essential. Talk to us.

-We are looking to keep this rp under 10 players, but 10 is the max. The players are limited due to troubles experienced in the last roleplay with too many players scattered all over. Characters will mostly be consolidated this time around, so there shouldn't be too much splitting up. That being said, we would like to fill up the slots. Join if there's still a place open! You can reserve a spot if you're interested, but if someone else comes in before you with a killer CS... please be able to bring up something that can compete it.

-Talk to us. Seriously. An active OOC is a good sign, or even an active interest check right now. We're a social bunch when ArenaSnow isn't trying to take your soul.

The Quick and Dirty IC Stuff

-Read. Read the posts. Read the posts! Seriously, there's nothing more obnoxious than the story screwing up because somebody missed a major plot development or read it backwards. If you don't understand something, ask.

-The setting will change based on where we go. If our affairs in one area are settled, a timeskip will put us in another (in which case you can give a little info about the journey and go to the "now" of IC).

-Character development, go ahead! No problem doing that for some rounds. If you're bored we can find you something to do on the side...

-Be creative in your postings. Don't be impossible, but feel free to be creative. If there's two forks in the road smack in the middle of the woods, go ahead and find a path leading into the forest. Don't start talking about the magical bridge that just appeared. And if you need help bouncing ideas around, just ask. Please just don't not post because “I don’t know what to write.”

-NPC's are yours to mess around with unless they are demons, angels or other such high level characters (dragons, strong mages, etc). Travelers and locals in a town you can make up and continue as you like. If you're taking control of an already made NPC, please stay in the character of that NPC when making something for him/her/(it?).

-Don't make up things you didn't mention in the CS. A mage specializing in fire won't suddenly freeze rivers. Don't walk into a court of nobility being the long lost grandson of the king if you came from a line of peasants.

-Godmodding, metagaming, blah blah. You can take a little liberty if you're slapping someone's back in a bar hard enough to make them tip forward a bit. Just don't go so far as to make actions where the other player can do something different, and let the other player take the blows in combat. The end will be the same if there's no escaping a move anyways.

-You may want to consider making dialogue into a collab post. Especially if it turns into 1-2 sentences to keep it moving and there isn't much more to add. In fact, collab as much as you like as long as you say you're collaborating with someone else, and try to still keep in the posting times.

Now for the Character Sheet

A couple things to note about making characters.

-The GM's reserve the right to nitpick (don't worry, we aren't usually that bad).

-Talk to @ArenaSnow about making a demon or an angel character. Those are special cases and for the most part NPC/GM controlled.

You should see the following hider when making skills/abilities for your character.

If you want to add more information, feel free to add a section(s). Also feel free to ask if there's something you don't get.

Ideally, we're looking for 7-8 active players, with a max of 10 participating in the story.
First and foremost, we ask that you follow our rules, and the rules of RPG. If there is -anything- you need help on, or any questions you may have, please feel free to ask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Maru Fauna

Species: Deer Faun

Age: 67


Personality: Maru is laid back and relaxed, she's kind, caring and immensely dedicated. When put into a situation she doesn't like or becomes upset and angry she can become agitated, constantly dancing about nervously or angerly. She rarely becomes angry and it's even more rare for her to become hostile.

Skills/Abilities: Maru is a skilled tracker and hunter, she can be quite silent for someone with hooves, she's well adept at reading the emotions of others, this stems from watching animals to understand them. Maru is exceptional at using a bow and less exceptional at using a sword.

Magic: (If your character possesses magical or supernatural abilities, please describe them here in detail. There are many different methods of spellcasting in the fantasy genre, I've described the 'weave' to some and have also left a link for the forgotten realms link if anyone is interested. Please make sure to describe the source of your character's magical abilities, whether it be their own internal "mana", magical runes, alchemical ingredients, wands, spellbooks, artifacts, talismans, or some contract with a deity or spirit (these are just a few examples). Certain magical abilities are generally considered off-limits for the sake of balance, such as time manipulation, teleportation, invincibility and total mind control. You can include a spell list, but this is not by any means required and you may take a more general approach to this description if you wish.)

