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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Fabricus nodded and stood up, "Your words were justified. You have no need to apologise. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to ask for forgiveness. I agree, let the past be the past. Now, let us move on, I've detained you long enough." They arrived at the main rooms and Fabricus bowed his head to them, "This is your rooms. I shall take my leave, and I will see you this evening."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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The final feast was a grand one. With an endless supply of food and wine. The Toran warriors were given a place at the table where King Castor was seated. The champion of Toran was seated right next to King Castor. Who himself engaged in a hearty game of small talks with the large man. The mysterious yet beautiful woman was ascend from the feast. But prince Imrik relayed a message from her to the warrior. She was very pleased with his victory and she hoped they would soon meet again. Eventually the feast roared to an end the following afternoon. A day later most guests left. King Castor gave several invitations with the other faction their warriors. The Toran champion, aside from the promised amount of gold and a great sword forged for the great champion, got an invitation for his king. Requesting a humble meeting to discuss certain cooperations. The same message was given with the Argaillne princess. To king Markus he said that Euraith’s doors were always open and that they should discuss a possibility to make a lasting bond between their two houses. All in due time of course.

“He did what!?” yelled Castor towards the messenger. He wasn’t a religious man. Nor a man fond of Lucious Vermiculus. But killing your father was a lowly act only performed by savages. He could not believe that the ruling family of Tar Sequinus fell to such depraved action. The murder of ones family is an act that only a demon of the lowest world could perform. In reaction, he sealed the borders with Tar Sequinus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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And so the Nastrondi retired for a while. They would negotiate and revel soon but it was time for rest now.
Nasvell listened with interest as a messenger brought news of the Sylvanyr reaction to the change in Tar Sequinus's leadership. Sealed borders were a clear message of disapproval without actual aggression or granting a proper Casus Belli. He hoped Nastrond was not negatively associated for being the only ones to actually attend the feast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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And then it happened, the United Domani Khanate(all the Domani tribes combined) split in two and invaded, the ones north invaded via Tar Sequinus with an army of over 600.000 cavalry and the ones south invaded Wolastra with the same amount of troops. They hadn't reached any major city yet, but the villages they went through were completely razed to the ground, this was it, the Domani invading meant that the demons were probably on the move as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Nieldun was most displeased. He had come here to conduct diplomacy and have a good time, two of his children were here for Naren's sake! However, while the wing was defensible, he did not have an army and he knew how sieges worked. So, he did the only things he could. First, he regretfully notified King Fabricus that the Nastrondi would have to leave until their army had helped out sort things out. Second, he wrote an angry letter.

Esteemed Great Khan Temujin,
I am most displeased that you have stopped your attempts at diplomacy. If your lands are being invaded by demons, taking adjacent kingdoms will not help you at all. The last time the demons invaded, they wanted the world, not your lands alone! The two kingdoms you are besieging are in fact the only other ones the demons ever made it to! Only by working together could humanity defeat the demons. When you come back to your senses, Nastrond will assist you in combating the demons. Until then, I frown upon your actions as it surprises me that a brave warrior such as yourself with such a massive army at your command would run away in fear from any foe.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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A letter arrives in response.

Khan Nieldun,

I have sent ambassadors all over the place, one of them was agressed by one of the kings, then the same king sends us a message that they'll wage war if we interfere in their business, then he blamed us for some attacks.

I would have been willing to overlook that attack, however, the final straw was when one of your kings destroyed Natayan and even with a Shadow. It is clear that you are going to kill humanity, so so I'll claim the two kingdoms that I am currently assaulting and defend ourselves from behind the mountains it is as easy as that.

Nastrond and Sylvanyr have been kind to our ambassadors and as such you will be spared. Hope we will be able to fight demonkind together.

With Utmost Respect, Temujin Khan

The first city to be steamrolled by the Domani was the city of Gauth. All if it's inhabitants were killed as was it's garrison. The city did not even last more than two days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Temujin Khan,
I understand that you have had many problems with diplomacy but I would like to inform you that the man who aggressed your ambassador is dead, slain by the current ruler of one of the kingdoms you are invading. I would also like to ask why you have not sought vengeance against the kingdom that destroyed Natayan. If you fear the Shadow they have somehow acquired the service of, I would gladly sell you weapons capable of slaying such a beast. I will not fight you, but I must ask that you allow me to harbor refugees from the lands you are conquering. I plan to invade new lands not owned by mortals and they would be excellent candidates to populate this new part of Nastrond. I will assist you in fighting the demons after my campaign is finished.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

