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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

By Aeonumbra

Step One: Introduction

All are welcome. Casual, and Advanced. If you prefer "Advanced Only" or "Casual Only" then do not apply. I will have no rift between my players because some of them feel they are better than others. This is not what it's about. This is about writing, having fun, and enfolding a story that each of us will take a part in. That being said I do want to see effort, a couple of paragraphs minimum. Quality over Quantity, though that's not to say Quantity can't be Quality. If you can't read an "eye sore wall of text" then you should also leave. Sometimes I write, and continue writing, because I like to. Sometimes the monotony of everyday life and conversation makes it's way into my writing. This isn't a Michael Bay movie full of explosions. Bruce Willis doesn't punch a guy in the face every ten minutes. Character's have lives, interactions, memories, dreams, etc. It may not be interesting to you. But it's always interesting to me.

For all intents and purposes this is and Advanced Roleplay, whereas I will allow Casual Players. We all started somewhere.

Step Two: Lore

*Note: Grab a drink now.

Step Three: Expectations

Non-linear creativity to the maximum capacity to which I can reasonably allow it. You will not be turned away simple because I do not "like" something, or prefer it. You can create your own race, gods, hamlets (that could grow into a nation), assume kingship through plots and lies as a noble, etc. Quite literally be whatever you want. The things you cannot be are: Anything that starts with "Omni". Now, this does not mean you cannot be a god. Woah now, calm down, take a breath. You could possibly say, be a god stripped of powers and is now a mortal, fragmented in memory, and weak in flesh. Shall you ever return to godhood? Who knows. (In that event that character will likely be required to be retired, unfortunately the game must remain balanced.)

You will however be turned away if I deem your skill lower than acceptable. I'm expecting somewhere around psuedo-quasi "High casual" to "Low Advanced". If you feel closer to the "Free" section, you may need a little more practice to be tolerable. I know that's contradictory and sounds asshole-ish, but that it how it is, even I have my limits for I am but merely a man. Though, out of ten applicants I only ever have one or two at most who just refuse to cooperate, don't put in effort, etc.

If for some reason you have an idea that is a bit too powerful, or doesn't quite fit in the scheme of things (as unlikely as that latter scenario is), I will always attempt to work something out with you first. If you want to apply, but feel nervous, anxious, or anything else then please, PM me. I assure you that you will do just fine here. Everybody had to improve at some point, even authors started at a few paragraphs. There are a lot of tips and tricks that I was taught, and I can pass those along to you as well if you wish it, all you have to do it ask. Keep in mind I make no boasts to be the best, or even good. I just write, and other people like it, or they don't. I've had people tell me I don't write enough, or there's not enough detail, or not enough development. I've had others tell me I write too much. You can't please everybody, but we can all be civil.

Step Four: Rules

Step Five: Characters

Play as many as you can handle. If you begin to lag behind I may recommend you focus on one character more. Play whatever you want. Create the necessary lore and information to back your character. I will add it to my database. I love player created lore. You can typically have any power or skill that you'd like to play, excluding anything that involves the terms "Omni", "Absolute", or falls into relation to Godliness. For Power ideas out the Super Power Wiki. It has every conceivable super power and ability you could think of. If you want something that seems to powerful, link me the resources and we'll figure something out.

Fighters and the non-magically inclined: Will not be at a disadvantage. Runes, inscriptions, enchantments: There are many ways to protect oneself. Magicians: Every action has a reaction. To do an act of good means to give birth to a deed of evil elsewhere. Casting magic must cost you something. The easiest of these solutions is life force, mana, chi, etc. Whatever you want to call it. I expect you to define limitations and play your magically inclined characters realistically. This doesn't mean cripple them however, our characters are meant to be better than average, yet not the strong. There will be situations where you must use other tactics than brute force. Typically I will bring these situations to you, but as I said, each character should be stronger than guardsman bob, unless weakened for a specific purpose.