Maru grew up with her tribe deep in the jungle, they kept apart from humanity, often moving around the wood so they'd never get caught in one place. Maru was a skilled archer, the best in the tribe as they were taught since they were very little to draw a bow, she was the tribes best scout for year's, she'd been in line to become the next leader until the elders appointed a tall muscular male to take the dying leaders place, Maru, feeling there was nothing left to gain decided to leave, she took her bow, a quiver of hand crafted arrows and left. Venturing out of the jungle she'd spent her entire life in she was greeted by the harshness of civilization, she quickly learned how to deal with the other races, having to become more aggressive than probably any Deer Faun alive, she became an apprentice at a blacksmith and was taught how to wield a sword, the blacksmith had been an expert swordsman year's before when he was a young man, Maru had shown peeked interest in all the swords he'd collected and hung around the shop, she'd asked if he would teach her how to wield one. The smithy taught her how to hold it, thrust, par and counter with the blade. The old man decided that with her height and agility the katana was her better option and she found it easier to wield. She practiced every day for over five years, becoming close and confident with the blade she made. After several years of making blades and practicing with her own she left, became a mercenary, she had a keen taste in jewelry, it was common for her to be seen with rings on her antlers. Maru worked best alone whether it was delivery, blacksmithing or farming. She was restless staying in one place.

Lore: The Deer Faun is a half human–half Deer (from the head to the waist being human, but with the addition of antlers)
The deer faun is taller than the normal faun, the males standing an average of six foot five and the females six foot, they have large antlers rather than small goat horns. Their tail is like that of a white tail deer and their ears larger and more fluffy.
They are native to the deep jungles, living off the land and preferring to hide from humanity rather than embrace it. They are trained to fight with bows as their only defensive measure, they're not hostile preferring to run and hide deep in the wood rather than face conflict.
The deer Faun have a natural affinity to understand animals, not through words but expressions, the flick of an ear, the lash of a tail, etc.
It isn't unheard of for a Deer Faun to leave it's tribe and seek out the riches of humanity, the tribe will disown the offender and cast them away if they ever try to return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 15 min ago

Here is my character! Moving it over from the PMs

Name: Emil Erran

Species: Human

Age: 18


Warm and kind-hearted, Emil is a modest young knight with a strong sense of morality and justice. This level headed knight tries his best to stay brave and rational in the face of hardship and adversity, despite his inexperience. Due to his young age, Emil is rather impressionable, and expresses a desire to learn various skills and tricks from the older veterans, though is often self conscious about his lesser skills when compared to that of the more experienced members of the group. Honest and trustworthy, Emil is compassionate and kind, if a little shy and soft-spoken. Loyal to a fault, Emil is more than willing to risk himself for the sake of others, and goes to great lengths to defend his loved ones. A very down to earth and grounded individual, Emil's calm and generally positive demeanor, while occasionally bordering on naivety, bolsters the spirits of those around him.

As a young Knight, Emil is well trained in multiple martial skills, but lacks field experience. He has fought alongside his lord-knight, while still a squire and is no stranger to battle, but is not what one would call a veteran. While young, and not as capable of an armsman as the rest of his older peers, Emil possesses worldly knowledge and skills unexpected from one his age, and is knowledgeable of a variety of skills in various fields.

Emil has no skill or control over magic, though it appears that he may have the affinity for magic. He views magic with suspicion and a small amount of fear, and while he has accepted magic as a facet of life, he is still unnerved by it.


The city of Edessa is a fair sized city-state located along the coast of __(mainland continent neighboring Silver Lily Isles)__. Edessa is a constitutional monarchy led primarily by the King, and a group of senators. It is not a major military power, but is known for its high quality knights and sturdy and reliable trade ships, and also contributed a large portion of its forces Mage-Wars decades ago. Edessa, due to its proximity to the Silver Lily Isles, often trades with the settlements on the Isle, most notably Waeldeshore. Edessa and Waeldeshore have built a rather positive trade relationship over the past two decades, and ships bearing Edessan flags are common in Waeldeshore and vice versa.

Emil, youngest son of the Erran family, comes from a long line of Edessan Knights. Emil, like the rest of his brothers were introduced to the lifestyle of a knight at a young age, and were immersed in their culture from the moment he could walk. The son of a Edessan Knight and his wife, Emil and his brothers were well educated at a young age and were taught manners as well as basic martial skills and knowledges as children. Throughout their childhood, Emil and his brothers would often venture into the city to play with other children. Emil made friends easily, and was known for his gentle and sensitive demeanor, while the rest of his brothers were respected for their various other qualities.