Sighing, Nieldun contacted Queen Marianna and King Fabricus.
My Dear Fellow Ruler,
These are grim times indeed. While normally I would help you fight the invading force in your lands, they are simply too many and a far worse foe rides in their wake. The Domani are a desperate people who are looking for lands to inhabit, as such they are not above slaying civilians to make room for their own. However, they have decided to spare Sylvanyr and Nastrond as we were rather diplomatic. I know not what Sylvanyr will do in response to this crisis, but Nastrond will harbor as many refugees as possible. This is however, a temporary solution as ours is a harsh land. Therefore, I advise you bring as many supplies as possible. In order to fix the problem permanently or at least reduce it in the long run, I am launching a daring campaign into the Shadowlands. My smiths will be forging as many weapons and armor of Stygian Iron as possible for the assault. There is nothing to fear from the Shadows once they may be slain. If your pride prevents you from leaving your homelands, then I beseech you to at least let your civilians decide for themselves what they will do. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Nieldun Khan,

That fact does not make me feel any better. However, if the people of the kingdoms I am currently taking over are willing to leave their homes, then I will not stop them, however, if they have not left by the time that my armies come striking, the they won't be spared.

With Respect, Temujin Khan


King Nieldun,

I appreciate you worrying about me, but I must not let the land of my ancestors fall... not without a fight. I have already sent ships filled with refugees to anyone willing to receive them, I will have a final fight with the Domani, goodbye your highness and may your sword hand never fail you.

With love, Queen Marianna, Last Monarch of Wolastra.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Queen Marianna,
It saddens me that you will not leave in the face of death but I understand your reasons and admire your courage. Remember that a charging horseman charges to his death against a strong wall of spears and that the cavalry archer has limited range compared to even an old-fashioned longbow, let alone cannons and rifles. May the gods watch over your soul and may you take many of your foes with you to the Underworld. I salute you, Last Monarch of Wolastra. If you change your mind, please do come to Nastrond.
Your unlikely ally, King Nieldun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


King Nieldun,

I will not come, but I will send my sister, she will be dressed in royal clothing and accompanied by several automatons, I have not made them, but they have protected my family since the beginning...

Thank you for your good words.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


A day after the letter arrives, two dozen transport ships appear in Yakulla escorted by about 50 Wolastran battleships. They are the refugees that the Queen said about in the letter. However, about 200 metal humans descend from the ship and all surround three people. A young woman dressed in royal garbs, a young boy dressed in royal grabs, but one of his arms was made of metal. The last one was a very young girl, 5 years old.

Meanwhile, back in Wolastra, the 300.000 people that stayed to protect their homeland were prepared. Queen Marianna, knowing that they would lose if they tried to pit their own cavalry against the lighter and more mobile cavalry of the Domani.

As the Domani advance, however, they find similar tactics that Nastrond had used. They are not able to rest properly at night thanks to constant quick night raids that the Wolastrans are doing on them. Similar to the Slaughter, they line up advance camps with the bodies of the dead, smiles carved in their faces. While it doesn't have as much of an effect as it did on the Vaalgradi, it still heavily affects their morale.

The battle finally takes place only a few miles away from the fortress city of Arheimar. The Wolastran forces had dug trenches to cover them and stakes to blunt any cavalry charge. To add to it, a wooden palisade had been erected around the army, also weakening the effect of their archers.

The battle begins and the Domani come thundering down, the only infantry the Domani have, now push heavy battle rams to tear down the walls.

The first charge of the Domani is destroyed as their first line charges blindly into cannons, bows and rifles of the defenders. Many of the siege rams are also destroyed, making their jobs much harder. Seeing this, the morale of the soldiers is boosted seeing their enemy being mowed down so easily.

The day is filled with more charges that more or less end up the same, torn up by the bullets of the Wolastran riflemen. The first day had passed with almost no losses for the Wolastrans and heavy casualties for the Domani, things seemed to look good for the besieged, until, just like that, the doors to the palisades are open by seemingly a handful of traitors that quickly run to a makeshift deposit. However, when the Domani come thundering in the camp, they find it oddly empty... until a massive explosions rocks the camp.

The Wolastrans, knowing that their bullets and cannon balls are in short supplies, left a trap for the Domani as they retreated back of the fortress city of Arheimar. The explosion kills several hundred instantly, thousands more are wounded and severely burned...

It seems that this will drag on in a siege... and their target won't be an easy one...

Day 1:

Casualties: Domani: 30.000 lancer cavalry, 25.000 sword cavalry, 30.000 shock cavalry, 15.000 archer cavalry.

Wolastra: 800 spearmen, 600 swordsmen, 250 cavalry, 450 archers, 600 riflemen.