Each player should have at least one Nylphite character, though this is not a requirement. A Nylphite fighting another Nylphite has less effect magically, than say a normal man. A fireball may blow a normal man's arm off. A Nylphite can take a fireball to the face and smile as their teeth are cleaned. Lets say Magic is about 25-50% Effective against a Nylphite, depending on the skill of the attacking user. There will be specific plots and situations for Nylphite characters that I have designed.

Additionally, characters will have four sections defining offensive skills, defensive skills, and utility skills, and weaknesses. A weakness is something like Fire versus Water, being blind in one eye, leg injuries, phobias, alcoholism. Keep in mind I will be "grading" your abilities verse you weakness, by assigning them scores. Alcohol addiction is a minor weakness, A leg injury is a moderate weakness (depending on the level of injury), and a direct elemental counter is a major weakness. The scales must be in a 2/1 balance. For every two powers, or special skills, there must be a weakness. Two Major powers, and a single minor weakness, is an unbalance. I will work with you on this. Also, at the top of each character sheet above the portrait there will be an "O" "D" and "S" followed by a number. This is the offense/defense/skill score.

You will assign these numbers out of a total of 10 points. The first two are self explanatory. Skill means anything that doesn't fall into the first two, the speed at which you can cast your specific kind of magic (seals, spoken spells, channeling, whatever), multi spell casting. Sword techniques, double-knocking arrows, etc. These numbers are really for me, but can be referenced when fighting each other, though numbers alone should not determine the outcome of a battle. If unable to decide a victor before hand, use a dice room (where you can both see what's rolled.) Once submitted, those numbers will be final. They will increase for whatever reasons, and are more associated with the "Soul State", a metamorphosis talked about in the theory of Nylphites above. This state must be triggered and cannot be entered willingly (at first). The numbers determine the abilities you have in this state as well. Which we'll talk about.

A high offense soul state will be more focused on attacking, with little skill the attacks will be basic and brute. High skill and low offense means the hits aren't as big, or hard, but have more finesse. Think of the first example as a boulder of smooshing, and the second as a dozen well placed arrows. Each has their own uses. Together we will determine your character's Soul State powers.

Step Six:

My fucking eyes hurt. I apologize for any typos, or anything miscommunicated. It's 12:20 A.m and I have been working on this project for a very long time. Unfortunately some of the bits and pieces that were on my pc have been lost. My PC is in the process of being rebuilt. But I will expand the information as I can, and will add whatever you create.

Final Note: I am a little handy with photo manipulation and can edit reference images pretty close to desire. If it's something I can't do I will try anyways, I like a challenge. The map I did for this took me 15 hours. Things I can do pretty well: Change eye color, modify hair color, add scars, make an eye blind, add freckles, change eye type, and other small details.

Oh, speaking of maps.

And here: You can see what I'v got cooking. Construction Site

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

@TheWildBunnii do I take that as interest, or just a like? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Aeonumbra lol, me is interested my good GM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm interested
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

That makes three, I have one over in adv. Interested. We're gonna have a grand ole time =)

Glad to have ya aboard
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 22 days ago

This seems cool I'll keep an eye on it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 days ago

It is late and I did not read the lore... But I am interested in what I have seen so far.

I am in need of some writing practice, however, I cannot guarantee a certain post length. I tend to be rather concise with my words and not add too much fluff as in I will respond to anything my character needs to respond to appropriately and then add more so the next person can have something to go on. Is that fair enough?

Also, what is the expected posting speed? One per day per player or...?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Watching this and stalking you...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

@KillBox Your answer is available in the rules section above. However, if the majority group is ready to progress then you will have to bend.

All I expect is effort and interest, and a few solid paragraphs. For character interaction you should really collab if possible.

I will be writing the int. Check and my character today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'm down for this! If you'll have me?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

All of you are welcome to apply, the IC is almost done.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StoneDogg1
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey, are you still accepting applications?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 12 days ago

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