As they Erran children grew older, they were trained in the ways of various weapons, such as the spear and sword, and were trained in horsemanship and riding. After his seventh birthday, Emil was apprenticed to another noble family to serve as a page, where he would begin to further refine horsemanship and swordsmanship as well as learn the intricacies of reading and writing. A naturally perceptive and relatively intelligent child, Emil was treated well by his host family, and learned much under their tutelage.

The Knights of Edessa, or the Edessan Knights as many know them as, are an order of knights based in the city of Edessa. These knights are tasked with serving and protecting the people of Edessa, and often promote humanitarian movements to hunting monsters in the surrounding areas. These stalwart warriors are well known for both their valor and martial skill, despite their relatively small numbers. Every male member of the Erran family had been an Edessan Knight at one point in their life. Emil's brother is among the famed members of the Edessan Knights, and one of the King's personal guards. Each of Emil's brothers has already entered service in the order.

As he turned 14, he became squire to a famed Edessan Knight, where he furthered his training, continuing his work on bladesmanship and horsemanship, as well as learning archery, music, speech, and skills befitting a young knight. Here he learned how to take care of, and maintain armor, how to tend horses and treat wounds. The next several years were difficult, his knight was fair, but strict, and offered him nothing but the most difficult challenges to face.

Now a fresh 18 years old, Emil's journey to become a full fledged knight of Edessan has been completed, and Emil undertakes his first few journeys as his own knight. A message from the Great Sage Genevieve of Waeldeshore gives Emil his first taste of an adventure that he can call his own.

Possessions, Equipment, Weapons:
  • Father's Sword - A gift given to Emil by his father, upon his recent knighting. The sword is forged from Dwarven Steel- a special dwarven metallurgy technique that results in a tougher, denser, more durable steel. The blade is old and worn from use, but still remains a reliable weapon. A shorter than average bastard sword, it is light and maneuverable enough to be held in one hand, but its two handed grip makes it able to be wielded with two.
  • Common Spear - A 6 foot pole of ash wood, with a steel tip attached. One of the most common personal weapons in the world, this weapon is easily used, and easily replaced. Able to be wielded with one hand, but most effective with two.
  • Shortbow & Quiver - A short yew bow meant for hunting. Plain and simple, without any sort of frills, other than leather wrapping around the grip. A wooden and leather quiver contains 20 arrows. Both are typically stored on the outer saddlebags of Emil's horse.
  • Heater Shield - A mid-sized shield with the Erran family coat of arms emblazoned across it. It is a lightweight metal shield that can be strapped to the forearm and secured with the hand. It has a leather strap that allows it to be slung over the shoulder/worn over the back.
  • Edessan Half Plate - a cut down suit of plate armor generally utilized by mounted Edessan knights and soldiers. Plates protect major parts of the body, while the rest of the body is protected with tough leather under a tunic. This is to allow light weight, and greater mobility while mounted. The benefits confer to foot combat as well.
  • Roark, Horse - A well bred, multi-purpose horse ridden by Emil. Roark is a calm, well mannered horse, that doesn't scare easily. Roark wears boiled leather barding(armor) on his face, neck, and body. The barding is lightweight, and can protect Roark from glancing blows but doesn't provide much protection elsewise. Its still better than nothing, Emil argues. Roark also has saddlebags on his sides and behind the saddle.
    • Roark's saddlebags contain: A pair of leather waterskins, a small pouch with money, a tinderbox, lines and tackle for fishing, a small iron bowl for cooking, a small hatchet for wood gathering, a small knife and whetstone, a length of rope (approx. 30 feet), a spool of fine thread and needle, a roll of clean cloth and bottle of spirits for cleaning and treating wounds, a pouch of herbal ointment, a lantern with several spare candles, a few days worth of provisions for Emil as well as his horse. Behind the saddle is a blanket and spare clothes are wrapped in a roll of canvas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Regina Hills

Species: Halfling

Age: 57

Description: Regina is a bit tall for a halfling, a whole six inches taller than the average of 3 feet, with long, reddish brown hair and chocolatey brown eyes. She has a pale complexion and a few small wrinkles, preferring to stay in the shade, and a thin but curvy figure that is slowly catching up with her age.
Regina wears a thin layer of leather armor over her clothes with multiple daggers hidden on her and a pair of longtooth daggers on her hips. Regina carries no less than 20 throwing daggers, 10 normal daggers and a pair of longtooth daggers on her at any time.