(Sorry for the crappy short version, my browser crashed... twice so I had to settle for the short version before my browser crashed again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The refugees are welcomed and their needs are looked after. Nieldun is back and pleased with how Nasvell handled things in his absence, but has other, far more pressing matters that need attention. He gives a sad smile while reading how the Wolastran forces are doing as he knows that the Domani have numbers to spare and the supplies will not last forever. If it were not for his own people's safety and that of the refugees, he would be sorely tempted to ride, well maybe not ride as that was the Domani specialty not the Nastrondi, into battle to help Wolastra. Strange how the brief alliance due to a contract had left him feeling sentimental. He supposed he couldn't help admiring a brave underdog. No matter. He had to pull himself together and invade the Shadowlands for the good of all as it was uncertain how long he could support the refugees with Nastrond's unforgiving lands. The army now numbered 310,000 soldiers loyal to his cause although 60,000 of those were not as mighty as the others. The Stygian Iron equipment would be ready soon and he would learn if the Shadows would bow or die if confronted with the greatest (mostly) human warriors that ever lived! Maybe sometime later he would avenge his...friend? But, until then, there would be Shadows to conquer and Demons to face. Now, the relatives of Queen Marianna were nobility with high standards and would be offended if he did not personally greet them. So, he walked to the three and spoke. "Greetings. I am King Nieldun. I wish we did not have to meet under these circumstances but we are so welcome to the land of Nastrond. Shall I escort you to where you will be staying?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Fabricus ordered troops to be sent to reinforce the cites of Ceia, Celator and Zilicati. He also had the city of Lautun evacuated as quickly as possible, while all the land, between that city and the three northern cities, burnt and the ashes salted so that nothing would ever grow again. If the Domani wanted that land so badly, then they can have it, but no more of his people would die uselessly. He also ordered every tree within ten miles of each of the three northern cities cut down, so as to deprive the enemy of materials to build siege equipment. This was a dangerous act, one that will cost Tar Sequinus in the short term, but in the long run, it may even stop the Shadows. He also sent the refugees of Zilicati to Yakulla, as well as his family, 15,000 troops, enough food to last them, and a letter.

Dear King Nieldun,
I am sorry that our feast had to be cut short, but you know why it had to be done. I send my family to you, as well as a hundred of my best men to guard them. I also sent refugees with supplies, as well as 15,000 soldiers, whom I would like you to outfit with your Living Steel, and who will be under your command. These troops are yours to fight the Shadows, I hope they will be enough, for I can't spare anymore for now. Good luck, and may the Gods guide you to victory.
Signed, Lord Fabricus.

He also sent a letter to the Queen of Wolastra.

Queen Marianna,
I know our people have fought for a long time. I know that you are still angry with what my father did to your people, and that you do not trust me because I killed my own parent, but please, hear me. My people are tired of war, and yet only more shall come. And I know that you've lost an entire city of people to these invaders, and I mourn with you, for so many lives have been lost. Can we put aside our differences and call for peace? Not just a fake peace where in a short time after it is made, we are at each other's throats, but a real peace. A peace that will last generations, until some idiot from my lands, which it most likely will be, ends the peace because they are greedy.

If we agree on a peace, I offer 20,000 troops at your disposal, to help fight back the invaders, and as much as 100,000 gold pieces to help rebuild. Please, can we agree to something?
Signed, Lord Fabricus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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The refugees from Tar Sequinus were also received with open arms and condolences. However, Nieldun had Meriel watch the interactions between the refugees from Tar Sequinus and the ones from Wolastra to see if their accommodations needed some space in between. The two nations had some bad blood between them. The soldiers were led to the quartermasters to get their equipment. Nieldun was surprised at how willing King Fabricus was to send soldiers to assist Wolastra or aid in a crusade against the Shadows. Fabricus was certainly a better man than his father. He faced outright genocide against his people by a foe with a depressing numeric advantage yet he was keeping his cool and being brave and noble. Nieldun, with Queen Marianna's in tow, went to greet King Fabricus's family with a similar greeting. Once both were following, he led them to his citadel and showed them the guest rooms where they would be staying for however long they needed to.

Dear King Fabricus,
The feast's premature ending was of course understandable. I will protect your family as if they were my own. I thank you for your blessing of luck. May both Grimnos the Planner and Magrim the Valiant watch over you as you fight for your homeland. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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The army was ready to march. 15,000 Tar Sequini allies, 60,000 Vaalgardi-Nastrondi soldiers, 1,000 Guardian Devils, Archy, 150,000 true Nastrondi warriors all equipped with Stygian Iron and led by Lord Bornetall. Nieldun was not in a diplomatic mood and thus sent a simple, blunt letter to the Shogun of Shaan Tzien.

Esteemed Shogun,
I for one am done worrying that the Shadows will overwhelm the Ashkanians and attack the rest of us. As such, I have rallied a force of 226,000 warriors all equipped with Stygian Iron. Due to necessity, they need to be moved through your lands to reach the objective. As such, please do not be alarmed by their presence as they have orders to not do anything that would cause trouble in your lands.
Sincerely, King Nieldun.

