Name: Vivian Vanbrooke
Villain Name: The Reaper, known notoriously for killing super heroes (and non-heroes who stand in her way) and essentially owning New York City
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: Her round face and narrow golden brown eyes are typical of people of Eastern descent, and her dark hair falls straight, stopping just short of her chin. What little strength she has is in her toned legs--she lived a life on the run, after all. Her clothing of choice is mostly neutral colors: browns, blacks, and greys, not that she has A LOT of choice in the post apocalyptic world. However, the intimidation she was going for is easily lost to her size: she stands no taller than 5'3" and weighs in at only about 105 lbs. Other notable characteristics are the many earrings, piercings on the side of her nose and belly button, and the dragon tattoo that starts on her upper arm and extends to her back.
Costume Description: When it was worth wearing a costume, she wore a gas mask to hide her face and a tailed, dark coat over black. She also wore platform boots to make herself look taller than she really is. Her weapon of choice was a scythe--emphasizing her mission and message against heroes. She would rarely speak under this alias and she did, she kept it short due to her accent and gender being a potential give away to her real identity. But she has hung up her weapon and armor in this zombie infected world. No one would like her much if they knew she used slice people, and as plain old Vivian Vanbrooke, she can depend on people to take care of her in areas she's not as strong.
Power: The Reaper was known for their annoying teleportation abilities. In a poof of black smoke, they would be here and then there or there. Their best kept secret is that it was limited by their vision; if they couldn't sense their destination, they couldn't teleport there and blinding them would prevent teleportation completely. Vivian, however, does not wish to reveal her power to anyone; it's too recognizable.
Unique Traits:
Personality: V has always comes off as pretty laid back. She can be charming enough when she wants to be, but typically isn't. She can be pretty arrogant as well--not only does she think she's better than pretty much everyone else, she believes she's smarter than them, too. And while she can be cunning, she can easily underestimate others. Her strengths lie in her street smarts, charisma, and independence. On the other hand, working with others is a chore. She's also attracted to danger and the unknown--it interests her.
Post Outbreak, she's having a little more trouble being chill. She's on edge, paranoid, and tends to go for sarcasm before charm these days. She of course still believes herself to be God's gift to mankind and will put herself before others. And she still hasn't really learned to work with others, but she has no problem sitting by and letting them do work for her. Everything considered, it's probably easy to get a "bad vibe" from Vivian, but she's careful not to adhere to social expectations and not step too far over the line.
Mental State: Less than intact. The stress of having to deal with what's left of society without taking on her Reaper persona is difficult for her. She's almost always worried about what would happen if her identity was discovered, but she simultaneously doesn't believe anyone in backwoods country Kansas to be smart enough to figure it out.
Pre Outbreak: Vivian was born across the Atlantic to a pair of dentists in southern England. All her youth, she was pushed toward education and tradition when all she wanted was to explore and experience the world. Instead of continuing to higher education, she skipped out and followed her at-the-time boyfriend's band to America. However, the band broke up, then they broke up, and Vivian was alone in a foreign country. For a few years, she bounced between jobs trying to make a living.
When her powers developed, all that changed: she took what she wanted and no longer worried about where her next paycheck or meal was coming from. Super Heroes however, didn't quite like that. So she donned a secret identity and would continue her antics to lure heroes out...only to kill them. When that became too dangerous, she stopped playing bait and would simply sneak an attack on a hero when they let their guard down--usually right after they "saved the day" or some shit like that.
Her influence had grown so much that she only needed to show up to a bank or store and she was left alone to take what she wished. Life was great.
Post Outbreak: Then zombies came out of left field to mess up the perfectly good thing she had going. Of course, if it wasn't the outbreak, a brave and powerful hero may have finally stopped Vivian, but she's pretty convinced only something like this could bring an end to her reign.
When the outbreak began, she knew it wouldn't be good for anyone but she kept to herself, watching from the sidelines. However, when heroes started turning and passing their powers on, she knew she had to get involved. It was kinda her specialty, after all. So, reluctantly, The Reaper joined the battle against zombies--earning a temporary truce from heroes that remained--but there was only so much they could do.
When the war was loss, The Reaper disappeared again. And Vivian began her travels in post-apocalyptic America. She moved toward Kansas City from New York by jumping between settlements, usually avoiding ones with heroes, and mooching off the community to survive. However, at the first sign of bad, she would continue west again. When she came across people who thought they were better on their own, she would kill them without a second thought and take supplies that needed.
Her pattern continued and now here she is, in Kansas City.