Personality: Regina is the type of woman to flirt with some of the younger women though nothing too far as she doesn't want to be left again. She's easy to anger if you say the wrong thing. However, she does keep her anger under control while at work. She's no longer the happy-go-lucky woman she once was, instead taking everything carefully and not letting anyone close again.

Skills/Abilities: Regina has great aim with her throwing daggers and is proficient with her normal daggers to block and redirect, allowing her to use her longtooth daggers, with their little extra length, to attack. She can also pick locks, pick pockets, find and remove traps, track people, most any skill a thief would find very helpful.

Other than that, she is an excellent with her psionic powers, allowing her to do many things most people cannot.
-Combat Mind: Using this, she has a clear understanding of where her allies and enemies are.
-Telekinesis: She can levitate most objects though nothing bigger than a small human male for more than a couple minutes.
-Levitation: She can lift herself up to 12 feet from whatever she's standing on.
-Complete Healing: With a 12-hour meditation process, she can heal herself of all injuries, illnesses, poisons and the like.
-Quick Healing: With a matter of a few minutes and a lot of concentration, she can heal her small injuries, though nothing bigger than a small cut.
-Adrenaline Control: By controlling the production and release of adrenaline in her system, she can give herself a temporary physical boost on demand.
-Body Weaponry: Using this, she can turn her hands into dagger blades or go as far as her elbow for a shortsword blade.
-Displacement: She can control where people see her, whether or not she moves.
-Teleport: With this, she can teleport up to 200 feet away in the blink of an eye, with loud popping sounds emitting from both the place she teleports from and to.
-Telepathy: Using this, she is able to communicate wordlessly with another intelligent being without having to worry about language barriers.
-Daydream: She can cause another person's mind to wander, allowing her to pick their pockets and get away safely with a lower chance of getting caught.

Magic: She has no magic though some have commented her psionics are similar.

Backstory: Regina was raised in a big halfling city, well as big a city as the halflings would build, with her numerous siblings. The only way she could stand out in her family enough to be remembered was the fact that, at a young age, she could make apples fly to her hand. She had practically never spent any time at home once she was old enough and had gotten caught picking locks and grabbing an apple for a snack. She had eventually decided, after nearly having her hand chopped off for the thousandth time, to leave the city and find a better life. She soon was found by a thieves' guild that took her in and began training her. She spent the next 15 years in the guild, training as hard as she could to get faster and stronger though her strength didn't improve by much. They found out about her psionic skills rather quickly and, being only the second psionic in the guild, learned from an older man who taught her how to teleport, heal small wounds, levitate items other than apples, such as herself, and so on.

After her training was finished, she began traveling again, ending up in Waeldeshore. It was there she met a group that was going to be fighting a dragon. She decided to join them, supplying the team with a lot of jerky during their travel to the cave. They ended up stealing a magic artifact from a sleeping dragon, one of two in that particular cave and escaping rather quickly. Upon arriving back at the town, most of them decided to spend the night. Regina offered to share a room with one of the more beautiful, yet still a bit scary, women on the team. When she awoke, however, she saw her ally was gone. She had searched for days but the trail was cold and she couldn't follow what she couldn't find. Instead, she decided to go east.

She went far east, ending up in a land much different than what she was used to a year later. It was there she met another halfling woman, a bard who instantly captured her heart. She traveled with the bard, acting as her bodyguard for a decade and a half until she was injured badly. She was unconscious for days as she slowly healed herself from nearly dying but, when she awoke, the bard was gone. She asked around but nobody had seen the halfling bard around in days. She had been abandoned again.

With nothing else to do, she returned to the west. It took 4 years to travel back, as she had done other jobs along the way to distract her, but she eventually returned to Wealdeshore. With not much else to do, she became a guard for one of the local pubs. It's been 5 years since her return and, in that time, she's proven to be a great asset as well as a new resident for the foreseeable future.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reserving my place until I can post the sheet in its entirety.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@AdamantiumWolf: No problems on my end. Unless 'Pezz has something, I would consider it accepted (but do wait until 'Pezz checks things).