Nieldun knew that he could probably get a better reaction from the Vaalgardi but he was still annoyed about not getting a chance to actually do anything in the bloodless war against Shaan Tzien. If the Tzieni tried anything, he would jump on the chance to correct that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Nobody arrives in response, but no Tzieni troops come except a few scouts to check if it was actually true, though they leave quite fast with an impressed look on their faces, after that, nobody else comes.

When the reach Beh Ayan, another group of about 10.000 soldiers joined them. They were Ashkanian, but their clothing differentiated them from the regular soldiers, they were veteran members of Order of the Shadows. To add to it, the 200 automatons left it with Nieldun, to add to it, they were made of Stygian Iron and had small guns attached to them, which made them all the more effective against Shaodws.

As they advance in the Shadow Lands, the shadows seem to simply disappear as the Guardian Devils, Nieldun and Archy come through. The Shadow Fiends also hesitate to approach them .

"I remember!" Archy said. "The Shadows fear us, because our fire is the only one they can't extinguish with their shadow powers no matter what!" He said, transmitting this to Nieldun through telepathy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun smiles. More reinforcements and knowledge of why the Shadows feared the demons. A messenger was sent to the new Grandmaster with the knowledge of why the demons were so frightening to the shadows. He gives the orders for the troops to split up with fiend-bloods at the front of each force. The soldiers would spread out and slaughter nearby Shadows then regroup. Together, they will search for any settlements to see if the Shadows build or gather. If so, they will take the settlement by force. If there are no settlements, they will simply search the Shadowlands and kill any Shadows they come across. If the Shadows attempt diplomacy, the army will listen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


They do find settlements, however they're abandoned and no Shadow lives in them, though the buildings, while old, were preserved as if they were frozen in time, as if no time had passed since the moment they were taken over by the Shadows.

Odd enough, not one human body was found there despite the brutality the Shadows supposedly possessed, now it seems that the shadows were more afraid of them than they were afraid of the Shadows.

Finally, hours later, a Shadow Fiend approaches them, though with no hostile intent. It raised it's arms to show it was not a threat, though a being whose hands were mostly blades, this wasn't too reassuring, however it started speaking in a oddly human tone.

"Humans, what are you doing here?" The Fiend asks. "We have not invaded you, so what are you doing here?"

"To exterminate you." Lord Bornetall answered bluntly, drawing his sword.

"Wait!" The Fiend said. "We haven't done anything to you, we just want a place we can call home as much as you humans do! After all, we're the only other intelligent species left on this continent!"

Lord Bornetall paused and signaled for his men to make camp, and for Archy to light up some demon fires to scare away any incoming Shadows and then sent a letter to Nieldun asking if they should advance any further. They may have the weapons to kill them, but that doesn't mean an ambush by the Shadows would be any less effective if they decided that they wanted to kill them. He then sends the letter and then awaits an response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun shivered with delight. Contact! Exactly what he had truly hoped for! He quickly sent a letter to Lord Bornetall instructing him to construct a defensible camp and not attack unless the Shadows did. Then he sent a letter addressed to the Shadows. (If they did not read the language, it would be read aloud.)
Dear Shadows,
I am terribly sorry for the misunderstanding. In the history books, Shadows did terrible things to humans until we acquired Living Iron. Recently, you had been showing signs of activity and the human nations feared the worst. Although, a large Domani camp was wiped out with the aid of one of your stronger brethren...(I would like to know more about that incident.) Anyways, it seems that mass genocide is probably not necessary against you since you are capable of diplomacy. However, I have significant numbers of refugees in need of a place to call home and happen to be the sole supplier of Living Iron. Since you seem to live differently than humans with different needs, I wonder if our two species could peacefully coexist. I offer also that if you join the nation of Nastrond, you will receive protection and safety so long as you abide by the same laws. I apologize for not knowing who to properly address this message to as interaction between our species has been rather limited. Also, humans and Shadows are not the only intelligent species left on the continent. As you have probably guessed, the demons are here too.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


A letter came back in response that same day, though at night:

King Nieldun,

I am a ambassador for my kind and I wish only peace between us, however even so, our two species are too different. We Shadows need darkness to live healthy lives, you humans need light to live healthy lives, so you can see how we cannot coexist.

And I do not wish to insult your archdemon friend here, but most demons are just insane creatures that want to kill everything in sight, only a few can abstain themselves from it, your friend can easily do that.

As for the attack, I can only presume it's a straggler from our last invasion that decided to join with humanity, I assume these Domani are your enemies?

Anyway, king, please leave, we do not wish humanity harm, we only wish to survive as you do, even in this restricted space we have to call our home.
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