The Location:
Near Yellowstone National Park there's a college town, Eagle Rock, about three hours away. It's not a small town, but it's not a city either. This town is characterized by the old fashioned feel to it. There's a water tower, a drive in theater, a massive theater with a bowling alley and game room, and of course, the university itself.
The Set Up:
Despite it being late March, Eagle Rock, is still in the clutches of winter. Which isn't terribly unusual for this town. But it is strange. Snow is still deep, and the temperature rarely reaches the seventies. School, however continues no matter what. The first day of University is quickly approaching.
In Chicago Harry Dresden, Wizard, gets a call from a paranetter who lives in Eagle Rock. She alerts him to a strange and worrying activity at Yellowstone. What makes it so worrying is that the national park is right over a very powerful ley line.
You can play wizards. But I wont take too many of them. If everyone applies to be a wizard, I'll only take the 2 best, maximum. So please keep this in mind when brainstorming your character. Also, I will be exceptionally critical about Wizards and their magic build. If I deam you OP, I will make you re-do it.
Acceptable characters:
I'm only looking for original characters. So Harry, Karen, Thomas, etc are not going to be accepted. Ideally, I'd love for everyone to be college students. But they don't have to be. Just as long as they have a good reason to be in Eagle Rock.
One thing to keep in mind, is the stronger your character the less "free" will they have. EG Fey will always act to their nature. Vampires will need to feed, Weres might lose control, etc. The people with the most free will are vanilla mortals.
You cannot play: Angels/ Demons (Possession is iffy. PM me if you really want this), Dragons, Fomor, Ghouls, Outsiders, Gods, Fey Rulers, I think you get the point. If you're unsure, ask me.
OK characters: Faith based, Vanilla (no powers), Wizards/ Practitioners, Vampires (Depending on which court. Red's out), Minor Fey, Shapeshifters (includes Weres), Valkyries, etc.
Side notes:
I will custom tailor the plot to each character. If you have a really good idea of why your character might be in Eagle Rock, but you're not sure if it fits into the plot? No worries, shoot me a PM. With my friends, I was running three different quests all at the same time to make sure everyone was included and was able to do their own little thing. And there was never a dull moment.
So start thinking about your character now. I'm not going to put up a CS yet, because I don't want everyone to go through all that effort if I decide not to do this (which is still a possibility). But I'd like to hear about what type of character you'd like to play and why are they in Eagle Rock.
Good v. Evil:
I'm not taking an overtly evil people. However it is quite possible over the course of the RP that you can get swayed to their side. Morally ambiguous people are also acceptable.
Amount of necessary people:
I want this to be a larger group. I'm hoping for six people. As of right now I have 4 + 1 unsure.