@vietmyke: Same as above.

@Belwicket: I'd keep a few of those powers under a check of maximum output, preferably not too big. Those abilities can get out of hand very quickly if they don't have a hard usage limit. Do note that some may not be so effective on demons/mages. Other than that it's solid.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity: Don't ask how I know, but I consider yours accepted (unless 'Pezz has something for you in particular). Might want to keep the powers in check much like what I said above, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 15 min ago

@ArenaSnow, Ice gave me a good to go via pm, but I'm probably going to add another section for you guys to look at tonight, mainly stuff like inventory and equipment, so there won't be any 'pulling convenient items out of my ass' shenanigans
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@AdamantiumWolf accepted
@vietmyke accepted

If these are the final drafts of your cs, both of you can copy them into the characters tab.

@Belwicket I would agree with Arena in regards to her skills. They are all viable, except, imo, time travel. This one, to me seems out of place. My only other concern is the dragon situation. I would like to get this ironed out before we get her into the characters tab.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity I'm with Arena. But your spot has been saved until you can get her finalized and up :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ionathan Hepburnberg

Race: Half-Elf

Description: Tall, Honourable,kind-hearted, mid 30s human age appearance.
Age: 53

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark Green eyes under black eyebrows and short, black hair. At 6 foot 1 Ionathan is above average height for humans and easily stands out with his sharp, elven like features including elf like ears but more rounded and less pronounced, he has a Light skin colour with a small scar on his right cheekbone

Clothing/Armor: A Tabard with the Hepburnberg Coat of arms over a mail shirt with padding underneath. He has a few satchels upon his belt consisting of first aid supplies. Atop his head is a mail coif with a padded lether cap underneath. on casual days, Ionathan wears a plain brown tunic.

Weapons: Ionathan wields a longsword that is usually equiped with his shield that he carries on his back with a Guige when it's not equiped. The shield is a standard kite shield with the Hepburnberg heraldry for a coat of arms.

An experience fighter-Ionathan's experience in the army has not left him as he remembers the battles he was in and how to take on opponents of different measure.
Discipline and Obedience- As part of his soldier training the iron discipline is still embedded in Ionathan's mind.
Ionathan knows basic first aid with some advance understanding of the significance of wounds.

Backstory: With a human father and a elven mother Ionathan got to learn about both human and elven cultures from an early age. However, His father was a wealthy landowner so his marriage to an elf was most scandalous, this left Ionathan with a resentment of the nobility and few friends. Ionathan in his childhood and adolescents spent his time reading and received a good education via private tutors. When the war broke out Ionathan had just reached Adulthood and being in a noble family he was enlisted as an officer cadet, Ionathan's training at the officers training camp was harsh but effective, at the start he was like any other who had just reached adult hood, full of energy and always cheerful, but by the end he was a disciplined and skilled officer who acted with knowledge and calculation rather than gut feeling. After The training he was assigned to be a Lieutenant of the 35th regiment of foot where he served throughout the war. The 35th served with valor and duty with their most famous action taking place when a strike force went to strike a supply town near the border and the 35th held the road despite repeated enemy assaults until reinforcements arrived, the officers were personally kissed on the cheeks by the ruling official of the town and were offered the best rooms in the taverns while the regiment was resupplied.

After the war Ionathan adopted a girl made orphaned by the war and settled down and bought a cosy 2 bedroomed house in Waeldeshore were he became a guard for the town. Over the years he reflected on his life in the army while growing to like the town and became a respected by his colleagues and the town for his by the book approach to handling situations and his good relation with the Guard Captain. Throughout the years he made sure that his daughter was given the best education he could afford her with his salary, even on the weekends giving lessons himself. He remains in close contact with his parents who visit every month. Ionathan is looking forward to a life of keeping law and order while letting time heal the wounds of war.