Villain Name: The Reaper, known notoriously for killing super heroes (and non-heroes who stand in her way) and essentially owning New York City
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: Her round face and narrow golden brown eyes are typical of people of Eastern descent, and her dark hair falls straight, stopping just short of her chin. What little strength she has is in her toned legs--she lived a life on the run, after all. Her clothing of choice is mostly neutral colors: browns, blacks, and greys, not that she has A LOT of choice in the post apocalyptic world. However, the intimidation she was going for is easily lost to her size: she stands no taller than 5'3" and weighs in at only about 105 lbs. Other notable characteristics are the many earrings, piercings on the side of her nose and belly button, and the dragon tattoo that starts on her upper arm and extends to her back.
Costume Description: When it was worth wearing a costume, she wore a gas mask to hide her face and a tailed, dark coat over black. She also wore platform boots to make herself look taller than she really is. Her weapon of choice was a scythe--emphasizing her mission and message against heroes. She would rarely speak under this alias and she did, she kept it short due to her accent and gender being a potential give away to her real identity. But she has hung up her weapon and armor in this zombie infected world. No one would like her much if they knew she used slice people, and as plain old Vivian Vanbrooke, she can depend on people to take care of her in areas she's not as strong.
Power: The Reaper was known for their annoying teleportation abilities. In a poof of black smoke, they would be here and then there or there. Their best kept secret is that it was limited by their vision; if they couldn't sense their destination, they couldn't teleport there and blinding them would prevent teleportation completely. Vivian, however, does not wish to reveal her power to anyone; it's too recognizable.
Unique Traits:
- Weapon handling: most notably long arm weapons. Give her a makeshift spear or any sort of pole arm and she can fend for herself a little too well.
- Charisma: So she's a little out of it right now. But if you need someone buttered up and give Vivian enough reason to do it, she will after taking a moment to relax.
Personality: V has always comes off as pretty laid back. She can be charming enough when she wants to be, but typically isn't. She can be pretty arrogant as well--not only does she think she's better than pretty much everyone else, she believes she's smarter than them, too. And while she can be cunning, she can easily underestimate others. Her strengths lie in her street smarts, charisma, and independence. On the other hand, working with others is a chore. She's also attracted to danger and the unknown--it interests her.
Post Outbreak, she's having a little more trouble being chill. She's on edge, paranoid, and tends to go for sarcasm before charm these days. She of course still believes herself to be God's gift to mankind and will put herself before others. And she still hasn't really learned to work with others, but she has no problem sitting by and letting them do work for her. Everything considered, it's probably easy to get a "bad vibe" from Vivian, but she's careful not to adhere to social expectations and not step too far over the line.
Mental State: Less than intact. The stress of having to deal with what's left of society without taking on her Reaper persona is difficult for her. She's almost always worried about what would happen if her identity was discovered, but she simultaneously doesn't believe anyone in backwoods country Kansas to be smart enough to figure it out.
Pre Outbreak: Vivian was born across the Atlantic to a pair of dentists in southern England. All her youth, she was pushed toward education and tradition when all she wanted was to explore and experience the world. Instead of continuing to higher education, she skipped out and followed her at-the-time boyfriend's band to America. However, the band broke up, then they broke up, and Vivian was alone in a foreign country. For a few years, she bounced between jobs trying to make a living.
When her powers developed, all that changed: she took what she wanted and no longer worried about where her next paycheck or meal was coming from. Super Heroes however, didn't quite like that. So she donned a secret identity and would continue her antics to lure heroes out...only to kill them. When that became too dangerous, she stopped playing bait and would simply sneak an attack on a hero when they let their guard down--usually right after they "saved the day" or some shit like that.
Her influence had grown so much that she only needed to show up to a bank or store and she was left alone to take what she wished. Life was great.
Post Outbreak: Then zombies came out of left field to mess up the perfectly good thing she had going. Of course, if it wasn't the outbreak, a brave and powerful hero may have finally stopped Vivian, but she's pretty convinced only something like this could bring an end to her reign.
When the outbreak began, she knew it wouldn't be good for anyone but she kept to herself, watching from the sidelines. However, when heroes started turning and passing their powers on, she knew she had to get involved. It was kinda her specialty, after all. So, reluctantly, The Reaper joined the battle against zombies--earning a temporary truce from heroes that remained--but there was only so much they could do.
When the war was loss, The Reaper disappeared again. And Vivian began her travels in post-apocalyptic America. She moved toward Kansas City from New York by jumping between settlements, usually avoiding ones with heroes, and mooching off the community to survive. However, at the first sign of bad, she would continue west again. When she came across people who thought they were better on their own, she would kill them without a second thought and take supplies that needed.
Her pattern continued and now here she is, in Kansas City.