Arena 1: Windswept cliffs

Falling off the cliff kills you, obviously. The small rocks near the center of the area are about five feet high at their highest point, and are wide enough to reasonably be used as cover. Fighters start on the marked red circles. The ground is rocky and uneven, but level overall. Weather conditions will be normal for the first 10 posts of the fight, after which strong winds will begin blowing harshly across the arena, starting from left to right and switching direction every other turn.

Falling off the cliff kills you, obviously. The small rocks near the center of the area are about five feet high at their highest point, and are wide enough to reasonably be used as cover. Fighters start on the marked red circles. The ground is rocky and uneven, but level overall. Weather conditions will be normal for the first 10 posts of the fight, after which strong winds will begin blowing harshly across the arena, starting from left to right and switching direction every other turn.