After the "happening" at Waeldeshore, Ionathan took over the family estate in the countryside and established it as a fine farming estate. The workers being retired soldiers and victims of the happenings, live in accommodation around the estate and although the pay is modest, Ionathan provides food, warmth and shelter for those who have suffered. Ionathan put aside his sword and picked up the pen becoming Commissioner of Justice, reforming the guard into a more professional law enforcement body. Being part of a noble family Ionathan was put through an arranged marriage with was easy to arrange due to the fame he gained in fighting the demons, while the couple are not a "lovey dovey" pair they both love each other dearly and have enjoyed there years of marriage which soon gave them a son. Ionathan’s Adopted daughter was accepted by Ionathan’s wife with open arms and now has become the state ambassador traveling around the world promoting friendship and trade between nations. One day Ionathan received a strange letter from Genevieve calling him to once more take up arms, Ionathan immediately informed his wife of the letter and his intent to leave. Although leaving his wife and child to themselves weighted heavy in Ionathan’s heart he departed several days later.

Alignment- Lawful good
(I'm sure that there's a few grammatical errors and I apologise as it is getting late over here in blighty so I'll update any errors soon)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm afraid I'm not sure I can take my place in this RP at this point. I've got busy work and everything right now :S

I'll hopefully join a little while down the line, and I do have a character idea so I'll keep an eye on things and best of luck!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sorry I forgot to check in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The Fated Fallen no worries :) we will be here, you can count on that. Just keep in touch.

@Crimson Raven good to see you around :) when ever you can get a cs up, please do. If you have any questions, both Arena and I are around often.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@The Fated Fallen no worries :) we will be here, you can count on that. Just keep in touch.

Thanks, looking forward to everything still!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@ArenaSnow@IcePezzThey are the same powers as last time, just given a bit of a boost because of the time gap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 15 min ago

@Belwicket, perhaps she's gotten out of practice? *shrugs* 25 years is a long time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@ArenaSnow@IcePezzThey are the same powers as last time, just given a bit of a boost because of the time gap.

Only trying to cover all bases this time.

So long as they are used with a limit and conservatively, there shouldn't be an issue. The way you used them last time worked well, so things like what you did are perfectly fine (and considering age/experience, you could probably go over a bit).

I'm not calling them OP - they're perfectly fine to have as long as it's plain they can't be overused - just want to make sure there's a few hard counters as power limitation was a bit vague last time (as were a few other things). Just want to make sure the loopholes of OP finger pointing and folks trying to excuse a OP action because the CS manages to justify it is closed before a finger gets stuck in it.

Basically, the point is to make sure that in this RP, things can move along without problems cropping up. Not saying you would cause them intentionally or even accidentally; I just think IcePezz and I don't want to see this Rp fall apart, and that means being a little more picky on details that last time went by.

Just re-read this and noticed how many words I slapped into what should have been pretty simple. Sorry :/

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I am honored, @ArenaSnow, @IcePezz.

I will add polish to the piece, likely this Monday and then Tuesday evening. There are some minor quality issues I take with it and I have not had time off in near a week.

This said, it will be closely examined before submission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 15 min ago

@IcePezz,@ArenaSnow, my CS has been updated to show the possessions Emil has on him upon leaving his home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Belwicket just to piggy back off what Arena was saying, it's not that what you have listed there is bad, it's just that it has the potential to become out of control. The way her abilities were showcased in the last rp was fine, just be careful with how they are used, and the extent of how they are used in this rp. Also obviously if we see anything, we'll let you know.

In terms of the time spell, this has us both very on the fence. I know it was also presented in your cs for the last rp, but again, this opens the door for a lot of potential messes that we would rather avoid.

This time around, we are trying to correct mistakes and just trying to make it a better experience for everyone involved.

I don't think it would effect your character terribly if you eliminated the time spell, and that would make us happy.

In regards to any increases in abilities, if your character continued training, it would be completely plausible for her abilities to have increased. If not, I don't see why she would've gotten a huge 'much better' with any of them.

@vietmyke I think this is good, unless @ArenaSnow thinks otherwise. You should be good to go into the characters tab.

@Jon Y I almost missed your cs, sorry :p didn't realize you edited your post till last night :p This should be fine, so long as @ArenaSnow is fine with it :)

If my math is correct (and if it isnt, please forgive me, it seems I have a case of the Monday's) we have 4, possibly 5 accepted characters. We really don't want to go over that 10 marker. So for anyone who hasn't gotten us a cs, please do so :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

No bones to pick for @vietmyke or @Jon Y. Both look quite solid and ready to go to Char to me :)

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