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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nasvell looks at the ambassador and frowns in disapproval "You realize that as my father is heading to a feast in your nation? It would really be more convenient if you simply asked him... Unless of course you think I'm more likely to give you a low price."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"Yeah, yeah, prince, don't try to butter me up, it won't do you any good." He says taking a seat near Lord Dragonstar, where the main lords of Nastrond sit.

After Lord Highmall sat down, the merchants begins talking. "Hello, king Nasvell, I am the merchant prince of the Free City of Latran, the only independent city-state on the continent. I have come here with an offer that you will not be able to refuse. I wish to hire 50 of your world famous Guardian Devils to quell some mountain bandits bands that have begun assaulting our trade caravans heading towards the Domani, what's the cost?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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The Ambassador grins and gives a deep bow, "You have seen right through my clever plan. Well played my lord. But, that was in part why I spoke. I mainly spoke because some people," he glared at the lord who spoke badly of his lord, "don't understand our politics where I come from. Fabricus is neither the first, or last, to have killed their own parent to stop them from committing madness. As well as gaining the throne. It is our way, you see an opportunity, you take it. The old king was going crazy, and was a fool to boot. Fabricus is, a different kind of creature. But, I digress, forgive me for the intrusion my lord, and if you have no further need of me, shall I take my leave?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"Prince Nasvell actually. Anyways, the Guardian Devils are as the name suggests, excellent guards and irreplaceable. How about a half ton of gold?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"If Fabricus is not the first to put down a mad king, just how common is madness among your rulers? I digress. There is actually a set price for our goods if you still wish to place an order, 10 gold per full set. Otherwise that's about it for our discussion."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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The ambassador nodded and made a note of the price. He turned to leave, then paused and turned back to the Prince, "First, we have no Kings, only people who rule. Second, we have no Kings because in order for that to work, a line of succession needs to put in place. Third, those in charge die all the time, that's why there is no set line. And forth, a lot of rulers aren't born mad, but go made with all the power they control. Power corrupts sire, and only those who do not want power, are the only ones responsible enough to wield it without going mad. Farewell your worship." He then turned and exited the hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


At 5.000 gold, hiring 50 of these "monsters" is a bargain." The Merchant Prince says. "The gold shall be delivered to your coffers immediately, your highness!" He says

Next arrives a man dressed in Tzieni garbs, though many religious decorations adorned him. The man bowed curtly to Nasvell before saying.

"My lord, I am the head of a Tzieni nomad band. Your border guards have refused to let anyone but me inside thanks to us being Tzieni, so I ask of you, please let us in." The old man said kneeling. "We are but a band of nomads seeking refuge, we will be willing to work anything you give us, we even have a few Samurai Masters and Sword Dancers that will be willing to train your troops in our art of battle."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nasvell considered the nomad's offer. On the one hand, Nastrond had recently warred with Shaan Tzien and already had arguably the best soldiers in the world. On the other, these folk were refugees with limited numbers and the more fighting styles the military mastered, the more lethal they would be. "You and your people are welcome to stay and have your needs looked after in exchange for teaching new things to Nastrond's soldiers. However, I have one condition, it pains me to say this as I believe you are who you say you are but for security reasons, we shall have to monitor your activities if another war with Shaan Tzien breaks out. Other than that, welcome to our lands."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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After the nomads had received their answer, a messenger came in with a report of the Airgiallne attack on the Domani. This piqued Nasvell's curiosity and even though he wasn't allowed to declare war among a few other things, he wanted to know why the Airgiallne had done this. After all, something like this ran the risk of uniting the tribes under Temujin's leadership for a counterattack. As such, Nasvell requested a brief break from the issues and wrote a letter.
Dear King Maekos Shadowtongue,
While I am not supporting either side in your conflict with the Domani, I am rather curious as to the cause. After all, the tribes would be very dangerous if they made a united war effort. I politely request knowledge of why this fight has occurred. Again, I am not taking either side as I'm sure you had your reasons and the Domani are not someone I would take lightly.
Sincerely, Prince Nasvell Gildedtongue, Temporary Supreme Overlord of the Nastrondi Empire (until King Nieldun returns from his diplomatic mission).

With the letter sent, Nasvell returned to the throne to deal with whatever other issues awaited him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Meanwhile, the Nastrondi had arrived in Tar Sequinus for the feast. While this was an occasion of goodwill, the Nastrondi were not very trusting of outsiders. As such, among the retinue of King Nieldun and company were poison testers, five hundred Guardian Devils and Archy. The main Nastrondi guests would be King Nieldun and his children along with Lord Bornetall and his family. As they arrived at the gates with servants and elite warriors, King Nieldun asked what arrangements should be made for Archy to ensure he had a good time while not leaving a terrifyingly bad impression upon the people and nobles of the land.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Fabricus stood in the courtyard as King Nieldun and his retinue arrived. As the King dismounted, Fabricus walked over to him with a big smile on his face, "Ah King Nieldun, what a pleasure to finally meet you in person." He clasped the mans hand and gave him a hug, as if he were an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, "I'm afraid it appears to be only you and I for the feast, others don't seem to trust me, which is quite understandable. But, that is for later, rooms have been set up for you and your men. When you are rested and refreshed, we shall begin."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"A pleasure to meet you as well. I'm sure you are an excellent host, people simply need time to adjust and let their trust be earned. My people and I have traveled quite a bit some rest would be appreciated greatly." Outwardly, Nieldun was trusting but inside he wasn't taking any chances. As such, there was already a watch schedule worked out that not only included the obvious sentries such as the Guardian Devils but also the servants and handmaidens of the noblewomen. Still, he was looking forward to the festivities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Fabricus smiled, "I'm sure even you are a bit worried about me. Which is why I have given you an entire wing of the castle to you and your men. No one will enter or leave unless you will it. Consider it sovereign Nastrondi ground, and any attempt to enter it will be an invasion on your country. I swear to you, I will do my best to earn toe trust."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"You got me." Smiles Nieldun guiltily. "Fear of a trap is why I chose Nasvell to be in charge of Nastrond while I was gone. I'll be able to rest easier with the secure location provided. You'll probably get to meet Nasvell later but for now, I'd like to introduce you to my daughter Meriel and my other son Waldeal." Nieldun places his hands on the shoulders of two nearby youths who had been standing behind him. Meriel was a classic princess with beauty, grace and raven locks. Her eyes were a royal purple like her father's. Waldeal was a handsome lad in a scholarly way with the same Gildedtongue family eyes behind his glasses. Both bowed their heads respectfully and greeted King Fabricus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Fabricus smiled and shook hands with both Meriel Waldeal, "A pleasure to meet you both. I'm afraid my family is out in the market at the moment, but when they return I'm sure they'd enjoy meeting you both. If there is anything you or your family need, do not hesitate to ask for it. We Sequinus may not be the richest or powerful, but I assure you we are the most lavish and fanciful. Like peacocks we are, haha. Now, please allow me to show you to your wing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"We'll be fine, but thanks for asking. All we need is a little sleep before the festivities." Nieldun said while the Nastrondi followed to where would they would be staying. They did not seem so tired but perhaps they wished to avoid being overly tired.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Fabricus lead them to their wing, an old but sturdy part of the castle that has withstood even the Shadows attacks, and would stand till the end of time if taken care of. It was the pride and joy of the palace, and now it belonged to another nation, at least for a short time. "Here we are, a palace within a palace, keep within a keep. You and your men could hold this place against countless enemies for as long as you had good. So, does it meet with your approval?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Indeed it does. You have a wonderful home. Defensible and well-decorated." Nieldun says as he admires both fortifications and artwork with equal attention. The Nastrondi seem rather curious as to layout of the wing and most of them begin exploring and chatting over the architecture and stability of the old wing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Fabricus stopped and turned to King Nieldun and his family, and kneeled before them with his head bowed, "Please forgive my father for what he did, or rather tries to do, to your family. He was scared and angry, and had power. Never a good combination. While the bounties are down, I still feel awful for what he threatened to do. I ask for your forgiveness."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun is solemn and speaks. "Your father's words are not your fault in any way. You are of course forgiven along with all your house. It is time to let the past be the past. I too threatened horrors in that grim time. You have my forgiveness and I ask for yours."
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